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A statement on a global religion for the Third Millenium (anonymous)

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* Religion like Yoga was meant to bind man and his God. Instead, it

often let the demons loose.


* The opening of this millennium challenges us all to review the

foundations of our civilization. Today, caught between dogmatism and

decay, the world religions are in crisis. On one hand, the eagerness

of zealots to hate and kill in the name of a God of Love is a

paradox that recalls the darker hours of our medieval past. On the

other hand, corrupt religions encouraged widespread ethical and

moral corrosion. In modern societies, this is expressed in the

shallowness of people that have forgotten their God.


* The history of mankind is replete with episodes of conflicts,

aggressions or repression of our freedom of beliefs, linked to the

assertion of religious creeds and dogmas. Despite the spread of

modernity through globalization , the contemporary era is no

exception. Armies again camp before Jerusalem. Recent wars, from

Kosovo to Kashmir and terrorist aggression remind us that such

misuse of religion is still alive in the present era of



* Can we bring a global response to religious factionalism and

fundamentalism's destructive trends?


* Globalization is the driving force of contemporary history.

Nevertheless, the importance of the economic dimension of this

process occults the deeper aspects of relationships between the

people of this earth. Globalization based only on the materialist

values of present day modernity can unlash centrifugal forces,

resentment, conflicts and wars. Globalization grounded on spiritual

values will prepare the unifying field of our togetherness, well

being and prosperity.


* Squeezed in a global village, the various human tribes must

rediscover the common message hidden behind the teachings of the

religious instructors of mankind and reach the spiritual core of

their humanity. This statement suggests why the genuine path of

experimental spirituality must now render justice to the

exhortations of Lao Tseu, Moses or Socrates and manifest

collectively into a global religion.


* The teachings of HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, revealing the

potential of spontaneous meditation, represent the historical

religious breakthrough that fulfills the prediction of world

religions such as Hinduism, Taoism, Judaism, Jainism, Buddhism,

Christianity, Islam or Sikhism. Mankind must now clearly perceive

the importance of this guidance in the context of the challenges

that threaten peace and prosperity on the international scene. The

time has come to give these teachings full exposure.





* Technology, trade, finance and the liberalized economy seems at

times, at odds with the fight against poverty, the wider

distribution of wealth and the maintenance of regional cultures. The

loss of the inner spiritual path causes the decay of traditional

cultures, the egoism of corrupt elite, social alienation, violence

and amorality.


* Alienation and moral decay, in turn, contribute to a justified

movement of rejection of modernity, which unfortunately translates

in the return to jingoism and fundamentalism. Henceforth, in a

global world, modern amorality and religious fundamentalism are in

an opposite yet, mutually reinforcing relationship.


* Globalization consists of the interaction between regional

cultures that evolved around their respective religious core,

information technology, the global economy, the common biosphere. A

sharp increase in the rate and level of international transactions

in these fields is an easily measurable index of the process of



* At the present time globalization trends are called in question.

Increasing discontent in parts of the world community could, in

times of recession, roll back the process and leave the global

trading system adrift. Concerns about the globalization engine focus

on the ethnocentric agenda of the have=s who use the global momentum

to perpetuate exploitation relationships with the have not=s, a

situation which opens wider socio-economic disparities.


* When spirituality declines, compassion and justice vanishes too.

The present model of globalization could fail if it cannot be

substantially adjusted to address solidarity, equity and ethical

issues. In this process exclusively driven by materialist values,

wider disparities exist within national societies and at the

international level.


* To this day, international statecraft and politicians have yet to

demonstrate that globalization is equally beneficial to all.

Existing international policy instruments are inadequate to hold a

critical mass of " Global Equity Equilibrium " . Yet, starting to deal

with the future before it reaches crisis level is the only way we

will be able to avert real tragedy for our posterity.


* At the beginning of the third millennium, natural catastrophes,

resources depletions, environmental scarcity as well as widespread

poverty are the consequence of our spiritual wasteland. Public

security threats, forced refugee flow or extreme instability within

vulnerable regions reflect our questionable stewardship of this

beautiful planet.


* An alternative scenario for evolutionary - as opposed to

confrontational- globalization would call on policies to build up

compatibility for a benevolent integration of societies.


* Indeed globalization present an unique opportunity to identify, in

the common heritage of mankind, the seeds of a new found

understanding of our togetherness and solidarity. Global challenges

call for global responses that must be applicable at the local







* Religion is the living knowledge of our unity with Self, Nature

and God. The emptied shell of our dogmas buried it. To overcome the

present asphyxia of religions by superstitions, fanaticism or plain

indifference, we must return to the inner spring of spirituality, at

the heart of all religions. Only access to genuine spirituality will

empower us to improve our societies and ourselves.


