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Which Sat Guru can awaken the Mother Kundalini?

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shriadishakti , Rajendran Rajagopal

<r_raj02> wrote:


> Jai Shree Mataji !

> Dear Mukesh,


> When I was studying in India in the 70s I was seeking and visited

a number of Ashrams and read a lot of books on spiritualism.I also

met up with other seekers to hear about their experiences as seekers

in different parts of India.I finally came to realise that Kundalini

awakening is the only way to get connected to God but who was going

to do it ? None of the dozens of places and people I met or visited

had any idea about it and none of the so called gurus gave me any

confidence that they were sat gurus and I knew that only a proper

guru can awaken the Kundalini.Perhaps if I had come across Sahaja

Yoga at that time I might not even have returned to my country, but

alas, that was not meant to be.Although I graduated I left India

with a heavy heart as I had not actually achieved what I wanted

besides obtaining a paper qualification.When I came back I left my

seeking in the hands of God and prayed that I find the correct Guru

sent by Him to awaken my Kundalini.Beside going to temple I did not

seek.Eleven years later I got my self realisation almost by accident

and it has been the most wonderful event in my life and completely

transformed me.So you see you are not that badly off because you

have not felt vibrations for only 3 years whereas I had to wait 11

years to get it - definitely you are more fortunate ! So, count your

blessings that you are in the yoga bumi and the land itself is full

of vibrations.You know , I love going to India because it is so easy

to get into thoughtless awareness and enjoy the vibrations as

compared to Malaysia where materialism has crept in and the

vibrations are not as good as India.

> So, Mukesh, look at the brighter side of things as somewhere there

is the blessing of the Divine that protects us no matter how badly

off we may be and that I can assure you from my personal experience -

Shree Mataji keeps us under Her protection and Her love for us is

just ... there is no word suitable to describe it.





Dear SYs,


We should be extremely grateful that our Kundalinis were awakened by

Shri Mataji without any need for ascetic sadhuhood or celibate

monkship. Raj is correct when he says that " None of the dozens of

places and people I met or visited had any idea about it and none of

the so called gurus gave me any confidence that they were sat gurus

and I knew that only a proper guru can awaken the Kundalini. "


i just received a newsletter form a spiritual organization that is

relevant to what Raj has posted:


Query3: The subject of Kundalini awakening fascinates me. Can you

guide me as to how to achieve my goal. amar chandel



Dear amar chandel,


One need to have a purpose in life before we think of awakening of

the Kundalini. What do you want to achieve by awakening of your

Kundalini. One becomes an engineer not for the sake of becoming an

engineer. One pursues the career of engineering not as the goal of

his life but as a means for livelihood. Awakening of the Kundalini

is related to deep meditation. Unless you want to realize god

within this life ... the purpose of awakening of the Kundalini

would be defeated. Awakening of the Kundalini can never be your

goal. It is the path traveling on which one becomes more and more

pure on the spiritual plane and ultimately becomes a saint of the

highest order.


Query or comments? info?subject=query3



Query4: There had been occasions in the past, when I was able to

perform Kundalini Yoga successfully to the last extent. Shri Sai of

Shirdi being my Guru. However, since last 3-4 years, I am not able

to get into it (now its not 100%) Please help. Dinesh Modh



Dear Dinesh Modh,


How easy to express ... I just can't believe it. Do you realize the

significance of your statement. Having awakened your Kundalini

hundred percent ... you would become a living Rama Krishna

Paramhansa that very moment. You also cannot go back to your

worldly life. Once a flower bud blooms and becomes a flower ... it

cannot but become a bud again. After awakening of your Kundalini

one is directly promoted to 8.4 millionth manifestation ... the

last in the stage of Cosmic life ... one becomes free forever from

the cycle of birth and death. A really noble goal to achieve in

this very life. Can I express my joy in words? I cannot ... for the

expression is beyond the comprehension of words.





My fellow SYs, i also never knew what it was all about because no

temple priest or Sikh scholar has any knowledge of Kundalini. The

same can be said of all traditions about the Hindu Kundalini

awakening - the Christian second birth of the Spirit and the Muslim

Baptism of Allah. They are one and the same but those in charge of

religious organizations have scant intelligence what it is all about.


Now the Adi Shakti (Christian Comforter and Islamic Ruh of Allah)

has come to fulfill the destiny of humanity. For that She has

empowered all SYs (including Mukesh) to raise the Kundalinis of

those desiring birth by the Spirit (Mother Kundalini).


We sometimes cannot grasp the significance of this empowerment. If

great gurus cannot raise or even do not know of Kundalini who are

SYs actually? Why have SYs been given this immense power comparable

to that of Shri Krishna or Jesus? i am talking about even children

having the power to raise the Kundalini!


But why is Sahaja Yoga and Shri Mataji still unknown to the rest of

humanity, particularly to those seeking the Divine? The answer is

simple: Those who advertise Shri Mataji as a guru or divine

personality will get what they deserve for their lack of conviction

and unwarranted cowardice. There are thousands of gurus and hundreds

of divine personalities on Earth right now, and their numbers are

growing. During the time of Shri Jesus there were also hundreds of

carpenters. But there is only one Son of God and only one Adi Shakti.


regards to all,




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