Guest guest Posted February 26, 2003 Report Share Posted February 26, 2003 " With the exception of these brief experiments in free expression, most Baha'is gain their knowledge of the wider Baha'i world through institutional letters shared at Feast, or the NSA's newspaper, The American Baha'i, both of which tend to be cheerleading efforts to encourage members to meet the goals of the current teaching plan and to financially support the institutions' various building projects. [52] With such a history of information control, it is no exaggeration to say that the spread of the Internet in the 1990s had a staggering impact on the quality of Baha'i discourse. However, while the Baha'i institutions cannot control what ideas are expressed on online forums, they have taken punitive action against individuals who are perceived as threatening. The Talisman email forum was created in 1994 by Professor John Walbridge of the University of Indiana as an academic project. Many participants were delighted at the kind of freewheeling, even contentious, intellectual discussions that took place there and that had hitherto been so rare in Baha'i community life.[53] However, as in the earlier cases mentioned above, more conservative Baha'is were disturbed by the opinions expressed there and turned in e-mails to Baha'i authorities. In late 1995, the NSA contacted David Langness, demanding that he make a retraction for a post he had made in October comparing Baha'i judicial proceedings to " kangaroo courts " and complaining about the secretive way these cases are handled.[54] The primary focus of their concern was his statement that the NSA had initially acted against dialogue without approval from the House. Langness had been one of those sanctioned for his association with dialogue and had been the primary author of A Modest Proposal. The NSA threatened to take away Langness's voting rights if he did not comply.[55] However, when Langness eventually posted a retraction, it was deemed insufficient, and he was sanctioned anyway.[56] On a smaller, more specialized forum called Majnun, a Talisman r was outraged at Langness's treatment and proposed an organized protest. A responding message, somewhat snide and humorous in tone, batted down the idea as unnecessary and unworkable within the Baha'i system.[57] This email, later dubbed simply " the Majnun post, " was accidentally sent to Talisman and was then seized upon as evidence of a conspiracy.[58] This was the catalyst for an investigation of Talisman's prominent posters in spring 1996. Six people, including David Langness, were contacted by Counsellor Stephen Birkland and, according to their accounts, were threatened with being named covenant-breakers for their cyberspace activities. [59] All of them were long-time Baha'is of the Baby Boom generation, highly educated and intellectual, who had connections to the LA study group and/or dialogue. Four of the six eventually resigned their membership from the Baha'i Faith. That these Baha'is were under intense psychological pressure is evident from their stories. One example: When I received a letter from a Baha'i Cont. Counsellor indicating that I was under threat of being declared a Covenant-breaker, the impact on me personally was less than on my family. My wife is a Baha'i as are many of her family members, . . . The very real threat of being declared a Covenant breaker meant my wife had to face the decision of joining me as a heretic or divorcing me so that she could maintain her relationships with her family and other lifelong friends. Since [my wife] had no intention of divorcing me, the choices then extended out to her family. Her sister would not refuse to socialize with us so she would automatically be declared a covenant breaker along with her husband and children. Many of my close Baha'i friends would also be faced with the decision of maintaining friendships or joining me as a heretic. The whole thing is absurd and quite medieval. But it does raise the issue which you point out so well; how anyone would want to belong to a group which is willing to act this way and be so cruel is beyond me. That is why I voluntarily left the religion. Not in order to escape punishment but because the Baha'i community had become such an unhealthy place spiritually. I was terribly saddened that my spiritual home of 25 years had turned into a prison and nightmare. [60] David Langness also expressed concerns about the potential effect on his family and reported being more afraid of the prospect of being named a covenant-breaker than he had ever been during his experience as a medic in Vietnam.[61] If the intent of the Baha'i institutions was to silence dissent, the effort backfired. One of those investigated, Professor Juan Cole of the University of Michigan, became far more vocal and critical after his resignation than he had been before. Freed from the restraints imposed by Baha'i membership, he not only went public with the story of how he had been coerced into renouncing his religion, but also put previously-suppressed documents, such as A Modest Proposal, on the web and wrote articles about the administration's internal control mechanisms.[62] It is fair to say that, while conservative Baha'is continue to defend the administration's actions, the crackdown created more online critics than it silenced. . . . Outside the world of Baha'i cyberspace, the information available to adherents is still controlled, and these conflicts have garnered little attention from the non-Baha'i media.