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[shriadishakti] (unknown)

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Jai shri mataji, Raj!


I read the attachement sent by you and it was very

enlightening. Though I could not draw any well

defined conclusion, because I am yet to be

enlightened, I found it very nice and interesting and

I believe it is the truth. What I learnt is that if I

am really sincer in sahaja yoga, the Ekadesha Rudra

will help me to fight the negativities which prevent

me to feet vibrations. Am I right?


Though I have no problem with english, I enjoy reading

in Hindi. Will you please keep on sending me such

nice articles in Hindi if possible?


Thank you very much!






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Jai Shree Mataji !

Dear Mukesh,

Often we circulate Shree Mataji's talks and articles among Sahajis especially among the Malaysian Sahajis which are from various sources.I was actually extending one such article to the adishakti group in general and not meant exclusively for you regarding your predicament.It seems to me that enough has been said about it and our brother Jagbir has gone quite deep into the topic.I couldn't possibly do better than that.I am not and cannot even begin to try to understand your problem as that would be patronising you for only you will know what it feels like to not feel vibrations and be a Sahaja Yogi.The fact is,you are not alone and it is not such a terrible thing as pointed out by Jagbir.As also suggested by him, it would be appropriate to get the help of other yogis to give you vibrations and /or go to Belapur and seek the assistance of Dr Madhu who runs the hospital and is a very dedicated and caring Yogini. If she can't give you an answer then I doubt anybody else would. It would be good if you could spend a week there and let the doctors work on you.The vibrations there are excellent for anyone to get them to feel vibrations.You mentioned that you had gone there but have you actually stayed there and followed the programme they put their patients through?Each one is treated differently depending on their problems.I have been there in 1994 and 1996 but not as a patient.Things have improved greatly there and you will be in good hands.

When I was studying in India in the 70s I was seeking and visited a number of Ashrams and read a lot of books on spiritualism.I also met up with other seekers to hear about their experiences as seekers in different parts of India.I finally came to realise that Kundalini awakening is the only way to get connected to God but who was going to do it ? None of the dozens of places and people I met or visited had any idea about it and none of the so called gurus gave me any confidence that they were sat gurus and I knew that only a proper guru can awaken the Kundalini.Perhaps if I had come across Sahaja Yoga at that time I might not even have returned to my country, but alas, that was not meant to be.Although I graduated I left India with a heavy heart as I had not actually achieved what I wanted besides obtaining a paper qualification.When I came back I left my seeking in the hands of God and prayed that I find the correct Guru sent by Him to awaken my Kundalini.Beside going to temple I did not seek.Eleven years later I got my self realisation almost by accident and it has been the most wonderful event in my life and completely transformed me.So you see you are not that badly off because you have not felt vibrations for only 3 years whereas I had to wait 11 years to get it - definitely you are more fortunate ! So, count your blessings that you are in the yoga bumi and the land itself is full of vibrations.You know , I love going to India because it is so easy to get into thoughtless awareness and enjoy the vibrations as compared to Malaysia where materialism has crept in and the vibrations are not as good as India.

So, Mukesh, look at the brighter side of things as somewhere there is the blessing of the Divine that protects us no matter how badly off we may be and that I can assure you from my personal experience - Shree Mataji keeps us under Her protection and Her love for us is just ... there is no word suitable to describe it.

She works from the heart as you already know so try opening your heart - I have met some wonderful Indian Yogis in Bombay and Delhi and I am sure you must be meeting them at the collectives in Bombay. Talk to them.Ask any of the yogis you know to check your vibrations.If they can feel your vibrations then you can at least be comforted that it is not that you don't have vibrations but it is just that you don't feel it. If you are having any form of nervous disorders or any spinal injury that could affect your sensitivity to vibrations.There are some great yogis in Nasik - they are so loving and deep yogis.

Besides this , we can only pray for Shree Mataji's forgiveness and blessings as She is the source of all vibrations.

If there is anything that I have mentioned here that offends you please accept my apologies as my only intention is to try to cheer you up and state what,with my very limited knowledge, could be of help to you.

Jai Shree Mataji!!!


PS. The article is from the old Nirmala Yoga.The ones I have are all in English.I do not know Hindi.

Mukesh Pandit <mukeshpandit2002in wrote:

Jai shri mataji, Raj!I read the attachement sent by you and it was veryenlightening. Though I could not draw any welldefined conclusion, because I am yet to beenlightened, I found it very nice and interesting andI believe it is the truth. What I learnt is that if Iam really sincer in sahaja yoga, the Ekadesha Rudrawill help me to fight the negativities which preventme to feet vibrations. Am I right?Though I have no problem with english, I enjoy readingin Hindi. Will you please keep on sending me suchnice articles in Hindi if possible?Thank you very much!Mukesh. Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.http://mailplus.

