Guest guest Posted May 28, 2003 Report Share Posted May 28, 2003 shriadishakti , " dr_balwinder " <dr_balwinder> wrote: > > I am happy to say that the Malays in Malaysia are the most > tolerant Muslims I know and the present government we have (ruling > since Independence) is very tolerant when it comes to other > religions. > > The only flaw is that there is a law against Muslims converting to > another religion but not vice-versa. I have no hang up about that > because I believe Islam is one of the best religions in the world > and thus see no reason for any Muslim to convert. The way it is > practiced by some in many parts of the world leaves much to be > desired and due to these people the religion is nowadays very much > misinterpreted. > > SY is not a religion and thus there is no question of conversion > for any person practising any faith ....... Jesus Christ , Lord > Buddha , Prophet Muhammad and all the saints never came to earth > to start a religion but to give the right direction to human being > in order to ascent to a higher level. > Balwinder, It is correct to say that no conversion from one religion to another is needed, say Hindus becoming Muslims to take part in Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) or Buddhists adopting Christianity to submit to the Last Judgment. The Koran is clear about Al-Qiyamah in Surah 75, and deals in no other topic. Verses 16-19 clearly state that the revelation of Al- Qiyamah is His prerogative and leaves no room for any human interference. 16. Move not thy tongue concerning the (Revelation), to make haste therewith. 17. It is for Us to collect it and to promulgate it: 18. But when We have promulgated it, follow thou its recital: 19. Nay more, it is for Us to explain it: But Muslims have circumvented this injunction and this devilish deception was undertaken despite Allah's explicit command and prohibition to refrain from speculating this one and only Revelation with the following injunctions, for which the Thieves of Truth have absolutely no answer:Move not thy tongue concerning the (Quran): Absolutely no human was to start 'moving their tongue,' or rumoring, about this particular Revelation about Qiyamah. After all the entire chapter is about Qiyamah and nothing else! Prophet Muhammad was explicitly informed that only this Revelation of Qiyamah was never to be speculated upon because humans would have demanded: " When is the Day of Resurrection? " The rest of the Qur'an had no interpretation restrictions. MOVE NOT THY TONGUE CONCERNING THE (REVELATION), TO MAKE HASTE THEREWITH. Absolutely no human was to be hasty in declaring that the day Qiyamah has commenced, or will commence, after a particular solar eclipse. Imagine the terror, mayhem and utter social chaos if every solar eclipse had the potential of commencing Qiyamah and, the way Muslim scholars had interpreted, the End of the world! IT IS FOR US TO COLLECT IT AND TO PROMULGATE IT: Allah made it crystal clear that this extremely important Revelation was for Them to extract from various surahs related to Qiyamah and promulgate to humankind. Put simply, Allah and His Ruh would make it universally known! Humans beings were absolutely excluded from any interference whatsoever, including even Prophet Muhammad. " PROMULGATE: 1 to publish or make known officially (a decree) 2 a) to make known the terms of (a new or proposed law or statute) b) to put (a law) into effect by publishing its terms 3 to make widespread " * BUT WHEN WE HAVE PROMULGATED IT, FOLLOW THOU ITS RECITAL: And after Allah and His Ruh have promulgated this Revelation of Qiyamah, humankind must follow Their recital. " RECITAL 1 a) a reciting, specifically, a telling of facts, events, etc. in detail b) what is so told; account, story, or description 2 a detailed statement, as of facts or events " * Allah and His Ruh would make the Resurrection comprehensible to all humankind by giving a detailed account of facts, descriptions and events relating to Qiyamah! NAY MORE, IT IS FOR US TO EXPLAIN (AND MAKE IT CLEAR) And that this Revelation of Qiyamah was, nay more, for Them to explain: i.e. this Revelation of Qiyamah was, nay more, for Them to explain — Allah and His Ruh would clarify it in detail! " EXPLAIN 1 to make clear, plain, or understandable 2 to give the meaning or interpretation of; expound 3 to account for; state reasons for — vi. to give an explanation — explain away to state reasons for so as to justify, often by minimizing, or make understandable — explain implies a making clear or intelligible of something that is not known or understood " * Now these hypocrites and transgressors have to answer and explain to their religious herd the following:What did Allah mean when He said that this Revelation is " for Us to collect and promulgate " ? - What did the Universal Creator mean when He said that this Revelation is for " Us to recite " ? - What did