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Dear sahaja yogi brothers, jai shri mataji!


Why am not getting anything in Hindi releted to sahaja yoga on webs? It is fine

that I fully understand English and English is the language that units the

world and English is easy to type and understand, but it cannot express Hindi

literature in full extent because English does not have equivalents of majority

of Hindi words.


Is self-realization is exactly what is meant by Aatmajnana?

Is brahma ( the omnipotent, omniscient & omnipresent element i. e. God ) is same

as brahma ( the deity name Shri Brahma in Hindu

mythology )?

Is Absolute Consciousness in English is as beautiful as Paramchaitanya in Hindi?

Is " Primordial Energy " in English invokes the same respect as invoked by " Adi

Shakti " in Hindi?

What is the equivalent of Rishi, muni, yogi, tapasvi, trikaaldarshi, satvaguna,

rajguna, tamogun & c. in English?


India is considered as seat of Spritualism. The ancient scriptures are written

in Sanskrit which can neither be translated nor be transcribed in English.

Try to write down the 'Pranava' ( OHM ) in English.

Try to write down the Gayatri mantra in English.


Very difficult if not impossible!


Since Hindi share much of alphabet of Sanskrit, only Hindi has the potential to

translate and transcribe the scriptures in Sanskrit.

Hindi is much more powerful than any other language in world and Hindi can

translate and transliterate any literatures written in any language but no

other language can express the scriptures written in Hindi or Sanskrit.


So, the author of " Kingdom of God " found on www.adishakti.org ( Is he Jagbir? )

should try to make a website available in Hindi that can express Sahaja yoga in

its full glory.


However, this does not mean that our fellow sahaja yogis should stop giving me

circulars of lectures of shri mataji just because they are in English and their

Hindi equivalents are not found!


Be in touch.



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shriadishakti , " mukeshpandit2002in

<mukeshpandit2002in> " <mukeshpandit2002in> wrote:

> Dear sahaja yogi brothers, jai shri mataji!

> >

> Since Hindi share much of alphabet of Sanskrit, only Hindi has the

potential to translate and transcribe the scriptures in Sanskrit.

> Hindi is much more powerful than any other language in world and

Hindi can translate and transliterate any literatures written in any

language but no other language can express the scriptures written

in Hindi or Sanskrit.


> So, the author of " Kingdom of God " found on www.adishakti.org ( Is

he Jagbir? ) should try to make a website available in Hindi that

can express Sahaja yoga in its full glory.



Dear brother Mukesh,


" Sanskrit is the common language of the Hindu Scriptures. It is the

oldest language in the world. It is the language of the Vedas,

Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata , Ramayana and the Puranas.

Sanskrit literature is easily the richest literature in the history

of mankind. The word Sanskrit literally means " Perfected Language "

or " Language brought to formal perfection " . This is quite an

appropriate name since NASA declared it to be " the only unambiguous

language on the planet " . Sanskrit is a scientific and systematic

language. Its grammar is perfect and has attracted scholars



Recently well-known linguists and computer-scientists have expressed

the opinion that Sanskrit is the best language for use with

computers. Sanskrit has a perfect grammar which has been explained

to us by the world's greatest grammarian Panini. Sanskrit is also

the mother of all indo-european languages and the big sister of

Greek and Latin. It is the origin of all the Indian languages.

The Sanskrit alphabet is called " devanagari " and literally

means " cities of the gods " . Rishis discovered Sanskrit and used it

to create the mantras. These mantras were made up of a combination

of sound vibrations, which when recited had a specific effect on the

mind and the psyche. In the times of the Rishis, the main aim was to

attain the truth, and what better medium than Sanskrit - the perfect

tool. Due to its specificity and purity this seemed the best

language with which to understand God's creation and as such is

called " the great spiritual language of the world " - Joseph

Campbell. " (www.cuhcs.org)


" The exploration of consciousness has developed to a remarkable

degree in the Hindu culture. In fact, the Sanskrit language has

shown itself to be sufficiently precise in describing the subtleties

of consciousness exploration that many Sanskrit words, with no

adequate English equivalents, have become commonplace in our own

contemporary culture. Consider for example these terms:

asanas: postures used to stimulate flow of life-force through the

body and to aid meditation.


atman: The human soul or spirit -- the essence of the inner being.

ahimsa: The doctrine of non-violence toward sentient beings.

akasha: The ether; primordial substance that pervades the entire

universe; the substratum of both mind and matter. All thoughts,

feelings, or actions are recorded within it.