* Spiritual messages had fashioned the diverse ancient cultures of

this planet, which are now eroded by religious decline and

modernization. The connections between spirituality, common well

being and nature have been much neglected and this is an area were

progress is badly needed in this era of globalization. These

relationships must be investigated in the context of policy fora at

the highest level. To balance the conflicting energies of

globalization and to reach a new level of collective integration, we

must rediscover the path of spiritual behavior both at the

individual and at the global level.


* An harmonious international integration process cannot be the

fruit of economic relations alone. It ought to rest on the common

denominator of the fundamental spiritual and ethical values at the

core of all the great world civilization.


* At the same time, most attempts at achieving spiritual harmony

between the faiths has ended in theoretical constructs without clear

positive impact on our personal lifestyle or society as a whole.

Although well meaning, these interactions could not raise from the

mental to the spiritual levels. International statecraft and all men

and women of good will must demonstrate that globalization does not

become a vehicle for exploitation, and, to this effect, build

confidence that a spiritually enlightened globalization is equally

beneficial to all. We all would wish to emphasize what binds us

together rather than what divides us. Buddha spoke about

enlightenment; Christ said we must be born again, Mohammed spoke of

the inner Jihad of self purification. Jewish mysticism invites us to

feel the Presence or the Shekina. The question is how to do it?






* Sustainability of development cannot be reached without reverting

to ethics. Ethics cannot be reached without inner spiritual

transformation. Inner spiritual transformation cannot be reached

without Self-realization. Self-realization cannot be reached without

kundalini awakening. What does this mean?


* At this juncture we must recognize the transformational

spirituality revealed through Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Self Realization

is an actual psychosomatic experience of the awareness of the

Spirit, revealed by the awakening of a dormant spiritual energy, the

Kundalini, which rises within the spine to cross the limbic area of

the brain. This is the genuine meaning of baptism.


* The experience is felt on the central nervous system. It does not

boil down to yet another theological discourse. Consequences of this

initiation unfold in a most concrete manner through improved health,

enhanced cognitive capacities, emotional balance and spiritual



* The benevolent message of HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has already

transformed the life of a significant numbers of people in over 65

nations including in the United States. This call is made effective

by the unique capacity of Sahaja Yoga to develop, at the

experimental level, a new area of development for spiritual

consciousness. The new level of satisfaction and fulfillment now

accessible to man is no longer predominantly depending on material



* The objective of this spiritual revival is to achieve greater

awareness for the individual and enhanced well being for the society

through the establishment of a post materialist code of ethics. The

New World shall be guided by the operating power of Love expressing

itself in such principles as self-improvement, mutual respect,

equity, compassion, justice and tolerance.


* Revolutionary thinkers of the past endeavored to change society

without changing the individual. Mostly, they did not succeed. The

neglect of the connections between Self, spirituality, nature and

collective well being unleashed the destructive trends of

globalization in modern history. Now are the time to become our true

self and to counter negative forces through a global religion

manifesting wisdom, love, justice and spiritual transformation.


* The spiritual capacity of Sahaja Yoga to empower individuals of

all races and creeds makes this call uniquely effective! Rather than

a revolution, the new consciousness represents a thorough but

peaceful and benevolent evolutionary breakthrough.


* This holistic form of meditation, as taught by HH Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi, manifests the potential to reactivate the core

messages of the ancient world religions in a more coherent manner,

through the actualization of the happening of Self-realization. Its

manifestation is clearly an event of historical magnitude and we

hope the established powers and their media may grasp it.


* Sahaja Yoga shall contribute both to personal fulfillment and to a

new Global Equity Equilibrium. It calls for mutual understanding and

tolerance between the world cultures, ethically driven policies, a

more enlightened and equitable system of production, the

valorization of hand made products and the respect for nature.


* A medieval Cistercian monk, Joachim dei Fiori, announced that,

after the age of the Father and of the Son we would enter the Age of

the Mother. Perhaps we can understand what he meant. The divine work

of Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi manifests the power of Love

as the operative Force that can guide history, in full conformity

with the work of Christ and of all the great prophets of the past.

We recognize in Her the Avatar of the primordial mother, the

manifestation of the Holy Ghost that had been promised.

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:






Dear Jagbir,

Such a thorough article. One wonders why the authors

wiched to be anonymous. There is a peculiar false modesty in some

sahaja yogis which inspires them to sign themselves " a yogi " in

newsletters or as in this case not to sign at all.