Khudda mean when He said that this Revelation is for " Us to explain " ? - Why did they falsely tell the True Believers (Al-Mu'minun) that this Revelation was for ordinary humans to understand, in direct contravention of the Qur'an's clear command? - Why did they treacherously dupe the True Believers (Al-Mu'minun) that this Revelation was for any human to promulgate, in direct violation of Allah's explicit Warning never to transgress? - Why did they faithlessly fool the True Believers (Al-Mu'minun) that this Revelation was for anybody to explain, in direct defiance of Ar-Raqib's (The Watchful) written Request not to do so? - Why did they mutilate and strangle the prophecy of Al-Qiyamah, a most sacred revealed scripture for all humankind that today literally beats with a prophetic life of its own and compelling universal submission to its absolute authority? We would like the misled Ummah to answer these questions: - How is it possible that so many cannot understand so simple a verse? - Why have so many been deluded for so many centuries? - Who has the power to prevent the descendents of Adam to be misled by the Thieves of Truth for so long? - Is it true that Iblis asked Allah to " Give me respite till the day they are raised up. " (surah 7:13-18 Al A'raf) and was given freedom to deceive Muslims till the Day of Qiyamah? - Does the Blast of Qiyamah awaken the True Believers (Al-Mu'minun) and expose the depth of Satan's deception? - Is it also true that the Ummah will still not believe His Truth and Warning that Qiyamah has commenced, exactly as prophesied by the Qur'an? - Why do we sense Satan will brilliantly succeed in misleading the Ummah against His Call for Qiyamah and convince Muslims not to participate in the most glorious and merciful blessings ever bestowed on humankind by God-Almighty? But even Iblis must keep his promise made to Allah. The Qur'an is clearly, explicitly, unmistakably, unquestionably, and absolutely referring to the future promised Resurrection for all humankind, and that not a single being is to move their tongues concerning this Revelation, including Prophet Muhammad. No one was to ever talk about it for Allah reserved the universal Call and Great Announcement (surah 78:1-5 An-Naba) of Qiyamah solely for Himself!Yet hundreds of millions have been led astray. How can so many eyes not see, so many ears not hear, so many brains not understand simple sentences? Surely this is the work of Iblis, the Evil One! Yes, it is the work of the Evil One. These blind ayatollahs, clerics, imams, ulema, shaikhs, mullahs and muftis have been for centuries leading their herd without any source of divine guidance whatsoever. They were in a dilemma: If Allah was to announce the day of Qiyamah, then how will it make sense with the Day of Judgment, which they had speculated as one and the same? The Day of Judgment is filled with the terrors of heavenly convulsions, trumpets blown, angels descending with the Throne, sinners bound for hell, Earth pounded to powder, humans fleeing in terror, the moon crashing into the sun, and so forth. The Day of Qiyamah also had to be conjectured to be the same where " at the Hour of Judgment the full light and glory of the Lord will shine, and the effulgence will daze's man's eyes " (note 5815.) These type of flowery interpretations of critical parts of the Qur'an based on flights of fantasy — which the brains of the Thieves of Truth are so fertile — not only dazes but also befuddles one's mind. In no way are fundamental questions answered: - How, when and why will Allah announce, recite and recite the beginning of the Resurrection? - How, when and why will Allah purify humans during Qiyamah? - Is Qiyamah really the sudden extermination by a wrathful, hard- hearted deity determined to eliminate sinners or is it His Love, Compassion and Mercy to all humankind to mend their ways by listening to His Good News? - Why did Allah say that the day of Qiyamah will be announced, recited and expounded, certainly so with affection and kindness, without even a single hint of wrath? Surely the comprehension of Qiyamah will take a considerable time and allow humans to mend their anti-God ways. In the first place, why spend so much time promulgating, reciting, and explaining the Reality of Qiyamah to all humankind, a process that will take years and decades. All Allah has to do, as mountains are crushed and the heavens rent asunder, to bellow, " THIS IS THE DAY OF RESURRECTION " — and hundreds of millions of humans would shriek and freak in frenzy and fear. In an instant, all humankind would understand that the Dreaded Day of Judgment has come. But why this strangely calm, compassionate Proclamation, Recitation, and Explanation of Qiyamah by His Ruh? Questions are endless, answers few and far between. The Islamic version of Qiyamah left wide gaping holes in their carefully nurtured doctrine of the dreaded Day of