[68] Newcomers to Baha'i forums online frequently express shock and dismay at the often strident criticisms leveled at the Baha'i administration; others are appalled at the punitive actions taken against their co- religionists in what they had always believed to be a tolerant faith. Those disturbed by the actions of the UHJ can be thrown into a crisis of faith where they either have to adjust their values to find such harsh measures acceptable or abandon belief in Baha'u'llah. A few find the nontraditional path where Baha'u'llah is still the center of their spiritual focus, but infallibility of the UHJ is seen as limited or even nonexistent. While the Baha'i Faith is not a cult, it does have an authoritarian structure and conformist culture that many of those attracted to the liberal ideals and inspiring writings of Baha'u'llah find intolerably restrictive. It remains to be seen whether the new openness afforded by Internet discourse will push the administration towards the tolerant ideals contained in its scriptures or cause it to retreat ever further into defensive fear. " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 26, 2003 Report Share Posted February 26, 2003 shriadishakti , vonda turner <vst333> wrote: > > What is it to be your own master? > Dear all, From the answers to this deep question will the very survival of Sahaja Yoga depend. Please contribute so that we can all learn, including more experienced SYs, senior SYs and even leaders: " Tell me. I'll forget. Show me, I may remember. But involve me and I'll understand. " (Chinese proverb) warmest regards, jagbir Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 27, 2003 Report Share Posted February 27, 2003 I'm not entirely sure why an SY group is spending so much time on the Baha'is, but certainly the increasingly authoritarian nature of the Baha'i religion does provide an example of what might go wrong in Sahaja Yoga in future centuries if the yogis were not to use vibrational awareness to validate the decisions of their leaders. btw, Professor Juan Cole is heavily involved with the H-Bahai email list and edits the very extensive online library of Baha'i primary and secondary sources available through H-Net. Professor Cole has a diverse range of interests in Middle East studies, including Islam. I always find his writings stimulating and worth reading. His personal website is worth a visit: John Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 27, 2003 Report Share Posted February 27, 2003 Dear All, SYs must ascertain the Truth for themselves, directly. They have to be both master and the pupil. This Truth can only be realized by the guidance of the Inner Guru, the Adi Shakti in the Sahasrara and the deities on the chakars. Then there is our own Mother Kundalini. With so many infallible Divine Teachers within why must i ever seek or bow to any external authority? Man's own personal will, his free will, is a feeble and insignificant force when compared to the Will of the Divine. When you are beholden to the Divine, when you are inwardly awakened enough to be attuned to that Will, then it is quite natural that your own will, your personal likes and dislikes, and your limited faculties of reason and analysis are overpowered and subdued by a greater will, a Cosmic Will. If you have awakened sufficient humility to surrender your willfulness, the Divine will guide you on the inner path. Shri Mataji has always told us to be our own masters, and She has severely curtailed the powers of leaders. In fact leaders are there just to co-ordinate and organize. Even they have to ask Shri Mataji directions. SYs should be cautioned that once She leaves there may be a power struggle. Even if the transition is peaceful appointed leaders may introduce policies and restrictions on Her devotees, some of which will be resented and challenged. The Bahais, as my post #215 confirms, are facing the same problems that have plagued all religious organization for millennia. And i mean ALL, without ANY exclusion. Sahaja Yoga will be no exception unless all Her devotees are left to be masters of their own destinies without any external control. All control must be from within, the complete surrender to the Adi Shakti within to guide, teach, protect and heal. There has been a suggestion that we SYs use our vibratory awareness. (The Bahais, like the believers of various traditions, have never experienced this vibratory awareness or Breeze of God). i know for a fact that such awareness is at times flawed by the mental process, the ego and the super-ego. There have been cases when SYs lost small fortunes seeking wealth through vibrations. A typical self- assurance: " Yes, the vibrations told me to invest in this pyramid scheme. " Just common sense would have been sufficient to stay away from these fraudulent schemes. Vibratory awareness is a perfect science way beyond anything SYs know. However it if far from being easily mastered by all, indeed by any. Even leaders have not reached that state of consciousness. If they had harnessed the vibratory awareness, then there would have been no need to consult Shri Mataji on any issue whatsoever. So what happens if, say, 25 years from now, a so-called Sahaja Yoga Supreme Council formed after Shri Mataji has left decides that this forum must cease with immediate effect? The reasoning of our leaders: After much deliberation and cross-checking of vibratory awareness the Council members have reached an unanimous decision that the shriadishakti forum encourages dangerous dissenting views which pose a danger to the spread of Sahaja Yoga. The penalty for non-compliance: All participating members who defy this decree and continue to post will be thrown out of Sahaja Yoga. My vibratory awareness or those of other rebellious free thinkers will amount to nothing as the vibratory awareness of the elite Council members overrules every other contradictory consciousness under section 29 subsection 3b of the SYSC. Most members will flee for