Guest guest Posted June 6, 2003 Report Share Posted June 6, 2003 shriadishakti , " herbert108 " <hreininger@c...> wrote: > Dear Jagbir, > > I am looking through the latest messages here in this forum as > well as through your Web site - and this is what I perceive: > > - There is a lot of confusion expressed. > - The forum appears more like " Bible bashers " in Hyde Park > than a round of compassionate yogis. > - What is the overall aim of this effort? To convince mentally? > - Have you checked the vibrations of what you are doing? Are > they cool? > - Are you part of something/someone, or are you operating on > your own? > > Forgive me all my questions, I wish I could have just enjoyed > your tremendous effort you invest to keep this amazingly huge > effort going. It just doesn't seem to have the heart in it, it is > very " brainy " . Don't we have enough of that already? > > I am looking forward to hearing from you. > " Man possesses the most perfect osseous structure, the least and most insignificant covering. The whole force of organic power has attained an inward and centripetal direction. He has the whole world in counterpoint to him, but he contains an entire world within himself. Now, for the first time at the apex of the living pyramid, it is Man and Nature, but man himself is a syllepsis, a compendium of Nature--the Microcosm! " 1 The Kingdom of God of the Christians is the Sahasrara Chakra of the Hindus, the 1000 Petal-Lotus of the Buddhists, the Dsam Dwar of the Sikhs, the Keter of the Jews, and the Regions in their Souls of the Muslims. It is one and the same, temporarily within all beings (microcosm) and eternally external (macrocosm). Only the Divine Feminine opens the secret path to this Divine Dimension: The Adi Shakti of the Hindus is the Holy Ghost of the Christians, the Prajnaparamita of the Buddhists, the Aykaa Mayee of the Sikhs, the Shekinah of the Jews, and the Ruh of Allah of the Muslims. She is one and the same. The Last Judgment, Resurrection (Al-Qiyamah) and Kingdom of God are central to Jewish, Christian and Islamic eschatology, and to a lesser degree related to that of Hinduism and Buddhism. The Christian Comforter promised by Lord Jesus to reveal all that He could not preach, and the arrival of the Islamic Ruh of Allah to pronounce this Golden Age of the Resurrection (Al Qiyamah) is unquestionably entrenched in parables of the Bible and Koran. " In his defense before Agrippa, Paul asked his Jewish audience: " Why is it judged incredible with you, if God doth raise the dead? " (Acts 26:8). There have always been those who found the concept of the bodily resurrection unbelievable, and their modern counterparts are appearing increasingly - even in within the framework of " Christendom. " FALSE IDEAS The ancient Greeks disdained the notion that the body could ever be raised. Thus when Paul spoke concerning " the resurrection of the dead [ones - plural] " in Athens, his message was mocked (Acts 17:23). During the time of Jesus, the Sadducees denied the resurrection of the body (Mt. 22:23; Acts 23:6-8). Even some Christians in the primitive church had fallen for this error, and so affirmed: " There is no resurrection of the dead " (1 Cor. 15:12) - a heresy which Paul attempted to correct In the late decades of the apostolic age, a sect known as the Gnostics arose, denying the resurrection of the body. In our own age, atheism, of course, rejects the idea that the human body will be raised from the dead. An article in the Soviet Encyclopedia asserts that the concept of the resurrection is in " decisive contradiction with scientific natural knowledge " (quoted in Wycliffe Dictionary of Theology, Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1999, p. 455). Of course religious modernism repudiates the idea of the resurrection, since, having " demythologized " the Scriptures, it rejects any element of the miraculous. Cultish groups also have a problem with the doctrine that God will raise the body. The " Jehovah's Witnesses " assert that the incorrigibly wicked " will never be remembered for resurrection " (Make Sure of All Things, p. 314). Within the churches of Christ, those who have converted to the dogma of Max King deny the resurrection. Like Hymenaeus and Philetus, men who erred in Paul's day, these folks suggest that the " resurrection is past already " (2 Tim. 2:17,18), having been spiritually effected in A.D. 70 with the destruction of Jerusalem (see our recent Feature article, The Menace of Radical Preterism.) Whether ancient or modern, within the church or outside of it, the denial of the bodily resurrection is radical error. And in this age of biblical illiteracy, this false doctrine will continue to make its presence felt among the people of God unless gospel teachers return to a proclamation of the fundamental principles of the Christian faith, one of which is the " resurrection of the dead " (cf. Heb. 6:1,2). THE BIBLE AND THE RESURRECTION The Bible clearly affirms the doctrine of the general resurrection of the dead. Note, in brief, the following points. 