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Jai shri mataji, Raj !


I understood your opinion fully and I do not condemn

you for not being able to explain my predicament, as

well I am gratefull to brother Jagbir for his valuable

suggestion. I understand why you are not able to

explain my predicament.


I have taken a serious note of your suggestion to

visit Dr. Madhu of Sahaja yoga health International

(the name is not exact ) and to stay there which a

place very near to my house. Though I visited there

and was treated mildly by Dr. Bukade (something like

that ), I had not been told to stay for a week there.

And this I myself will insist to let me stay there

for a week.


I have also gone through your struggle to seek the

truth while you were in India and appreciate that you

were truly worthy of the reward given by shri Adi



I have some sahaja yogis around me as freinds and they

have already confirmed that I have vibrations whether

or not I feel them.


Why will I be offended by you? On contrary I

appreciate the spirit of co-operation exhibited by

you for which I will remain grateful to you.


Please do not bother about language, I will be glad to

recieve the circulated articles in English though I

was preferring them to be in Hindi but be sure that I

am equally versed in English and Hindi.


Thank you!

Keep posting the articles and letters.

Be in touch with me.






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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear friend,

Thanks for your email!I really appreciate it but have some questions on it.

Yes, I am an Orthodox Christian,a Reiki Teacher and a MPRUE Grandmaster.Plus,I am a Sahaja Yogi.All of them fit wonderfully in my life.The teachings of the Orthodox Church seem to be more true since I learned Reiki and became a SY.Plus,the Yogini who introduced me to Sahaja Yoga,told me that all the religions are accepted by Sahaja Yoga.Please,read my email Re:A post after a long time.... .There I state that in my experience the Orthodox Christian Church nowadays is neither satanic nor false nor oppressive.It is indeed full of true beliefs,mystical practises and powerful sacraments! Many claim the opposite but most of them (if not all) have not even bothered to study the OC theology as I have done.

So,in other words you say that I cannot be a Sahaja Yogi and, at the same time, a reiki teacher and an Orhtodox Christian,right?I see no reason why I shouldn't.They simply fit and have been found to be beneficial and ,at least at some level,true.

Please,point out the wrong beliefs I hold as I seek the Truth.For God is The Truth and I seek God !

About the Agnya catch:I have an agnya block that I am trrying to clear out.Maybe ,this is what you are feeling.

Love and Blessings!In graditude for your help and you email


God bless us all!!!



in2centre <supatni


Saturday, February 08, 2003 4:04 PM

[shriadishakti] (unknown)

Dear Dionisios, Maybe your first posts confused everyone. There was a very strong ajna catch. And it seemed strange to me that you would call yourself a sahaja yogi and also reikimaster and grandmaster, why did you choose these names? Names are very important as the wrong names can attract negative things to us. Anyone who wants to practice reiki or adhere to traditional church beliefs, (I guess yours is Greek Orthodox) is perfectly free to do so if it satisfies them but Sahaja Yoga is the universal pure religion (Vishva Nirmala Dharma) and like oil and water you cannot mix both. It is recommended that you just stick to Sahaja yoga practices for a few weeks as a purely scientific thing to see if it works for you. I take it you can feel vibrations. Ask the question is Sri Mataji the incarnation of the Almighty God. Then ask Her to clear any demons which are troubling you (that was your question I think).As for the things about churches on the website they have to be said. Sri Mataji freely denounces them. Many people who have suffered years of psycholigical torture and oppression in them are very glad to discover that the problem was not in themselves but in the so called religions I can assure you that the Christian churches have been very oppressive to women for the past two thousand years.regards from Aunty Lyndal.

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  • 1 year later...
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Sometimes I am so confused as some things do not fall in place and we get to hear whole lot of new revelations which maybe difficult to take in. With all due respect to SM, if Maharani was Sita then surely her husband in this lifetime has to be an incarnation of that of RAM or VISHNU----NO EXCEPTIONS IN THIS. Our Holy Ramayan explicitly says that Sita, in every incarnation, is the consort of Ram or one of his incarnations.

If OSHO was Ravan then he was meant to cause whole lot of destruction to mankind/religion/earth and universe as Ravan did when he was born as Ravan, Hiranyakashyap and others. One each incarnation of Ravan, Lord Vishnu had to take a form (either human or animal or combination [Lord Narsingh] to kill Ravan or one of his incarnated forms) to uplift dharma. It would be interesting to know who killed Osho this time?

