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Srimad Bhagavatam - The Final Say

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What is the Srimad Bhagavatam?


idam bhagavatam nama puranam brahma-sammitam uttama-sloka-caritam

cakara bhagavan rsih nihsreyasaya lokasya dhanyam svasty-ayanam



" This Srimad-Bhagavatam is the literary incarnation of God, and it

is compiled by Srila Vyasadeva, the incarnation of God. It is meant

for the ultimate good of all people, and it is all-successful, all-

blissful and all-perfect. " (SB 1.3.40)


This is saying that the Scripture known as Srimad Bhagavatam is also

known as the Literacy Incarnation of the Supreme Lord, because it

was written *by* an incarnation of God, Srila Vyasadeva. This is the

main reason why the Srimad Bhagavatam has the final say in all

subject areas.


If someone wants to preach something or to declare something, he has

to have ample backing from proper scriptural sources with a good

understanding of what he is talking about, saying that my particular

type of preaching is authorised, with proper quotes from the

scriptures. Not by claiming that he has finally come out of this

millennia-old religious madness and so he must be right because maya

(illusion) could have deluded him into thinking in that way. Or by

claiming that Krsna Consciousness philosophy is just bickering that

never ends.


One of the fundamental points of this whole avatar thing is that the

personality in question will *never* declare that I am an avatar. In

actual fact, you maybe able to determine that yourself simply by the

quality that the avatar in question is exibiting and that the avatar

will be self-effulgent. To prove that the personality is or was

indeed an avatar, you have to verify that properly from the Vedic

texts because the vedic texts are regarded as authority in all



Take the current Sai Baba for example. He declared to everyone to be

Bhagwan. But he was not self-effulgent in the activities that he had

performed, he was a paedophile and a trikster. There are many

websites that lists claims into the activities of Sai Baba, in what

he really does.


And for debating, the whole point is to debate with manners. Quoting

amply from proper scriptures in trying to prove his claim or to

disprove the others claim, again, by ample quoting from scriptures

is the humane and civil course of action to take.


To prove that the Krsna Consciousness Movement is authorised and its

Founder-Acharya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabupada's coming was also

predicted, and that Srila Prabhupada was indeed the Founder-Acharya

of the Golden Age here are quotations from the sastras, which are

regarded as authority:


N.B. Acharya means that one who leads by example.


'tabhyas sarvajana trata sarvasrestatamo dhruvam

dina abhaya pradanartham visadikrtya bhutale'


" Among all acharyas, certainly he who is the deliverer of all

people, who appears in this world for the purpose of removing the

fears of the fallen souls (dina-abhaya) is the most perfect. "


'gitacaryokta tatvartha caramartha prakasanam

rishiproktapramananam krtva vyakhyanamuttamam'


" He sheds light on the ultimate meanining of the philosophical

conclusions spoken by Krishna, Who is the speaker of Bhagavad-gita.

He also gives perfect purports to the evidences given by the

rishis. "


'divyaprabandhan lokebhya sarakopadibhi paryantam

arthopadesa paryantam vardhayaitva ca sasvatah'


" He propagates everywhere the meanings and purports of the songs of

the previous acharyas. "


'natharyadi gurunam ca satakopadi yoginam

ahrtya vyasa sutranam artham lokahitaya ca

sribhasyadi mahagrantham vidhaya karunarnaya

nirjitya sarvasamayan vadena sataso'subhan'


" He, the ocean of mercy, contributes great books for the welfare of

the people that explain the meaning of Vedanta strictly in line with

the previous vaishnava acharyas and devotees. In this way he

conquers all, defeating hundreds of different kinds of inauspicious

philosophies by his arguments. "


'ityadibhir yatisresta karye lokahite rata

nathadidesike tebhya pradhano bhavati dhruvam'


" Because of engaging in the welfare of the people of the world, that

perfect and topmost mendicant is certainly the most important

Founder-Acharya, (pradhana). " ...(Prapannamrta Tarpana - 62.47-53).


All of this description fits Srila Prabupada and his Movement.


It is not that all of vedic scriptures are tied to 'Hindus'

or 'India', but it was for the upliftment of the whole of humanity.

