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Nirvikalpa, the highest and only state that matters during the Last Judgment

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" It is gratifying to see so many Sahaja Yogis come to celebrate the

Sahasrara Day. Without breaking the Sahasrara, we could not have

achieved the ascent en masse. But the Sahasrara which is the brain

has gone into too much complications in the west. And the thoughts

are very much twisted, one upon the other.


To keep Sahasrara open should be very easy if the Western brains

could understand and be aware about your Mother. When your Mother is

the Deity of Sahasrara, the only way to keep the Sahasrara open has

to be complete surrendering.


For that many ask me, How do we do it? It's a very funny question.

It is irrelevant. If your Sahasrara has been opened out by someone,

and luckily that is the Deity before you, it should be the easiest

thing to surrender. But it is not. It is difficult because the

attention that has come up through the cells of the brain is

polluted. It is impure. It is destructive. It's poisonous and when

the nerves are spoiled, the light of the Spirit does not shines on

the nerves. And you feel the inability to surrender. Normally it

should be the easiest thing to do.


So we have to mentally approach ourselves. We have to talk to

ourselves and say to ourselves " What are you doing? What is

surrendering? It is enjoyment, it is just enjoyment. Then why I

cannot surrender? What is lacking in me? Am I a very low level

person? Am I the one who was just saying I'm seeker but I'm not. Am

I dishonest person that I cannot surrender? If so, what am I proud

of? Myself? If that is the situation, then why am I so much

enamoured by my ego?


But I have heard that people are arriving at different times for

Sahasrara Day . I was amazed. It's typical western mind. By the way,

Sahaja Yoga is to be done, mostly by-the-way. It should be

convenient. It should be a weekend. When just by-the-way for a

holiday, we can go to Vienna. There of course, by-the-way, we'll

have puja and by-the-way Mother will raise the Kundalini. She will

awaken our Deities and then by-the-way we'll be enjoying the

blessings. No sacrifice can be done for God. No time, they have no

time. Everything is by-the-way.


It's rather amazing, for war people give up their lives, for

destruction they work so hard, day and night. But for construction

of humanity for the ultimate goal of Divinity, in the West, how many

there are who really surrender? If it suits, then we'll be there.

Sahaja, this is Sahaja style. We should reach Sahaja. I heard about

this many a times. There are still many who are that kind of an

attitude towards Sahaja Yoga. It is something surprising me.


It's so precious that no words can describe the greatness of these

moments which we are spending together. You have to feel it within

yourself, the assignment that is given to you through your own

Spirit, through your own state. You can fulfill the assignments.But

lack of faith in yourself cannot give you surrendering powers.

Surrendering is the opening of Sahasrara, keeping it completely open

so that Nirvikalpa state is established within us. There should be a

regular progress of improvement, regular progress of the opening.

Have you ever seen any lotus or any flower that blooms, blooms, and

in between again does not bloom and then blooms then collapses then



Have you ever seen such a nonsensical phenomenon in the nature? You

come up, again you go down, again you come up, you go down. Have you

ever seen a tree that comes up, again goes inside the mud, again it

comes up, again it goes back into the mud, blaming other people.

Have you seen any animal which started growing, then it becomes a

dwarf, again it grows, again it becomes a dwarf.


But the area of Sahasrara is the realm of God. When the Brahmarandra

opens fully, then the heavens open within yourself. The Kundalini

which has risen up and given you realisation creates that subtle

opening, by which the Divine starts pouring all its subtleties

inside your brain. But if you're pressing it from both sides with

these balloons, sometimes opening, sometimes closing, sometimes

opening, the Divine recedes Its attention. You must know that. The

attention is receded back and if it is done many a times, the Divine

doesn't bother.


So it is you who have to achieve that state and all of us can

achieve that state of Nirvikalpa. In that there is just progression.

After Nirvikalpa you cannot come down. If somebody is still going up

and down, up and down, he should know he is still not up to the

point and he should face up to himself or herself that " No, I have

to be into Nirvikalpa where I do not come down " .


The people who are not in the Nirvikalpa state are not going to be

saved. I am very sorry to say that. They are not going to be saved.

They will be punished. May not be the same way (as) those who are

not realised souls, but they will not occupy the seats in the realm

of God Almighty. At least you must reach the state of Nirvikalpa. Do

not blame any circumstance. Do not blame your father, mother,

brother, atmosphere, this, that.


You can say this Sahasrara day is a very big day because I never

threw such an ultimatum before. Because now we are established as

Vishwa Dharma, as the Universal Religion. We are not like other

religions where, after the deaths of the incarnation, people started

the religion and did whatever they wanted with that. In our living

time we are going to make ourselves that instrument which will

represent Vishwa Dharma. We have to have strong Deities within

ourselves. We have weakened them by all our mistakes. Doesn't

matter. They are weak because traditionally we haven't got the

strength. Doesn't matter.


But now this Religion has been established. We cannot have black

spots any more. We have done all the choosing, the training,

everything. And you all have to jump into the boat now. There's no

more time left for us for dilly-dally. Those who will be left behind

will be left behind. It is a very intense period now, you must

understand. The intensity of the period is not by-the-way. It's not

any more Sahaja Yoga. It is Maha Yoga now. And you have to become

Maha, you have to become great, otherwise you cannot be there. You

have to jump out of all these things.


I have short time, because the instrument has to be all right. If

you have to expedite your growth of the instrument in a proper way

so that the God of Love, God's Love flows and the God of that Love

feels happy about it. We have to create such a beautiful flowers

that He appreciates, that He does not destroy. The Spectator of this

play has to be satisfied so that He postpones His destruction.

That's why I said the time is short, time is very short.


If we want our children to grow into the realm of God, they are

great saints who are born, if you want to give them a full chance of

enjoyment, then let us first of all become proper parents and not

people who just live with illusions. Everything in Sahaja Yoga

cannot be explained. I cannot explain. I cannot because you don't

have those powers to understand.


Take a vow within your heart. It's not the words that are important.

It has to be living action of your being. That should prove it, that

should convince you that we are fully surrendered. And the effects

of that you will feel in your own personality, in your own being, in

your own manifestation.


I'm working 24 hours. Not a single minute I waste. And in the same

way I hope you will dedicate your 24 hours for your emancipation and

the emancipation of the whole Universe.


May God bless you all "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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