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Sri Mataji declares the Good News of the Qur'an

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Dear SYs,


Sri Mataji declares the Good News of the Qur'an and calls on every

Believer (Muslim and non-Muslim) to bear witness to Al-Qiyamah (The

Resurrection). i have just added more information at the www.al-

qiyamah.org website:




These major disbeliefs listed below excludes one completely from the

fold of Islam. There are five types of Major Disbelief. 


(a) " Al-Kufr-al-Takdhieb " . This implies disbelieving the Divine

Truth or denial of any of the Articles of Faith. Almighty Allah



" Then who does more wrong than one who utters a lie against Allah

and denies the Truth (the Qur'an) when it comes to him. Is there not

in Hell an abode for the disbelievers? " Holy Qur'an (39:32)


(b) " Al-Kufr-al-Aba was-Stakbara ma'at-Tasdeeq " . This implies

rejection and pride to bow to Allah's Commandments after conviction

of their truth. Almighty Allah says:


" And (remember) when We said to the angels: Prostrate yourself

before Adam, and they prostrated save Iblis; he refused and was

proud and was one to the disbelievers, (disobedient to Allah). "

(Holy Quran 2:34)


© " Al-Kufr-ash-Shak wa Az-Zan " . This implies doubting or lacking of

conviction in the six Articles of Faith. Almighty Allah says:


" And he went into his garden while in a state, unjust to himself. He

said: I think not that this will ever perish and I think not that

the Hour will ever come, and if indeed I am brought back to my Lord

(on the Day of Resurrection) I surely shall find better than these

two (gardens) when I return to Him. His companion said to him during

the talk with him: Do you disbelieve Him Who created you out of dust

(i.e., your father Adam), then out of a drop of semen, then

fashioned you into a man? But as for my part (I believe) that He is

Allah, my Lord, and none shall I associate as partners with my

Lord. " (Holy Qur'an 18:35-38)


(d) " Al-Kufr-al-Irad " . This implies turning away from the Truth

knowingly or deviating from the obvious Signs which Allah has

revealed. Almighty Allah says:


" We created not the heavens and the earth and all that is between

them except with Truth and for an appointed term. But those who

disbelieve turn away from that whereof they are warned. " Holy Quran



(e) " Al-Kufr-an-Nifaq " . This implies hypocritical disbelief. Almighty

Allah says:


" They have made their oaths a screen (for their hypocrisy) thus they

hinder (men) from the Path of Allah. Verily, evil is what they used

to do. That is because they believed, then disbelieved, so a seal

was set on their hearts, therefore they understand not. " Holy Quran



Thus will these major disbeliefs fulfill the prophetic irony of Al-

Qiyamah. Those who hear this Truth for the very first time ever

will, on the contrary, reject it and return to their families in

full conceit, i.e. brimming with their own ideas, thought, concepts,

and personal opinions. And we challenge the Ummah to bear witness to

their own disbelief, one that is clearly predicted for them in no

uncertain terms:


Qur'an 75.32-35: But on the contrary, he rejected Truth and turned

away! Then did he stalk to his family in full conceit! Woe to thee,

(O man!), yea, woe! Again, woe to thee, (O man!), yea, woe!.

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