1. The concept of the resurrection is found in the Old Testament - though not as pronounced as it comes to light in the New Testament (cf. 2 Tim. 1:10). According to Jesus, God's declaration to Moses regarding Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was an indication of the eventual resurrection (Mt. 22:31,32). Other Old Testament passages also suggested that man's body would be raised ultimately (see Job 19:25-27; Psa. 17:15; Isa. 26:19; Dan. 12:2; Hos. 13:14). 2. The doctrine of the bodily resurrection is affirmed abundantly in the New Testament (see Jn. 5:28-29; 6:39-40; Mk. 12:18-27; Acts 17:23; 26:8; Rom. 8:23; 1 Thes. 4:16; 1 Cor. 15; 2 Cor. 5:1-2; Phil. 3:21). How any person can read Paul's great discussion of the eventual disposition of the dead - in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 15 - and not believe in the resurrection, has to be one of the mysteries of the ages. In that remarkable chapter the apostle develops his line of argumentation in the following fashion. A. Paul persuasively pled for the historical fact of the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ on the basis of numerous eyewitnesses of the risen Lord. On one occasion, this consisted of more than 500 people (15:1-11). B. The apostle maintained that the Lord's resurrection is Heaven's guarantee that we too shall be raised. Jesus is the " first-fruits " (a figure suggesting a future harvest) of the general resurrection to be effected at the time of His return (vss. 12-34). C. Paul discussed the nature of the resurrected body. It will not be a physical or a corruptible body; rather, it will be spiritual and incorruptible (vss. 35-49). Nevertheless, there will be an identity continuum between our present body and the new, resurrected one. Only in this light can the term " resurrection " (which means to " stand up " ) have any relevance. Moreover, each body will have its own individuality (vs. 38). It is so thrilling to reflect upon the fact that our new body will be identical in form to the glorious body of our resurrected Lord (see Phil. 3:21). D. Finally, the theological impact of the resurrection is set forth. It is a declaration of victory (vss. 50-57). In view of this great hope, saints are admonished to persevere in their fidelity (vs. 58). The biblical doctrine of the resurrection of the dead is a comforting concept. Those who would rob us of this hope are not friends of the cause of Christ. " 2 The belief in the arrival of a Messiah ushering a messianic age is deeply rooted in Jewish tradition. The Torah contains several references to " the End of Days " (achareet ha-yameem), which is the time of the moshiach (Messiah); thus, the concept of moshiach was known in the most ancient times. The Hindus believe that Shri Kalki, the last and final incarnation of Shri Vishnu riding a white horse, will come at the end of Kali Yuga to destroy all evil. They also wait the arrival of a great Yogi to teach humanity the ancient secrets of Self-Realization, as prophesied 2000 years ago by Shri Bhrigumuni in his book Nadi Granth. The Buddhists await the arrival of Matraiya, the future Buddha, a Buddha who will be reborn in a period of decline to renew the doctrine of the founder. Thus, although all have been preparing for some type of Divine intervention in this world, they do not know what to expect. It is time to openly declare Shri Mataji's Message of the Last Judgment, Resurrection (Al-Qiyamah) and Kingdom of God, Her unsurpassed esoteric Knowledge of the human subtle system, unparalleled illumination of the Holy Scriptures, and penetrating vision for the benevolence of human race. This is only possible by synthesizing, cross-examining and linking the holy scriptures, prophecies, and works of various authors to Her prolific enlightenment (Lectures To Earth) on a wide range of religious, spiritual and mystical issues — issues that are still beyond the present grasp of the religious elite. Her Message must be portrayed as a finished work of art — rich in detail and diversity that encompasses millennia of humanity — which ordinary people can see, understand and relate to their own religious upbringing as well as that of their fellow beings. It must be presented in far greater detail as a holistic whole of every religious tradition comprehensible to the widest audience possible, that is, from " the lowest groveling savage not far removed from the brute, to the highest man towering by the virtues of his head and heart above humanity. " This approach is absolutely necessary because humans have made all kinds of nonsense out of religions. The falsehoods of these religious regimes and cults, and the blind faith of their followers must be first exposed by the Truth of their revered scriptures in order to destroy the demons of their own delusion. And for this strong, sharp words are sometimes needed to expose the very core of falsehood and blind faith, and rudely awaken the snoring mass of humanity to the first rays of Light from the Divine Dawn promised and