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Elements supporting (continued)

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are able to watch thunderstorms. I had a memorable experience of

this in Sydney when we had severe storms for several days and the

streets ran like streams. I received a call to work at an office

where the owner was a hard business-woman who boasted that she was

teaching her small sons that God does not exist. I had a little

shoebeat before walking up in the welcome rain and arrived to find

her downstairs in my section, pale and trembling. Lightening had

come crashing into her office a little while before. Truly Awesome.

As I write bushfires are consuming the mountains and the Capital

city here where there is so much decadence and corruption. The

mountains are of course the snowfields where we have had Puja to Sri

Mataji as Shri Shiva and where She spoke of how disrespectful ski-

ing is.

It is becoming increasingly evident that the elements are fully

awake to what is happening. I find that very few men and not all the

women I meet in Sahaj have discovered this loving relationship we

have with nature. At a picnic, when clouds gathered, most refused

to believe we could just ask the rain to wait a little. It shows a

lack of confidence of the Left side qualities. Which may be why few

women are posting here. with love from Aunty Lyndal

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shriadishakti , " in2centre <supatni@b...> "

<supatni@b...> wrote:


> It is becoming increasingly evident that the elements are fully

> awake to what is happening. I find that very few men and not all


> women I meet in Sahaj have discovered this loving relationship we

> have with nature. At a picnic, when clouds gathered, most refused

> to believe we could just ask the rain to wait a little. It shows a

> lack of confidence of the Left side qualities. Which may be why


> women are posting here. with love from Aunty Lyndal



Hi Lyndal,


i see that you are more attuned to Nature than most of us dare

understand, or have such faith. This does not mean it is not true.

On the contrary, i think Nature does respond to those who can 'talk'

to the elements. After all we are part of Mother Earth and there has

to be something very deep and mystical about this relationship Her.


According to the Jan 1997 New Age Journal " The Gaia hypothesis,

first advanced by British biochemist James Lovelock, deeply

influenced New Age thinkers. It holds that the Earth should be

regarded as a living organism with interrelated parts; therefore all

living creatures are inextricably connected to each other . . . We

see that a universal set of spiritual realities runs through the

world's mythologies, religions, and healing traditions.

Understanding and respecting the interdependence of all things is

the backbone of the New Age. "


i am more inclined to believe this because when my son received

Sahaja Yoga self-realization and his kundalini was first awakened,

he declared to me that Mother Earth was alive. This was after he

uttered the Shri Ganesha mantra for the very first time. At that

very instant he felt the Mother Earth breathing. She was inhaling

and exhaling very gently, and every heave of Her breath felt on his

palm, going slowly up and then down again. As he continued

repeating the Mighty Mantra of Shri Ganesha the sacred Shri

Bhumidevi continued inhaling and exhaling to reveal Her true nature.

The Adi Shakti was just giving him the first lesson of Her infinite



" The most characteristic teaching of Saktism, however, comes close

to Advaita Vedanta: Saktism is considered to be identical with

Brahman. Sakti is the creative force which creates the world and the

creation is one with the force which pervades it. The earliest

evidence for Sakti-Advaita can be found in some Puranas, in which

Devi is explaining her own identity with Brahman. . . .


Since Sakti is both avidya and vidya, matter and spirit, the sadhana

taught by Saktas often emphasizes the oneness of bhukti and mukti,

the merging of matter and spirit instead of their discrimination

(viveka) as advocated by other systems. The perfection of the jivas

is achieved through an assumption of all the different forms of

Sakti into their own subtle bodies, thus becoming one with the force

that sustains the universe. . . .


Saktism has deeply influenced many recent  movements of religious

and philosophical renewal. . . . Many people find in Saktism a basis

for a religion for our age, a religion which takes material reality

as seriously as spirit. As V. S. Agarwal writes: " Mother Earth is

the deity of the new age . . . the kalpa of Indra-Agni and the yuga

of Siva-Visnu are no more. The modern age offers its salutations to

Mother Earth whom it adores as the super-goddess . . . Mother Earth

is the presiding deity of the age, let us worship her. " "


(continue at http://www.adishakti.org/our_conscious_earth.htm )


i know others may be skeptical but humanity is evolving its

consciousness into an awareness of itself. Individuals like you are

beginning to recognize their divine nature, and are looking within

to find answers and to commune with a personal, indwelling Goddess.

And if Mother Earth is part and parcel of this Goddess than those

who worship Her will indeed have experiences that the masses have

difficulty understanding. But when the Adi Shakti is on Earth in the

form of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi then Her devotees are bound to have

deep experiences that even the spiritually inclined may view with



And that is your predicament, Lyndal. You have experiences and faith

that many fellow SYs do not have. You may not be able to walk on

water or split open the Dead Sea, but you sure can ask the rain to

arrive a little later. .............. or request Grandfather Ocean

to gift you some beautiful seashells.


i was given a big Murex Conch by a SYogini who footsoaked in the

ocean and then meditated. Just like you she has an unflinching

belief that the Ocean is our Grandfather. At dawn she found hundreds

of seashells washed up just outside her cabin, but the rest of the

beach was bare. Instantly she knew that it was His gift to her for

that faith.


Truth is stranger than fiction,





Note: Lyndal, two weeks ago i did not know what you meant by lack of

space. i thought it was the total space allocated to this forum

by. You do not have to post a single article on 2 pages. i am

sure that you have more than enough space to post even five times

that amount. Try it next time because it might have been a glitch

when you first started posting.

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Dear Aunty Lyndal,


I loved reading your description/explaination of your original

meaning. Perhaps it is the scientist in me who responded to you. The

vibrations of your understanding and Love of Shri Mother Earth shines

through. I know better now of your heart.


There are many shared experiences we have had. I too have marveled

at the thunder and lightning, and seen it in action, much as you



One remarkable experience i will share was one winter back a few

years, there was a terrible storm, a winter storm, full of tremendous

blasts of wind. I was living in a small 30' travel trailer at the

time and the wind was so strong a few times i thought it would tip

right over. At one point the wind was howling and my place was

shaking and rocking so I was sure the whole thing would start rolling

and disintegrating across the field with me in it. I was hanging on

the ceiling braced against the floor, ready for anything. I said to

the storm, " Mother whatever the cause of this terrible wind is i do

not know, but i know in one more second this little house is

finished, it is going to tip! " Suddenly, just like that, it stopped.

The storm did continue but the wind abated instantly, so suddenly it

just stopped.

I thanked Her profusely from the bottom of my heart.


Personally the experiences of Nature are to many to tell, and i dont

want to take up this valuable space on the forum, but each and every

one will one day experience that they and the World are truely One.

It is no mystery to myself.


Jai Shri Mataji!!!

Love to you!


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