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The Promised Messiah by both Sunni and Shia authorities

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Dear Ishmael,


i refer to your quote about the significance of solar and lunar

eclipses during the time of the Messiah or Imam Mahdi, and wish to

bring it out on the forum for the benefit of all:


" As reported by Muhammad bin Ali, the advent of our Mahdi will be

marked by two important signs. These signs have never appeared

before, not since the creation of Heaven and earth. One is the

eclipse of the moon on the first of Ramadhan, and the other is the

eclipse of the sun in the middle of Ramadhan, and these two signs

have not appeared since the creation of the Heaven and earth.'8 This

sign is of very great importance. Tradition makes it clear that the

sign has not appeared before as the sign of the coming of any other

teacher or divinely appointed reformer. The sign is accepted as the

sign of the time of the Promised Messiah by both Sunni and Shia

authorities and is mentioned in the books of both. Sunni and Shia

collections of Hadith mention these signs. It cannot be said,

therefore, that the sign is reported by some and not by other

authorities. "


But the Sunni and Shiite are in complete disagreement about the Imam

Mahdi. i quote from Social Education 58(6), 1994, pp. 339-344,

National Council for the Social Studies on the topic, Islam: Sunnis

and Shiites:


" Sunni-Shiite Doctrinal Differences


Of the Sunni and Twelver Shiite differences, some of the most

important relate to the issue of the Imamate; the question of

intercession between Allah and human beings; matters not delineated

by the Koran; the means of attaining paradise; and the role of

present-day Imams, or religious leaders.1.The Concept of the Imamate

In the Shiite view, the twelve Imams inherited their positions as

the exclusive leaders of the Muslims through the authority of the

Prophet Muhammad and divine ordination. They are considered to have

been not only Muhammad's temporal successors but also the inheritors

of the prerogatives of closeness to Allah, and the interpreters of

the Koran.


According to Shiism, the " Imam " has three functions: to rule over

the Islamic community, to explain the religious sciences and law,

and to be a spiritual guide to lead human beings to an understanding

of the inner meaning of things. Because of these functions, he

cannot possibly be elected by a public assembly. As a spiritual

guide he receives his authority only from on " high. " Therefore, each

Imam is appointed through the designation of the previous " Imam " by

Divine Command.


The Imam is to be concerned with daily matters as well as the

spiritual and unmanifested world. His functions are at once human

and cosmic (Nasr 1978, 278). The " Twelve Imams " are mediators for

mankind (Donaldson 1933, 343).


Sunni Muslims. The above beliefs of the " Twelvers, " which give

legitimacy to the verbal and written comments of " The Twelve Imams, "

are categorically rejected by the Sunnis, who do not consider the

institution of hereditary " Imamate " as part of the Islamic faith. "



Ishmael, the Sunnis who form 83% of the Muslims are quite adverse to

the blasphemy of a 'prophet' coming after Allah's final prophet,

Muhammad. That is why there are so many sectarian killings in

Pakistan over this issue.


The only way both parties can reconcile if the Messiah is both Imam

Mahdi (Shiite) and the Ruh of Allah (Sunni). Only Shri Mataji fits

both roles by virtue of the following facts:



Imam Mahdi (Shiites)


" In AD 622 Muhammad, encountering religious opposition to his

teachings of the unity of God and his denunciation of idolatry,

moved north from his birthplace Mecca to Medina, both in Saudi

Arabia. This hejira marks the start of the Muslim calendar. "


David V. Barret, Sects, `Cults' and Alternative Religions,

Cassell PLC, 1996, p. 27


" To believe in Him as the Second or the Promised Messiah is an

article of faith, because first of all His coming early in the 14th

century of the Hidjra was predicted by Muhammad. "


H.A.R. Gibb, J.H. Kramers, Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam,

E.J. Brill, Leiden 1953, p.24.



Brother Ishmael, given the above fact Hidjra (Hijrah or Hegira), the

starting point of the Islamic period, was towards the end of the

year 622. " Early in the 14th century of the Hidjra " sends us to the

end of the year 1922, maybe the beginning of the year 1923. Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi was born the 21st of March 1923! This prediction

of Prophet Muhammad manifested exactly as foretold 14 centuries ago.