prophesied in the scriptures. Indisputable proof must also be provided that all scriptures and prophecies are part and parcel of the Absolute Truth. Only then will it be possible for Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs and others to have the knowledge and belief of the Resurrection, and walk the same path of Collective Consciousness. Otherwise they have no reason to leave the sanctuary of their religious fortresses and overcome the pervasive siege mentality. Given the massive divisive walls erected by their rivals over the centuries, they cannot be blamed for huddling inside and seeking security in numbers. They must be given the assurance, faith and knowledge that it is safe to venture outside because the Kingdom of God, after all, is also within themselves. But perhaps the most important task is to prove to the human race that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is indeed the Adi Shakti who has incarnated on Earth to announce the Last Judgment. The Last Judgment is an extremely serious issue that cannot, and must never ever be shrouded or camouflaged in any form whatsoever. Therefore it is a scared duty of utmost importance that all seekers have unhindered free access to all information and verifiable evidence to judge for themselves if it is indeed the promised Last Judgment, and if Shri Mataji is the promised Messiah who has come to announce it. Since this has not been done concerned seekers are now beginning to assail those spreading Sahaja Yoga using half-truths and deception. Sahaja Yogis must understand that evasion of Truth causes far more damage in the long run than any short-term gain. The gist of this is expressed so clearly in this letter challenging all Sahaja Yogis: " It is astonishing that the sahaja yogis, who believe Shri Mataji to be the savior of humanity prophecied by many religious scriptures, have not the conviction to promote her to the world openly, honestly and unashamedly as that. Promotion of the savior will draw more serious attention from many more people than do the current vague claims about stress relief and peace of mind. This lack of conviction speaks volumes and is the same reason they fail to respond to those who challenge SY. You simply can't be one thing and then attempt to portray yourself as another - no matter how clever you are, it shows and people see it very clearly. This is called hypocrisy. It indicates the vast majority of sahaja yogis are in a state of denial. On the premise that Shri Mataji is indeed the Adi Shakti, on what basis do the sahaja yogis take it upon themselves to discriminate as to whom is delivered the message of her present incarnation and by what convoluted process that message is selectively delivered? To take upon themselves to make such discriminations is an expression of an elitist, missionary culture motivated by power and authority over others. The message must be very plain and simple if every person on the planet is to be afforded the opportunity to draw their own conclusions about the goddess incarnate. Why do the sahaja yogis make something so simple so complicated?. Why are they doing so poor a job in telling the world of Shri Mataji, when as the goddess she will surely stand and be recognised as the reality they claim she is? My parting word is that like it or not, Shri Mataji and her sahaja yogis must face the issues presented by those who challenge them. Intelligent response is required and what remains to be seen is whether they are capable of this. The longer they avoid it, the more SY will be clearly identified to be lacking in credibility and its members in integrity. The more they will appear to be a cultish throw-back to the dark ages. I recommend the sahaja yogis today change their whole approach and start promoting SY as what it is - a religion focussed around a personality who has claimed, and is understood by them, to be the Adi Shakti, divine mother of the universe. This is, after all, the year of exposure for SY. May truth prevail. Alex " " Skeptics are typically unwilling to accept paranormal claims -- such as claims of psychic powers, human energy fields involving energies unknown to science, detection methods involving unknown forces (like dowsing), and predicting the future with cards or dreams -- unless the evidence in support of those claims is of very high quality. " Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof, " we say. Paranormal proponents might question the appropriateness of this logic. They observe skeptics accepting some claims, such as those made by orthodox medical research, on the basis of average, reasonably good evidence, while demanding flawless, near-perfect research before paranormal claims would be accepted. " 3 However, without extraordinary proof and extensive facts there will definitely be adverse reaction from friends, families and the general public to such a seemingly preposterous announcement. But since the scriptures have clearly foretold that this Good News will be rejected and ridiculed by many, it cannot be