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Valaya Virata

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OK. !!!BIG WARNING on what I am going to tell

here. It could turn out to be severe AVIDYA!!!


Before Sahaja I used to read a lot of stuff,

including a lot of nonsense. So there was one

New Age book by one certain Barbara Hand Clow

(a true disaster of a writer so to speak, so

stay away). I know that these ppl generally

just cook together some soup out of vegetables

already acquired somewhere else. And because of

that this information could not be from them.


It was the first time I ever learned about the

existence of the Subtle System, and it was saying

that there were chakras also above the head. The

first one above is supposed to be the one to uphold

our connection with the nearest collective. A

second one - to connect us with the entire mankind

(to be " one body " just like Mother Earth is). A

third - in the Solar System (don't know if it was

meant that the Sun was that or not). A fourth - in

the Milky Way (maybe its center). And a fifth

somewhere in the cosmos (could it be simply the



But, as it seems, it is simply not meant for us to

know about all of this for sure by our mental kusha,

as it is only through the personal experience that

we would need to learn about these things.


I would like to warn everybody once again about the

potentiality of the above to be Avidya.



Jai Shri Mataji!






shriadishakti , " doomicle " <Sahajforum@h...>


> Well I've had a look at both Valaya and Beyond the Sahasrara.pdf,

> both are interesting but their explanations of the higher chakras

> are very breif. I was really more interested in the places that

> these chakras correspond to in the virata. As I have heard the


> information before. They don't correspond to the continents of

> earth. Do they correspond to another slolar sytem/galaxy/ universe.

> I heard that Shri Mataji in tending to 14 worlds not just ours.



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shriadishakti , " Furat " <springingriver>


A fourth - in

> the Milky Way (maybe its center). And a fifth

> somewhere in the cosmos (could it be simply the

> Paramchaitanya?.


Dear Furat,


I would like to relate an experience i had on this subject. It was

May 5th 2000. I was sitting in a field, on a stool, watching some

video. I had just come from a Sahaj meeting, which was quite plesant.

I am sitting there, it was a going away party for a friend who was

moving. I am seeing the TV, suddenly all of my perifery vision is

gone, I see the TV dissapearing. As everything goes away, I see all

the people there like ghosts...Then they are gone also.


What i am seeing and experiencing is the center of the universe. It

was all around. I could feel Shri Mothers presence, like the big

Samadhi. It was so beautiful, all Galaxies glowing in their spirals.

It was tremendous. I remember having a conversation with Mother, but

I can not recall what it was. At some point i slipped off the stool

and was sitting on the ground as this reality came back into focus.

You will find in the journal also description of the Earth Chakra,

and Solar Chakra.




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shriadishakti , " doomicle " <Sahajforum@h...>


> That sounds allot like Kash Baldwinders' experience when he met

> the deities.



Can you be more specific and detailed? First of all there is no

person by the name of Kash Baldwinder. Secondly, Baldwinder is not

bald though his hairline may have receeded less than a millimeter

the last time i met him in 2001.



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shriadishakti , " doomicle " <Sahajforum@h...>


> Lol, sorry I'm not so great on the details. The articles on this

> site are interesting but very long...

> I refering to this article;

> http://www.adishakti.org/adi_shakti's_descend.htm

> In particular.



" The question remains as to whether some kind of spiritual

evolution is in progress, whether large amounts of people gradually

taking up meditation and other forms of inner practice will create a

critical mass of global enlightenment, or whether we will continue

in what could be called the Brazilian rain forest mode. In the past,

this theory goes, a small number of mystics, ascetics, monastics,

wandering mendicants, and other followers of the Perennial

Philosophy were capable of providing the spiritual oxygen that

helped the rest of the world to breathe and that sustained the

mainstream practice of religion with all its surface anomalies.

These days it seems increasingly questionable whether this approach

will be sufficient to redeem a crippled planet; on the whole, the

evolutionary theory makes more sense. But how long will it take? The

Bolivian visionary Oscar Ichazo said some years ago, " In the past

eras the mystical trip was an individual matter, or at least a

matter of small groups, but no longer. This is what is new in human

history. Everybody can now achieve a higher degree of

consciousness. . . . The vision of humanity as one enormous family,

one objective tribe, may once have been utopian. Now it is a

practical necessity. " 1


Kash, Arwinder and Lalita continue to provide the mystical oxygen

that keeps me spiritually alive, and sustain my relentless drive to

announce to all humanity that Shri Mataji is the Adi Shakti.


Nowadays it is specifically my daughter Lalita who helps me breathe

in the rarified air from the Realm of the Sahasrara. Last night she

prepared tea and some snacks for me just prior to bedtime. As i

drank the tea vibrations began to flow out of me and i was slightly



Just prior to falling off to sleep she told me that the Spirit World

is very much better than this very beautiful Earth. Many spirit

beings live there, beings who are very much better than beautiful

humans here. All of them worship the Adi Shakti as have all humans

from the very beginning of Time:


" The later patriarchal religions and mythologies, " wrote Erich

Neumann in a richly documented study, The Great Mother, " have

accustomed us to look upon the male god as a creator . . . But the

original, overlaid stratum knows of a female creative being. "

Neumann assumes for the whole region of the Mediterranean a

universally adopted religion of the Great Mother goddess around 4000

B.C.E., which was revived around 2000 B.C.E. and spread through the

whole of the then known world. In this religion the Great Goddess

was worshipped as creator, as Lady of men, beasts, and plants, as

liberator and as as symbol of transcendent spiritual transformation.