Thus the Shiites can accept Shri Mataji as the Imam Mahdi.


Ruh of Allah (for both Sunni and Shiites)


They ask thee concerning the Spirit. 

Say: " The Spirit (cometh) by command of my Lord:

Of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you. "

If it were Our Will, We could take away that which We have sent thee

by inspiration:

Then wouldst thou find none to plead thy affair in that matter

against Us.


surah 17: 85-86 Al Isra' (The Night Journey)

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, 1989.)



So Ishmael, whatever was revealed of the Spirit of Allah (Adi

Shakti) to Prophet Muhammad was the barest minimum in order to

contain a volatile situation of idols (gods and goddesses). But the

fact that Allah made it a point to mention His Spirit even though

revealing next to nothing about it's nature, a seemingly a frivolous

act, explodes into Truth today as His Ruh Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

proclaims and explains Al-Qiyamah to all humankind. Thus both the

Sunnis and Shiites can accept Shri Mataji as the Ruh of Allah.


i am just explaining briefly a few pieces of a complex

puzzle regarding Al-Qiyamah, the Imam Mahdi and the Ruh of Allah.

Only the Adi Shakti has the power to manifest the Sure Signs of the

Koran which the vast majority of Muslims have ignored because not

only can they not comprehend, but also the likelihood of divine

intervention poses a danger to the very pillar of the 'last



The seemingly insurmountable obstacle to Prophet Muhammad being the

last prophet and Sunni Muslims excluding any further intervention in

human history, has been overcome by the incarnation of His Ruh on

Earth to announce and explain Al-Qiyamah. Few see the breathtaking

simplicity and ease at overcoming any resistance to Allah's Call to

all believers to surrender and take part in the Resurrection.






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Dear Jagbir,


Jai Shri Mataji!!


Thank you brother for such a nice explaination of these topics. You

are surely the expert. I really only had read bits and pieces of

muslim writing and beliefs concerning the hidden Imam which i know

truely is Shri Nirmala Devi. I sent you the photo because it had very

cool vibrations and was curious if it could possibly be connected to

Shri Mataji. Which i am sure it is in some way...


Thank You,


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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh

<adishakti_org> " <adishakti_org> wrote:

> Dear Ishmael,


> i refer to your quote about the significance of solar and lunar

> eclipses during the time of the Messiah or Imam Mahdi, and wish to

> bring it out on the forum for the benefit of all:




Dear Ishmael and all SYs,


You should know that there is an extremely vital solar eclipse that

is mandatory for Qiyamah to commence.


5. But man wishes to do wrong in the time in front of him.

6. He questions: " When is the Day of Resurrection? "

7. At length, when the sight is dazed

8. And the moon is buried in darkness

9. And the sun and moon are joined together will Man say; 

10. " Where is the refuge? "


The Ummah in general has refused to acknowledge this solar eclipse

for fear of Divine intervention and to guard the 'last prophet'

foundation, even if they interpret it as such. This is no man-made

hadith, but the one and only prophesy in the Koran of an eclipse

ushering the commencement of Al-Qiyamah.


Al-Qiyamah begins with not only a special solar eclipse but it must

occur simultaneously with the preordained Mighty Blast In Sky. To

still further safeguard against any error, and seal the mouths (and

fate) of the disbelievers, it must occur in tandem with all the Sure

Signs listed above. And there are even more safeguards to protect

and uphold the identity of the Messiah who delivers the message of

Qiyamah - the Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.


So why do we see what others cannot? According to Professor Mahmoud

M. Ayoub " theology has confused the rank and file of Muslims. It has

discouraged any kind of innovative thinking. It has paralyzed the

intellectuals, preoccupying them with unsolvable questions. "   The

Ummah is religiously retarded, if one dares call a spade a spade.