avoided. In fact the very rejection of the Good News is part and parcel of the prophecy and promise of Resurrection. This extensive website is the extraordinary proof offered to skeptics and seekers alike for cross- examination and judgment. We, the parents of Kashwinder, Arwinder and Lalita are just doing our duty to uphold the Truth by declaring it without fear or favor of any religious tradition. Whatever mystical religious experiences and evidence given by them to us, though seemingly controversial at times, is the Truth beyond human manipulation. Their ability to meditate and witness the Sahasrara (Kingdom of God) in the deep state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi through the central Sushumna Nadi is unwaveringly sustained till today in the supreme state of Sahaja Yoga. This enabled them to see through their Third Eye or pratibha, and provide flawless facts of the Kingdom of God. Pratibha means " vision, insight, intuition, inner understanding, unconditioned knowledge, inner wisdom, awareness, awakening. In Zen they use the word satori. It should not be confused with enlightenment or realisation. Patanjali in his wonderful theoretical textbook of varied yoga practices known as the Yoga Aphorisms or Sutras, sees pratibha as the spiritual illumination which is attained through yoga discipline to enable the disciple to know all else. It is then the insight or illumination which is the open gateway to the final goal. It is the inner transformation which enables the aspirant to distinguish Reality from the sham. In some way it can be visualised as a bridge between the mind and the Real Self. It produces changed people and clarity of thinking as well as being an infallible guide in all undertakings. Some few people are born with it, but seldom to more than a small degree. Even this can eventually be obscured by social life and its conditioning. It cannot thrive in a world where we permit others to do our thinking for us. The more it is used, the more it increases in intensity. Pratibha is not related to careful thought or deliberation. It is instant in operation and spontaneous in manifestation. For the average Zen student this was regarded as a sufficient attainment. Only those who seek Buddhahood and Enlightenment go further. But this is also a stage which, if once reached, requires no further guidance from a guru or master. Sometimes it is even spoken of as pratibha-shakti -- the power of illumination. It is most easily developed by meditation or contemplation, and is independent of all religious patterns. . . . Pratibha is not even exclusively a spiritual concept. Those who have developed this faculty are more likely to succeed in the material world than the others. . . . Datta uses the word frequently in the Avadhuta Gita to show that the difficult ideas and the puzzles not easy to understand are cleared away instantly for that disciple who has developed the inner faculty of insight-illumination known as Pratibha. Pratibha is the real Divya Chaksus -- the Third Eye which has so much captivated the mystical aspirations of the West. It is not really an " eye " so much as a miraculous vision or knowledge capable of plucking the gems of mystery and wisdom from the immaculate universe. It is the Philosophers Stone which has the divine power to transmute the sordid world of base lead into a golden mass of wonder and harmony. But only when you really want it can you get it. " 4 Kashwinder, after just turning thirteen and getting his Self- realization, effortlessly entered into his Sahasrara daily approximately 1300 times over a period of exactly 21 full moons. Arwinder (since 1995 at the age of five) and Lalita (since 1998 and just prior to her fourth birthday) continue to visit the Great Adi Shakti within their Sahasraras (Kingdom of God), giving absolute proof that the moksa state of Turiya-atita, the highest meditation peak possible for any human on Earth, can be achieved through Sahaja Yoga. Turiya is an " ancient Hindu analysis of consciousness identifies four primary states of awareness: waking, dreaming, dreamless sleep and a fourth condition known as turiya (literally, " The Fourth " in Sanskrit.) Attainment of Turiya was possible only through the practice of meditation. It was viewed as an important clue to the nature of consciousness. In meditations to reach Turiya, the activities of thinking and imagining are allowed to die down completely, leaving consciousness to reflect upon itself. Turiya resembles dreamless sleep, in that both states are blissful. Whereas awareness in dreamless sleep is very dim in Turiya it is exceedingly bright. In its clarity, Turiya is said to resemble the transient, spontaneous mystical experience called Anandamaya. One of the oldest and most important texts in the Hindu tradition, the Mandukya Upanishad, describes Turiya as follows (Prabhavananda and Manchester translation): The Fourth, say the wise, is not subjective experience, nor objective experience, nor experience intermediate between these two, nor is it a negative