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Bearing witness to Shri Mataji opening the Primordial Sahasrara May 5, 1970

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May 5th, 1994, was waited with much anticipation. It was on this day

24 years ago on May 5, 1970 that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, after a

sustained meditation into the early hours of the morning, had opened

the Sahasrara Chakra (Kingdom of God). She accomplished this awesome

feat by immersing Her Lotus Feet in the Indian Ocean, off the coast

of Nargol (about 150 miles from Mumbai, India), and entering a state

of Supreme Samadhi that has no parallel. It is nothing short of a

superhuman feat, beyond anything known to humans.


Kash had absolutely no idea of any of the above facts. Neither did

his family know any better. Instead of instructing Kash to ask Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi how She opened the Sahasrara Chakra, his father

told him to ask Her how She got Self-Realization!


Kash questioned what was the meaning of Self-Realization, but was

told to get all his answers from the Great Adi Shakti. (Actually

Kash's father just casually wanted to get some facts, expecting a

short verbal answer. He was totally unprepared for possibly the most

spectacular Revelation ever witnessed.)


Kash squatted on the floor in meditation. The state of Sahaj Samadhi

was quickly attained as the Kundalini rushed up from the base of the

spine into the Sahasrara, the Kingdom of God that Shri Jesus kept

repeating to ignorant, hostile humans two thousand years ago. Tom

Harpur, in Life After Death explains:


" As related in my book For Christ's Sake, I can never forget the

sense of illumination and of liberation that came when I fully

realized for the first time that Jesus' main message and sense of

mission had very little to do with saving us from sin and with

proclaiming himself as the third person of the Trinity (that is, as

absolute Deity) and everything to do with proclaiming the reality of

the Kingdom of God. The opening verses of Mark, the earliest of the

four Gospels, make this absolutely clear. Jesus came preaching the

euaggelion or " good news " of God's Kingdom. The entire focus of

the parables and other sayings is upon the Kingdom of God, also

known as the pious synonym " the Kingdom of Heaven. " (Pious Jews

used " heaven " as a way to avoid saying the name of God.) Jesus

announced by word and deed that no matter what outward appearances

may seem, God is in complete control of human affairs. God reigns,

nurtures, heals, and finally delivers humanity into an entirely

fresh dimension of being and wholeness.


It is essential to notice that the primary emphasis of Jesus'

teaching about the Kingdom is not about some kind of escape from

this present world with its great joys, its grievous sufferings, and

its enormous challenges. Rather, his call is for a radical trust in

God now, in the present moment. The Kingdom is the offer of God's

loving presence with and within us today. " The Kingdom of God is

within you or in your midst, " he said.


Belonging to the Kingdom is not a matter of trusting some

deity " above all thing " or somehow " out there. " It is about a God

who is the ground and depth of the entire cosmos, and hence of each

one of us. This Kingdom or Presence of God in power is both a

current reality and a future or " eschatological " event.


In Jesus' teaching, one enters this Kingdom by childlike trust

— not in dusty dogmas or in rigid creeds, but in the living God.

Yet, at the same time, because of the very trustworthiness of this

Presence, there is the assurance that one day the Kingdom will come

in all its fullness. " 1


2000 years later that Kingdom has indeed already come in all its

fullness. In a flash Kash transcended the ever elusive mystical

barrier that veil ordinary humans from their inner glory - the glory

of the Kingdom of God within.


The Light shone ever so brilliantly from above the Immortal Throne

of the Great Celestial Mother as Shri Param-jyotih Devi sat in Bliss

and Joy. Her child bowed down and exchanged greetings, noticing that

all the Divine Beings were already gathered in advance.


He bowed to all of them and exchanged greetings. They did the same

in return.


The Great Primordial Guru got down from the Timeless Throne and

walked to him. Kash noticed that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was

wearing a crown. He asked if he could request something from Her.