Vedic scriptures had predicted long ago the coming of Buddha of the

Buddhists, Muhammad of Islam, Jesus Christ and many other great

personalities not necessarily tied to India or the Hindus as so to



dharmah projjhita-kaitavo 'tra paramo nirmatsaranam satam vedyam

vastavam atra vastu sivadam tapa-trayonmulanam srimad-bhagavate maha-

muni-krte kim va parair isvarah sadyo hrdy avarudhyate 'tra krtibhih

susrusubhis tat-ksanat


" Completely rejecting all religious activities which are materially

motivated, this Bhagavata Purana propounds the highest truth, which

is understandable by those devotees who are fully pure in heart. The

highest truth is reality distinguished from illusion for the welfare

of all. Such truth uproots the threefold miseries. This beautiful

Bhagavatam, compiled by the great sage Vyasadeva [in his maturity],

is sufficient in itself for God realization. What is the need of any

other scripture? As soon as one attentively and submissively hears

the message of Bhagavatam, by this culture of knowledge the Supreme

Lord is established within his heart. " (SB 1.1.2)


krsne sva-dhamopagate dharma-jnanadibhih saha kalau nasta-drsam esa

puranarko 'dhunoditah


" This Bhagavata Purana is as brilliant as the sun, and it has

arisen just after the departure of Lord Krsna to His own abode,

accompanied by religion, knowledge, etc. Persons who have lost their

vision due to the dense darkness of ignorance in the age of Kali

shall get light from this Purana. " (SB 1.3.43)

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shriadishakti , " aashishshar "

<aashishshar> wrote:



> To prove that the Krsna Consciousness Movement is authorised and

> its Founder-Acharya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabupada's coming

> was also predicted, and that Srila Prabhupada was indeed the

> Founder-Acharya of the Golden Age here are quotations from the

> sastras, which are regarded as authority:





Please let me embrace Shri Ganesha of Hinduism, Lord Jesus of

Christianity, Prophet Muhammad of Islam, the Buddha of Buddhism and

Guru Nanak of Sikhism. Above all let me worship the Adi Shakti who

created Shri Vishnu, Brahma, Siva, Ganesha, Jesus, Prophet Muhammad,

Buddha, Guru Nanak and so on.


You are free to follow Acharya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabupada.

If you have quotes from the Bible, Koran and Granth Sahib to support

Acharya i will become his disciple. If you don't then stop quoting

the Srimad-Bhagavatam. (i have the entire set also.)


Apparently you lack the consciousness to understand my previous

posts regarding religious madness that brings the worst in human

beings. What will it take?




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shriadishakti , " aashishshar "

<aashishshar> wrote:


> One of the fundamental points of this whole avatar thing is that

> the personality in question will *never* declare that I am an

> avatar. In actual fact, you maybe able to determine that yourself

> simply by the quality that the avatar in question is exibiting and

> that the avatar will be self-effulgent. To prove that the

> personality is or was indeed an avatar, you have to verify that

> properly from the Vedic texts because the vedic texts are regarded

> as authority in all matters.



" Shri Krishna has said, " Give up all your Dharmas and surrender

to Me — surrender to My Dharma only. " . . . Shri Krishna is not

there. It's Me who is Shri Krishna. "


Sri Govindarupini Devi


(Govindarupini [276th]: Of the form of Govinda or Visnu. The second

of the powers of Prakrti as woman is Visnu according to Narada in




" No other person is our Mother except God. You see, our biological

mother is a mother only for a short time, in this life. Who was with

us in the past life, and in the life before that, and in the one

before that, always with us, who was there? God. The Observer in us,

the highest Self in us. It was always there with us. This is our

true Mother. This Mother accompanies us, life after life. Divine

Mother and Lord Krishna are one and the same. Therefore in the

Sahasranama, the Thousand Names of the Divine Mother, one name is

Govinda-Rupini. What does that mean? Govinda is a name of Krishna.

Divine Mother is in the form of Krishna. She Herself is Krishna.

Divine Mother is infinite Sweetness, infinite Love, infinite Beauty,

absolute Beauty, eternal Beauty, ever-new Beauty. Om Govinda-

rupinyai namah. "


Swami Omkarananda, www.sanskrit.bhaarat.com/



" The cit-shakti is the full manifestation of Lord Krishna's potency.