fear of expulsion, a few the gruesome nightmare of eternal damnation. Am i stretching the truth a bit too far? Definitely not. Vonda is but just a victim of how power corrupts and fear makes life hell on earth itself for any nonconformist. The Catholic Church still excommunicates. Muslims issue fatwas. Sikhs have their hukumnama. Every organization want to control the minds of their members. Sahaja Yoga must not become another false religion. The only way to ensure this is to allow all Her devotees to be their own masters from within through meditation and introspection. i don't need no leader for anything when i have the Adi Shakti, the Mother Kundalini, the Divine Deities and the Breeze of God to guide me. Aren't they enough? regards to all, jagbir Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 27, 2003 Report Share Posted February 27, 2003 shriadishakti , " jagbir singh <adishakti_org> " <adishakti_org> wrote: > shriadishakti , vonda turner <vst333> > wrote: > > > > What is it to be your own master? > > > > Dear all, > > From the answers to this deep question will the very survival of > Sahaja Yoga depend. Please contribute so that we can all learn, > including more experienced SYs, senior SYs and even leaders: > > " Tell me. I'll forget. Show me, I may remember. But involve me > and I'll understand. " (Chinese proverb) > > warmest regards, > > > jagbir Dear Jagbir, Relax. This is the incarnation of Sri Adi Shakti we are talking about. Not any of the forerunners,announcers, stage-setter incarnations. This is the Real Event where the Creatrix Herself has come on the Earth to put an end to the imbalances once and for all. Can't you see that the role of " leaders " is already a comic play? The real work of Sahaja Yoga is taking place on another plane. And that term itself may soon become old fashioned - it became Vishva Nirmala Dharma some years ago, and the old name is still used because it is convenient the letterheads and advertising etc. all being in place, this is now the religion (another old fashioned and inappropriate word,) of Absolute Truth. You have to take into account the aspect of Sri Kalki who will leave no vestiges of the shadows you talk about. We are establishing The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Totally. Only the Meek and the Pure in Heart will live to inherit the Earth. This is the " mastery " (another word of dubious value) which Lord Jesus described. Only those who are humble, becoming like little Children. NO ONE ELSE. Only such as these can enter. Because only such people have absolute heartfelt connection with Our Mother through their own individual kundalinis. We are entering into the Age of the Mother so there will be no comparison with the former ages. Stories will be told about what it was like now and everyone will have difficulty comprehending our fears and obstacles. Sri Mataji being Mahamaya appears to be working it out through the present apparent format. This is one of Her best Illusions. To let the men and even some " women " have the illusion of doing something important. She has often said " it is a Myth " but people take that as a figure of speech. Doesn't Sri Mataji always tell us the truth? Feeling vibrations, as you point out is another play. The only reason we need to feel vibrations is to correct ourselves. Sri Mataji has already established the foundations of the New Age, Satya Yuga, the Age of Truth. She has been working it out through the hearts, and I dare to say mostly those hearts are not masculine but before the final transformation takes place many men will discover the secret in themselves, too. People talk about surrender as if it is something " I can DO " . If I may use an example from my own experience to illustrate: Once after travelling for hours on a bus through dusty roads in India we arrived at a programme where Sri Mataji was being welcomed with a small concert and a dear little girl was singing in such a high effortless voice, I was moved to say in my heart " Sri Mataji, next lifetime ...if I could sing like that it would be such a blessing " Now we have to be careful what we desire because the next instant I was hauled from my anonymous seat and pushed to the stage by the then " leader " who ignored my protest that I had lost my voice from singing for hours on a dusty bus and ordered me to sing Handel's " Where e'er You Walk " . I am not a trained singer and had learned this song at high school. Feeling very uncomfortable I started to sing into the microphone and a horrible croak came out. I closed my eyes and prayed " Sri Mataji You do this " Then a beautiful voice started singing and I was just enjoying and hearing as if a teacher inside me was telling to me " Breathe here, now, hold this note... " and so on but this Lyndal was not doing it. I became the instrument. I became the audience to the sound of the song as if hearing it for the first time. It was the experience I needed to show me what surrender really is. I am a slow learner and still need a few more lessons I know but I am sure Sri Mataji can fulfill Her promise " to give this Earth it's meaning to itself. " All this heartburning about power struggles which may take place after Sri Mataji leaves is utter nonsense. They may well take place. So What? Sri Mataji has only needed to maintain a physical appearance for some time to bring our attention to our Spirit. When She discards this body She will be absolutely one with us. I feel the same way about this as I do about " Green " party candidates. They can be excused because they don't Know the Mother Earth is Sri Bhoomi Devi, the Kundalini of the Universe. So they think they have to fix Her beacause although She " May be intelligent " they think they are more intelligent.. Of course we may have to witness some more absurdities. But I must confess I enjoy a good drama. There was some previous discussion about " throwing out " where I tried to explain that the real collective exists in a realm where only the subtle forces can throw people out and only because they are not really " in " anyway. The other collective of half baked and quarter baked and one eighth baked contains a few rare gems of real sahaja yogis for the continuity. The bulk of them are just there for roughage to aid our digestion. with love from Lyndal. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 27, 2003 Report Share Posted February 27, 2003 Dear Aunty Lyndal, I do so enjoy reading your posts! You are so very wise, i truely admire your are absolutely correct. Thank you again from my heart, ishmael Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 28, 2003 Report Share Posted February 28, 2003 Being a newcomer here, let me introduce myself : I'm Devarshi from France, and once for all I implore your forgiveness for my poor english writing. Understanding Jagbir's worries about the possible power struggles in the future of SY, I also mostly agree with Lyndal's answer, but it reminds me the early christians after the end of Christ's earthly mission. Many among them kept thinking that the " End of times " , the return of Christ in his Glory and the Resurrection would happen very soon. Then why worry about Paul's takeover ? We all know what happened next centuries. There is also in Lyndal's post a kind of " elitism " , at least in the figures, that I don't follow. So, yes, " relax " , but it's still good to keep our mind alert. By the way, wether this kind of " forum " is going to be a help or a nuisance is also a question that needs to be kept in mind, isn't it ? Love to all, Devarshi I tried to type hereunder part of the Sahasrara 97 Puja talk, that recently fed my meditation and is somehow related to the topic of this thread. Sahasrara 97, Cabella. (Truth beyond Dharma) « (..) By [the opening of Sahasrara], what you have achieved, we have to see it. First of all, when the Kundalini rises, She goes to your void, where is your Dharma, and your Dharma gets established, around the Nabhi Chakra. Your Dharma gets established which is your innate, pure, universal religion. It's established, but then the Kundalini rises higher. Despite the establishment of the Dharma, we start becoming little bit aloof from other's societies, because we find they're " adharmis " : they have no Dharma. Also, I think, we are affraid that we might get caught up with their adharmas. So, at that stage, we don't want to cross the limits of Sahaja Yoga : we want to keep to Sahaja Yogis, to Sahaja Yoga programs, and to our personal sahjaj life. Of course, it's important. Because first this Chakra must be fully nourished, [that] actually moves round the Nabhi Chakra, we know as Swadishtana. This Swadishtan Chakra is in a way very important, because it supplies energy to the brain. So, when Dharma is established, the subtle energy pushes through the Kundalini more energy for the Sahasrara, and also the energy for Dharma, which was in the Swadishtana, also starts flowing with it. It crosses over and starts rising in the Sahasrara. Till then, we are – I would say – not yet full Sahaja Yogis. Because, one can become fanatic about Sahaja Yoga. I've seen people who are so fanatic that they cannot even meet people who are not Sahaja Yogis. They cannot even talk to people who are not Sahaja Yogis, and all the time they are frightened of meeting people who are not Sahaja Yogis. Of course, you need not meet people who are evil, people who are against Sahaja Yoga, who talk against it, but those who are seeking the thruth, it is our duty that we have to go to them. So, when it reaches the state where it is estalished in the brain, that time we go beyond Dharma. " Dharmateet " , we become beyond Dharma : Dharma becomes part and parcel of our being. We cannot lose it. Sahaj Dharma becomes within us, a part and parcel, which is a very great achievement, because then, you don't have to do any rituals, you don't have to worry about meeting other people, you don't have to worry that your vibrations will be harmed. Then you don't catch from anyone. You don't catch also other negative forces. No one can harm you. That I call as the competion of your Shraddha. That ime Sahasrara is so fully enlightened, that you become Dharma [...story of Christ and the adultery lady...]. He is a religious man : He should also put stones on her, but He was standing on truth. That's exactly what happens to you when it is established in Sahasrara : that you stand on Truth. There's a little difference in Dharma and in Truth. A Dharma person might become too dharmic, illogically dharmic and go to the right or to the left. A dharmic person might think he is a superior person to others. That " why should he try to save anybody else ? Let them go to hell ! Who cares ? " This kind of an attitude can come in a person who is dharmic. Also I've seen some Sahaja Yogis who start new methods in Sahaja Yoga. " You do like this so it will be alright, you do like that so it will be alright. Because they are not stagnated at the point of Dharma, so they start telling people that you do this way, do that way. But when you rise to the point of truth, then you don't do any rituals, you don't need any rituals. You're not bothered. Because you are in Dharma, and here you are standing on the Truth. And Truth is much greater than Dharma. For example, a person who is standing on Truth doesn't care for any absurd idea about religion, even about Sahaja religion. He doesn't care. After all " This is Sahaja, this is not Sahaja... " He goes beyond, in the sens he sees a global Truth within himself, he sees the Truth which is all pervading. Not only " sees " , but he knows and he feels, and he is in that Truth. So, when Dharma flowers into Truth, it's a very beautiful happening, and that should happen to all of you. (...) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 28, 2003 Report Share Posted February 28, 2003 shriadishakti , " changdev65 <savita@w...> " <savita@w...> wrote: > By the > way, wether this kind of " forum " is going to be a help or a > nuisance > is also a question that needs to be kept in mind, isn't it ? > Dear Changdev, Jai Shri Mataji! Thank you for Shri Mataji's talk which is relevant to my post. And your English is more understandable than tolerable. i had my self-realization in December 1993 and underwent an incredible spiritual transformation from an 'animal' to human. There was overflowing ecstasy and intoxicating bliss as the drizzle of revelation turned in a torrential deluge. My heart expanded to feel the pains and sorrow of humanity. i humbled myself at the infinite grandeur of the Divine and thanked Shri Ganesha for awakening me from that deep slumber that was Kali Yuga. There are still no words for the Adi Shakti and to repay the gratitude i have asked Her to grant me just one more boon: That i be for all eternity remain prostrated at Her Lotus Feet, forever protected by Her ........ and for all eternity saved from the deepest cesspool of humanity that i may fall. Then with a heart bursting with Joy i went to meet Her devotees. i was shocked by some of them: the ignorance, arrogance, endless ritualism, imaginary fears, pettiness, pretensions harmony and lack of conviction. Years of experience left me with pain and sorrow and disbelief. i was thus thoroughly convinced that the failure of Sahaja Yoga to spread had nothing to do with Shri Mataji and Her Message to humanity. It did not take me long to realize that Her foot-soldiers were far from accomplishing the task demanded of such an Incarnation. So instead of trying to find out what so good about Sahaja Yoga, i went about checking what was wrong with it. The only way was to listen to the grievances of those critical of Sahaja Yoga, including lies and half-truths. But there was no SY willing to discuss anything against Sahaja Yoga. (The only other forum i know vets all answers from SYs, and states that nothing against Sahaja Yoga will be entertained.) There is a sort of fanatical mindset that is not willing to listen to any criticism, even turning hostile and ostracizing those who dare question. There is no venue for frank discussions, as if only coordinators and leaders are endowned with wisdom and good judgment. This forum does exactly what is regarded as taboo, even heretical. It examines issues that SYs must face, no matter how bitter or controversial. If we are shouting ourselves hoarse about Dharma and Truth then we must be prepared to face criticism and provide honest answers. There must be transparency. But the main aim of this forum, which is so clearly spelled out, is to openly declare Shri Mataji's Message of the Last Judgment. And if any SY honestly believes that Sahaja Yoga is actually the Message of the Last Judgment delivered by the Adi Shakti, then, for heaven's sake, stand up and declared it. Don't hoodwink seekers with 'stress management' and 'peace of mind' offers. Stop lying! Stop this hypocrisy! Stop this deception! Stop in the name of God Almighty and tell the plain Truth that it is the Last Judgment! warmest regards, jagbir Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 1, 2003 Report Share Posted March 1, 2003 Dear Jagbir, Thanks for your kind answer, and for not overeacting to my sly provocation... Following your post's introduction I guess you may like to know some more about my own Sahaja history, for what it's worth. Here's the shortest I can do : My first revelation of Param Chaytania through the easy path drawn by Shri Mataji happened by the end of 1987. Since then, with ups and downs, I've been trying to understand what it's all about ! I can understand your frustrations, and I enjoyed the confidence and the faith expressed in your site. That " some " in a collectivity would not fit your ideals is normal. (Do you fit your own ideal ? I certainly don't.) All along those years I've witnessed many trajectories around my own, and my appreciation of some trajectories have varied just as I was myself moving. Leaders, ex-leaders ; opponents, ex-opponents ; yogi(ni)s, ex-yogi(ni)s... Nothing really stable. In the midst I still consider that things have really improved in me as in the collective : mostly, the " in " and " out " stories are much less prevalent nowdays, the plurality of views and feelings is much more respected. One of the things I learned is that, if Param Chaytania means something (and this might be the minimum common ground for all Sahajis) then no blame could be put on anything else than the collective. If Param Chaytania is effective, then one man or one woman, however powerful, in whichever position, cannot do any harm among hundreds of balanced people with their Kundalini awakened. The failure of some is the failure of all, " The ultimate jugement " . Besides all this, there is a down to earth organization that provides the material structures for any collective to move with. It is not the highest goal, and sometimes the confusion is still huge, allowing people that are just good organizers to claim spiritual influence. But again who's their public? Should awakened Kundalinis bother about influence ? So, the next steps in the movement of Sahaja community are still very open. Your site, and, why not, this forum may help. But I keep thinking the question I raised should always remain present in our minds. Words and arguments are not very helpful, so please try to interprete mine with sympathy. With love, Devarshi Answer to : " jagbir singh <adishakti_org> " <adishakti_org> Fri Feb 28, 2003 5:42 pm Re: One reason why SYs must be their own masters, free from all external control shriadishakti , " jagbir singh <adishakti_org> " <adishakti_org> wrote: > shriadishakti , " changdev65 <savita@w...