Shri Mataji smiled and replied that She already knew why he had



Kash, slightly surprised, innocently asked Her what it was. She

answered that that he wanted to know how She had got Her own Self-

Realization, exactly as had been discussed a short while ago on

Earth. (Although Shri Mataji knew that Kash's request of

witnessing Her Self-realization was incorrect, She answered it

precisely and knew exactly what his father had in mind, that is, to

find out how the Sahasrara Chakra was opened on May 5, 1970. It must

be understood that for Her to know precisely the thought differences

between father and son She had to exist in both their Sahasraras.)


Shri Mataji then walked back to Her Eternal Throne and sat on it.

Kash, who followed behind as instructed, noticed that it was made of

solid gold and had a cushion on it. He sat down beside Her on the

right of the Throne. Next to him was Shri Hanuman in one of His

best dress Kash had seen. The Lord of the Angels smiled at him. He

returned the smile. Beside Shri Hanuman was Shri Jesus. On the left

side of the Timeless Throne was Shri Ganesha. Kash noticed that as

usual the entire Divine Unity — Shri Buddha, Radha, Krishna,

Shiva, Prophet Muhammad, Guru Nanak, and others — were sitting on

the ground in a semicircle, with the Great Sacred Mother in the



All were in their normal meditative stance and squatting on the soft

clouds with both hands at their knees, palms facing upwards —

specifically as how Sahaja Yogis meditate on Earth. Their

spiritual form was of a `solid' state, that is, it had form.

For example, the clothes that they were wearing conformed to the

contours of their squatting spirit bodies. 


According to Lama Anagarika, in his book Foundation of Tibetian

Mysticism this " inner vision is far more authentic than all the

theories and philosophies for it is a practical experience. In fact

this awakened Inner Eye is infinitely more convincing than the

strongest intellectual belief for this experience of spiritual

vision transforms the seer, thus demonstrating the extreme end of

perception. The perceiver then realizes the narrow separateness

dividing one from Reality. " 2


When all were ready a '3 dimensional projection' materialized in mid-

air before them. It showed the feet of the Great Primordial Mother

immersed in water, just above the ankles. The whole visual

apparition was suspended in mid-air. It was like a drive-in theater

but with a huge difference. Not only was the projection three-

dimensional but it was stunningly real and alive. In fact it was

alive! In Heaven the most blessed day was being witnessed. The

past was being projected into the present. The Great Eternal Mother

and Her Divine Deities were witnessing what transpired on May 5th,

1970 twenty-four years later on May 5th, 1994! The Great Adi

Shakti was showing the actual past that was still existing in the

present, a time dimension way beyond human apprehension. It was even

beyond Kash's ability to visualize it as a projection, so

life-like was this spiritual movie.After about a minute or so the

projection moved up Her form. The face of the Great Divine Mother

Shri Nirmala Devi was much younger than the Great Divine Mother Shri

Nirmala Devi presently on Earth in human form, but older than the

Great Divine Mother Shri Nirmala Devi sitting on the Golden Throne.


The spiritual form of the Great Adi Shakti in the Sahasrara of Kash

was younger than Her two physical forms of May 5, 1970 (when She

opened the Sahasrara at Nargol, India) and May 5, 1994 (when She was

in Cabella, Italy). Put simply, the Eternal Adi Shakti watching

the projection with all the other Divine Beings on May 5th, 1994 was

younger than both Her past (May 5, 1970) and present (May 5, 1994)

forms. Again, in other words, the Adi Shakti watching the 3D image

in the Spirit World on May 5, 1994, was younger than Her human at

the time She opened the Sahasrara Chakra at Nargol, India on May 5,

1970 (47 years-old) and that living in Cabella, Italy on May 5, 1994

(71 years-old).