There is another reason, a serious 'flaw' in the Koran which few

discuss. Before this i would like to tell you that in no way do i

belittle or doubt the authenticity of this revealed book. On the

contrary i surrender myself to it's authority because it is Shri

Mataji, the Ruh or Power of Allah, who has the authority and mandate

from God Almighty to announce and explain the Resurrection to all



So what is the flaw? Let's say i give you a cave full of revelation

collected over 23 years: written on pieces of parchment, skins of

animals, dried animal bones, wooden tablets, soft stones, leaves of

palm trees and so forth. Your task is to gather a team of dedicated

companions, including those who memorized them over the years. The

task at hand is to meticulously sort every piece of revelation and

assemble it together chronologically so that it can be made into a



After working tirelessly for years the entire team gives up. It is

impossible to put together all this scraps of information

chronologically. The only alternative is to make the pieces of

parchment chapter 1-15, skins of animals chapter 16-23, dried animal

bones chapter 24-29 and so forth. That was the only way to preserve

and produce Allah's revelations to humanity into holy scripture.


So brother Ishmael, we know that the Koran is not compiled in order,

the patchwork canonisation period was not capable of being done

chronologically or from beginning to end, so that we do not know

what order the texts were supposed to be in.


But what is the Koran really about? Except for the theme of

monotheism, the Koran speaks more of the coming Qiyamah — also

known as the Resurrection, the Day of Judgment, Day of Gathering,

and the Great Announcement — than of any other topic. Yes, that is

the heart and soul of the Qur'an.


But if that is so, how do we follow the flow of revelation

concerning Qiyamah? It is not possible. Then how do we know which

verses are Resurrection related? We just have to have to pick and

examine verses which the Koran says are the Sure Signs of Qiyamah.

How many Sure Signs are there? Plenty, despite centuries of

mutilating them:


• Winds Of Qiyamah Are Blowing (Fatir)

• Your Hands Will Speak (Fussilat) 

• Angels Sent Forth Have Arrived (Al Mursalat) 

• Regions Within Revealed (Fussilat)

• Sun And Moon Joined Together (Al-Qiyamah)

• Allah's Iron Has Been Delivered (Al Hadid)

• Revelation Of Light Completed (Al Saf)

• Might Blast On Earth Announced (Qaf)

• Mighty Blast In Sky Has Occurred (Qaf) 

• Children Of Israel Gathered (Al Isra')

• Hidden Imam Mahdi Has Emerged (Qaf)

• Kitab Al Munir Identified (Al Hajj) 

• Ruh Of Allah Explained In Detail (Al Isra)


All these Sure Signs protect Surah 75 (Al-Qiyamah) by forming a

phalanx around it. All these must be fulfilled. Surah 75 is

exclusively Allah's prerogative, and all Muslims were explicitly

warned from verse 16-19 not to interfere in this Revelation:


16. Move not thy tongue concerning the (Qur'an), to make haste.

17. It is for Us to collect it and to promulgate it: 

18. But when We have promulgated it, follow thou its recital:

19. Nay more, it is for Us to explain it: 


Ishmael, you must know that the Ummah has defied this clear and

unambiguous command of Allah, even going to the extend of replacing

(Qur'an) for the word " Revelation " to circumvent it. The centuries-

old distortion of the Holy Scripture by scholars and theologians

alike will deceive many who will still wait for doomsday (Al Qariah

or the Day of Noise and Clamour).


For this grave and satanic transgression they will pay the ultimate

price - they will not even know that the Resurrection (Al-Qiyamah)

is taking place!


And on the day when the Hour riseth the guilty will vow that they

did tarry,|

But an hour — Thus were they ever deceived.

But those to whom knowledge and faith are given will say:

" The truth is, ye have tarried, by Allah's decree, until the Day of


This is the Day of Resurrection, but ye used not to know. "

(Qur'an 30.55-6)


Thus even after hearing this Good News of the living breathing

Qur'an to witness and participate in the Resurrection (Al Qadr or

the Night of Power), they will reject and ridicule it! So it was

prophesied in the Qur'an that Allah's Holy Plan for humanity will be

rejected and ridiculed, and so shall it begin to manifest in the

hearts of the disbelievers! And in the Hereafter they will be asked

about the messengers (SYs) announcing the commencement of the



" O ye assembly of Jinns and men! 

Came there not unto you messengers from amongst you,

Setting forth unto you My Signs, and warning you

of the meeting of this day of yours? " (Qur'an 6.130-13)  


You Ishmael, the son of Abraham among the few of the messengers who

are setting forth His Signs that the Resurrection has begun. So are

those SYs who have the courage and conviction to declare that the

Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the Shakti of Sadashiva, is

here on earth to announce the Last Judgment and the Resurrection.








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