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According to Shri Mataji Christ is settled on your Agnya Chakra. Is it true?

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Just over a week ago at the recent 2002 Christmas Puja nearly 7500

Sahaja Yogis gathered at Ganapatipule, India. Shri Mataji began with

these words: " Merry Christmas to you all ….... According to Sahaja

Yoga Christ is settled on your Agnya Chakra. "


i do not know how many SYs believe that Shri Jesus Christ is

actually within all humans at the Agnya Chakra. The reason i am

saying so is because it is very difficult to grasp the inner reality

of a spiritual being actually living within the Agnya Chakra of each

and every human being. When i joined Sahaja Yoga in 1994 it was

difficult for the members of my collective to actually believe that

Shri Mataji exits within them and witnesses all their actions on a

24/7 basis. ........... or that the Savior is right now meditating

at our Agnya Chakras.


i will now give evidence that Shri Mataji is telling the Truth when

She says that " Christ is settled on your Agnya Chakra. " ( i hope SYs

understand that my intention is to prove that Shri Mataji is the Adi

Shakti and not to advertise my family, as some have accuse me of

doing so.)


Back in 1994 Kash gave Self-Realization to a new seeker, Gurmit

Singh. After that, while still standing behind Gurmit, he closed his

eyes momentarily. What he saw with his spiritual eyes was stunning

— all the Dieities were seen sitting on every chakra of Gurmit's

subtle body! It was the divine vision of the Third Eye! Kash was

shown the spiritual body of a human being for the very first and

only time. He observed that there were more than 20 Deities, each

about an inch in size, sitting on various chakras inside Gurmit. All

these Spiritual Beings were in a squatting position and in deep



He positively recognized Shri Ganesha above the anus (Mooladhara),

Shri Vishnu and Shri Lakshmi at the navel (Nabhi), Shri Krishna and

Shri Radha at the throat (Vishuddhi) and Shri Jesus behind and

between both eyes (Agnya). Right on the limbic area of the head

(Sahasrara) was the SPIRIT of the Living GOD, Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi, also squatting and meditating. But was without HER Eternal



Bhupinder, Gurmit, and the father looked at each other and then at

Kash, unable to believe or comprehend what they just heard from this

child of thirteen.


Note: It has to be clearly understood that at this time Kash was new

to spiritualism and had no knowledge of the subtle human body. The

family members did not even know how to recite the great mantra of

the Great Adi Shakti, let alone know the various chakras, their

locations inside humans, and the presiding Deity. Yet Kash precisely

located the positions of the Immortal Beings, matching them exactly

to what Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi had told humankind since She opened

the Sahasrara on May 5, 1970. This simple fact proved that his

spiritual vision was flawless, and the Truth absolute.


The remaining Universal Beings could not be identified because Kash

was still new to spiritualism and did not know their names or

features. Put simply, although he saw all the Immortal Ones

meditating on all the various chakras in Gurmit's body — Shri

Buddha, Muhammad, Mahavira, Lao-tze, Moses, Abraham, Nanak,

Confucius and so on — he could not identify any of them. (It is

just like meeting a group of strangers and trying to ascertain their

identity. The only way to do so would be a formal introduction,

i.e., previous knowledge.) This inability was compounded not only by

their small size and multitude — which made observation and

memorization difficult — but also because of the brief period

that this Divine vision was granted to him.


It has to be accepted that all the Dieties are sitting in

every human being exactly at the energy points Shri Adhiparasakthi

Shri Nirmala Devi has proclaimed. Since Kash has positively

identified the positions of the above Deities then it is only

logical that the other Divine Beings also exist at precisely at the

chakras revealed by the Great Divine Mother. Those who want to

understand this profound Truth have to thoroughly understand the

immensity of this spiritual Reality that " inside each of us are

primal gods and goddesses. " (Deepak Chopra) This Knowledge is

priceless for all seekers of Truth. It is also the mysterious,

subtle Reality vaguely mentioned in the Bible and Qur'an, but

explicitly expounded in eastern scriptures.


