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The history of Shaktism

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My dear Learned Friends,


My sincere thanks to all the learned members and Moderator.


I am writing with intention of learning from others and to share the information

what I have.


I was a believer of Mythological stories about Indian religions. Gradually I do

not know how I switched over to find out the facts, from various

Historical/anthropological and other evidences,

to know the truth.


Regarding the Sakti Sadhana, i do not want to go in to the details of it on

religious issues, as religion is based on pure belief.


From the scientific point of view, Sakti Sadhana is pure application of Science

and nothing unnatural.

Towards its developments, it was kicked off by Mahayani Buddhism.

On further development  it became known as Bajrayana ,then Kalachakrayana, and

finally ended up with



It is during this period of development, that Tantra(culture of Tan or body),

Mantra(culture of Man or Mind) and finally Yantra(cultrue  of yoni or Yoni

vidya) or Sex in religion was introduced.


Initially it was kept very secret,but in course of time it became public and the

problem started from that stage, Society was in trouble, As a result of this

some great leaders took initiatives and restored the social system. Due to this

onslaught Buddhism gradually perished from India. But the science developed

remain in a different form in India. This was highly popular in Bengal, and 

todays high class Brahmins and Kayastha of Bengal are known as Koulin or Kulin 

class of Brahmin and Kayastha.

The appropriate modification was done my Lord Matsendra Nath .


This is  brief. history on Koula.


However, to become a Koula, it is extreamely difficult, as it needs to follow a

lot of rules and regulations

to purify the body and mind before entering to Koula Sadhana. Becouse of this

Lord Gorokhsha Nath convert the Bhairavi into Holy Mother and mother worship or

Sakti worship begins.


Earlier to this, it was at very elementary/primitive stage. Therefore may be



If my learned members interested to discuss about Veda on its historical points

of View and we may share informations.


Thanks to all members.

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It cannot be " kicked-off " by Mahayani buddhism since from buddhist point of view

this sort ritualist excesses is kind of counter intuitive when we look at Buddha

himself who saw the futality of karma kanda rituals, worshiping Gods and

goddesses for betterment of life - which is paradoxical from buddhist

viewpoint.  Anyway you should saya Mantrayana and not Mahayana, since former is

the school which used tantra and is a smaller cult in the larger philosophical

ideal of Mahayana. Mantrayana found some justification of its diversification

from core buddhist practices - which believe me is much more difficult and

unnatural for buddhist than for the vedic hindu who believed in wholesome life

and rituals for betterment of life, and moksha in doing one's duty.


Talking about mythology, buddhists have more wonderful and strange mythology ton

incorporate tantra into their fold, where much like Muhammad in Sufism, buddha

comes back and teaches something opposite (tantra) to what he was preaching in

pulic (buddhism), to a *select few* capable of taking this *higher path*. So

what he was doing in public is merely to orchastrate a drama? This is much worse

than hindu assimilation, where tantra was proposed as the tool for Kali yuga -

there is much more soundness in this rationale. However this too only points

that tantra was borrowed from elsewhere and later *fitted* into the hindu



The origin of tantric rituals and devine feminine can *probably* be claimed to

be from outside the vedas and mordern *hindu tantra* is fusion of

this *original tantrism* with the vedic culture.


Similarly *buddhist tantra* is fusion of this *original tantrism* with buddhist



The question should be where from this *original tantra* came from? Is it surely

outside vedas? Even if it is outside, is it counter to vedic ideals? etc... and

there are multiple solid views on thses issues.'


But never on *buddhist tantra* influence *hindu tantra* etc etc crap. From a

purely dogmatic viewpoint tantra in buddhism is much more strange and futile (at

least to me) than in vedic context.


Also this brahmin, anti vedic propaganda is many times driven by marxist

ideology of the works you are reffering to. Here the thesis is already

pre-decided - that is to flog evil brahmins. 


My suggestion to you (as it has been to my own self lately), is to keep our

mouths shut and focus on study and practice. We talk a lot, and know very

little, and *do/practice* even less.


--- On Thu, 5/11/09, Abhijit Dasgupta <abhijitdasgupta92 wrote:



Abhijit Dasgupta <abhijitdasgupta92

The history of Shaktism

" "

Thursday, 5 November, 2009, 9:48 AM







My dear Learned Friends,


My sincere thanks to all the learned members and Moderator.


I am writing with intention of learning from others and to share the information

what I have.


I was a believer of Mythological stories about Indian religions. Gradually I do

not know how I switched over to find out the facts, from various

Historical/anthropo logical and other evidences,

to know the truth.


Regarding the Sakti Sadhana, i do not want to go in to the details of it on

religious issues, as religion is based on pure belief.


From the scientific point of view, Sakti Sadhana is pure application of Science

and nothing unnatural.

Towards its developments, it was kicked off by Mahayani Buddhism.

