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An important question from a part-time SY

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Dear members,


i received an email from a part-time SY which reads:


" I still feel vibrations and catches even though I am not fully in

SY as in going for collectives, footsoaking, etc. I still meditate

and perform aartis in the morning while raising Kundalini and

Bandhan though. Why is that? "


Please respond because there is more than meets the eye here. This

subtle question may open a pandora's box of questions over what and

who is a SY. Since we have a number of part-time SYs it will be very

interesting what full-time SYs think of it.


a double jeopardy,




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shriadishakti , " Alin STEFANIU "

<alin_stefaniu@t...> wrote:


> As to your saying that this is a Pandora's box, I tend not to

> agree with you. As long as we all know what is our destination, we

> are all alike. My first though was to criticise any person that

> does not attend programs regularly and does not do the meditation

> and all that. But it's not that simple. We all have problems even

> though some are more obvious than other.


> The best that we can do is support those " part-time SYs " and show

> them what is like to be a " full-time " SY.






Jai Shri Mataji!


One of the contents of the Pandora's box is the question of

attending programs regularly. Some SYs tend to 'look down' on people

who do not attend programs. i am one of very few SYs who have

stopped attending public programs because of the collective's

refusal to be upfront and honest about Shri Mataji being the Adi

Shakti who delivers the message of the Last Judgment to all. i

regard the sending of the Comforter as promised by Jesus Christ to

be the heart and soul of Sahaja Yoga, and am very passionate about



i have immense regard for the Savior because of the unsurpassable

bravery and unbelievable forgivness He showed for those who nail Him

on the cross. There is no way i can gauge the indescribable pain and

barbaric torture He had to endure over three days before death

relieved Him. i will do everything in my power to follow His

teachings and commands, the least possible to give honor and respect

for a towering giant of a Man.


Thus i regard His sending of the Comforter with the Good News of the

Last Judgment to be unconditionally announced to all humanity

without fear. We are not living in those Dark Ages where the Romans

would have crucified those who did so, though many were subsequently

martyred for their faith in the Savior. There is nothing to be

terrified of. All we need is to speak the Truth because that is the

least we can do to honor Jesus for all the suffering He endured in

the name of Truth. He was alone in a very violent age, and went

about fearlessly announcing the Truth that brought inevitable death.


Yet in the security and safety of the modern 21st century we SYs

refuse to do so in our public programs. Reason: We are afraid of a

public backlash or seekers leaving Sahaja Yoga. But let them leave

if they do not believe so. The Last Judgment only calls for the

believers to announce this Good News. Once a person hears this our

job is done. It does not matter if Shri Mataji is believed or not

because the very knowledge that it is the Last Judgment ensures its

consequences. In the Afterlife none can plead innocence by reason of



We SYs are bound by dharma to be truthful. i find it extremely

difficult to attend public programs where seekers are enticed with

stress relief and chakra charts. Not only is this downright

deceitful but also those seekers who leave within a week or two, and

99% do, never return again. They can learn far more about stress

management and chakras from the comfort of computers and books, and

are much satisfied when they pay ................. instead of

being suspicious about free courses. Who gives such things for free

nowadays and many must be rightly suspicious that there is a catch.

The modern public is well aware that cults have the same modus



SYs have never given a reason for this massive, prevalent return of

merchandise deficit. We are just selling defective goods that few

are interested and many have picked up on impulse because they were

free in the first place. Yet we sheepishly continue to hawk the same

goods even as our Bikram corner stores prosper and run circles

around Sahaja Yoga competition.


All we hear is that Simon and company is responsible when i know for

a fact that 99.99% do not even know he and his websites exists.

Simon is made a scapegoat of all that ills Sahaja Yoga, a healing

balm for our collective conscience. SYs have still not taken their

heads out of the sand because it is more comforting to not face

reality, the reality that something is very wrong in our approach to

announce the Truth of the Last Judgment.


That is why i refuse to attend any public program and will do so as

long as the Truth is not announced. i prefer to be a 'part-time SY'

living with a clear conscience than one who attends public programs

and tells seekers that the Sahaja Yoga subtle system is the

brainchild of a great guru. i go to sleep every night contented that

i am doing my very small part to live up to the Savior's great

expectations that His sending of the Comforter will be welcome by

those who seek the eternal Hereafter ........................ and

loudly announced so in joy and happiness. i wake up every morning in

peace, contented that i have somehow lived to the least expectations

of all my eternal forefathers, mothers, sisters, friends and

relatives waiting eagerly in the eternal Kingdom of God. i know they

will welcome me back to the defening din of a thousand conches

trumpeting my return.


All who return in triumph will be accorded the same honor

traditionally reserved for ancient spiritual warriors. We have

fought many a times for the Adi Shakti and triumphed in all

encounters with the Evil Forces.


The present battle will be no different. It will end in triumph. The

Divine Mother has never ever been defeated in any of Her battles.

Nay, not even a single hair of Her has been touched, less even bent.

It is a great dishonor to even think that She will be nicked by the

combined forces of the Antichrist. Jai Shri Mataji!