The Indus civilization also belongs to that tradition in which the

cult of the Great Goddess was prominent. Numerous terracotta

figurines have been found: images of the Mother Goddess of the same

kind that are still worshipped in Indian villages today. . . .


The connections between Saktism, Mohenjo-Daro civilization, and

Mediterranean fertility cults seem to be preserved even in the name

of the Great Mother: " Uma for her peculiar name, her association

with a mountain and her mount, a lion, seems to be originally the

same as the Babylonian Ummu or Umma, the Arcadian Ummi, the

Dravidian Umma, and the Skythian Ommo, which are all mother

goddesses. " The name Durga seems to be traceable to Truqas, a diety

mentioned in the Lydian inscriptions of Asia Minor. There is a

common mythology of this Great Mother: she was the first being in

existence, a Virgin. Spontaneously she conceived a son, who became

her consort in divinity. With her son-consort she became mother of

the gods and all life. Therefore we find the Goddess being

worshipped both as Virgin and Mother. " 2


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the incarnation of the Great Mother

whose Son Shri Ganesha (The Beginning) later incarnated as Shri

Jesus (The End as Shri Kalki).


I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and last.

Blessed are they who do His commandments, that they may have right

to the Tree of Life, (A)

And may enter in through the Gates (B) of the City. ©

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and

murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever love and makes a lie.

I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto thee these things in

the churches. (D)

I am the root and offspring of David, and the bright and morning


And the Spirit (E) and the Bride (F) say, Come. And let him that

hears say, Come.

And let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will, let him take

the Waters of Life (G) freely.


Revelations 22:13-17


A The subtle system consisting of nadis, chakras and Sahasrara;

B The very narrow Agnya chakra located at the optic chiasma where

resides the Universal Savior Shri Jesus Christ;

C The Sahasrara, Thousand-Petalled Lotus, or KINGDOM OF God;

D " Once there was a single Christian group, Jesus of Nazareth's

tiny band of twelve apostles; now there are thousands. It has been

estimated that there are some twenty-two thousand separate and

distinct Christian groups around the world. " 3

E God-Almighty, Sadashiva, Allah, Yahweh — the Father.

F Holy Spirit, Adi Shakti, Ruh, Shekinah — the Mother.

G " . . . water is a very holy thing. . . This is the time of

Aquarius means the Kundalini is made of Divine Water. " 4



" Religion is some group saying their particular version of God is

the right version, and that's hard for me to accept.. The world has

become such a smaller place. It makes it hard for me to believe that

the guy in Nepal and the little boy in Africa and the old man in

Maine, all three of them with different versions of God, and yet

maybe none of them are right. " " I just can't believe that. There has

to be some unifying thing. "   5


The Adi Shakti has come to prove that there is a unifying thing.

Kash, Arwinder and Lalita are just providing evidence that Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi is the Adi Shakti in all our Sahasraras.



Truth is stranger than fiction,






1. (Peter Occhiogrosso, The Joy of Sects)

2. K. K. Klostermaier, Hinduism: A Short History, Oneworld Pub.,

2000, p. 188-9

3. Charles Templeton, Farewell to God, The Canadian Publishers, 1996

p. 130.

4. Shri Madhvi-panalasa Shri Nirmala, Gruha Lakshmi, Diwali Puja,

U.K. — November 1, 1981

5. M. Night Shyamalan, Film director (Sixth Sense, Unbreakable &

Signs), Los Angeles, California, USA, July 29, 2002   

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shriadishakti , " doomicle " <Sahajforum@h...>



> What do you mean by " brazillian rainforest mode " ?



The Brazilian rainforest is, without question, one of mankind's

major environmental assets. So much so that such relevant data as

biodiversity and rates of destruction are at the fingertips of every

concerned citizen.


The eradication of the Amazon Rainforest and Rainforests around the

world are wreaking havoc on the climate of our Earth. 


The Amazon Rainforest is like a giant " heat pump " that sends energy

and moisture from the tropics into the colder high latitudes -it

produces a climate in which we can live. The balance of nature is

being destroyed. At the current rate of destruction the Amazon

Rainforest will be gone in a few decades. 


Every second of the day land the size of 2 football fields is lost

forever in The Rain Forests of the World. Now is the time to do

something  about this....before it is too late! Rainforests are

the most productive and most complex ecosystems on Earth.


Rainforests are home to 50 to 70% of all life forms on Earth.

Scientists estimate an average of 137 species of life forms are

driven into extinction every day for a total of 50,000 each year.