Brahman: Hindu god who represents the highest principle in the

universe; the essence that permeates all existence. Brahman is the

same as atman in the philosophy of the Upanishads.


dharma: One's personal path in life, the fulfillment of which leads

to a higher state of consciousness.


dhyana: The focusing of attention on a particular spiritual idea in

continuous meditation.


guna: A cosmic force or quality. Hindu cosmology maintains that the

universe is composed of three such qualities: satvic, meaning pure

or truthful; rajasic, meaning rich or royal; and tomasic meaning

rancid or decaying.


Ishwara: Personal manifestation of the supreme; the cosmic self;

cosmic consciousness.


karma: The principle by which all of our actions will effect our

future circumstances, either in the present or in future lifetimes.

mantras: Syllables, inaudible or vocalized, that are repeated during



maya: The illusions the physical world generates to ensnare our



moksha: The attainment of liberation from the worldly life.

mandala: Images used to meditate upon.


nirvana: The transcendental state that is beyond the possibility of

full comprehension or expression by the ordinary being enmeshed in

the concept of selfhood.


ojas: Energy developed by certain yogic practices that stimulates

endocrine activity within the body.


prana: Life energy that permeates the atmosphere, enters the human

being through the breath, and can be directed by thought.


pranayama: Yogic exercises for the regulation of the breath flow.

samadhi: State of enlightenment of superconsciousness. The union of

the individual consciousness with cosmic consciousness.


sadhanas: Spiritual disciplines. Practical means for the attainment

of a spiritual goal.


samsara: The phenomena of the senses. Attachment to samsara leads to

further rebirth.


siddhis: Powers of the soul and spirit that are the fruits of yogic



soma: A plant, probably with psychedelic properties, that was

prepared and used in ritual fashion to enable men to communicate

with the gods.


tantras: Books dealing with the worship of the female deities and

specifying certain practices to attain liberation through

sensuality, particularly through the heightened union of male and

female energies.


yoga: This is the Sanskrit word meaning union and refers to various

practices designed to attain a state of perfect union between the

self and the infinite. " (www.williamjames.com)



Mukesh, Sanskrit is the the divine language, the perfect language,

the musical language and the spiritual language. It is the

primordial language of this Universe spoken by all the mighty gods

from Shri Krishna to Shri Jesus. (Yes, Jesus talks to His fellow

beings in Sanskrit in the Kingdom of God.) Prior to Sanskrit there

was only Silence.


There is no language comparable to Sanskrit especially to know the

Divine and Consciousness. It is a no contest. It will be futile to

debate or even justify the unchallengeable spiritual superiority of



However, today English is the dominant language and i don't foresee

any challenge to it either. It is a language that draws it's

strength from ease of learning, and centuries of Anglo-colonial

dominance firmly established its pre-eminence today.


One particular beauty of Western civilization is that of academic

excellence. i have found English authors very capable of writing

with extra-ordinary clarity on subjects that is the clear dominance

of Sanskrit, i.e., self-realization, spirituality, consciousness and

meta-physical. Their sheer depth of research and lucidity in

explaining such profound knowledge is undeniable.


Mukesh, you must also be proud that India has also given birth to

authors that are highly respected and praised in the West for their

literary excellence. Arundhati Roy, Amitav Ghosh and Salman Rushdie

are the new glittering stones in the English crown. You have the

best of both worlds, the spiritual world of Sanskrit in the material

world of English. Prosper from both.


warmest regards to all,





NOTE: Mukesh, i am jagbir and author of Kingdom of God and website.

Anyone willing to translate the website into Hindi would be more

than welcome. i personally think it is an excellent idea and my

English website will pay homage to its Hindi counterpart .......

.............. and improve significantly in the process.

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shriadishakti , Mukesh Pandit

<mukeshpandit2002in> wrote:


> You have shown interest in translating the " Kingdom of

> God " website into Hindi for which I would like to

> offer my contribution. Please tell me in what way I

> should contribute. If there is a Hindi version of this

> website, it will indeed be excellent.


> Be in touch.

> Mukesh




Dear Mukesh,




i am very grateful that you have volunteered to translate the

Kingdom of God website into Hindi. i am convinced that the English

version will bask in the glory of the Hindi version, and much

enriched in the process.


As we were discussing Sanskrit i received an email from a fellow SY.

It is about the Vedas, and the introduction reads:


" When, a decade ago, the urgent and long-standing need for a study

of this kind pressed on me so hard that it could no longer be

resisted, a tantalizing alternative seemed to present itself: either

to become a trained mechanic, in Sanskrit and English at least, or

else to become a trusty pilot in Vedic and other personal flights.

Circumstances again decided for me, and this work has been rendered

possible by the unusual team of people collaborating with me. One

could hardly have found a more unselfish and devoted group of

helpers than the one that has made this anthology possible. One does

not fly alone.