PS. I am not a Rajneesh or Osho follower but read a few articles of him.

Kind regards

Jay Dayal




alex arthur [dude11976]

Monday, June 28, 2004 1:10 AM


[shriadishakti] (unknown)

Hi jagbir and others

Im quite surprised that nobody offered to tell me the

state of my subtle system. Jagbir, according to you if

there was anything so wrong then you would have

instinctively known.

Before i continue, the Mahrani actually had more to

say..(Im really not bluffing, I just thought it seemed

out of place, thats why i kept mum about it). She said

that SM had told her that osho a.k.a Rajneesh was

Ravan in his last birth. When asked by the Maharani as

to how she knew, SM replied that she was Sita in her

last birth.

Coming back to my subtle system..loads is worng. But

lets keep that aside for a little bit longer. I had

been making great strides in my meditation and had

even succeeded in keeping my attention on myself for

extended durations of time (This was something

suggested by the SY doc i met at the 81st bday puja)

He said that SM said that it was like flying a kite,

the boy always has his bearings on himself, even

though his attention is on the kite) I even had a most

remarkable telepathic experience one day, when i by

some great spiritual mechanism got to know that a

friend in a distant city was thinking of me at that

very instant! I called on her cell phone immediately

to verify and it turned out to be true!

Well, so this mediatation has been in full swing for

some 6 months now. But i realised i was so content

with just SY that i had stopped seekign anything else

in life. Finally, i had to force myself to stop

waiting for miracles and go out and look for a job.

With gods grace, i did finally land something. Now

life is getting chaotic again, i rarely had any

tingling on the fingers, but these days there is

soemthing or the other always burning or itching on

the fingertips. My stomach is a mess as usual and

disgusting thoughts seem to weave their way into mind

without any invitation.

I've started drinking regularly again and though i

thought id quit smoking for good, im had a few

yesterday :(

Does anyone have any insights?

p.s. Spare me the SY trademark nastiness. Either you

have insights or you dont.









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alex arthur <dude11976


Sun, 27 Jun 2004 06:09:43 -0700 (PDT)






>Hi jagbir and others<BR>


>Im quite surprised that nobody offered to tell me the<BR>

>state of my subtle system. Jagbir, according to you if<BR>

>there was anything so wrong then you would have<BR>

>instinctively known.<BR>


>Before i continue, the Mahrani actually had more to<BR>

>say..(Im really not bluffing, I just thought it seemed<BR>

>out of place, thats why i kept mum about it). She said<BR>

>that SM had told her that osho a.k.a Rajneesh was<BR>

>Ravan in his last birth. When asked by the Maharani as<BR>

>to how she knew, SM replied that she was Sita in her<BR>

>last birth.<BR>


>Coming back to my subtle system..loads is worng. But<BR>

>lets keep that aside for a little bit longer. I had<BR>

>been making great strides in my meditation and had<BR>

>even succeeded in keeping my attention on myself for <BR>

>extended durations of time (This was something<BR>

>suggested by the SY doc i met at the 81st bday puja)<BR>

>He said that SM said that it was like flying a kite,<BR>

>the boy always has his bearings on himself, even<BR>

>though his attention is on the kite) I even had a most<BR>

>remarkable telepathic experience one day, when i by<BR>

>some great spiritual mechanism got to know that a<BR>

>friend in a distant city was thinking of me at that<BR>

>very instant! I called on her cell phone immediately<BR>

>to verify and it turned out to be true!<BR>


>Well, so this mediatation has been in full swing for<BR>

>some 6 months now. But i realised i was so content<BR>

>with just SY that i had stopped seekign anything else<BR>

>in life. Finally, i had to force myself to stop<BR>

>waiting for miracles and go out and look for a job.<BR>

>With gods grace, i did finally land something. Now<BR>

>life is getting chaotic again, i rarely had any<BR>

>tingling on the fingers, but these days there is<BR>

>soemthing or the other always burning or itching on<BR>

>the fingertips. My stomach is a mess as usual and<BR>

>disgusting thoughts seem to weave their way into mind<BR>

>without any invitation.<BR>



Try not to be too concerned with thoughts, for they aren't you. And sometimes


not even yours.

" You are a physical body with complex, emotional impulses and instincts;

you are also a system of nerves and data collectors that feed your consciousness

and brain. Moreover, you are a collective of consciousnesses that span your


species and time. These elements comprise your human instrument. "

You are the witnessing child, and not subject to the things that your

instrument/temple/throne experience. Its experience is an indication of what

is taking place in the world/universe/superuniverse/multiverse.

And by maintaining the conscious witnessing state, you can then interact with

it, and

influence it.

