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Ex-Saint Joseph Simon, Sai Baba Vladimir and Moonie-sympathiser Judith Fox

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Dear Jagbir,


Could you please forward this post to your excellent discussion

forum, as i am having trouble posting, i keep getting postmaster

return from , but i hear they're having a few problems in some

countries today.


Thank you, and best wishes,


Jai Shri Mataji




Dear Sahaja Yogis,


Some of you may be aware that a few websites have recently been

launched exposing the hidden agendas of the anti-SY 'group'.


These are the websites;






Please read them carefully to be well informed and well guarded.


In particular, the first one about the anti-SY forum has been

thoroughly and very well researched, and is a factual representation

of the anti-SY fanatics and their motives.


Anyone who may occasionally have been lured into the anti-SY forum

may have since read that Judith Fox's (their moderator) response to

her own exposure is nothing more than a 'raw-nerve-aggravated-

rebuttal'. She has been exposed as dishonest, unfortunately.


She has also been totally exposed as a Moonie sympathiser, and her

Mentor, Barker was exposed as one many years ago, there is

loads of info on the internet about that. Note she dare not mention

this in her dishonest rebuttal.


Dear reader, before you start to feel that we SYogis shouldn't

become concerned with such negative and dishonest people, let us

remember that sometimes we have to make a stand against them and

their perverse agenda, and that they are potentially scaring away

many seekers from coming to Sahaja Yoga with their deceitful

internet campaign.


The truth has to be told about these individuals, and what their

reasons are, and unfortunately in the past we have been too

complacent and not outlined clearly enough exactly who these people

are and what their hidden pasts and devious behavior proves.


Shri Mataji has also indicated that She wants some of us to keep an

occasional eye on these people and what they are trying to do.


The other recent reactions on their negative list to these excellent

sites have been predictable. They are simply desperate, we know for

a fact that the Vladimir mentioned on the antisylist site is

absolutely the same person as the poster who writes as

writer273rus (AT) (DOT) We even have proof of it.


His name is Vladimir Antonov, and he was allegedly asked to leave SY

by others in his local group. If you visit his website, (under a

strong bandhan), and find the section about his theory on 'sexology'

you'll see what kind of a perverse mind he has.


What kind of man still worships the pedophile Sai Baba after he has

been thoroughly exposed of molesting children?, the antiSYs should

ask themselves, but they are so obsessed with attacking Sahaja Yoga

and Shri Mataji, that their minds and morality have become warped.


Their reactions to the very well researched facts on the latest

website prove that they are willing to stoop to any level, even

downright denial when they have been caught red-handed. (We see that

Judith Fox has just very coincidentally posted as sykeres again, in

a desperate attempt to cover up the exposed facts.


The IP number of the pro-Moonie spammed posts were actually from

Parsippany, New Jersey, and NOT from England as she claims. We

originally checked and logged the number as evidence, but she

conveniently deleted those posts since.)


Please forgive the extent and content of this email, but to finish

on one final note, here are the ten questions we propose that every

Sahaja Yogi and newcomer should constantly ask these anti-SY



1) Did Simon D Montford, the self-appointed leader of the anti-SY

campaign, believe himself to be a reincarnation of the Biblical

Saint Joseph of Arimathea?


2) Did Simon D Montford go on to believe himself to be a

reincarnation of Lord Vishnu?


3) Did Simon D Montford abuse people close to him, telling a young

father to go and hang himself, and even cruelly abuse a poor young

woman whom he physically held down while her husband beat her,

because she was accused of being 'possessed'?


4) Was S D Montford told to leave Sahaja Yoga after his disgraceful



5) Is Judith Fox's Mentor, Barker, a Moonie supporter/



6) Did Judith Fox spam the anti-SY forum as sykeres@ with pro-

Moonie posts?


7) Is the Vladimir on their forum willing to confess that he is

indeed Vladimir Antonov, who voices exactly the same views over

Rajneesh and other false gurus, but hides from that forum that he is

a Sathya Sai Baba worshipper?


8) Did S D Montford attempt to hand over the ownership of their

forum to this pedophile worshipper?


9) Did S D Montford spam the Shri Adi Shakti forum with his anti-SY

websites, and copy posts from there, despite preaching about

netiquette protocols only when it suits him?


10) Is S D Montford, the self-appointed leader and megalomaniac

egotist of the anti-SY campaign, completely obsessed with spending

the rest of his life trying to ruin the reputation of Sahaja Yoga,

no matter what type of person he recruits?


The answer to all of these ten questions is a resounding YES!


We should keep on reminding these anti-SY fanatics of these crucial

ten questions, and the poignant relevance of where it places their

credibility, and every newcomer to Sahaja Yoga who doesn't already

know about SD Montford's disgraceful past and motivations should

read these websites carefully to guard against these sly and

destructive individuals.


Jai Shri Mataji!

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