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shriadishakti , " Alin STEFANIU "

<alin_stefaniu@t...> wrote:


> This is a very tricky question but with a very simple answer

> depending on the definition of " Sahaja Yogi " , and I will not go

> into that subject for now. . . .


> The best that we can do is support those " part-time SYs " and show

> them what is like to be a " full-time " SY.






A SY is one who meditates on the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit or Ruh of

Allah) because s(he) believes that it is the Last Judgment and

Resurrection. That is the main reason i have become a devotee of

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.


Nearly a decade ago i started questioning the very purpose of life.

After a few years of materialistic pursuits and delicious

indulgences in Canada the initial euphoria wore off — there was

no gold at the end of the rainbow. i had achieved his deepest desire

and burning lifelong ambition: to take my family to a safe haven on

Earth where we could live in peace, harmony, equality and, of

course, wealth. The joy of life in Canada, one of the most blessed

nation on Earth, came in ever-diminishing returns.


Then it began to dawn that genuine happiness was missing in one of

the wealthiest country on Earth. Life began to lose its essence.

There was an incomprehensible feeling of emptiness, of nothingness,

of uselessness. The realization came that life, even if cherished to

the fullest, was futile if it all ended with the parting of loved

ones. Existence was useless if it ended and faded into nothingness.

It just made no sense. Paramahansa Yogananda, in Undreamed-of

Possibilities has this to say:


" Our great whirling planet, our human individuality, were not given

to us merely that we might exist for a time and then vanish into

nothingness, but that we might question what is it all about. To

live without understanding the purpose of life is foolish, a waste

of time. The mystery of life surrounds us; we were given

intelligence in order to solve it. "


In early 1993 i knew that i had reached the end of life's

journey, and began a journey of self-introspection to search for the

meaning of life. " Why was i on Earth? What was i born for? Why is

there death? Is it the end of all existence? Why are humans in a

constant state of struggle for power and possessions? Why is the

vast majority under constant subjugation? Why are billions striving

and suffering? Why so much hate, violence and unhappiness in the

lands of plenty? Why so many tears, anguish and sufferings in the

lands of less? Why all these ceaseless confusions, delusions and

illusions? Why all these religions of division, differences and

hate? Why all these different Allahs, Gods and Prabhus? What is the

Truth? Who knows this Truth? Where is this Truth? How to reach this



After months of fruitless, frustrating searching i surrendered

myself and begged the Divine to quench my ever-increasing thirst for

Truth. This spiritual song imploring the Almighty Creator to remove

the veil of ignorance was sung again, and again, and again:


O Ek suki yaha lakoh mein.

O Only one in a hundred thousand is in bliss.

Ansoo hai croroh ankhoh mein.

There are tears in millions and millions of eyes.

Hum neh gin gin har takdir dekhi.

I have counted and seen every fate for years,

Ek hasta hai dush rote hai

Only one soul laughs while ten are in tears.

Kuch bhol Prabhu yeh kya Maya

O! Speak Almighty God what is this Illusion,

Tera khel samaj meh nah aya

Your Divine Play is all confusion and delusion.


For weeks the Almighty Creator was asked, amid a profusion of tears,

to reveal the Truth. Repeatedly He was implored to answer the

meaning of life, creation, and this useless, empty human existence.

Above all, He was begged for the Truth that would destroy the

falsehood that the religious regimes had deluded him and the rest of

humanity. What was desired was the Absolute Truth of the Absolute

Creator, not the conflicting gods of various organized religions.

Any god that could not explain and account for the other Messengers

was not God. Any yahweh that only cared for his kind was not Yahweh.

Any allah that had only one messenger was not Allah. Any prabhu that

was found only in a single scripture was not Prabhu. Any buddha that

had no Knowledge of His Kingdom was not Buddha.


On the night of September 28, 1993, i was sitting all alone,

completely drunk, and somehow listening to the relaxing music of

Kitaro. My children were fast asleep and wife still at work. Nothing

stirred the silent atmosphere surrounding the soft soothing sounds.

i was peace with himself and Earth.Suddenly, out of nowhere, a

thunderous voice bellowed, " JOIN SHRI MATAJI. "


It was a thunderclap that jerked me out of the serene stupor. i

whirled around in disbelieve but there was no one around. The

intensity and clarity of this Mighty Call shook every nerve and

fiber of my body. Where did this Majestic Voice come from? Who was

it that spoke with such Authority?


My mind reeled in reverence to this Divine Message that had come

like a massive bolt of Cosmic Consciousness. It was the Divine

Direction for no power on Earth could have had that force of

awakening a half-comatosed drunk.


Despite my inebriated state i knew that this Message had to be

remembered at all costs. There was a Force in it that jolted my

numbed senses to act immediately, lest the sheer strength of

intoxication would reel me back into hapless lethargy and deep

sleep. My heavily bombed state of mind ruled out any hope of

remembrance. The only way was to somehow jot it down on



i managed to stagger to a table, take out his purse, and

write down the message and date on a calling card (the date took a

considerable time to confirm.) The exact words written down

were: 'Join Mataji 28/9/93.' (1)


That is how i became a SY and have remained ever since. i was

called upon to join Shri Mataji because of my deepest desire for the

Truth of God Almighty. Ever since that fateful day She has provided

me more answers to life's deepest questions than all the religious

regimes put together.


