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Baha'u'llah: Let the Breeze of God awaken you.

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shriadishakti , vonda turner <vst333>



> I apologize. I could not find (in this Tablet) any specific

> quotation concerning Bahaullah being the Comforter. However, He

> does proclaim that He is the Spirit of Truth.



Hi Vonda,


i have read your post and will quote a Bahai source:


" The peoples of the world, of whatever race or religion, derive

their inspiration from one Heavenly Source and are the subjects of

one God. " -Baha'u'llah-What Is the Baha'i Faith?


The Baha'i Faith is the newest of the world religions. Its five

million members come from virtually every nationality, religious

background, ethnic group and social class. Baha'is have found in

their Faith a basis of unity and are creating a global community

founded on the teachings of Baha'u'llah. A Baha'i is a follower of

Baha'u'llah, whose title means " the Glory of God " .


What Do Baha'is Believe?


* The Oneness of God

* The Oneness of Humanity

* The common foundation of all religions

* The elimination of predjudice of all kinds

* The equality of men and women

* The essential harmony of science and religion

* Universal peace upheld by a world government

* Universal education

* A spiritual approach to economic problems

* Independent investigation of truth

* The progressive revelation of spiritual truth through divine

teachers including Krishna, Buddha, Moses, Jesus, Muhammed, the Bab

and Baha'u'llah "


The Bahais represent in a nutshell the ideals and vision of Shri

Mataji. i do not think there is any spiritual or religious

organization that calls for the Divine Unity of all religions. Shri

Mataji has spoken against false gurus like the pope, Muktananda, Sai

Baba etc. i have not heard anything negative about the Bab,

Baha'u'llah and other teachers like Kalil Gibran etc.


It is no problem for me to believe that Baha'u'llah is the Spirit of

Truth, and so are others like Krishna, Buddha, Moses, Jesus,

Muhammed, Guru Nanak, Sai Baba of Shirdi, and Kalil Gibran.


Vonda, after 10 years you still cannot find any reference to the

Comforter, but you do believe he is. That is why you were surprised

that both Baha'u'llah and Shri Mataji's claim to be the Comforter.

But Baha'u'llah never claimed that he was the Comforter. Bahais have

put words into his mouth and i find this deception unpleasant. Such

dubious methods to brainwash followers is one of the reasons there

is so much conflict between religious regimes and their faithful.

They have been indoctrinated by falsehood and cling tenaciously on

to these bogus beliefs. It is very difficult to reason with such



Shri Mataji has declared that She is the Comforter and i have

provided hundreds of web pages as evidence to prove that not only is

She the Comforter but also the Ruh of Allah, the Holy Spirit,

Maitreya, Aykaa Mayee and Adi Shakti. You must know that all these

claims are backed by irrefutable proof, scriptural references and

prophesies. That is why until today no one has challenged

www.adishakti.org and www.al-qiyamah.org .............. even though

the most important pages, comprising the remaining 30% of the web

pages have yet to be inserted. Once these pages are completed and

uploaded there will be absolutely no way any religious regime or

organization can refute what is written or declared.


Her universal message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection applies

to all, barring none. You may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jew,

Sikh or Buddhist but She is the Divine Feminine of all these

traditions - Holy Spirit of the Christians, Adi Shakti of the

Hindus, Ruh of Allah of the Muslims, the promised Messiah of the

Jews, the Aykaa Mayee of the Sikhs and the Maitreya of the

Buddhists. No one can wriggle out and pretend that the Call for

Resurrection and Last Judgment does not apply to them.


And to all Bahais i ask this question: Have any one of you ever felt

the Breeze of God that Baha'u'llah revealed?


" O concourse of archbishops! He Who is the Lord of all men hath

appeared. In the plain of guidance He calleth mankind, whilst ye are

numbered with the dead! Great is the blessedness of him who is

stirred by the Breeze of God, and hath arisen from amongst the dead

in this perspicuous Name. "


" O concourse of priests! Leave the bells, and come forth, then, from

your churches. It behoveth you, in this day, to proclaim aloud the

Most Great Name among the nations. Prefer ye to be silent, whilst

every stone and every tree shouteth aloud: `The Lord is come in His

great glory!' ...He that summoneth men in My name is, verily, of Me,

and he will show forth that which is beyond the power of all that

are on earth... Let the Breeze of God awaken you. Verily, it hath

wafted over the world. Well is it with him that hath discovered the

fragrance thereof and been accounted among the well-assured.... "


i can say that no Bahai have ever felt this Cool Breeze of God. But

this Breeze of God issuing forth from the hands and feet is the very

first proof that you are born of the Spirit as promised by the







All Bahais are guaranteed that sooner or later they will fell the

Breeze of God that Baha'u'llah speaks about as soon as they receive

the Baptism of Allah at:




(However, there may be instances that will require the physical

presence of a Sahaja Yogi, a collective public program or even Shri

Mataji Herself to trigger this Baptism of Allah.)


Actually i can go on and on but this should suffice for the moment.

The Bahais should check out if what Shri Mataji declares is the

Truth or not. i quote a favorite Bahai belief: " God gave humanity

the soul and intelligence to recognize Him, and from time to time

dispatched messengers in order to give humanity path to

progression. " Shri Mataji is exactly that messenger who has been

sent by God Almighty to declare the Last Judgment of the Bible and

the Resurrection (Al-Qiyamah) of the Quran.