We should always remember that future generations are going to

find our communications very interesting and will want to know who

wrote what.

(No-one is going to be in any doubt about what you or I wrote.)

They will also marvel at the fact that what we said was not

comprehended or believed. I'm sure they will also be puzzled at the

fact that a lot of the opposition sincere sahaja yogis experienced

in this time actually came from within sahaja yoga groups as well.

with love from Aunty Lyndal

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> shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >



> >

shriadishakti , " in2centre " <supatni@b...>



> Dear Jagbir,

> Such a thorough article. One wonders why the authors

> wished to be anonymous. There is a peculiar false modesty in some

> sahaja yogis which inspires them to sign themselves " a yogi " in

> newsletters or as in this case not to sign at all.

> We should always remember that future generations are going to

> find our communications very interesting and will want to know who

> wrote what.

> (No-one is going to be in any doubt about what you or I wrote.)

> They will also marvel at the fact that what we said was not

> comprehended or believed. I'm sure they will also be puzzled at

> the fact that a lot of the opposition sincere sahaja yogis

> experienced in this time actually came from within sahaja yoga

> groups as well.

> with love from Aunty Lyndal



Dear Lyndal,


In the Book of Prophecies John of Jerusalem writes about the present

Third Millennium:


" When the millennium that follows this millennium ends, Men will

have finally opened their eyes.

They will no longer be imprisoned in their heads and cities,

But will be able to see from one end of the Earth to another, and

understand each other.

They will know what makes one suffer hurts another.

Men will form one huge body of which each will be a tiny part.

Together they will form the heart of this body.

There will be a common language spoken by everybody, and thus,

finally, a glorious humanity will come into existence . . .

Because Woman will arrive to reign supreme;

She will govern the future and decree Her philosophy to Man.

She will be the Mother of the Millennium that follows the millennium.

She will, after the days of the devil, radiate the gentle sweetness

of a mother.

She will, after the days of barbarity, embody beauty.

The Millennium that follows the millennium,

Will metamorphose into an age age of lightness:

Men will love each other, sharing everything, dream,

And dreams will turn into Reality . . . .

Thus Man will have his second birth.

Spirit will possess the mass of men,

Who will be united in brotherhood.

So an end will be proclaimed to barbarity.

It will be an era of a new strength of belief.

The dark days at the beginning of the Millennium that follows the

millennium, will be ensued by days of jubilation:

Men will once more find the righteous path of humanity,

And Earth will find harmony once more. . . .

There will be roads that connect one end of Earth, and the sky to

the other;

The woods will once more be dense, the desert will once more be

irrigated, and the water will once more be pure.

The Earth will be like a garden:

Men will take care of every living thing,

And he will clean everything he dirtied,

He will understand that the whole of Earth is his home,

And he will think with wisdom of the morrow.

Man will know everything on Earth and his own body.

Diseases will be cured before they are manifested,

And everybody will cure themselves and each other.

Man will have understood that he has to help himself to stay upright;

And after the days of reticence and avarice,

Man will open his heart and his purse to the poor;

He will define himself curator of human species,

And so, finally, a New Era will begin.

When Man has learnt to give and share,

The bitter days of solitude will be at an end.

He will once more believe in the Spirit,

And barbarians will once more be unheard of . . .

But all this will happen after the wars and the fires.

And this will arise from the ashes of the burnt Towers of Babel.

And a strong hand will be needed to bring order to chaos, and to put

Man on the right path.

Man will learn that all creatures are bringers of light, and all

creatures must be respected.

Man, in his lifetime, will live more than one life,

And will learn that the Light never goes out. "


So Lyndal, we are just witnessing the very earliest dawn of the

Third Millennium, just about 3 1/2 years. This is the most difficult

period as the first faint rays of Light have only been perceived by

those ancient devotees who descended with the Adi Shakti.


So at this very early juncture when the millennium that follows this

millennium ends only a few have opened their eyes and no longer

imprisoned in their heads (are their own masters) and cities

(allegiance only to country of birth).


But we are very far from the days when finally, a New Era will begin

when Man has learnt to give and share, when the bitter days of

solitude will be at an end and humanity will once more believe in

the Spirit, and barbarians will once more be unheard of . . . But

all this will happen after the wars and the fires. And this will

arise from the ashes of the burnt Towers of Babel. And a strong hand

will be needed to bring order to chaos, and to put Man on the right

path. Man will learn that all creatures are bringers of light, and

all creatures must be respected. Man, in his lifetime, will live

more than one life, and will learn that the Light never goes out.