There is no such thing as a part-time or full-time SY. A SY who does

not go for public programs is in no way less pure or enlightened

than a full-time front-of-the-puja-row devotee. It is all within -

the love, humility, compassion and innocence for fellow humans. It

is also the dharma and devotion to the Truth. Whether one goes to

public programs or not has nothing to do with the quality and depth.

There is no such thing as a senior SY being more enlightened, or one

who has attended most pujas more pure.


Last, but not the least, it is the absolute surrender to the Last

Judgment and Resurrection. i consider this to be the most important

aspect of being a SY. Once this Truth is accepted the rest of life

becomes an individual journey dedicated to purifying the mind and

body of all impurities. A full-time SY is one who spends the rest of

life taking part in the Last Judgment, that is meditating twice a

day .................... whether all alone or with the



We will be judged by what we are, not with whom or where we were. It

is an individual journey that enjoys life to the fullest, the

Kingdom of God within that has now manifested on Earth in all its

splendor and glory.





(1.) " He to whom the enjoyment of worldly happiness appears

tasteless, he who takes no delight in anything of the world —

money, name, creature comforts, sense pleasure — becomes sincerely

grief-stricken for the vision of the Mother. And to him alone the

Mother comes running, leaving all Her other duties. "


Sri Ramakrishna, The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, Ramakrishna-

Vivekananda Center, 1958, p. 367.



" This world is afflicted by many accumulated layers of sin and

delusion, and most people are not in touch with their original, true

selves. God cannot easily be felt or experienced; the truth cannot

easily be understood or practiced. Without God and the guidance of

truth, the mind is rudderless, drifting aimlessly in a sea of vain

desires and false conceptions. In such a condition, even the best

efforts at spiritual growth may fail. Yet time and again God reveals

himself to those who seek him in faith. "


World Scripture, International Religious Foundation, Paragon House

Publishing, 1995, p. 535.



Those, upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace come to meet the Guru.

Shedding the residues of their sinful mistakes . . .

This world is asleep in emotional attachment to Maya.

Forgetting the Naam, the Name of the Lord,

it ultimately comes to ruin.

The One who put it to sleep shall also awaken it.

Through the Guru's Teachings, understanding dawns.

One who drinks in this Nectar shall have his delusions dispelled. By

Guru's Grace, the state of liberation is attained.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Maajh, Third Mehl, p. 111-12.)

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Coin with many sides.

Dear brothers and Sisters,


What Jagbir has said is true for him. But like everything that is

subject to opinion there are many definitiions as there are yogis.


To me a Sahaja Yogi meditates whenever it is possible. Be that twice

a day or all day. As it is the Joy of union with God that I hope

motivates one to meditate at all. It is of course a process of

discovery, that can take one second or many lives. It depends on how

much You stand in the way. To me there is nothing outwards that

distinguishes a Sahaja Yogi. It is Completely internal. It has

nothing to do with Puja's, or number of times in a day someone does

something. That is called ritual. Has nothing to do with following

some ones rules, I have always held that if there is one set of foot

prints on the path before you, your on the wrong path. As we each

have our own trail to blaze to Heaven. Collective conditionings can

only take you so far, whatever organization they come from.

Eventually everyone must find the thing beyond even organization, and

collective. But the Collective of Sahaja Yoga does serve the purpose

of Heaven to the point that the door to the Unconscious has to be

pried open to allow the Divine plan of evolution to work out. There

is much more I could say on this point but this is not graduate

course here.


There is one thing though that can be seen from the outside, and it

is perhaps the most important thing a Sahaja Yogi can do. A real

Sahaja Yogi has discovered in themselves true Compassion for other

human beings. And to show that Love, they give Self-Realization to

others. Not by any rules perhaps, what to say, how to say, is not

even neccesary to present anything other than the door to freedom.

All Sahaja Yogis have this power, and it is for using our powers we

are created as yogis. So some get caught up in ego play, ok, some

caught in conditions, ok, but they are not living up to the reason

they were given realization in the first place. This is not the life

to take your yoga home and hide there. In more than a subtle way i am

thrashing some wheat here. But this is my opinion only.


Just because someone does not become a SY from attending a meeting,

is not truely the point in the absolute, to giving realization. The

Kundalini can and will continue to act. It is not givin to all to be

SY's but it is given to most to evolve. This is the biggest help any

one person can give or recieve from another human being. So to

withhold it from people for any reason is to me anti anti anti Love.


Take a look for one second at the tradition of the Guru in Southern

Asia. What was the point of the Guru having a disciple? Plainly, to

make another Guru. Not to make a slave, or condition someone. But to

set them free so they can also do the same for someone else. This is

what is ultimately to come of Sahaja Yoga I hope, that the trappings

of ceremony and fear, and ego, and ritual drop away, and people

everywhere come to know like some of the Native Indians of America

once knew, how the Goddess talked to the other creatures of the

world, simply, innocently, and in harmony. Otherwise I will never be

able to take anybody home with me, as Mother and Father continue to

insist, no animals allowed in Heaven.




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