condition which is neither consciousness nor unconsciousness. It is not the knowledge of the senses, nor is it relative knowledge, nor yet inferential knowledge. Beyond the senses, beyond the understanding, beyond all expression, is The Fourth. It is pure unitary consciousness, wherein awareness of the world and of multiplicity is completely obliterated. It is ineffable peace. It is the supreme good. It is One without a second. It is the Self. Know it alone! For most people, the perfect knowledge of one's self-nature available in Turiya is obscured in the other states of consciousness. When one is able to retain this knowledge under all circumstances, one has attained the condition known as turiya-atita ( " the state beyond The Fourth " ), which is synonymous with living liberation — Jivan Mukti. " 5 Kash, Arwinder and Lalita are able to retain this knowledge and everything that they witness in the state of turiya-atita under all circumstances. Their flawless narration and precise identification from their home in Montreal, Canada of a Divine Woman thousands of miles away as the Great Adi Shakti — spontaneously and without any previous knowledge of any scripture, religion or meditation whatsoever — absolutely convinced us that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is indeed the Great Adi Shakti and compelled us to surrender completely to what our children were telling us, no matter how totally alien to our cultural heritage and religious beliefs. Had it not been for what they revealed to us and instantly provided answers to hundreds of questions over the years — pressing questions of the Spirit World that no guardian of various organized religions could ever provide — we would never have believed anyone telling us that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the Great Adi Shakti, that the Kingdom of God definitely exists, and that there is absolutely without question a spirit life after physical death. After all, earthly life was a torrid one-night stand and we were wantonly engaged in enjoying the most delicious vices available on Earth, and nothing spiritual could ever penetrate into those dark dungeons of decadence. But Truth is like a lotus flower which in all eastern religions is a symbol of beauty, grace, divine peace and total detachment from the worldly qualities of greed, anger, lust, passion, jealousy and ego. Truth manifests even in filthy minds. The lotus also, by its very nature, grows in a mossy pool full of weeds and dirt. In fact, it can take birth only in dirt and slime. Truth, like the lotus, thus lives in the world of impurity and filth, but does not really belong to it. It is detached, complete in itself, pure and beautiful. The many petals of the mythical lotus also symbolizes layers of the human personality. As they open, the individual gradually reaches closer and closer to self-realization. Truth gently begins the subtle evolution of base humans into beings of Truth, Consciousness and Bliss. Truth, like the core of the lotus, therefore stands for release from earthly bondage and everlasting life. Yes, its beauty is unparalleled. " And here it will be fitting to introduce the sages' defination of the term truth. It has been earlier demonstrated that without such a defination men wander in a dry wilderness of hollow fancies, unfounded opinions, worthless theories and hypostatized words. This defination may sound quite simple, but it implications are most profound. It should be graven deeply on the heart. Here it is: TRUTH is that which is beyond all contradiction and free from all doubt; which is indeed beyond the very possibility of both contradiction and doubt; beyond the changes and alternations of time and vicissitude; forever one and the same, unalterable and unaltering; universal and therefore independent of all human ideation. " 6 The Truth we are talking about does not contradict as it was witnessed and experienced in the mystical Kingdom of God which exists within all humans: It is the Collective Truth of all Holy Scriptures and their Messengers. It is a Truth that heals, nurtures and transforms those seeking the meaning and purpose of life on Earth. It is the Truth of the Tree of Life mentioned in the religious tradition of Christianity, Islam and Hinduism: Tree of Life in the Bible (Revelation 22.2), the Olive Tree in the Qur'an (surah 24:35 Al Nur), and the Tree of Asvattha in the Bhagavad Gita (verse 15:1). All these scriptures mention this parable of the mystical Tree that is absolutely vital to spiritual rebirth. Obviously, without question, this Divine Tree (human subtle system) is within all humans. It is the Truth about the Good News of the promised Resurrection. " But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man also came the resurrection of the dead, For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive " (I Cor. 15:20-22). It is the Truth of the Spiritual Oasis within for weary and thirsty spiritual seekers plodding all over our parched religious deserts and who, blinded by the sandstorms of