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[shriadishakti] One reason why SYs must be their own masters, free from all external control

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Luc, the forum was discussing 'to be your own Master' and one guy wrote this which I thought was particularly good! Please....enjoy.....








Dear All,


SYs must ascertain the Truth for themselves, directly. They have to

be both master and the pupil. This Truth can only be realized by the

guidance of the Inner Guru, the Adi Shakti in the Sahasrara and the

deities on the chakars. Then there is our own Mother Kundalini. With

so many infallible Divine Teachers within why must i ever seek or

bow to any external authority?


Man's own personal will, his free will, is a feeble and

insignificant force when compared to the Will of the Divine. When

you are beholden to the Divine, when you are inwardly awakened

enough to be attuned to that Will, then it is quite natural that

your own will, your personal likes and dislikes, and your limited

faculties of reason and analysis are overpowered and subdued by a

greater will, a Cosmic Will. If you have awakened sufficient

humility to surrender your willfulness, the Divine will guide you on

the inner path.


Shri Mataji has always told us to be our own masters, and She has

severely curtailed the powers of leaders. In fact leaders are there

just to co-ordinate and organize. Even they have to ask Shri Mataji



SYs should be cautioned that once She leaves there may be a power

struggle. Even if the transition is peaceful appointed leaders may

introduce policies and restrictions on Her devotees, some of which

will be resented and challenged. The Bahais, as my post #215

confirms, are facing the same problems that have plagued all

religious organization for millennia. And i mean ALL, without ANY

exclusion. Sahaja Yoga will be no exception unless all Her devotees

are left to be masters of their own destinies without any external

control. All control must be from within, the complete surrender to

the Adi Shakti within to guide, teach, protect and heal.


There has been a suggestion that we SYs use our vibratory awareness.

(The Bahais, like the believers of various traditions, have never

experienced this vibratory awareness or Breeze of God). i know for a

fact that such awareness is at times flawed by the mental process,

the ego and the super-ego. There have been cases when SYs lost small

fortunes seeking wealth through vibrations. A typical self-

assurance: " Yes, the vibrations told me to invest in this pyramid

scheme. " Just common sense would have been sufficient to stay away

from these fraudulent schemes.


Vibratory awareness is a perfect science way beyond anything SYs

know. However it if far from being easily mastered by all, indeed by

any. Even leaders have not reached that state of consciousness. If

they had harnessed the vibratory awareness, then there would have

been no need to consult Shri Mataji on any issue whatsoever.


So what happens if, say, 25 years from now, a so-called Sahaja Yoga

Supreme Council formed after Shri Mataji has left decides that this

forum must cease with immediate effect? The reasoning of our

leaders: After much deliberation and cross-checking of vibratory

awareness the Council members have reached an unanimous decision

that the shriadishakti forum encourages dangerous dissenting

views which pose a danger to the spread of Sahaja Yoga. The penalty

for non-compliance: All participating members who defy this decree

and continue to post will be thrown out of Sahaja Yoga.


My vibratory awareness or those of other rebellious free thinkers

will amount to nothing as the vibratory awareness of the elite

Council members overrules every other contradictory consciousness

under section 29 subsection 3b of the SYSC. Most members will flee

for fear of expulsion, a few the gruesome nightmare of eternal



Am i stretching the truth a bit too far? Definitely not. Vonda is

but just a victim of how power corrupts and fear makes life hell on

earth itself for any nonconformist. The Catholic Church still

excommunicates. Muslims issue fatwas. Sikhs have their hukumnama.

Every organization want to control the minds of their members.


Sahaja Yoga must not become another false religion. The only way to

ensure this is to allow all Her devotees to be their own masters

from within through meditation and introspection. i don't need no

leader for anything when i have the Adi Shakti, the Mother

Kundalini, the Divine Deities and the Breeze of God to guide me.

Aren't they enough?


regards to all,





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Dear Lyndal,Namaste!My pranaam to you.Thank you for all the wisdom and foresight. i truly admire the clarity and depth of your vision. That is why i read your posts more than twice ...................... and that is a huge compliment.Jai Shri Mataji,jagbir* My brother Ishmael, i am also waiting to hear from you.