The destruction of the World's Rainforests displaces and destroys

the cultures of indigenous people who inhabit them. Ways of life

that have existed for eons are totally destroyed, disrupted and up

routed. The cultures we are losing are irreplaceable. In 1500 almost

9 million indigenous people inhabited the Brazilian Rainforest. Now

less than 200,000 remain.


The Amazon Rainforest is vanishing at 3 times the rate it was in

1994. 20% of the Amazon Rainforest is already destroyed! The

present rate is: 


2.47 ACRES per second

150 ACRES per minute

214,000 ACRES per day

78 MILLION ACRES per year


In Brazil 5.4+ Million Acres per year are stripped of nature. 80% of

the ancient forests of planet Earth have been destroyed. Thus only

20% remain intact.


" Current environmental literature is replete with apocalyptic

visions of the planet's future highlighted by the sinister role

that capitalism and modern industry have played in sealing earth's

fate. For two decades the proximity of Doomsday has meant dollars

for the likes of Jeremy Rifkin, Paul Ehrlich, and Lester Brown.

These erstwhile children of Malthus regale with tales of how the

utter destruction of the planet by humanity is inevitable unless

their advice is heeded. Man, they cry, must turn to central

planning as his savior. The alternative is too horrible to

contemplate: the seas will rise, the deserts expand, and Mother

Nature will unleash a torrent of hurricanes and hailstorms.

Thermometers will swell from the ever-increasing heat while

overpopulation and resource depletion elevate famine and disease to

epidemic proportions.


U.S. Senator George J. Mitchell's World On Fire: Saving an

Endangered Earth is yet another addition to this folklore of

fatalism. According to Mitchell, herding the earth ever-closer to

catastrophe are the " Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse " : acid

rain, ozone depletion, deforestation, and " the long predicted,

much-feared greenhouse effect. " These four horsemen— " all of

them creations of human-kind " —work in unison, he warns, and

failure to address all four will certainly be catastrophic.  Lest

" humankind " be complacent in its response to these dangers, a

fifth horseman, overpopulation, waits in the wings ready to aid its

comrades in the utter despoilation of the earth. Without a massive

restructuring of society and the imposition of " an environmental

union of all nations " (read: world government), the world will be

lost, and contemporary Western society is to blame. " 1


Thus, despite all evidence of a looming global disaster of

unprecedented and unimaginable proportion, the relentless pursuit of

wealth and ever higher standards of living continues to inexorably

drive the insatiable lower chakras of the human race. Nothing is

going to stop this mighty tide of greed and materialism once the

engines that power corporate giants and chaelbol juggernauts go into

overdrive. Nothing will stand in their way as cutthroat competition

compels survival of only the fittest.


We are all in the 'brazilian rainforest mode' i.e. we are all unable

to escape this straightjacket of a repulsively greedy materialistic

system, and act to save ourselves from our own actions that

continues to pillage and rape Mother Earth. We have become immune to

Her cries for help. Most religious primates are in the 'brazilian

rainforest mode'.


The only solution is to provide evidence of an eternal homo

spiritus, proof of an Afterlife that will halt this drunken,

drugged, and erotic one-night stand party on Earth. Humanity must be

given verifiable testimony by SYs that the spiritual Kingdom of God

does exists and that the Last Judgment enables them to evolve into

the eternal spirit. They must announce loudly that the Adi Shakti,

the Comforter sent as promised by Lord Jesus, in on Earth to

proclaim the commencement of the Last Judgment and Resurrection.


Instead they meekly keep trying to entice these inebriated and

ecstatic revelers with stress lollipops and chakra chocolates

.... only to almost always hear hysterical laughter and unrestrained

sarcasm. Most SYs are in the 'brazilian rainforest mode'.








1. Review of World on Fire: Saving an Endangered Earth by Senator

George J. Mitchell. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1991).

247 pp., $22.50 (Canada $29,95).

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shriadishakti , " doomicle " <Sahajforum@h...>



> Well Sri Mataji has said that the kali yuga is over now. So we

> would logically expect that a critical mass type scenario is in

> progress. That seems to be the opinion of most sahaja yogis that I

> meet. Fat load of good it does us in the mean time though,:(

> Groan.. Its like sitting on the icey dewed grass at dawn and

> freezing your ass of while the sun rises. Thats the story of my

> life. Of all our lives. Sure good things happen but just as

> frequently as the bad things, as the whole lumbering process plods

> envitably closer and closer to its finish line. Like watching

> paint dry.



The only solution is to provide evidence of an eternal homo

spiritus, proof of an Afterlife that will halt this drunken,

drugged, and erotic one-night stand party on Earth. Humanity must be

given verifiable testimony by SYs that the spiritual Kingdom of God

does exists and that the Last Judgment enables them to evolve into

the eternal spirit. They must announce loudly that the Adi Shakti,

the Comforter sent as promised by Lord Jesus, in on Earth to

proclaim the commencement of the Last Judgment and Resurrection.


Instead they meekly keep trying to entice these inebriated and

ecstatic revelers with stress lollipops and chakra chocolates

.... only to almost always hear hysterical laughter and unrestrained

sarcasm. Most SYs are in the 'brazilian rainforest mode'.




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