The projection showed Her sitting on a long, flat concrete

structure, against a rocky background landscape, and facing the dark

watery vastness before Her. Shri Sindura-Tilakancita was wearing a

white sari with a red border, and had a bindi on Her forehead. The

Lotus Feet of Al Muddaththir Shri Nirmala Devi were submerged in the

Indian Ocean. She was in deep meditation.Suddenly streams of red and

yellow sparks of light began spewing out from the top of Her head

around the Brahmarandhra, bursting about a foot or two into the

air. Kash said that these sparks " looked like fireworks, " " like a

volcano erupting and shooting lava into the air. " It came out in a

steady stream as if there was a fire blazing inside the head of the

Great Primordial Guru. But he could not see the interior of

these " fireworks " , " volcanoes, " or " fire " as only the frontal view

of the Great Supreme Goddess was projected. For about 10 minutes

these " tongues of flame " kept issuing forth from the head of the

Great Holy Ghost.Then the fiery blaze stopped. Then a fountain of

water gushed out of the top of Her Head about three feet into the

air. It poured down like rain and the Great Celestial Mother was

completely drenched by the Water of Life.


" The Water of Life is firstly the River of Cool Vibrations

emitted from the Primordial Divine Energy (Adi Shakti.) It has been

identified in the scriptures as the Wind of the Holy Ghost (the

breath of the Pneuma of the Greek fathers) or the Holy river Gangga

falling down from Lord Shiva's head. They are also the Chaitanya

of Shri Shankaracharya. At the moment of Self-realization, the

subject can indeed feel these vibrations as a cool wind, or,

depending upon the force, as a cool river flowing into the

fingertips and later his hands and his whole being. At the stage of

God realization the Water of Life, referred to as " amrit " or nectar,

is felt as a shower of indescribable bliss pouring down from the

Sahasrara, into the central and autonomous nervous systems. "  3


The Water of Life kept gushing for about 10 minutes. The face of

the Great Divine Mother was one of absolute serenity and tranquility

as the greatest spiritual feat in the history of this universe —

the opening of the Sahasrara Chakra for entering the Kingdom of God

was undertaken by the Promised Comforter! The Holy Spirit sat

completely motionless as the Water of Life kept gushing forth into

the air from the Primordial Kundalini within Her.All the Divine

Messengers were in absolute Bliss and tears of Joy rolled down their

cheeks. This was the second time Kash saw tears in their

eyes. Their Joy was clearly unrestrained. There was good reason

for such an extremely rare display of emotion among these Immortal

Beings. The human form of the Promised Comforter had achieved the

most important task of any divine incarnation — the opening of

the Sahasrara Chakra or Kingdom of God for the salvation of



The Supreme Spirit had activated the Adi Kundalini that would grant

humans the power to baptize (awaken the Kundalini) fellow beings,

evolve into the eternal spirit, and enter the Kingdom of God. The

Resurrection, the final evolution of Homo sapiens, had become a

Reality!After a while the Fountain of the Water of Life stopped but

the Great Formless Mother continued meditating. For another five

minutes they watched this visual projection as Shri Shri Nirmala

Devi continued sitting with Her Lotus Feet still immersed in the

Indian Ocean.


It was now early dawn on this infinitesimally tiny speck of cosmic

dust known as Earth. All the Messengers of God Almighty had again

witnessed that dawn of May 5, 1970, the first eyewitnesses of the

Blossom Time that will enable humans to take a giant leap in Cosmic



Then the projection disappeared completely. The Great Holy Spirit

then informed everyone that there would be meditation. Everyone

raised their Kundalinis collectively and began meditation. After

it was over Kash bowed and thanked the Great Universal Mother for

probably the most priceless proof that Shri Adhiparasakthi Shri

Nirmala Devi is the Promised Messiah. He asked for permission to

leave, bowed to the Divine Unity and closed his spiritual eyes. He

then sank down through the clouds of the Kingdom of Heaven and

awakened to this hellish world of Alice Cooper and Rockbitch.



1. Tom Harpur, Life after Death, McClelland & Stewart Inc., 1991,



Lama Anagarika, Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism, Samuel Weiser,

Inc., Maine, 1990


3. Grégoire de Kalbermatten, The Advent

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