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Regarding Website Translation(Correction !)

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shriadishakti , Mukesh Pandit

<mukeshpandit2002in> wrote:

> Jai mataji, Jagbir, Gaurav and all sahaja yogis!


> I made mistake by saying that I have completed

> appriximately 50% of the translation of the website

> www.adishakti.org. I meant to say that I HAVE


> WEBSITE www.adishakti.org.




Dear Mukesh,




i will wait for the completed homepage of www.adishakti.org. But

before you do please let me know if i need any special procedure to

upload them. Perhaps Gaurav may be of assistance here. It is fine

with me in English but i have not done any Hindi font uploading. So

i will need some help on how to go about it.


It looks like the outpatient treatment at Vashi did not solve the

problem. The only reason i can think of for not working on computers

could be because you do not feel vibrations. Perhaps they feel that

too much of thinking as you work on computer-related projects may

cause an over-active mind. i know through experience that a restless

mind, no matter what type of everyday living caused it, will lessen

the vibrations. That is why the thoughtless state is imperative for

spiritual ascent.


If working on computers do cause vishuddhi/agnya catches that would

mean myself am definitely a severe case. i have been working on

computers daily since 1994. Almost everyday i wake up at 4.00 a.m,

take a bath, meditate on Shri Mataji and immediately start working

on the computer. But till today it has caused no chakra problem

whatsoever because at most times i am in the thoughtless state. In

this state you just work without thinking - Yes, without thinking!


i know that the Adi Shakti within me sees, hears and knows

everything, even the very thoughts of mine. It is so much easier to

just stop thinking. What do i, that ego that is " I " and identifies

me as Jagbir, really know what is right or wrong? My mind is the

product of trillions of thoughts gathered over the years and stored

in my mind like data in a huge computer. And there are lots of

errors (falsehood) and viruses (negativity) inside. i want to

discard this obsolete machine and use the instrument that the Divine

has provided me with within - the Sahasrara where the Adi Shakti

resides. And there is only one way to harness this Power and seek

Her Guidance - remain thoughtless and egoless everyday, every hour,

every minute, every second. i am just making it sound easy, a state

that i honestly cannot sustain for too long. But this is the path to

the Nirvikalpa state.


But some SYs have the irritating habit of diagnosing your ills (i am

not talking about Vashi) based on the little knowledge they have,

which sometimes cause more harm than good. i remember a few years

ago when i sent an email to my local collective telling them that we

should announce Shri Mataji openly. i was confident based on the

fact that there was no danger in doing so because i received no

adverse reaction from the general public regarding www.adishakti.org

and www.al-qiyamah.org. (My intention was to get them out of the

pervasive siege mentality that prevents many from announcing Shri

Mataji for fear of a press and public backlash.)


A senior SY very close to Shri Mataji replied angrily that i should

stop disturbing the collective with such emails. Not only that but

he also advised me to work on my Agnya chakra since i was working

for long hours on my computer. And to really give a good rub of salt

he sarcastically said that the Agnya chakra problem was the cause of

my 1990 back injury. Little does he realize that this 'back injury'

took place exactly on May 5, 1990, and has given me ample time to do

Sahaja Yoga work. His little knowledge and seniority in Sahaja Yoga

allows him to label me an Agnya problem, just because i work on



The rest of the collective is of the same opinion because they think

that i think while working. One of them is convinced that the

protrusion between my eyebrows is an Agnya problem based on his

understanding that Shri Mataji has said that the ego is like a

balloon that expands. So the protrusion on my forehead is that

balloon that has expanded! And this thoughtless stuff does not go

down well with them because according to them how can you possibly

do anything without thinking?


Mukesh, condemning and criticizing are two different things. You may

also add gossiping. Maybe we SYs should not condemn or gossip but

there is nothing wrong with criticizing. If we fail to stand up and

criticize the wrongdoings of fellow SYs then we should not pretend

to be righteous. It is because we are all humans that we err, and we

only err when we recognize our mistakes. It is important to

recognize this fact. i am sure the senior SY who labeled me an agnya

problem believes he is righteous. But i know he has erred. However,

since i just turned the other cheek he never realized it. He will

only when i tell him so, that is when i criticize him for being so

insensitive and arrogant.


i know there are substantial stories of seekers leaving Sahaja Yoga

due to the insensitivity of so-called realized souls. These are

painful reminders that we ourselves are the cause of our failure to

attract seekers. All these years problems have been swept under the

carpet, and i am talking from my own experience. This must not be

allowed to go on anymore because unresolved dissent creates far more

negativity and failures than we SYs dare admit. There must be a

venue to discuss problems without fear of reprisal.


i care two hoots if some SY leader reads this forum and tells Shri

Mataji. As far as i am concerned if anyone, especially new seekers,

have a problem he or she should have the right to bring it up at the

forum. Gone are the days when we have to consult our co-coordinator,

who will then consult the national leader, who will then consult the

world leader/Shri Mataji to solve it. Shri Mataji cannot solve the

problems of our own negativity or that of the collective. Moreover,

She has told many a times not to write letters to Her. And if we are

supposed to be our own masters then what is there to consult/seek

the approval of others.


So it is time SYs confront the issues and solve it among themselves

by exposing them, no matter how negative. There has to be more

transparency in Sahaja Yoga and new seekers must witness it working

before their very eyes - like this forum.


As i have mentioned before there are many who left Sahaja Yoga due

to the shortcomings of fellow SYs. Had they a venue to air their

grievances it would have prevented some from leaving. There are also

seekers who left because SYs were adverse to telling them the Truth

about Shri Mataji. Perhaps a few would have stayed on if we just

told them honestly that She is the Adi Shakti. There are also those

who left after just one or two public programs. It is possible some

would have been fascinated by the Last Judgment and the



Does anyone still think that Sahaja Yoga will be spread by the same

methods of the last two decades? The answer my friend is blowing in

the wind. All you need is to listen.








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