We are very, very far indeed from achieving this.


The task is enormous and very difficult to achieve by the

present 'official' SY modus operandi to spread the Message of the

Woman who has arrived to reign supreme and govern the future and

decree Her philosophy to Man. We fear telling the world that She is

the Mother of the Millennium that follows the millennium and that

She will, after the days of the devil, radiate the gentle sweetness

of a mother. We are still reluctant to announce that Man will have

his second birth to take part in the Last Judgment where the Spirit

will possess the mass of men, who will be united in brotherhood and

so an end will be proclaimed to barbarity. Many of us still do not

possess the conviction to proclaim that it will be an era of a new

strength of belief.


There is more i can write but cannot. i myself am defeated by the

opposition sincere sahaja yogis experience in this time coming

strongly from within sahaja yoga groups. The only way i survive this

constant negativity is to stay away and isolate myself. The internet

and the forum is the only way for me to speak out loud and clear of

things my own collective loathes to hear. The Adi Shakti has Her way

of surmounting all opposition to Her, whether from Her own devotees

or religious regimes.


Without question i agree that future generations will " marvel at the

fact that what we said was not comprehended or believed. " At the

present moment very few know everything about Mother Earth and his

own body, that diseases can be cured before they are manifested, and

everybody can cure themselves eg. of vices, substance abuse and

disease like diabetes and insomnia ............... or also cure

each other by working on 'damaged' chakras.


You are also correct that " they will also be puzzled at the fact

that a lot of the opposition sincere sahaja yogis experienced in

this time actually came from within sahaja yoga groups as well. "

They will wonder why and shake their head in disbelieve at

our 'fear' to announce so magnificent a Millennium.


But all this announcement of the Message of the Woman who brings the

Good News of the glorious Resurrection and Last Judgment will happen

after the wars and the fires when will arise from the ashes of the

burnt Towers of Babel a strong hand who will bring order to chaos,

and to put Man on the right path. Only then will Man learn that all

creatures are bringers of light, and all creatures must be

respected. Then Man, in his lifetime, will live more than one life,

and will learn that the Light never goes out.


Till then Lyndal the very few of us must take on far more

responsibility and bear a much heavier weight. Just as there is

Light at this early dark Dawn of the Third Millennium, so is there a

little joy in the immense pain. But these are duties that we vowed

to uphold at all costs before descending on Mother Earth along with

the great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. If you pursue your

duty and squander tan man and dhan (mind, body, and wealth) in Her

Cause be assured you will again and again ride with Her into

Battle ........................ till the end of Eternity. So fight

all of Her foes in all forms, within and without.



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Jagbir wrote:

> The task is enormous and very difficult to achieve by the

> present 'official' SY modus operandi to spread the Message of the

> Woman who has arrived to reign supreme and govern the future and

> decree Her philosophy to Man. We fear telling the world that She


> the Mother of the Millennium that follows the millennium and that

> She will, after the days of the devil, radiate the gentle


> of a mother. We are still reluctant to announce that Man will have

> his second birth to take part in the Last Judgment where the


> will possess the mass of men, who will be united in brotherhood


> so an end will be proclaimed to barbarity. Many of us still do not

> possess the conviction to proclaim that it will be an era of a new

> strength of belief.


> There is more i can write but cannot. i myself am defeated by the

> opposition sincere sahaja yogis experience in this time coming

> strongly from within sahaja yoga groups. The only way i survive


> constant negativity is to stay away and isolate myself. The


> and the forum is the only way for me to speak out loud and clear


> things my own collective loathes to hear. The Adi Shakti has Her


> of surmounting all opposition to Her, whether from Her own


> or religious regimes.


> Without question i agree that future generations will " marvel at


> fact that what we said was not comprehended or believed. " At the

> present moment very few know everything about Mother Earth and his

> own body, that diseases can be cured before they are manifested,


> everybody can cure themselves eg. of vices, substance abuse and

> disease like diabetes and insomnia ............... or also cure

> each other by working on 'damaged' chakras.


> You are also correct that " they will also be puzzled at the fact

> that a lot of the opposition sincere sahaja yogis experienced in

> this time actually came from within sahaja yoga groups as well. "

> They will wonder why and shake their head in disbelieve at

> our 'fear' to announce so magnificent a Millennium.


> But all this announcement of the Message of the Woman who brings


> Good News of the glorious Resurrection and Last Judgment will


> after the wars and the fires when will arise from the ashes of the

> burnt Towers of Babel a strong hand who will bring order to chaos,

> and to put Man on the right path. Only then will Man learn that


> creatures are bringers of light, and all creatures must be

> respected. Then Man, in his lifetime, will live more than one


> and will learn that the Light never goes out.


