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Fallacy 1


>Above all let me worship the Adi Shakti who

>created Shri Vishnu, Brahma, Siva, Ganesha, Jesus, Prophet

>Muhammad, Buddha, Guru Nanak and so on.


Above is shown the very little knowledge the author shows in

relation to 'who actually created what'. You have stated that the

Adi Shakti had created Sri Vishnu. This is a wrong conception, and

whats the point of having the entire set of Srimad Bhagavatam if you

haven't read and understood it properly?


Sri Vishnu is an expansion of one of the first plenery portions of

Lord Krsna (Purusha Avatars). Sri Vishnu is classified as a Vishnu-

Tattva, which means the category of God. And another thing is that

you can never create a vishnu-tattva (in this case, Lord Vishnu),

the portion or plenery portion of Lord Krsna simply expand

themselves, and although being different individuals, they are

nonetheless the same personality.


Brahma is the position of an exalted living entity and so he does

not come from the category of vishnu-tattva but from jiva-tattva

(living entity). Brama had actually emanated from Lord Vishnu. The

living entities are the seperated energies of the lord, in much the

same way that milk is the seperated energies of the cow. They are

eternally existent, are never created or destroyed.


Fallacy 2


>You are free to follow Acharya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabupada.

>If you have quotes from the Bible, Koran and Granth Sahib to

>support Acharya i will become his disciple.


The Vedic Philosophies are intrinsically more complete than the

philosophies of Jesus or Buddha. Therefore, you will not find the

same level of information in as much detail and explanation and

depth then that of the vedic texts.


The whole reason that there are many religions present is that the

particular religion in question was created for a specific time

period, geographic location and level of understanding exibited by

the people to who the religion was being preached to.


Previously before Islam, a form of the ancient Vedic Religion was

present. But this form of Hinduism had become perverted. The so

called idol worship was no longer done for the correct reasons of

advancement of spiritual life but for their own material life and

personal desires. This then degraded to such a stage that the Lord

had to send a Prophet known as Muhammad, who threw out the entire

notion of idol worship out the window and branded it as being very

wrong and had once again reintroduced the idea of a one supreme lord

to the people of that time. So, in essence, for the people at that

degraded time, Islam was the only way.


The point is, is that you will not find references to systems and

philosophies of religion/ bhakti yoga/devotion to god which is

higher in principle than the religions of a particular people of a

time (within kali yuga) that God would want to reveal (because of

the degraded condition of the people). And anyway, if accepting the

authority of the Srimad Bhagavatam is not enough, then what is?


Fallacy 3


>Apparently you lack the consciousness to understand my previous

>posts regarding religious madness that brings the worst in human

>beings. What will it take?


Following religion without any real philosophy is fanatism. This is

what madness you are referring to. For your understanding, the Hare

Krsna Movement is not a religion, but is defined as a higher

principle then religion known as devotion (bhakti-yoga).


Fallacy 4


> " In order to guard against the invention of unauthorized

>incarnations of God by the fanciful, less intelligent persons, the

>name of the father of the bona fide incarnation is also mentioned

>in the authorized revealed scriptures. No one, therefore, can be

>accepted as an incarnation of the Lord if his father's name, as

>well as the name of the village or place in which he appears, is

>not mentioned by the authorized scriptures. In the Bhagavata Purana

>the name of the Kalki incarnation, which is to take place in almost

>four thousand years, is mentioned along with the name of His father

>and the name of the village in which He will appear. A sane man,

>therefore, does not accept any cheap edition of an incarnation

>without reference to the authorized scriptures. "


>Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 2, Ch. 7 Text 2

>(A.C. Bhaktivedanta, Srimad Bhagavatam, BBT, 1987, p. 362.)


This quotation actually applies to you not me!


" A sane man, therefore, does not accept any cheap edition of an

incarnation without reference to the authorized scriptures. "


> " The word Kalki is actually an abbreviation of the word

>Niskalankh. Niskalankh means the same as My name is, which means

>Nirmala. That it is spotlessly clean. Something that is spotlessly

>clean is Niskalankh — without any spot marks.


