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[shriadishakti] A post after long time...

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Dear Jagbir,

Thanks for your understanding:)I now understand why you behaved in that manner a month ago and I am very happy that all are ok now.

Concering your reasonable questions,here are the answers:

a)about my family having to me 6.000 euros:There has been a trial that lasted for about 5 years.The results are that we have to give back the moey we had been given earlier but we simply cannot because they are too much:(

b)about my educational level:I am indeed a university student .In fact,I am a Pharmacy student AND have the Certificate of Proficiency in English(I can send you a scanned copy).That's why my parents,while having financial problems,struggle to find the money I need to study:they cannot tolerate a brilliant mind(as the others say,of course) to be wasted and not be used for scientific and finding-a-good-job purposes(they both require University training).I hope you undestand.Concerning the grammar structures I use in my emails ,as I have very limited free time, I write very quickly .Thus,I omit many words and make many mistakes.What do think of my linguistic abilities as used to write this email?

Concering the Chirstian Churches:After reading quickly the appropriate articles at Adi Shakti site,I think you don't write about the Catholic Church but,generally,about the Chirstian Churches.I am an Orthodox Christian and I am very proud of.I know that the Catholics have done many mistakes but the Orthoox Church has done none of them.AsI have studied the Orthodox theology,I find it very deep and very true.After coming to SY,I have found none of the teachings I have learned to be wrong,I find them to be much more true and deep.Whenever I bow down to honour the Holy Trinity,I feel Mother in my spine rising like electricity:it is wonderful:)Plus,the Orthodox Church is supposed to be (this is recognised by some Catholics,too) the most mystical and spiritual one,containing only the dogmas(not with the meaning of stead fast rules some may think) of the ancient churches and the mystical practices of the Orthodox Christian mystics, which are truly miraculous!I will read againyour aticles and gove my comments.

So ,after all these,can you please answer me some questions:i)Is there any SY pocedure to exorcise demons?

ii)Is there any way to find some free(or at least very cheap) SY materials(mainly books)?I have truly amazing experieces wiht SY all the time and find it amazing!You cannot imagine the miracles I have witnessed!!!THAKNS GOD for giving me "the eyes to see and the ears to hear",the hands to act and feel and the mouth to speak!!!!!!!!

Here is another question:Should I talk about the miracles I experience and the Gifts I am given?I am afraid that some might think I am doing it to show off,that I say lies .....I want to tell you those experieces so that all may Glorify God at seeing His Glory being expressed through me but am not sure I should for the above reasons plus :"the right hand shouldn't know what the left is doing".

I ,also, need to discuss with Shri Mataji about a very important...Is that possible?She is the only one who can verify something I have been told(don't ask what is it).

My apologies for my bad manner in my last email..I shouldn't treat you in tha bad way..I hope you undertand..Sorry..You are such a wodnderful and loving person:)

God bless us all!

Glory to the Most Holy God,the Almighty!!




jagbir singh <adishakti_org


Saturday, February 08, 2003 4:56 PM

[shriadishakti] Re: A post after long time...

Hi Dionisios,Greetings to you!Since you are Dionisios accept my apologies. Maybe i reacted and was overprotective in my bid to prevent any disruption at the early stages of this forum. But i just could not help noticing the chasm between your claim to be a brilliant university student and the apparent average grammar. Dionisios, i am not trying to belittle but surely you can better your English?However it is your family's need for a millions of euro that was not believable, which is quoted below:"As I cannot access easily any SY teachers and get some materials on SY,can someone send me some materials and teachings?I have only the basic exercise and some basic clearing techiques.Plus I am very intested in the Shi Mataji's books.However,I am very poor and face strong financial problem(my family needs to pay millions of euros)."If you don't mind can you just elaborate a bit on this devastating multi-million euro disaster and the university background. i really don't know how very poor you are, but surely if you come from an extremely wealthy background and have the means to study in a university, there must be some meager resources to buy another book or two. Hope you are not offended by my questioning your integrity. (All this will really help me understand these unusual circumstances.)You said that i posted lies. Dionisios, that is pretty strong language. Maybe you replied to Ishmael which i am not aware of. All i said was that you have not replied, i.e., you did not post at the forum anymore. If you had then this misunderstanding would not arise.About the churches i assume you mean the Catholic church. Right away i can tell you that by winning the post-Jesus power struggle the papacy, by claiming to be Vicars of Christ, unleashed the greatest genocide in human history that makes Hitler far humane. If you had been an Inquisition victim, roasted so tantalizingly slowly over a excruciatingly slow-burning fire that it took three days for death to end this indescribable agony and pain, then you will understand why it is the body of the Antichrist. And if you realize that the final tally of the killing frenzy over the centuries ran into hundreds of millions of innocent victims, your conscience would have recoiled in horror. (We should not insult other religious organizations by even merely suggesting any comparison.) So are Catholics unconsciously insinuating that Lord Jesus is directly responsible for this satanic genocide by virtue of Him empowering the so-called Vicars of Christ?But if they are offended by the Truth then there is nothing i can do about it. It is not their beliefs that i am attacking but delusion and indoctrination and misinformation and falsehood. Dionisios, you have to tell me if there are lies in what i have written. i will welcome anyone to point the defects in www.adishakti.org because our objective in Sahaja Yoga is to find the Truth and declare it, no matter the consequences.My faith in Lord Jesus is profound and unshakable and so is my belief in His Kingdom of God and the Last Judgment. The powerful churches have usurped His teachings and taken away the power of salvation from a billion followers. The Last Judgment seeks the disempowerment and dismemberment of churches by revealing to all believers the deepest secrets of self-salvation. That is the task now undertaken by the Comforter promised by Lord Jesus in the name of the Father. Her name is Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, a Christian by birth.Christians are deserting the churches like bats out of hell. They are doing so because a growing number are attacking the very foundations of the Church and exposing the rotting core. (Do you really know how many pedophile priests and gay fathers fornicate within church grounds, right under the gaze of the Savior?)i am also one of the many. Maybe i am forceful and rude but that is the way i respond to falsehood. After what i found out follwoing Shri Jesus' and the Comforter Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's reaction to the word "Pope" in the Sahasrara, i had to take off my gloves. Never have so many been deceived by Satan and the Vicars of Christs, the body of the Antichrist.regards to all,jagbir

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