But She is far more than a mere messenger. She is the Adi Shakti,

the Holy Spirit or Ruh of Allah who will make you experience the

Breeze of God purifying you in heart, mind and soul. Hundreds and

thousands of believers surrendered to the Last Judgment and

Resurrection testify to this Breeze of God flowing through them

every minute on a 24/7 basis. In this century Shri Mataji's Message

to humanity will be the basis of Divine Unity that all Bahais are

striving so hard to attain - the unity among all His believers

surrendered to the Call of Resurrection. Let the Breeze of God

awaken you.





i do call to witness the Resurrection Day; 

And i do call to witness the self-reproaching Spirit.




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shriadishakti , jagbir singh

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> But Vonda please do not be afraid of anything. If the Truth is too

> much to bear, or that you doubt Shri Mataji is the Comforter just

> take your time. You must be free to make your decision. i have

> provided enough evidence that She is the Comforter, evidence that

is irrefutable. No one can deny this Truth. One day it will spread

yo all nations and people of many tongues will glorify Her.

> warnest regards,



Dear Vonda,


i have just received an email from another Bahai like you. She is

calling for world unity to end the ills of this world. i just

briefly explained to her that only the Last Judgment and

Resurrection will unite humans.


i would like to point out that she has no fear whatsoever. Maybe her

email may help you feel better:


" I have just stumbled upon your web site and I really found it



It called to my attention that what goes on in one part of the

globe affects another part, sooner or later. I think that unity is

the key element needed in order for the cancer that humanity is

inflicted with to be cured. Like a human body, the cells

(individuals) of mankind must work together in a unified manner or

else cancer or other illesses may result.


I am propelled to share with you an excerpt from the book " Century

of Light " written by the Universal House of Justice (situated in

Isreal), the governing body of the Baha'i Faith (Founded by the most

recent Persian Messenger of God Baha'u'llah only a little over 150

years ago) about unity, and how we could achieve this remedy to

humanity's ills. It gives me hope in a world that is seemingly

" passing away " . It helps me oppose a thought of war with a stronger

thought of peace. It helps me strive to be the change I want to see

in this fleeting matrix of the material world.


" For Unity to exist among human beings-at even the simplest

level-two fundamental conditions must pertain. Those involved must

first of all be in some agreement about the nature of reality as it

affects their relationships with one another and with the phenomenal

world. They must, secondly, give assent to some recognized and

authoritative means by which decisions will be taken that affect

their association with one another and that determine their

collective goals. Unity is not, that is, merely a condition

resulting from a sense of mutual goodwill and common purpose,

however profound and sincerely held such sentiments may be, any more

than an organism is a product of some fortuitous and amorphous

association of various elements.


Unity is a phenomenon of creative power, whose existence becomes

apparent through the effects that collective action produces and

whose absence is betrayed by the impotence of such efforts. However

handicapped it often has been by ignorance and perversity, this

force has been the primary influence driving the advancement of

civilization, generating legal codes, social and political

institutions, artistic works, technological achievements without

end, moral breakthroughs, material prosperity, and long periods of

public peace whose afterglow lived in the memories of subsequent

generations as imagined " golden ages " .


I found your web site so filled with truth that I just felt I had to

share with you at least a drop of the ocean of knowledge latent

within the Word of God for this age. Life is too short to worry

about mortal charms that will eventually pass away. It is love and

unity that we take with us, the energy that is the primary cause of

the advancement of civilization.


Thank you so much for sharing your insights and allowing me to share

some of mine. "


So Vonda just relax and don't be hard on yourself. It took me a long

time to comprehend the whole Divine Mystery which is like many

pieces of a huge puzzle. The pieces fall very, very slowly as you

meditate. Over time, when sufficient pieces are in place, you will

get a better picture.


After nearly 10 years the Divine Mystery has still large gaps of

unfinished parts. All you will get after a few weeks of reading

www.adishakti.org is just a fleeting glimpse of that Divine Mystery.

The same goes for understanding the Comforter who you may be

inclined to think has to be a male. What if the Comforter is an

androgynous being? How can be judge with out limited mental

faculties about how God works His Plan for humanity? What is the

Truth? How can we recognize Truth?


" And here it will be fitting to introduce the sages' defination

of the term truth. It has been earlier demonstrated that without

such a defination men wander in a dry wilderness of hollow fancies,

unfounded opinions, worthless theories and hypostatized words. This

defination may sound quite simple, but it implications are most

profound. It should be graven deeply on the heart. Here it is: TRUTH

is that which is beyond all contradiction and free from all doubt;

which is indeed beyond the very possibility of both contradiction

and doubt; beyond the changes and alternations of time and

vicissitude; forever one and the same, unalterable and unaltering;

universal and therefore independent of all human ideation. "


i have realized that Truth is not followed by 100% of religious

regimes and other organizations. Falsehood is the basis of our

fears, even when confronted with Truth. But Truth is " that which is

beyond all contradiction and free from all doubt; which is indeed

beyond the very possibility of both contradiction and doubt; beyond

the changes and alternations of time and vicissitude; forever one

and the same, unalterable and unaltering; universal and therefore

independent of all human ideation. "


Realize this Vonda and your fears will vanish.



warmest regards,





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