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[shriadishakti] regarding vibrations (and 'forbidden' books)

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Thanks for the information on the nirvikalpa state.

Truly enlightening. --- " jagbir singh

<adishakti_org " <adishakti_org







shriadishakti , Rajendran

Rajagopal <BR>

& lt;r_raj02 & gt; wrote:<BR>

& gt; <BR>

& gt; Dear Mukesh,<BR>

& gt; I know of a Sahaja Yogini who was in the same

predicament as you <BR>

are for 2 years but she did not give up and continued

to practice <BR>

Sahaj until one day she could feel the

vibrations.Sometime our <BR>

anxiety to feel it could itself be an obstruction to

its flow.Please <BR>

be patient with yourself and love yourself. Vibrations

are the flow <BR>

of Love so I am sorry that is all I know.I will pray

and put a <BR>

bandhan for all negativities preventing you from

feeling the <BR>

vibrations to go.That is the best I can do.The rest is

left to the <BR>


& gt; Jai Shree Mataji!<BR>

& gt; Raj<BR>

& gt; <BR>


Dear Mukesh,<BR>


Raj is right - do not be so anxious and try to remain

desireless. i <BR>

also do not know the exact reason of why you are

suffering from this <BR>

problem. But that does not in any way mean you are

being punished or <BR>

have negativity or whatever. i checked the SY who

still does not <BR>

have vibrations after 8 years and found nothing wrong

with his <BR>

chakras. i know for a fact that he is one of the

greatest SYs and <BR>

amply blessed by Shri Mataji for his faith in Her

................ <BR>

but he does not feel the vibrations. i really do not

know why <BR>

because despite his unswerving devotion and dedication

to Shri <BR>

Mataji he still does not get vibrations. i told him to

go to Vashi <BR>

as a last resort.*<BR>


Mukesh, you have to forgive us SYs for trying to give

remedies for <BR>

symptoms we have never experienced, but we want you

continue on your <BR>

path to moksha. You have taken a most fortunate birth

and recognized <BR>

Shri Mataji as the Adi Shakti. You are one of the

extremely blessed <BR>

few who worship the Great Adi Shakti, while the rest

of humanity <BR>

remains intoxicated and deluded by the maya of Kali

Yuga. <BR>


Future generations will talk and praise about the most

blessed of <BR>

beings who witnessed and meditated when the Great Adi

Shakti was on <BR>

Earth. It is just like the times when Shri Krishna,

Jesus, Buddha or <BR>

Prophet Muhammad was on Earth, and their followers

joined forces <BR>

with them. <BR>


Sometimes we do not see the forest for the trees. So

look at the big <BR>

picture. i still want you to go for the thoughtless

state. The bliss <BR>

of this state if far, far, far more intense than all

vibrations <BR>

combined. Shri Mataji has stressed that we need to

achieve the <BR>

Nirvikalpa state. So what happens to a SY who attains

nirvikalpa <BR>



& quot;Actions performed by him after his experience of

the nirvikalpa <BR>

samadhi do not cling to him, because he is free from

desire and ego. <BR>

Whether he is in samadhi or conscious of the outer

world, his <BR>

illumination is steady and bliss constant. Though he

may sometimes <BR>

seem to others to be like an unillumined person in

respect to <BR>

hunger, thirst, or sleep, yet he himself is never

oblivious of his <BR>

real nature of Immortal Consciousness. Free from

desires, worries, <BR>

and fears, he is not identified with the body though

he still <BR>

possesses one. Though appearing to be active, he is

free from the <BR>

ideas of & quot;I & quot; and & quot;mine. & quot; He never

forgets that the <BR>

Spirit within is always at peace, though the gunas may

engage his <BR>

body in various works. He does not dwell on the

enjoyments of the <BR>

past, takes no thought of the future, and is

indifferent about the <BR>

present. Completely free from the illusory notion of

the physical <BR>

individuality, he is aware of his identity with all

beings. He is <BR>

conscious that he feels through all hearts, walks with

all feet, <BR>

eats through all mouths, and thinks with all minds. He

regards the <BR>

pain and pleasure of others as his own pain and

pleasure. Physical <BR>

death and birth has no meaning for him, a change of

body being a <BR>

change to him like a change of garments or like going

from one room <BR>

to another. <BR>


About such a person it can truly be said that he

exist, because he <BR>

has become one with Existence; knows, because he has

become one with <BR>

Knowledge; and enjoys bliss, because he has become one

with Bliss <BR>

Absolute. He does not have to come back to the world

of darkness <BR>

again; for he has entered into the world of Light. If

compassion for <BR>

mankind moves him to assume again a body, he is born

as a free soul <BR>

always conscious of his divine nature. & quot;<BR>


Swami Nikhilananda, Self-Knowledge **<BR>

(Swami Nikhilananda, Self-Knowledge [Atmabodha],


Vivekananda Center, 1989, p. 110-11.) <BR>



So Mukesh you should strive for the thoughtless state

of Nirvikalpa. <BR>

Don't let lack of vibrations discourage or hinder you.

We are all on <BR>

this path together and your lack of vibrations may be

insignificant <BR>

compared to the serious problems some SYs face in

order to keep the <BR>

faith. May Shri Ganesha help you to overcome this



Jai Shri Mataji,<BR>






* About Vashi (and not Varsi as i mistakenly posted)

- what does <BR>

the & quot;cbd & quot; of & quot;cbd belapur & quot; mean?