"in2centre <supatni" <supatni wrote:

shriadishakti , "jagbir singh <adishakti_org>" <adishakti_org> wrote:> shriadishakti , vonda turner <vst333> > wrote:> > > > What is it to be your own master?> > > > Dear all,> > From the answers to this deep question will the very> survival of Sahaja Yoga depend. Please contribute so> that we can all learn, including more experienced > SYs, senior SYs and even leaders:> Dear Jagbir, Relax. This is the incarnation of Sri Adi Shakti we are talking about. Not any of the forerunners,announcers, stage-setter incarnations. This is the Real Event where the Creatrix Herself has come on the Earth to put an end to the imbalances once and for all.Can't you see that the role of "leaders" is already a comic play? The real work of Sahaja Yoga is taking place on another plane. And that term itself may soon become old fashioned - it became Vishva Nirmala Dharma some years ago, and the old name is still used because it is convenient the letterheads and advertising etc. all being in place, this is now the religion (another old fashioned and inappropriate word,) of Absolute Truth. You have to take into account the aspect of Sri Kalki who will leave no vestiges of the shadows you talk about. We are establishing The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Totally. Only the Meek and the Pure in Heart will live to inherit the Earth. This is the "mastery" (another word of dubious value) which Lord Jesus described. Only those who are humble, becoming like little Children. NO ONE ELSE. Only such as these can enter. Because only such people have absolute heartfelt connection with Our Mother through their own individual kundalinis.We are entering into the Age of the Mother so there will be no comparison with the former ages. Stories will be told about what it was like now and everyone will have difficulty comprehending our fears and obstacles.Sri Mataji being Mahamaya appears to be working it out through the present apparent format. This is one of Her best Illusions. To let the men and even some "women" have the illusion of doing something important. She has often said "it is a Myth" but people take that as a figure of speech. Doesn't Sri Mataji always tell us the truth? Feeling vibrations, as you point out is another play. The only reason we need to feel vibrations is to correct ourselves. Sri Mataji has already established the foundations of the New Age, Satya Yuga, the Age of Truth. She has been working it out through the hearts, and I dare to say mostly those hearts are not masculine but before the final transformation takes place many men will discover the secret in themselves, too.People talk about surrender as if it is something "I can DO".If I may use an example from my own experience to illustrate:Once after travelling for hours on a bus through dusty roads in India we arrived at a programme where Sri Mataji was being welcomed with a small concert and a dear little girl was singing in such a high effortless voice, I was moved to say in my heart "Sri Mataji, next lifetime ...if I could sing like that it would be such a blessing" Now we have to be careful what we desire because the next instant I was hauled from my anonymous seat and pushed to the stage by the then "leader" who ignored my protest that I had lost my voice from singing for hours on a dusty bus and ordered me to sing Handel's "Where e'er You Walk". I am not a trained singer and had learned this song at high school. Feeling very uncomfortable I started to sing into the microphone and a horrible croak came out. I closed my eyes and prayed "Sri Mataji You do this" Then a beautiful voice started singing and I was just enjoying and hearing as if a teacher inside me was telling to me "Breathe here, now, hold this note..." and so on but this Lyndal was not doing it. I became the instrument. I became the audience to the sound of the song as if hearing it for the first time. It was the experience I needed to show me what surrender really is. I am a slow learner and still need a few more lessons I know but I am sure Sri Mataji can fulfill Her promise "to give this Earth it's meaning to itself." All this heartburning about power struggles which may take place after Sri Mataji leaves is utter nonsense. They may well take place. So What? Sri Mataji has only needed to maintain a physical appearance for some time to bring our attention to our Spirit. When She discards this body She will be absolutely one with us. I feel the same way about this as I do about "Green" party candidates. They can be excused because they don't Know the Mother Earth is Sri Bhoomi Devi, the Kundalini of the Universe. So they think they have to fix Her beacause although She "May be intelligent" they think they are more intelligent.. Of course we may have to witness some more absurdities. But I must confess I enjoy a good drama. There was some previous discussion about "throwing out " where I tried to explain that the real collective exists in a realm where only the subtle forces can throw people out and only because they are not really "in" anyway. The other collective of half baked and quarter baked and one eighth baked contains a few rare gems of real sahaja yogis for the continuity. The bulk of them are just there for roughage to aid our digestion. with love from Lyndal.

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