Why does your subtle system have to be a certain way?

Play with it, become the child, play, play ,play!


I love you




>I've started drinking regularly again and though i<BR>

>thought id quit smoking for good, im had a few<BR>

>yesterday :( <BR>

>Does anyone have any insights?<BR>

>p.s. Spare me the SY trademark nastiness. Either you<BR>

>have insights or you dont.<BR>




>            <BR>



> <BR>


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Dear Fletcher,

I would like to thank you for the insight you have given to the members of the forum and especially for Alex, for whom I feel so much. Fletcher is 100% correct. Just play, be like a child.



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  • 1 month later...
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Dear Brother Mahesh Khatri,


I understand what you mean to say in your posts. As I read them a few questions

come to mind. They are mostly rhetorical so don't feel like you have to respond


First, when you enter the Sahasrara, do you recognize yourself as a SY? Does

everyone else see you as a SY?


Do you have any children? If so, when they misbehave, or disobey your requests,

or forget their manners (i.e. saying thank you) do you despise them for taking

advantage of your love? Loving others is also good for you. It allows space

for you and those around you to grow and develope. Plus it's really good for

your physiological body to feel the experience of love.


The anxiety about people turning to SY or not turning to SY or even turning

their backs on SY is energy not well used. Why worry so much? While they are

with us show them love, teach what is from the heart. That is what really


If SY becomes a determining factor to whether someone can experience divine love

or not, then you're selling it!

SY is a name for a particular practice we use to enter a state of

thoughtlessness whereby we allow for the Kundalini to rise to the higher energy


I speak for myself, and i'm most certain I can speak for people my age. If

Sahaja Yoga in any way sounds too structured or almost like an institution then

that will immediatly turn me away. But if I was approached with no agenda in

mind, and we just shared in the loving energies of our hearts, I would become

very interested in your practices. No AGenda; very important, if you are

controlling with the brain where the conversation should lead, you leave no room

for what really needs to be spoken and heard.


Aside from that, I felt compelled to tell you all how grateful I am to be able

to communicate with other like-minds. I'm honored to be alive, sharing this

space with wonderful souls. It is really a neat time ahead of us. What an


I love you all!









mahesh khatri <maheshkhatri


Tue, 27 Jul 2004 10:58:49 -0700 (PDT)




>Dear Alex


>You have taken all in a wrong way. I absolutely agree with all your points.

>I meant to say that we need to be deserving sys to get the blessings of cure


>If someone takes sahaj as a free doctor and then leaves without a thankyou any

sahajyogi will feel offended.

>Also in the memoirs of Baba Mama he has written that initial stages of Sahaja

Shri mataji cured lots of patients and there would be a line outside her house

for receiving the miracle cure,, not the blessings of realisation.

>Tell me is curing sick patients our purpose of being in sahaj?


>As for that balooney remedy of yours, where on earth

>did you come with salt water soaking 10 times a

>day????!!! Do you know what that the salt water does

>and how it works??? Even mataji has said dont overdo

>it and here you are concocting your own remedies!


>As for 10 times a day footsoaking - this was the treatment given by the

doctors at the health center to one of my friend's friend who came to sahaj for

treatment of incurable retina disease. He was cured ultimately. But presently

he is not in sahaj.


>My ethics are very clear. I myself feel that one should have gratitude for the

slightest favour he or she receives. Why, we even say thankyou to a stranger who

just shows the way. Then why should we not despise those who dessert sahaj after

taking the advantage of the love they get from Shri Mataji.


>But because we dont know who will turn the backs on us we ....... I dont get

the words, but I hope you understand my feelings


>May we will have wise people who will understand mothers love and have

gratitude in their hearts.


>Jai Shri Mataji



>alex arthur <dude11976 wrote:

>Mahesh Ji,.



>There was philosophy prevalent once upon a time to be

>good to all people irrespective of color caste and

>creed. The spiritualists further extended this to

>those that did us harm as well. Apparently, you've

>poured a bucket of ice water on such lines of thinking

>and action.


>As for your 'missing the plane' funda, take it from

>me, with an attitude like that it wont take off the

>runway. The world is full of different kinds of

>people, if they dont take to a particular line of

>thinking, prayer or religion you have no right to

>reprimand them, even if it is with mere words. I

>normally would have no objection to what you do with

>your mind and words, but if you are going to enter

>this group and spread your message in a tone

>insinuating that all SY's agree with you....!!