First of all, I want to thank the group of collaborators. N. Snanta,

to whom this anthology is dedicated, has been decisive in

determining the entire gestalt of the book. M. Rogers has revised

the style, especially allowing the texts to reflect the beauty of

the original through the genius of the English language. B. Baumer

and M. Bidoli have gone through the Sanskrit texts and contributed

creatively to an accurate version of them. Without these

collaborators this anthology could not have been completed.


Thanks are also given to a living artist, to a modern scholar, and

also to an ancient monk. The entrance mandala and the vignettes of

the book are original of A. Kunze who, according to tradition, drew

them while meditating on the texts. The sanskrit syllables appearing

in some of the drawings are bija-mantras, which symbolize, at least

partially, the meaning of the corresponding section.


The devanagari letters illustrating the anthology are reproductions

of original xylographs belonging to Sri Lokesh Chandra, Director of

the International Academy of Indian Culture, New Delhi. They are

from Shuji-shu, a Japanese " Collection of bijas'' woodprinted by

Bhiksu Chozen in ce 1661-1673. They are also bija-mantras, that is,

mystical syllables or aksara devatas, each of them symbolizing some

Vedic deity as indicated below the reproduction. Without R. H.

Hooker and U. M. Vesci, many a blunder would have remained

unchecked; without R. S. Bhattacharya, P. Y. Deshpandey, D. Mumford,

and many other friends the book would not have reached its present

form. Nor do I forget K. V. C. Subramanyan and A. K. Karmakar, who

have typed and retyped the manuscript so many times that they know

many of its mantras by heart.


I have also to thank the Vedic Gods and all other spirits who have

blessed this venture. I ask them and the reader to pardon the chasm

that exists between the real mantra and this manjari. May both Gods

and readers by their acceptance of this mantramanjari forgive and

forget its compiler so that the silent, Divine Mystery may flow

freely through whatever living mantras this anthology may elicit.

The feelings of humility, which in many prefaces are somewhat

perfunctorily expressed, are in this instance both genuine and

overwhelming. How is it possible to touch upon almost all the

relevant and central problems of Man, over a time span of at least

four millennia, and to dare to present a seed that may germinate

elsewhere and a beam capable of setting light to what it touches? "



So Mukesh you may have to seek more volunteers for the huge task

that you want to undertake. If you can get more volunteers things

will proceed at a much faster pace. ........... but you may proceed

alone in the beginning. There is ample web space left for the Hindi

version at www.adishakti.org. All you have to do is send the

translated pages and leave the rest to me. i will upload them with

the images and links, etc. We will liase privately to iron out any



And as you go along you should always remain focused on this

question, " How is it possible to touch upon almost all the relevant

and central problems of Man, over a time span of at least four

millennia, and to dare to present a seed that may germinate

elsewhere and a beam capable of setting light to what it touches? "

The task is to synthesize the Adi Shakti with all religions and

scriptures and enable believers of all faiths to surrender at Her

Lotus Feet. The task is to announce Shri Jagdamba's Message of the

Last Judgment (Bible) and Al-Qiyamah (Koran) so the humans of all

faiths will surrender to God Almighty's Call. The task is to allow

all scriptures and religions to triumph collectively. The task is to

battle for Shri Durga's eternal victory over all forces of Evil.


i also need SYs who are able to improve the English version with

more creative writing, better grammar, clarity and editing.

www.adishakti.org needs the final touches as i have reached the end

of my mediocre literary talents. It is time to do the final editing

so that the whole world can comprehend Sahaja Yoga and Shri Mataji.


SYs must see that the www.adishakti.org is a collective undertaking,

and not a selfish bid for fame by Her devotee who was given the task

of safeguarding and presenting the Truth. i just did my duty to the

Adi Shakti and have no desire for any fruits of my labor, for i have

been amply rewarded by my very existence itself. www.adishakti.org

must from now on be a collective undertaking. It is time for Her

devotees to put their words to uphold the Truth of the Last Judgment

and the Resurrection.


Jai Shri Mataji,








NOTE: Those who wish to continue with the article above may click on

the links below:





I. Dawn and Birth. Preparation for emergence into existence, the

tilling of the ground, or preexistence and bursting into being, into


II. Germination and Growth. The beginning, the striving, the

affirmation of identity, the settling down in the realm of


III. Blossoming and Fullness. The acme, the reaching of plenitude,

of maturity, the zenith.

IV. Fall and Decay. The beginning of the downward path, the

discovery that nothing resists the acids of time and that nobody is

immune from the corrosion of existence.

V. Death and Dissolution. The destiny of all existing things, and

the price that must be paid for having been alive and for having

been a bearer of existence in time and space.

VI. New Life and Freedom. + (VII Twilight) The marvelous mystery of

being, the reemergence of life out of the ordeal of death, the

disclosure that life is immortal, that being is unfathomable, and

that bliss and reality are capable of self-renewal.