Whatever she creates is eternally perfect (nitya-siddha). The

individual spirit souls are not eternally perfect. By engaging in

the activities of devotional service (sadhana) they may become

perfect (sadhana-siddha) and thus enjoy spiritual bliss exactly like

that enjoyed by the eternally perfect (nitya-siddha) beings. The

four kinds of gopi-friends (sakhi) of Srimati Radharani are

eternally perfect beings (nitya-siddha). They are manifested from

the form of Srimati Radharani, who is the cit-shakti Herself. All

the individual spirit souls are manifested from Lord Krishna's jiva-

shakti. The cit-shakti is Lord Krishna's complete potency (purna-

shakti). The individual souls (jiva-shakti) are counted among Lord

Krishna's incomplete potencies (apurna-shakti). From the complete

potency complete and perfect things are manifested. From the

incomplete potency all the individual souls, who are atomic

fragments of consciousness, are manifested.


Lord Krishna manifests different kinds of entities according to the

different kinds of potencies He employs to create them. When He is

manifested in His cit-shakti, He appears as Krishna and as Narayana,

the master of Vaikuntha. When He is manifested in the jiva-shakti,

He appears as Baladeva, His pastime form (vilasa-murti) in Vraja.

When He is manifested in the maya-shakti, He appears as the three

forms of Karanodakasayi Visnu, Garbhodakasayi Visnu and

Ksirodakasayi Visnu. In Vraja He appears in His original form, as

Krishna, a form manifested by His complete potency. Appearing as

Baladeva, He manifests His sesa-tattva (nature of Lord Sesa). In

this way He manifests the eight kinds of services the eternally

liberated associates offer to Him. Again in Vaikuntha He appears as

Sesa-Sankarsana and manifests the eight kinds of service His eternal

associates offer to Lord Narayana. Lord Sankarsana incarnates as

Maha-Visnu. He becomes the resting-place of the jiva-shakti and

appears as the Supersoul in the hearts of all the individual souls

residing in the material world.


All these individual souls are attracted to maya. As long as they do

not attain the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and take

shelter of the Lord's spiritual hladini-shakti, they are defeated by

Maya. Numberless souls are defeated by Maya and cast into Her

prison. They are the followers of Maya's three modes. The conclusion

is this: the individual souls are manifested by the jiva-shakti.

They are not manifested by the cit-shakti. "


Babaji, www.mandala.com.au/

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shriadishakti , " aashishshar "

<aashishshar> wrote:


> One of the fundamental points of this whole avatar thing is that

> the personality in question will *never* declare that I am an

> avatar. In actual fact, you maybe able to determine that yourself

> simply by the quality that the avatar in question is exibiting and

> that the avatar will be self-effulgent. To prove that the

> personality is or was indeed an avatar, you have to verify that

> properly from the Vedic texts because the vedic texts are regarded

> as authority in all matters.





In Godhead, the male and the female principles are complementary

aspects. If God is usually referred to as the Male (Purusa), it is

only in the sense similar to that in which the expression 'man' is

employed to signify mankind including 'woman'. God's female aspect

is His Sakti (Power). Without Sakti, He cannot fulfil His cosmic

functions. Sri Sankara says in the opening verse of the



" Siva is able to create only when He is united with Sakti; if not

thus, the God cannot even move. "


Sivah saktya yukto yadi bhavati saktah prabhavitum

na ced-evam devo na khalu kusalah spanditum api


There are three principal functions in regard to the world - its

creation, preservation, and dissolution. The Godhead which is

Trimurti is called Brahma in its aspect as Creator, Visnu in its

aspect as preserver, and Siva in its aspect as Dissolver. The three

aspects of Sakti, respectively are Sarasvati, Laksmi and Parvati. As

has been shown already in the case of Visnu and Siva so also there

is no absolute distinction between any two of these aspects. Thus it

ought not to confuse us when Visnu is identified with Brahma and

Siva, or when Laksmi is identified with Sarasvati and Parvati, or

when Visnu and Laksmi are themselves identified with each other. "



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shriadishakti , " aashishshar "

<aashishshar> wrote:


> One of the fundamental points of this whole avatar thing is that

> the personality in question will *never* declare that I am an

> avatar. In actual fact, you maybe able to determine that yourself

> simply by the quality that the avatar in question is exibiting and

> that the avatar will be self-effulgent. To prove that the

> personality is or was indeed an avatar, you have to verify that

> properly from the Vedic texts because the vedic texts are regarded

> as authority in all matters.