>Now this Incarnation has been described in many Puranas as will be

>coming on this Earth on a white horse in a village of Sambhalpur.

>They call it Sambhalpur. It is very interesting how people take

>everything so literally. The word Sambhalpur means bhal is the

>forehead; sambhal means at that state; that means Kalki is

>situated at your bhal. Bhal is the forehead and here He is going to

>be born.

>That is the real meaning of the word Sambhalpur.


As you can see, the author is actually contradicting himself, by

first doing a quote from the exalted Srimad Bhagavatam where it

clearly states that the name of the village of the Kalki incarnation

has been mentioned in the scriptures (and the name of his father,

to `prevent the invention of unauthorized incarnations of God by


fanciful, less intelligent persons') and then in the next


he declares that the name of the village given in the Srimad

Bhagavatam (the Srimad Bhagavatam!) is actually a misinterpretation.

He says that it actually means your forehead!


Fallacy 5


>That the old calendars say that the Golden Age won't " be here " for

>thousands of years. Currently there is heated debate in India as

>some experts have claimed to have found errors in the ancient

>calendars. This puts the date of the Golden Age very close to the

>end of the Mayan calendar.


You just need to look around and do a bit of research. Research into

this Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabu incarnation, and you will find out who

started the golden age (for all of humanity) at what time and where.


Fallacy 6


>This is our true Mother. This Mother accompanies us, life after

>life. Divine Mother and Lord Krishna are one and the same.

>Therefore in the Sahasranama, the Thousand Names of the Divine

>Mother, one name is Govinda-Rupini. What does that mean? Govinda is

>a name of Krishna. Divine Mother is in the form of Krishna. She

>Herself is Krishna. Divine Mother is infinite Sweetness, infinite

>Love, infinite Beauty, absolute Beauty, eternal Beauty, ever-new

>Beauty. Om Govinda->rupinyai namah. "


This statement is showing us that the Supreme Goddess is none other

than Srimati Radharani. But, the Adi Shakti you are describing and

also on the website states that this Supreme Goddess has come down

as an avatar is also known as Maha-Maya. This is not the position of

Srimati Radharani. I believe that Srimati Radharani is Yoga-Maya

(far superior to maha-maya, and in the spiritual world, Vaikuntha).

That is, Krsnas internal energy. Maha-maya is *one* of krsnas energy

(the external energy).




You can see that simply by doing mass copy-pasting from various

sources from the internet has resulted in incomplete (and sometimes

articles which have little relevance to the topics being discussed)

and contradictory arguments which are in the modes of passion and

ignorance. These types of arguments come from people who don't

have any clear cut philosophy behind their reasoning.

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shriadishakti , " aashishshar "

<aashishshar> wrote:



> You have stated that the Adi Shakti had created Sri Vishnu. This

> is a wrong conception, and whats the point of having the entire

> set of Srimad Bhagavatam if you haven't read and understood it

> properly?






i would have become like you, a dry fundamentalist with endless

religious drivel and sheets of scriptural quotes, if not for the

intervention of the Adi Shakti. i have written in the third person

to let you know why i haven't read and understood the entire Srimad-

Bhagavatam properly.


This post is specially dedicated to my sister Princess whose

birthday greetings to Shri Mataji nearly brought tears to my eyes.

Enjoy it!








After Self-Realization in 1993 there was an intense, relentless

search for knowledge to unravel the mysteries of the Spiritual

Dimension that Kash was talking about. All types of Holy Scriptures

were purchased — Bhagavad-Gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Qur'an, Bible,

Guru Granth Sahib — studied and cross-examined.


Kash's father wanted to understand how these scriptures were linked

to the Truth of the Great Divine Mother and that which his son was

declaring. The same Truth had to be evident in all scriptural



Kash's mother began to get alarmed at the growing neglect of the

family by her husband. She tried to reason for balance but to no



Then matters took a drastic turn. Her husband purchased the entire

18-volume set of Srimad-Bhagavatam translated by A.C. Bhaktivedanta.