Again we have to mention that there was just no way Kash could have

identified these Universal Beings — absolutely no way! In the

first place how did he know that the Immortal Beings are within the

body? No one in the family even knew of this Truth, a fact that took

a long time to fathom. Then, how was it possible for him to know

exactly where they were sitting? He could have said that Shri Jesus

was seen on the Vishuddhi chakra, Shri Lakshmi/Vishnu at the Agnya,

and so on. But he did not. He told exactly what he saw and those

Divine Beings he identified corresponded exactly to that revealed by

the Great Universal Mind. And we must also bear in mind that two non-

family members, Gurmit and Bhupinder, witnessed and heard what Kash

told them. (Anyone may question them to confirm these facts.) The

Revelations and Divine Drama of the Great MahaDevi is based on

Reality and not subject to contradiction, denial or destruction!

Based on this extraordinary mystical experience the following Truths

are announced to all seekers of the Ultimate Reality:


Shri Ganesha is meditating in the Muladhara chakra.

Shri Lakshmi and Vishnu is meditating in the Nabhi chakra .

Shri Radha and Krishna is meditating in the Vishuddhi chakra .

Shri Jesus Christ is meditating in the Agnya chakra .

Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi is meditating in the

Sahasrara .


" When Self-Realization takes place the Deities are awakened and

the Chakras are nourished and refreshed . . . as soon as the Deities

are awakened, their Powers are also awakened. This is a living

process and how it works out you cannot explain "


Shri Brahmarupa Devi

Shiva Puja, Bombay, India — February 26, 1987

Brahmarupa (265th): One of the Trimurtis who is Her Sakti, who

creates. (Vis. Pur.)



" Be careful. Take My warnings always seriously. You all have to

come up very well now. It is not only doing My Puja that is going to

help you. I can tell you this much. Now you better worship your

Self. You have to worship all the Gods within you! "


Shri Samharini Devi



" There are Deities who are in the Chakras. When the Kundalini

rises She awakens them just like seeds. Once they are awakened they

start working it out. They know what is their job, what to work out

like they have been appointed. Those Deities you have achieved

through your evolution at different points. So where ever they are

settled they do the job. "


Shri Siva Devi

Siva (53rd): One who bestows on the devotees true knowledge i.e.




" But you have your own Gods. You have your own Goddesses. You are

the making of your own which are mythical. Face it yourself. You

need not believe into anything but you need nor disbelieve also.

Just as you go into a college you have to study, not believing into

anything or non-believing, but you have to see it for yourself. You

have to experiment yourself. "


Shri Goptri Devi

Geneva, Switzerland — June 13, 1985



" Innocence is innately built within us. So the first and foremost

thing that the Will of God built up was innocence, the

auspiciousness. The first thing He did was to create Shri Ganesha,

or I would say She, because the Will of God is Adi Shakti. And all

this innocence was created first of all to make the whole world very

beautiful. All those qualities were also placed within you, all

those Deities were placed within you. Specially made human beings

were specially made so that they should become saintly people, that

they should have their saintly innate sense. But it happened in the

countries which developed, that our brain was bombarded by all kinds

of television, all kinds of things, and we became very

vulnerable. "


Shri Gudha-gulpha Devi

The Will Of God, Sahasrara Puja, Cabella, Italy — May 10, 1992



" The medulla, principal entrance for the body's supply of

universal life energy (Aum), is directly connected by polarity with

the Christ Consciousness centre (kutastha chaitanya) in the single

eye between the eyebrows: the seat of man's power of will. Cosmic

energy is then stored up in the seventh centre, in the brain, as a

reservoir of infinite potentialities (mentioned in the Vedas as

the " thousand-petaled lotus of light. " ) The Bible refers to

Aum as

the Holy Ghost or invisible life force that divinely upholds all

creation. " What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the

Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not

your own? " — 1 Corinthians 6:19. "


Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi

(Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi, Self-Realization

Fellowship, 1974, p. 363.)

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