fundamentalism and scriptural distortion, and deluded by insatiable shimmering material mirages, are nearing exhaustion in the futile search for Reality without. It is the Truth beyond the limitations and comprehension of senile religious regimes and their rigor mortis dogmas. As Shri Mataji has pointed out, this Truth of God Almighty cannot be compromised by the whims and fancies of organized religions or anyone else, SYs included: " You cannot force on the organization of God anything. He is on His own, His organization is on His own. Only thing you can do is to enter into His Kingdom and become a part and parcel of that blissful domain. You would never like to change it either. It is so wonderful. It is so protective, it's so loving, is so gentle, so kind, so compassionate, that you would hate to change that organization, but we do! We try to organize God. For people who think that is the ultimate you have to seek, it's all arranged to enter into the Kingdom of God. The time has come. This is the Day of Resurrection. These are the days of Resurrection. " Shri Pasahantri Devi Hampstead, UK -- July 22, 1982 (Pasahantri [811th]: One who destroys Pasas or bonds and gives liberation or Moksa.) i had the rare privilege of knowing about Shri Mataji prior to even joining Sahaja Yoga! This instantaneous awakening from the deepest cesspool of Kali Yuga was a blessing for serving the Adi Shakti fearlessly in my previous lives. No matter how much i sink into immorality or debauchery in any of my lives, no matter how precarious my spiritual position, no matter how far i venture from Truth, and no matter how close i come to Shri Yama's jaws the Adi Shakti will always fulfill Her promise to rescue me. Why this protection for all times? All i know was that these blessings were bestowed because of my previous lives, and i never inquired what i did the past few thousand years. So i awoke to Her presence on Mother Earth without even knowing what Sahaja Yoga was about. i was fortunate as it allowed me to gauge the huge gap between what SYs mentally know about Shri Mataji and my own 'maverick' knowledge, a knowledge so deep and unbelievable as to make my family and myself 'outcasts' as far as SYs are concerned. Most refuse to acknowledge or care what i have to say as it does does fit their mental image of Shri Mataji. ......... far from it. It is my knowledge of the Koran and the preordained Sure Signs of the Resurrection that must be witnessed that keeps more than a billion Muslims at bay. It is the Truth of their revered scripture concerning Al-Qiyamah that keeps them absolutely silent and hapless to retaliate. That is the only protection i have from the Adi Shakti. When the Adi Shakti rides into battle an army of loyal devotees follow Her. Each will awaken to his or her own task and perform accordingly. i have awaken fully to my duty and am pursuing it with a single-minded purpose. Some generals sitting in the comfort of their bunkers are not happy with the way i am venturing alone without waiting for their instructions. They keep forgetting that my allegiance is ONLY to the Adi Shakti and no one else. Other rank and file are confused by what i am really up to. But i have to repeat that i am pursuing my duty with a single-minded purpose and, thus, see it with much more clarity and vision that any SY will care to listen or admit. i have already been in this introspection state for nearly a decade, just in case anyone questions my résumé. It is thus beyond my ability and desire to answer petty questions that are more due to the mode of acute ignorance than simple comprehension of the huge task ahead. i cannot wait for others to catch up. And please don't tell me to stop because i am way out of hearing range ............... way too far even for simple comprehension. It is boon bestowed by the Adi Shakti within me. i know most SYs are on a mental level looking and seeking the physical Shri Mataji at Cabella, which i have stopped seeking a few years ago. My comprehension of the Last Judgment and Resurrection also has nothing to do with what insignificantly little that SYs preach. i cannot wait for others to comprehend. And please don't tell me to explain because i am way out of hearing range ...... ............... way too far even for simple comprehension. It is boon bestowed by the Adi Shakti within me. My sites will destroy all foes against the declaration of the Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah by the Adi Shakti. Be rest assured of this unshakeable conviction and Truth. jagbir ---------------------- 1. Coleridge, Theory of Life 2. The Resurrection of the Human Body, Christian Courier: Archives, Friday, September 10, 1999 3. Ed J. Gracely, Ph.D ( 4. Shri Gurudev Mahendranath Paramahams (Dadaji) ( 5. Leornard George, Ph.D., Alternative Realities, Facts on File, Inc., 1995 p. 283-84. 6. Paul Brunton, Ph.D., The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1966, p. 194. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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