> " > <savita@w...> wrote: > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 2, 2003 Report Share Posted March 2, 2003 shriadishakti , " changdev65 <savita@w...> " <savita@w...> wrote: > > So, the next steps in the movement of Sahaja community are still > very open. Your site, and, why not, this forum may help. But I > keep thinking the question I raised should always remain present > in our minds. > > Words and arguments are not very helpful, so please try to > interprete mine with sympathy. > Dear Devarshi and all, Shri Mataji, after healing my body and mind for the last few years, is now working on spiritual transformation which i believe will take a lifetime. Therefore i, like you, am still not my own ideal and have a long way to go. But on what ground am i standing? i quote Hinduism In A Nutshell ( " Hinduism is one of the world's major religions. It is also one of the most ancient religions in the world. There are over 720 million Hindus today. Most live in India, although a sizable population live in Nepal, Mauritius, Fiji, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Guyana, Indonesia (Bali) and a few other countries. The ancient sages of India who discovered the spiritual truths that constitute the basic scriptures of Hinduism preferred to remain anonymous. Therefore, Hinduism does not have a known founder. Those scriptures are called the Vedas, which means knowledge. SCOPE FOR REASON AND FAITH IN HINDUISM Hindus are allowed to ask sincere questions or make honest inquiries about their religion. If they have doubts, they can express them without any fear. Such questioning is never considered sacrilegious. All honest and sincere questions are addressed by Hinduism and rational answers given. From this rational inquiry Hinduism has been able to develop and accommodate in it six major systems of philosophy. While Hinduism encourages faith in its holy scriptures, it also gives full scope to reason out the truths contained in them. IMPORTANCE OF SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE Knowledge derived from genuine spiritual experience is given the utmost importance. One scripture says that immortality, the ultimate spiritual goal of Hinduism, cannot be achieved by studying the scriptures alone. It has to be experienced. Experiential spiritual knowledge is given much more importance than mere theoretical knowledge. " Devarshi, maybe this will answer your questioning the wisdom of this forum, the question that " should always remain present in our minds. " We are not playing with words or even arguing. Vonda just found out what is the Last Judgment for the first time in her life. Princess can now differentiate between disassociation and detachment. Ishmael is finally able to heal from a painful past. Lyndal is strengthened with the faith that there are others like her for whom " questioning is never considered sacrilegious. " i am learning from what others, including you have to say. What is posted comes from within with words that cannot be otherwise spoken in public. Hearts are healed, the mind infused with enlightened consciousness, and spirit uplifted to rise without fear. The tide lifts all boats, so to speak. In my meditation and introspection i came to understand that 'collective' means to expand and embrace all humanity, not just SYs who gather very Sunday evening. i also become conscious that i should never associate myself with the falsehood of 'stress management' and 'peace of mind'. i also came to know that there are millions of great souls out there who will surrender to the call of the Last Judgment and Resurrection. In short i finally understood what it is to become my own master and the " Knowledge derived from genuine spiritual experience is given the utmost importance. " The only 'fear' in my heart are the negative forces who oppose me. Contrary to what one may think these negative forces are not ayatollahs with death fatwas. These negative forces are those who continue supressing Shri Mataji's declaration: " Tell all the nations and tell all the people all over the Great Message that the Time of Resurrection is here. Now! At this time and that you are capable of doing it. " That was 20 years ago. Now Shri Mataji does not say so because there are just too many who cringe and fear a huge media attack on Sahaja Yoga. i was told to close this site because anti-SY forces will use it to attack the Adi Shakti. i came to know that it was Simon D. Montford and his followers. This is the greatest insult to my Divine Mother that i have ever heard from SYs. i am still ashamed that Shri Mataji has such cowards for devotees. Stress management is just so cool and trendy for them ............. ........ and shamelessly deceitful peace to all, jagbir Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 3, 2003 Report Share Posted March 3, 2003 shriadishakti , " jagbir singh <adishakti_org> " <adishakti_org> wrote: > > i was told to close this site because anti-SY forces will use > it to attack the Adi Shakti. > Dear all, Just to clarify that it was in December 1999 that i was told to do so. Now more than three years have passed and all fears have proved to be unfouned. In fact ex-prophet Simon and his followers take pains not to mention anything about and and continue to tell others that SYs hide facts from public. These two sites leave no cause for complain from any party as everything that Shri Mataji has revealed for humanity is spelled in black and white. It is up to us to uphold that Truth without any fear whatsoever. love to all, jagbir Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 6, 2003 Report Share Posted March 6, 2003 Dear Jagbir (and all), Trying to read your post in details and edit parts that I whished to reply to, I find that it is simply not acceptable to follow a discussion on those lines. I would never accept such kind of arguments from anyone in SY and was never opposed such a one-minded view in all those years. Opposite to what you pretend (and whatever truly painful events you had to face) you are a living proof that SY has no means (nor even will) to suppress any individual's view, but by dissociating from it when it becomes invading. I feel like confidence and faith, without some other elementary qualities create a frame of mind far beyond my understanding. Call me a fool or a coward; consider that I couldn't face your " challenges " , but be sure that I don't belong to the " Church of the Last Jugement " . By extending a mere concept's value to make it your absolute criterion, I think you are moving away from the universal reality that, to me, is the actual and ultimate jugement. I really apologize to say things that way. Be sure again that I have nothing to do with any " officials " , so, please, don't imagine this post could hide any kind of " threat " . It is just a matter of self-respect for me, but I can't ignore it. With love Devarshi <<This message must be suppressed by all means, wittingly or unwittingly.>> << There has been no reaction from the public after more than 100,000 visitors and what is written is at times very controversial.>> <<Devarshi, i am still waiting for them to approach me>> <<The Last Judgment and Paul meet this requirement. Do not use a broad brush to paint. Do not use a few words to tell a story. >> <<Have you ever imagined such a scenario where, say, the media attacks Shri Mataji with banner headlines: " False Guru declares Last Judgment! " )>> << But what has been attacked? Human failings have been attacked. Human mistakes have been exposed.>> <<Why is there this huge chasm of conflicting minds, your fear of universal condemnation and my faith of universal acceptance?>> << Cowards are those who do not have the conviction to tell others that it is the Last Judgment and suppress the very heart and soul of Sahaja Yoga. Not only that but they also put apprehension and fear into those who try. If you, Devarshi, try to explain subtly that i should be very much more cautious then you are a coward.>> <<But that is exactly what i will keep doing, no matter what the consequences>> shriadishakti , " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org> wrote: > shriadishakti , " changdev65 " <changdev65> > wrote: shriadishakti , " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org> wrote: > shriadishakti , " changdev65 " <changdev65> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 6, 2003 Report Share Posted March 6, 2003 shriadishakti , " changdev65 " <changdev65> wrote: > > I feel like confidence and faith, without some other elementary > qualities create a frame of mind far beyond my understanding. > Call me a fool or a coward; consider that I couldn't face > your " challenges " , but be sure that I don't belong to the " Church > of the Last Jugement " . > Dear Devarshi, The followers of the Church of the Last Judgment are of this mindset. " It may be about six thousand years ago: and since that period the history of man is one unbroken page of wickedness and infidelity. Heaven once, in anger, nearly extirpated our race; and once, in mercy, forgave us. Yet, since, the earth is stained with guilt red as scarlet; and the patience of a God — patience infinite — can alone bear it. Who can tell the amount of the crime of even one city for one day? But who can conceive the infinite guilt of all peoples, of all nations, and all ages, ascending and accumulating before God's throne since the beginning? God is great in power, great in goodness, great in mercy, great in wisdom; but he is more than great in patience, to bear the congregated offenses of countless millions, daily, hourly, provoking his anger and opposing his will. But, as the hour of man's creation and man's redemption was arranged by God, and in due time occurred, so the moment for man's total extinction on earth is approaching, and when the time written in the records of heaven shall have arrived, that unerring decree will be executed. By one word he made this world; by one word he can destroy it. By one stroke of his omnipotent pencil he drew the present picture of creation; by one dash of the same brush he can blot it out again and expunge all the work of the skies. Who can limit his power? In one second be can reduce all things to their original chaos, and live again as he did before creation began. He can, when he pleases, destroy all things — the soul excepted. The soul he cannot annihilate. He made the world himself — of course, he can himself destroy it. But Christ is the redeemer of the soul, and, therefore, its immortal existence is as indestructible as the eternity of God. Redemption is a contract between the Father and the Son. That contract cannot be broken without ignoring the Cross. Hence, while God is at liberty to blot out his own creation, he cannot annihilate the work purchased with the blood of Christ. Hence, in the coming wreck, the soul cannot be destroyed. And this is the idea that renders that awful hour a source of joy unlimited to the blessed, and of terrors unspeakable to the wicked. Yet although no one can tell when this fatal day will arrive, still it may be fairly presumed to be at hand, when Christ's