Just curious. And can we get more <BR>

details about cost, accommodation, treatments etc.,

perhaps from <BR>

someone who has been there?<BR>


** i normally quote from sources that provide accurate

and <BR>

descriptive information. There have been SYs critical

of this and <BR>

have condemned the www.adishakti.org website for

quoting non-Sahaja <BR>

Yogis. i find these SYs very narrow-minded and

fanatical. If i were <BR>

a disciple of Swami Nikhilananda and was unfortunate

to meet a <BR>

fanatical SY critical of him the chances of me joining

Sahaja Yoga <BR>

would be slim.<BR>


There was one incident where a country co-ordinator

wanted to look <BR>

at the book i was holding. i have a number of books

for my own <BR>

reading pleasure and research. When i showed the cover

of one which <BR>

read & quot;BKS Iyengar's: Light on the Yoga Sutras of

Patanjali & quot; she <BR>

immediately reacted, withdrew her hands and moved

backwards. She <BR>

bluntly told me that he was a & quot;false guru & quot;

and she cannot even touch <BR>

the book, lest she starts catching. (The rest of the

collective also <BR>

never touched the book.)<BR>


The point i would like to make is that Iyengar is

explaining about <BR>

Patanjali, not claiming that he is Bhagwan. If we

followed blindly <BR>

and rigidly to the books recommended by Shri Mataji we

are not far <BR>

removed from the Catholic Church's & quot;Index of

Forbidden Books & quot;. Shri <BR>

Mataji has recommended that we particularly read Her

list of books <BR>

and NOT stop reading all other books. SYs have the

discretion and <BR>

common sense not to read any of Sai Baba's or Father

Moon's books <BR>

and there is no need for a list of forbidden books.

........... or <BR>

senior SYs admonishing us.<BR>


But when some SYs strictly follow Shri Mataji's

recommended books, <BR>

to the exclusion of all others, we are setting

practices harmful to <BR>

Sahaja Yoga. And when such SYs are co-coordinators or

leaders it <BR>

produces paranoid SYs with similar beliefs. This

reinforces the 'us <BR>

versus them' mentality and even faithful devotees of

the Adi Shakti <BR>

are suspect. How many seekers would want to join

Sahaja Yoga if <BR>

their gurus are regarded as false just because they

were non-Sahaja <BR>

Yogis? That leads to my final question: Which guru or

religion of <BR>

SYs was true before the advent of the Adi Shakti?<BR>








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Jai shri mataji, Jagbir!


You agree with the opinion of Rajendra Rajgopal and so

do I, upto certain extent. You have also mentioned

about your fellow sahaja yogi who despite being

sincere in his practice, does not feel vibrations

even when his chakras are working perfectly well. I

too feel sorry for such a sahaja yogi despite the

fact the I myself am suffering from the same problem

and who knows how much time it takes to feel vibration

by me.


You have told him to visit to Vashi as a last resort.

I do not whether there is any professional help

available in Vashi, which is the area where I have

taken education, but there is such hospital in C. B.

D (an acronym for Central Business District, which is

lesserly know name ), sector 8, Narmada Niketan, New

Bombay- 400614. The name of the hospital goes

something like Sahaja yoga health international. This

is a place which is at a shouting distance from my

house. This is also the place where I have visited

already without any result. Anyway, I am going to

visit it one more time. It is not costly at all. I had

paid only ten rupees last when I had visited.


Though you have rest assured that I am neither being

punished nor possessed by any kind of negative force,

and also reminded me of being fortunate because I am

the follower of Adi Shakti, It hurts me a lot that

even those sahaja yogis who can feel vibrations do not

have answer to why I am suffering from

insensitiveness to vibrations and still, I do not

have any grievance against them. I can understand how

you can answer to a problem which you have never

experienced yourself. Are not there anyone among you

who can provide me the answer?


Jagbir, I feel very lucky to born in an era when shri

Adi Shakti has descended herself in human form which

we can see and listen to. I also agree with you that

it is the thoughtlessness condition, known as

Nirvikalp samadhi in our scriptures, which is praised

of a million of times because it is the only goal of

any spritual effort. Surely it liberates the person

from bondages of this illusory world.


You have written that some sahaja yogis have condemned

you for referring from bookes from non sahaja yogis

which I feel disgusting. It is said in Indian

tradition that we should pick up the lotus even from

the mud. But as other sahaja yogis tell, who can feel

the vibrations, that paying attention to the work of

person who is not enlightened i. e. are not at their

Sahastra, can downgrade us. It is not verifiable by me

because I do not feel anything. If you can make

youself resistent to the downgradation caused by

unenlightened persons, then there is no harm in

reading the good and beautiful texts written by them.

Anyway I strongly oppose fanaticism of any kind and

believe that our mind should be broad enough to

appreciate the work of other peoples belonging to

different school of thought. After all, what we know

today is a Jnan which has flowed through ages; and

what was before 5th of May 1970 when sahaja yoga had

not been started?


So keep up the good work. And pray for me from Adi

Shakti, because Jagbir, this is not only that I am

striving for vibrations but the problem is even more

subtle. I am striving for nearly everything in life

and not only sahaja yoga but I am suffering from

persistent failure in nearly every aspect of life.

This must end at a certain point.


I am very glad that I received fellow sahaja yogis

like you and I am highly grateful to you.


Jai shri mataji! Sampat Kawale





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