When the practices taught by the Vedas and the institutes of law,

Shall nearly have ceased, and the close of the Kali age shall be

nigh, a portion of that Divine Being who exists of his own spiritual

nature, in the character of Brahma, and who is the beginning and

the end, and who comprehends all things shall descend upon the

earth. He will be born as Kalki in the family of an eminent

brahmin, of Sambhala village, endowed with the eight superhuman

faculties. By his irresistible might, He will destroy all the

barbarians and thieves, and all whose minds are devoted to

iniquity. He will then reestablish righteousness upon earth; And

the minds of those who live at the end of the Kali age, shall be

awakened, and shall be as pellucid as crystal. The men who are

thus changed by virtue of that peculiar time, shall be as the seeds

of human beings, and shall give birth to a race who shall follow the

laws of the Krita Age, the Age of Purity.


Vishnu Purana 4.24



" Avatar of the Golden Age


Kalki according to tradition is the tenth avatar or incarnation of

Vishnu (Buddha was the ninth avatar of Vishnu).

The symbolic form of Kalki is on a white horse wielding a sword. The

Name Kalki literally means " The Annihilator of Ignorance. "

His Divine Mission is to close Kaliyuga, the Iron Age (one of 4

Yugas or time zones that mark the spiritual progression of mankind

not the technical iron age), and usher in the Golden Age, a new

period of peace prosperity and harmony.


The current age Kaliyuga also called the age of darkness and

ignorance. It is the most degenerate and fallen of the ages,

characterized by a hardening of the spiritual core of mankind, an

almost total lack of sacredness, and extreme materialism, as humans

can no longer determine what is essential for living in this fallen

age and what is irrelevant. The Antaryamin, or Indweller has been

put to rest in the heart of mankind. Those of you with a New Age

background may think of this Antaryamin as the Higher Self.


An avatar is a being that comes to change the " truth " . Edison was an

avatar of science. The Beatles were avatars of music. A Celestial

Avatar has a definate Divine purpose. One can see how the Christ

changed the " truth " just in the first 2 words of the Lord's

Prayer: " Our Father " .


In the Golden Age, in a gesture of Supreme Friendship, this

Antaryamin, through an externally stimulated action awakens the

heart. Many have already been having such Profound Divine Mystical

Experience. This experience, this personal encounter with Divinity

in one form or another (Moses and the Thorn Bush is a well known

example of such experience) is the one common denominator in the

lives of all Saints, Sages, Mystics, and Prophets.


It is so important to the evolution of the consciousness of mankind,

for it is belief (ignorance and speculation) that separates, while

discovery unites. Just see for a moment the sufferings of the saints

and discoverers throughout time. How the nature of belief

(ignorance) is to destroy anything that will shed a light on it for

what it truly is.


Kalki's Divine Mission is to close Kaliyuga, the current age of

darkness and ignorance and usher in the Golden Age, a new ten

thousand year cycle of peace, prosperity and harmony. He is to

liberate all of mankind from suffering and to bring enlightenment to

all of mankind.


This picture will be very meaningful to those of you in touch with

the dawn of the Golden Age which is a shift in consciousness as well

as an astrological occurrence. The advent of the Kalki Avatar is a

necessary component in this phenomena.


It is also interesting to note that in Siberia, there is a culture

that closely mirrors that of Tibet. There is a ceremony where a

statue of a horse is pulled through the streets. It is said that

when harmony returns to mankind, Buddha will return riding the horse.


The question is this: Will Buddha or the Christ return when harmony

has returned to mankind? If so how can will this harmony happen?

Previous interventions from the Kingdom of Heaven can be likened to

putting a lump of fine gold in a glass of water. The gold remains

gold, and the water remains water. The next incarnation, which is

called the Sampoorna (total-meaning the incarnation of God or

Supreme Consciousness on this planet) Avatar can be likened to

putting a drop of yogurt in into a glass of warm milk. Soon all of

the milk will be transformed into yogurt.


Man cannot transform himself. He can become highly reformed however,

in his practicing of concepts such as love, kindness, honesty, etc.

But true transformation is a result of Mystical Experience. You

might say that transformation is a benediction. Another look into

the lives of the saints, prophets and mystics would reveal all.


We are now in the throws of a mighty spiritual awakening,

unprecedented in the history of human kind. People from all walks of

life are walking and talking with God in a tangible form. Their

hearts have truly flowered, and for them, Heaven has met Earth. They

have entered the Golden Age which is a state of consciousness as

well as an astrological event.


Other would say that this is not possible. That the old calendars

say that the Golden Age won't " be here " for thousands of years.

Currently there is heated debate in India as some experts have

claimed to have found errors in the ancient calendars. This puts the

date of the Golden Age very close to the end of the Mayan calendar. "



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