passion will be disregarded on earth; when vice will so predominate over virtue that the worship of God may be said to cease; when the destruction of the earth will be a mercy, a duty of justice which God owes to his own character and to the eternal laws of his kingdom. When this time shall have arrived, we may fairly expect the day of the general judgment . . . . Who can paint Omnipotent power pulling down firmaments, and suns, and stars, and moons: his will reversing his former creation; the earth trembling in desolation? How minutely graphic is Christ in this terrible description; and have you noticed his last words, where he says: " Have I not foretold all to you? " This single phrase is worth the entire history; since it stamps the terrors of this day with the certitude of any other truth of faith, any other fact of the Gospel. St. Mark continues to detail the order of this terrible hour. Terror will follow on terror; curse upon curse, «till men will fall away with fear.» The sun being not quite extinguished, fatal gloom will be spread over all things like a veil over the face of the dead: terrific signs are seen in the heavens, and all things announce that time is at an end. St. John says, that before God pronounces the final word there is silence in heaven; and voices are heard in the air, on the water, and on the earth. At length the skies open and he pours out the first vial of his anger. And the end is come. God speaks the command; and all nature trembles as if in agony. The seas swell, and boil, and rise, and lash the skies. The mountains nod and sink, and the poles collapse. The lightnings flash, and the moaning tempests sweep over the furious deep, piling up ocean upon ocean on the trembling globe. The earth reels in convulsion, and the whole frame of creation struggles. A mighty conflagration bursts from the melting earth, rages like a hurricane roundabout, devouring all things in its storm and flood of fire, consuming the crumbling wreck of the condemned world. The heavens become terrible, as the kindling earth and seas show their overwhelming flashes on the crimson skies. The sun muffled, the moon black, the stars fallen, floating masses like clouds of blood sweep the skies in circling fury. The Omnipotence which, in the beginning of time, formed all creation, is now concentrated in a point; and, as it were, intensifies the infinity of his wrath, till his anger can swell no higher; and his voice is heard like thunder in the distance. With what eloquent terror does the Savior paint this scene in his own words: «Men fainting away with fear, running in wild distraction, calling on the ground to open and swallow them, and the rocks to fall on them and hide them from the face of the Lord.» The earth on fire: the skies faded: the sun and the stars darkened or extinguished: mankind burning, dying: the angry voice of God coming to judge the world. " The followers of the Adi Shakti Shri Nirmala Devi are experiencing the same Last Judgment in Sat (Truth) Chit (Consciousness) Anand (Bliss). " Though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very easy for you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of Last Judgment — which looks such a horrifying experience — has been made very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does not disturb you. " It is an extremely difficult and immense task to erase 2000 years of terror and frightening falsehood regarding the Last Judgment and enlighten Christians that it is, on the contrary, " very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does not disturb you. " Am i crying " wolf " ? jagbir Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 6, 2003 Report Share Posted March 6, 2003 shriadishakti , " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org> wrote: > > Dear Devarshi and all, > > You should know that Shri Mataji is explaining about the Agnya > Chakra which people cannot bear, and this has nothing to do with > the Last Judgment. The Agnya Chakra is a strong speech. A single > quote says that " on this chakra resides the great incarnation of > our Lord, Jesus Christ. In our Indian Shastras, he is called as > Mahavishnu, the son of Radha ji. " Shri Mataji turns Christianity > on its head by revealing about Paul. (i prefer others to read the > whole speech to understand how controversial it will be to > neophytes.) > " So these realised souls are all over and they are helping. They never enter into anybody, they never trouble you, they guide you to the proper lines. They bring their Angels and they help you to come to the right path, to the right conclusions. And they never try to possess you, they never try to hypnotise you, or take you to the wrong side of life. So when you are realised also, you must know that you have to know 'completely' what is the reality. Go on understanding, trying to assimilate it, not to discard it because you are attached to another organisation. There is 'no' organisation in Sahaja Yoga, you know very well. There is no grouping in Sahaja Yoga. There is no membership in Sahaja Yoga. But it is a living organisation. It is a living organisation. So anything happens here, the whole body knows. We don't have to have organisation written for this body. In the same way Sahaja Yoga works out. " Agnya Chakra, 3-2-1983 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power: And what will explain to thee what the Night of Power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand Months. Therein come down the angels, and the Spirit by Allah's permission, On every errand: Peace! This until the rise of morn! surah 97:1-5 Al Qadr (The Night of Power and Honour) m m Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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