On further development  it became known as Bajrayana ,then Kalachakrayana, and

finally ended up with



It is during this period of development, that Tantra(culture of Tan or body),

Mantra(culture of Man or Mind) and finally Yantra(cultrue  of yoni or Yoni

vidya) or Sex in religion was introduced.


Initially it was kept very secret,but in course of time it became public and the

problem started from that stage, Society was in trouble, As a result of this

some great leaders took initiatives and restored the social system. Due to this

onslaught Buddhism gradually perished from India. But the science developed

remain in a different form in India. This was highly popular in Bengal, and 

todays high class Brahmins and Kayastha of Bengal are known as Koulin or Kulin 

class of Brahmin and Kayastha.

The appropriate modification was done my Lord Matsendra Nath .


This is  brief. history on Koula.


However, to become a Koula, it is extreamely difficult, as it needs to follow a

lot of rules and regulations

to purify the body and mind before entering to Koula Sadhana. Becouse of this

Lord Gorokhsha Nath convert the Bhairavi into Holy Mother and mother worship or

Sakti worship begins.


Earlier to this, it was at very elementary/primitiv e stage. Therefore may be



If my learned members interested to discuss about Veda on its historical points

of View and we may share informations.


Thanks to all members.










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Another *typical* and false marxist propaganda which missed my first post was

this :- Buddhism perished because of *social reformatory* hindus who were

opposed to tantric excesses ... this so much false and counter intuitive that

least said the better. Belonging to the country and more importantly to the

state which have till now draining its blood from Jehadi sword - how can anyone

succumb to such false propaganda is beyond me. Forget about history, that person

is incapable to understanding the present he is living in.


Buddhism always needed royal patronage to survive - it could only survive

through royal patronage! - it is so unnatural for common people that only state

sponsored *intellectuals* (like the Marxist intellectuals of JNU of today) could

dwell in it...with the Jehadi sword entering India and draining Hindu-Buddhist

blood and rolling their heads at a prolific rate- their fate was sealed. Both

sufferred equally and almost complete disappearance of the *origina* tantric

sects (some say kapalikas, some say kashmira shaivas) in this period is

testimony that both Hindu and Buddhist suffered equally. But the Hindu could

come back to life, as Muslim gave up the idea of killing all kafirs after they

had attended the throne of *hindusta*, because it never absolutely needed royal

patronage to survive. Nor it (hinduism) was not doped in the practical nonsense

like bauddha dharma or marxist bs (to take a current example).


My advise to you and everybody who are not pundits and true practitioners (incl.

me) remains the same.


Only reason for these couple of posts on a topic which is beyond the grasp of

most but the highly knowledgeable in all matters of tantras shastra as well as

vaidika and bauddha darshana's to point out gaping holes in you ill digested

passages you are propagating in this forum after reading a few books.

--- On Thu, 5/11/09, Abhijit Dasgupta <abhijitdasgupta92 wrote:



Abhijit Dasgupta <abhijitdasgupta92

The history of Shaktism

" "

Thursday, 5 November, 2009, 9:48 AM







My dear Learned Friends,


My sincere thanks to all the learned members and Moderator.


I am writing with intention of learning from others and to share the information

what I have.


I was a believer of Mythological stories about Indian religions. Gradually I do

not know how I switched over to find out the facts, from various

Historical/anthropo logical and other evidences,

to know the truth.


Regarding the Sakti Sadhana, i do not want to go in to the details of it on

religious issues, as religion is based on pure belief.


From the scientific point of view, Sakti Sadhana is pure application of Science

and nothing unnatural.

Towards its developments, it was kicked off by Mahayani Buddhism.

On further development  it became known as Bajrayana ,then Kalachakrayana, and

finally ended up with



It is during this period of development, that Tantra(culture of Tan or body),

Mantra(culture of Man or Mind) and finally Yantra(cultrue  of yoni or Yoni

vidya) or Sex in religion was introduced.


Initially it was kept very secret,but in course of time it became public and the

problem started from that stage, Society was in trouble, As a result of this

some great leaders took initiatives and restored the social system. Due to this

onslaught Buddhism gradually perished from India. But the science developed

remain in a different form in India. This was highly popular in Bengal, and 

todays high class Brahmins and Kayastha of Bengal are known as Koulin or Kulin 

class of Brahmin and Kayastha.

The appropriate modification was done my Lord Matsendra Nath .


This is  brief. history on Koula.


However, to become a Koula, it is extreamely difficult, as it needs to follow a

lot of rules and regulations

to purify the body and mind before entering to Koula Sadhana. Becouse of this

Lord Gorokhsha Nath convert the Bhairavi into Holy Mother and mother worship or

Sakti worship begins.


Earlier to this, it was at very elementary/primitiv e stage. Therefore may be



If my learned members interested to discuss about Veda on its historical points

of View and we may share informations.


Thanks to all members.










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