This was followed immediately by the seven volume Collected Lectures

on Bhagavad Gita As It Is — 15,000 pages of reading, all written

by a vegetarian brahmin who claimed to be the 32nd acarya of Shri



Every morning he woke before dawn and after meditation began to read

them seriously, even highlighting important translations. Day and

night were spent in this single-minded pursuit. As the family

watched him from a distance the situation slowly deteriorated.


In the end Kash's mother had no choice but to seek the help of

Shri Adi Shakti to solve this budding fanaticism with Mr. A.C., the

founder of ISKCON. She meditated and requested Shri Mataji to help

correct her husband.


The very next day a chain of events took place which ended with her

spouse praising the books to high heaven, and loudly demanded that

his right to search for God through them should not be violated.

Puffed-up and self-assured that he — like hundreds of millions of

religious humans — was undertaking one of humankind's oldest

and noblest quest, angrily told his wife never to interfere in

future and blasted her into silence.


Late in the evening when Kash came out of meditation there was a sad

look on his face. He explained that Shri Vandaru-Jana-Vatsala Shri

Nirmala Devi was unhappy that his father was arguing about the Holy

Scriptures and the search for God. The Great Divine Feminine

cautioned that he should read less.


This Revelation was stunning and totally unexpected, humiliating the

barking ego which whimpered away to lick its badly-wounded pride.

Instead of getting a well-deserved pat for pursuing book knowledge,

he received a slap on the face from, of all beings, the Great Adi

Shakti! And that also right before the entire family.


Kash's mother explained days later that she had meditated and asked

Shri Bhakti-priya Shri Nirmala Devi to help bring her husband to his

senses and stop his fanaticism with scriptural knowledge.


Immediately Shri Mataji created a drama to rectify the situation.

She had witnessed all that was going on, listened to the plea of her

devotee in the evening, and created a Maya (illusion) the next

morning that made her husband react harshly. Then She informed Kash

of Her displeasure, admonished the culprit, and brought a quick end

to a lingering family problem.


Despite Her impeccable Guidance the ego still questioned why? Why

not the Holy Scriptures? What is wrong with the revealed books? Why

should She discourage him from seeking knowledge from these sources?

Over the months as the Rains of Revelation fell the answers came.

They were just as startling. These books had been edited,

translated, interpreted, and used for power, wealth, division,

disinfornmation, and subjugation by all the institutionalized

religious institutions. The depth of deception was unbelievable. It

was clear that humans remained as religious apes ever since the

prophets left.


The Great Divine Mother within was trying Her best to transform him

into a man of God with Knowledge that none of the guardians of

religious regimes possessed! The Great Adi Shakti was extolling Her

ancient devotee to strive for something far higher. She was

enlightening him to be his own master and not allow others to spread

their ignorance and delude him. She was trying to free him from the

shackles of scripture and the limitations of mind:


" A Sahaja Yogi is a person who has got Realization through the

Kundalini. And Kundalini is the Mother within you, is the caring,

nourishing Power. That Mother will never compromise with the

son. " " I have told you of many things, but I didn't talk of many

things, like the Genesis, like the beginning of our life, how we

came. I have said it in a way, in a very, very gross way, but all in

subtleties I have not said much because I don't want you to get

to any discussion or to any point which cannot be verified by your

vibrations. Whatever you can verify by your vibrations becomes your

Knowledge. That is what gradually is told to you.


You should not interfere or you should not indulge into those books

and things which talk of the origin of the Earth and the origin of

this and that. You should not get into these things because your

mind will be diverted, you will take to knowledge which may not be

Knowledge. and then you will start thinking, `Oh, I don't

know this part, I don't know that part.' What you have to

know is very simple, is what are you. You are the spirit and the

light of the spirit will tell you everything gradually, as much as

you can bear it. It will not tell you something that you cannot

bear. "


The great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was guiding him from

within to become the eternal Spirit for She had already declared on

Earth that it is the Blossom Time — the age to evolve from

religious primates into spiritual beings.

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