Judgment. The only way was to make Allah into a cold, callous Being, the Merciless Killer who will descend on them suddenly and reap the Grim Harvest. And His Ruh Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who has been given the mandate to collect, promulgate, recite and explain the Resurrection to all humanity has this to say: " In between Jesus Christ and His destroying Incarnation of Mahavishnu called as Kalki there is time given to human beings to rectify themselves, for them to enter the Kingdom of God which in the Bible is called as Last Judgment — that you will be judged. All of you will be judged on this Earth. The population of the Earth is at the maximum these days because all those — practically all those who had aspirations to enter into the Kingdom of God — are born in Modern Times and are going to be born very soon. This is the most important times because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. It is fantastic to hear this but that's the fact. It's the Truth! Though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very easy for you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of Last Judgment — which looks such a horrifying experience — has been made very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does not disturb you. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Kundalini And Kalki Shakti, Bombay, India — September 28, 1979 Shri Mataji has collected, promulgated, recited and explained the Resurrection and called it Sahaja Yoga. There is no question of converting religions in Sahaja Yoga. Those who surrender to His Call of Al-Qiyamah and the Last Judgment have to spend the rest of their lives purifying themselves with the help of Mother Kundalini (Baptism of Allah) and leading a very spiritual, moral, humble and God-conscious life. An Islamic hadith says: " The time is near in which nothing will remain of Islam but its name, and of the Qur'an but its mere appearance, and the mosques of Muslims will be destitute of knowledge and worship; and the learned men will be the worst people under the heavens; and contention and strife will issue from them, and it will return upon themselves. " That is why the Ruh of Allah has been sent to collect, promulgate, recite and explain the Revelation of Al-Qiyamah to all. Not a single Muslim has the power to deny this Truth. LAA UQSIM BI-YAWM AL-QIYAMAH; WA-LAA UQSIM BI-AN-NAFSAL-LAWWAAMAH I do call to witness the Resurrection Day; And I do call to witness the self-reproaching Spirit. jagbir Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 3, 2003 Report Share Posted June 3, 2003 shriadishakti , " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org> wrote: > > An Islamic hadith says: " The time is near in which nothing will > remain of Islam but its name, and of the Qur'an but its mere > appearance, and the mosques of Muslims will be destitute of > knowledge and worship; and the learned men will be the worst > people under the heavens; and contention and strife will issue > from them, and it will return upon themselves. " > > That is why the Ruh of Allah has been sent to collect, promulgate, > recite and explain the Revelation of Al-Qiyamah to all. Not a > single Muslim has the power to deny this Truth. > > To all members, i received an angry email, only the second in more than two years, from a Muslim apparently incensed by the topic of Imam Mahdi. The email reads: ---------------------- " Ramzxx Akbari " <ramzixxxxx | This is spam | Add to Address Book adishakti_org ....stop this crap!!! Mon, 19 May 2003 15:40:50 +0100 What is this crap you put together???? Stop trying to destroy Islam in this way.......coz its not going to work.Inshallah when Imam Mahdi (a.s) appears you'll be the first ones to go because you are attaching falsehood to him. " .....islam will be victorious be it that the unbeliever may be aversed... " -------------------- Apparently he read just prophecy 18 at the site catering to all faiths: and then wrote the email, thinking that was all to support the Imam Mahdi. i replied and gave him all the links of the, which numbered over 30 and caters exclusively for Muslims as they are extremely sensitive and will not have anything to do with other religions or scriptures. They will only obey the Koran and loath anything not related to their revered book. Since 19 May 2003 he has no replied and will never. Apparently the Truth of the Koran regarding the Resurrection has silenced him into submission. i am sure he will never send another angry email to me. As i have said before: " Not a single Muslim has the power to deny this Truth. " LAA UQSIM BI-YAWM AL-QIYAMAH; WA-LAA UQSIM BI-AN-NAFSAL-LAWWAAMAH i (jagbir) do call to witness the Resurrection Day; And i (jagbir) do call to witness the self-reproaching Spirit. jagbir Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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