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Dear devotees of the most fearless Durga Maa!

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Dear all,


Jai Shri Mataji!


My brother Mukesh, you have covered all the bases as far as

vibrations are concerned. You are just one of those .01% who do not

feel vibrations, even though drunks and addicts get it the very

first time. There is nothing SYs can do anymore. You should just

learn to live with it until one day ..............................

you never can discount that one day when change will come.


i want you to know that it is easier for me to remain thoughtless

(but never more than 80%) because i spend most of the time at home

working on the computer. If i had to go to work then the likelihood

of being thoughtless would have been greatly diminished. The work

environment is stressful and at times upsetting. 


i also surround myself with a few deeply spiritual people who have

helped me tremendously. Not only have they been loyal, steadfast

friends but have also given me help instantly and beyond all

expectations. To the rest of relatives and acquaintances i maintain

a buffer. This cuts down gossip to a manageable level as negativity

still arrives through the phone.


The whole day i hear great spiritual music - bhajans, shabads and

New Age scores - that keep me focused on the Divine. This music

helps to keep me on a higher plane.


Last, but not the least, is that i live in Canada that has blurred

my nationalistic, racial and religious identity, and allowed me to

see humanity in a better perspective. This consciousness was

augmented by living in multi-racial, open and tolerant society of

Montreal where i received my self-realization. Gone are the days

where racial politics and religious extremism was almost daily news.

The mind is definitely more at ease.


Despite all this insulation from the outside world and such a

conducive atmosphere, it is still not an easy task. Others would

have done better in my shoes. 


Even till today i sometimes react and the thoughtless state

immediately plunges down to around 30%. As explained before the

thoughtless mind is like a beautiful crystal-clear lake at silent

dawn. Throw in a pebble (thought) and the ripples form waves. Toss a

rock (problem) and the mud will rise, taking a long time to settle.

Keep throwing pebbles and rocks and you will have a disturbed, ugly

lake. And when others start throwing pebbles and rocks it will take

the mud much longer to settle. 


Shri Krishna was absolutely right about Chitta. It is difficult but

can be slowly brought under control. If you have the determination

and perseverance, and insulate yourself the battle is already half

won. You should always take consolation that this is the highest and

most difficult path for a human being to climb. It is also the only

path that will liberate you with the moksha and grant the eternal

life as the spirit. Put your heart, mind and soul of this precious

human birth to pursue this noble path.


One of the aims of this forum is to prevent seekers like you leaving

SY by giving a platform on which to voice grievances. We want those

new to SY to know that there are concerned, caring souls who will

listen. i for one do not want even a single seeker to leave because

of the uncaring and callous attitude of some SYs. The only reason

they should leave is if they believe that Shri Mataji is a false

guru out to fleece seekers of dollars and sense. 


i remember an incident where a new seeker wanted to go for her first

puja and her matron-like mentor insisted that a sari be worn. This

beautiful young lady reasoned that she was not comfortable with that

idea as her husband was not supportive. However this senior SYogini

refused to budge. As i was new to SY and undergoing my own trail by

fire, i was overcome by cowardice not to interfere lest be accused

of interfering with wiser, longer serving SYs. That was the last we

saw of her.


There are many such horror stories. This insensitivity and arrogance

must come to an end. Further incidents can only be halted if

exposed. i am quite sure that the SYogini concerned has not learnt

from her error. She, and others like her, will only do so if there

are shocked SYs who can stand up and denounce. To keep silent is to

condone such practices. It is one thing to protect our kind, but

another to shield the guilty. We have paid a very heavy price for

sweeping such problems under the carpet. Perhaps the winds of

change are begin to blow.


Sai Baba has millions of followers because his devotees have always

loudly proclaimed he is bhagwan. Yogi Harbhajan is very well known

because his united flock toil tirelessly to proclaim that he can

awaken the Kundalini. The Realins tell you straight in the face that

we humans are clones of aliens, and tens of thousands have enrolled.

The list is long and they all have one thing in common - their

devotees never balked at telling the world of their conviction.


Shri Mataji will be 80-years-old in March. If we do not announce Her

advent then She will be the ONLY incarnation who will leave Earth

unknown, a dubious distinction that i will not allow to manifest. It

is unbelievable that those in charge do not feel shame and

humiliation at this looming infamy.


From the very beginning in 1994 i have asked why are we afraid to

claim that She is the Adi Shakti and have never ever got an answer.

All i have been told is to just tell others that She is a special

guru who knows the subtle system.


One day i protested that all this is hypocritical and dishonest, and

that we must announce. The reply left me speechless: " You are

insisting because you are angry that Sahaja Yoga is not spreading. "

But i was only insisting that we speak up because, for crying out

loud, it is the Truth!


However, the extend of the fear factor pervading the world/national

leaders only became apparent in December 1999 when i put up the

entire book, Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God on the internet. i

just could believe the sheer dread and alarm that i had triggered.

It was widely feared that unless the site was shut down immediately,

the western media and anti-SY elements would destroy Sahaja Yoga and

the work of Shri Mataji.


But nothing happened, even till today. There has never been even a

single email critical though i have received many in support. So

have we SYs learnt that it is safe to announce? No, nothing has

changed. But at least we can take comfort in earning the reputation

that we are the most cowardly devotees of the most fearless Durga




regards to all,





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