>I have spent the better part of 6 months in almost

>absolute isolation and i do think that in those

>endless hours on front of the computer screen on the

>sahaj vidya site, i never came across Matahi griping

>and groaning that 'oh im so tired' that fellow took

>healing, oh that fellow put his feet in salt water and

>now there i lesser salt water for SY's to use. Oh this

>oh that!


>As for that balooney remedy of yours, where on earth

>did you come with salt water soaking 10 times a

>day????!!! Do you know what that the salt water does

>and how it works??? Even mataji has said dont overdo

>it and here you are concocting your own remedies!


>If you notice that content of this group is distinctly

>different from that of any cult. Jagbir posts messages

>from a lot of different spirtual texts and gurus. His

>concept of the Devi is very clear and al other people

>on this site are very happy with what he does. If they

>arent happy about it then they arent here anymore. I'm

>truly surprised that your agnya does not catch when

>you log on here, or for that the zillion ther chakras

>that could potentially go haywire!


>Bottomline, take a chill pill. This world is transient

>- 'maya' if you please. If you say that someone is

>attached and that it is wrong, then the opposite is

>also true. If you despise anyone, even if it SY's who

>turned away, you are still attached!! Hatred, love,

>like, dislike, wants and aversions are all equal to

>the 'rejected' stamp on your visa, when it comes to

>taking the flight to never-never land.


>Thoughtlessly yours,





>-- mahesh khatri wrote:


>> Usha Nair wrote:


>> jsm


>> dear yogis & yoginis,


>> I am a juvenile diabetic with some of the diabetic

>> complications.Can someone tell me how to control the

>> complications.Specially the problem with the

>> nerves.I have no sensation on my feet touching upto

>> the vishudi area and slightly beyond.Also my

>> eyesight has been effected badly.I have been in

>> sahaj for 3yrs.


>> Jai Shree Mataji




>> Reply..




>> Jai Shri Mataji




>> All the problems can be cured in Sahajayoga. But

>> that is possible only when the curing is not our

>> goal and reason for our being in sahaj. Curing is a

>> by product of Sahaj.I will continue this topic after

>> explaining the treatment.




>> Treatment.




>> 1. Footsoaking 10 times a day.


>> 2. Ice pack on liver and back agnya.


>> 3. Ganesh Atharvashish 4 times a day


>> 4. Devi Stutam once a day.


>> 5. Shoe beating every day.


>> 6. Most important Early morning meditation between

>> 4 to 5 am everyday.




>> This should solve the problem completely within

>> around a week or so.


>> We have a case study of a rare disease in a retina.

>> One in a million disease with no cure throughout the

>> world. this problem was solved with footsoaking 8

>> to 10 times a day for a week. The result - The

>> person is not in Sahaj.


>> He came for cure. He went after cure. Goodbye to

>> Sahajayoga. It is a good and a free doctor.








>> It has been noted that many persons suffering from

>> incurable diseases have been cured in Sahaj but now

>> that they are cured, they dont have time or the

>> inclination for sahaj. Such people are also cured

>> due to the desires of some sahajayogis who are

>> related to such patients and are still in the

>> attachment mode.


>> Also Because if that could be the case then instead

>> of conducting programmes for Sahaj in offices,

>> schools, societies, etc we might as well start with

>> hospitals curing all cancer patients, and others.

>> What would be the sceanerio? The name of sahaj

>> will be tarnished because not all of them will be

>> cured.


>> Only those who accept Shri Mataji as Adishakti and

>> have her lotus feet in their heart will be cured and

>> also those who have with them foolish sahajayogis

>> with attachment mode will be cured. Sorry for the

>> pun but Such sahajayogis are wasting their time on

>> selfish persons who have no interest in sahaja

>> whatsoever and are just using us for their cure.


>> After the cure they will say I dont believe Shri

>> Mataji cured me. It was the doctors that did so. Or

>> it was my own immune system that did the trick.


>> I know many cases of such have me nots and it really

>> is disturbing to see the effort of so many

>> sahajayogis going down the drain. Forget about not

>> coming to sahaj these ungrateful lot do not even

>> appreciate and acknowledge the power and the source.


>> Lord forgive them for they do not know that they

>> have missed the plane.




>> Those who are not cured will come after us with a

>> firing squad and blame us for false promises. It

>> will be very difficult to explain them that because

>> you don’t have Shri Mataji’s lotus feet in your

>> heart you will not be cured. Also you don’t have any

>> foolish sy behind you to back you. Maybe his

>> vibrations could do the trick






>> If we desire to be one with Shri Mataji and have her

>> always in our heart and surrender ourselves, all the

>> problems physical, mental, emotional and financial

>> will be solved. Any doubts?


>> If yes you are not a sy.






>> Regards,


>> Mahesh Khatri



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