VII. Twilight. The last part of this anthology, like the ribbon that

ties the bouquet, has an altogether different character from the

rest. It binds together all that has been explained and integrates

all that has been described. It brings back the living unity that

the glare of the single aspects may have endangered.

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shriadishakti , Mukesh Pandit

<mukeshpandit2002in> wrote:

> Jai shri mataji, Jagbir!


> I will be glad to translate the website in Hindi, but

> this is a huge task and requires serious labour and

> dedication to accompolish it. Done alone, it will

> consume too much time because typing in Devanagari

> script takes considerable time as compared to English

> and in my opinion, if a person types at the speed of

> 40 wpm in English, the same person will type only at

> the speed of 10 wpm in Devanagari.



Jai Shri Mataji Mukesh and all SYs,


Yes, this is a monumental task. Right now the website has about 600

pages and i am supposed to add another 400 pages. The

www.adishakti.org has yet to receive the remaining 40% which will

absolute establish Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi as the incarnation of

the Great Adi Shakti Shri Lalita Devi. It is all about the Sahasrara

and i have saved for the last.


i have no grasp of Devanagari and the typing speed you are talking

about will need the labor of Love and single-mindedness of purpose.

i can tell you now itself that it will take some years unless you

get help, which you definitely will because if you take one step

forward to fight for Her Cause the Adi Shakti within will take 10

steps to arm you. You must realize that i have referred and sought,

am still referring and seeking, and will at all times refer and seek

the spirit Adi Shakti within for help and guidance. Sooner or later

all SYs will have to follow suit because Her physical incarnation

will leave Earth one day.


All of my quotes, shlokas, ayats etc. are taken from authors who

have translated from the original. The quotes from the Bible will

not be any problem. At this time i may be able to only scan pages of

the Koran by Abdullah Yusuf because i have used it for research. The

shlokas may need some work but i will get a SYogini to help, and

perhaps also assist you as she is well versed in Sanskrit, Hindi and



In the end it will be, as you pointed, teamwork. This must be a

collective effort by all SYs with any literary skills because the

task is daunting if borne by one or two individuals. By this i mean

that the English version which i CANNOT IMPROVE anymore and am again

asking for help. It must be edited, enhanced with better grammar and

polished off with creative writing.


This collective effort to improve the English version will

drastically reduce the workload of Mukesh and his team. i would

prefer, for example, the home page be edited before Mukesh begins to

translate it into Hindi (as he ahs already begun). It would be a

waste of time and energy and common sense to ask him to translate an

edited version months later.


That is why it is imperative that SYs just roll up their sleeves and

do it. You are free to add your style and knowledge of Sahaja

Yoga/Shri Mataji. My task will be just to upload that edited page.


i have extracted a few simple suggestions from the internet and

others may add their opinion/questions:


" Keep your writing simple and straightforward. Say what you want to

say in the clearest and most direct fashion.


Avoid long words if a shorter one is available.


Avoid cluttering your work with too many adjectives, adverbs,

metaphors and similes. It is very tempting as a new writer to

overwhelm your narrative with descriptions. Try to resist.


Avoid cliches.


Make sure you have selected the right tense for your story and

keep it consistent. All verbs must agree with the chosen tense.

Repetition of a word or phrase can be highly effective but try to

avoid overdoing it.


Choose strong words. As a rule, these words have more specific

meanings eg. oak as opposed to tree. Concrete nouns are

stronger than abstract nouns eg. sunset versus beauty.


Wherever possible, avoid the passive tense. Have your characters do

something, rather than have something done to them.


Vary your writing. Contrast will highlight the strengths. For

instance, if the entire story is pacy, strong or dramatic,

these qualities may be overwhelmed to the point at which they

become weaknesses.


Don't forget to vary sentence structure and length.


Above all, good writing should be fluent. Many factors contribute to

the rhythm of a story. The easiest way to evaluate this

fluency is to read the story aloud. "





The website has evolved considerably from its 1999 origin of the

book Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God. The internet is a far more

effective and rich medium of reaching the masses, and a book pales

by comparison. The young generation is now able to access the web

over Samsung and Nokia, and they are the future of Sahaja Yoga. It

will be easier to present the Truth of Shri Mataji to them than

those conditioned by decades of religious indoctrination.


To do the impossible we have to see the invisible, and the future is

invisible right now. ............ but we SYs must have the clarity

of mind and purpose to see it now. We cannot and must not check our

bearings from the past because it does not exists

anymore .............. but the future is yet to come.


So i hope this post will be enough to see some raised hands. Right

now there are not many SYs on this forum as most are unaware of it.

But over time there will be more of our brothers and sisters who can

help. In the end the task may not be as overwhelming as it now

seems. Thank you.



regards to all,




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