> Till then Lyndal the very few of us must take on far more

> responsibility and bear a much heavier weight. Just as there is

> Light at this early dark Dawn of the Third Millennium, so is there


> little joy in the immense pain. But these are duties that we vowed

> to uphold at all costs before descending on Mother Earth along


> the great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. If you pursue your

> duty and squander tan man and dhan (mind, body, and wealth) in Her

> Cause be assured you will again and again ride with Her into

> Battle ........................ till the end of Eternity. So


> all of Her foes in all forms, within and without.


> jagbir



Dear Jagbir,

What you say is quite true. we have been given the

commission to announce without fear.

When I first came to sahaja yoga for a few years this was actually

done...I mean we did actually tell people exactly what this is, and

particularly that Sri Mataji is the Holy Ghost.

Mostly this was by word of mouth as we had very little access to the

media and the internet was a dream in the minds of some scientists

and fiction writers.

Many of us then were survivors of " alternative culture " or

even " hippydom " .

Nowdays most sahaja yogis come from more mainstream and what used

to be called middle class or business class so they are a bit more

worried about their reputations perhaps.



It is a missionary approach. Wanting to CONVERT large crowds.

On re-reading some of the surahs on your site the other day I was

struck buy the idea that we only have to announce (And of course

offer realization to those who WANT it), But that for the most part



MICROPHONE. we still cannot expect the majority to believe what we


Only the meek in spirit.

Where you come from as a Sikh in a Muslim country you are well

placed to announce the way you do in the medium you use.

Even if you led a wild life for a while there, you had a good

family background which has given you the secure centre heart.

And no weird pseudo- christian conditioning.

I don't think you can imagine how difficult it is for western men

to begin to see the way to act. Or even to look closely at


The fear of failure makes them hesitate and no amount of urging is

going to alter that.

If they could just accept that it is only our job to announce and

not to recruit,or convince, masses of people MOST of whom are not

seekers anyway, it might be easier to reach the ones who


It is not our job to change anyone else.

Sri Mataji said that after raising our kundalini even Her

responsibility is then finished. It is then up to the individual to


So I conclude that we mustn't mind how everyone else is doing or

not doing their bit. We cannot see the whole and there are all

sorts of people working out things on all sorts of levels, as you


We can only do things to the best of our abilities and enjoy the

experience.....I am not trying to change the way you keep re-

iterating your conviction (NEVER) but I don't like to think you feel

it is so futile.

Are all Sikh chaps conditioned to be easily enraged and outspoken

and despondant at the apparent incompetence of others?

Or was Mars in a stressful opposition to Jupiter when you were

born perhaps?

Just teasing, little brother. (I seem to remember some earlier

posts where Ishmael was also trying to lighten your mood a bit.)

We probably knew it would be like this when we chose to take birth

this time.


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Dear All,


Yesterday i watched part 2 of a three-episode documentary The Sacred

Balance by David Suzuki concerning the water element. Suzuki,

drawing on his life as a scientist, environmentalist, writer, and

thinker, reveals his inspiring view of the human place on Earth. He

identifies seven elements - earth, air, fire, water, biodiversity,

love, and spirituality - which all human beings need to lead full,

rich lives.


i finally realized, albeit superficially, why Hindus pray to the

river Ganges and revere all elements. My ignorance humbled me into

silence as i became conscious of my birth in the primordial ocean,

the Womb of Mother Earth, many billion of years ago. i realized that

i am made of the same elements that belong to my long line of my

ancient animal ancestors who emerged from that Primordial Womb. i

understood why humans need to move away from global economic

competition and towards a recognition of our connection with the

Earth and Spirit.


The exquisite balance of these elements creates and maintains the

web of life on Earth. We too are part of that web: like all living

things, we ARE the sacred elements. We are made from and sustained

by earth and air, fire and water. We are part of the totality of

biological diversity that maintains the planet's life-support

systems. We are held together by love. And we express and celebrate

our understanding of our place on Earth through the mysteries of the



Never have any religious organization or guru other than than Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi made me realize, through the mysteries of the

Spirit, that i am a scared element. Never have anyone showed me the

way to the Kingdom of Spirit (Sahasrara) within where God Almighty

(as Light) and She rules supreme.


Now i know that i AM sacred and eternal, and chose to take birth

when this Primordial Spirit incarnated on Mother Earth. i am

absolutely sure that we must make humans become conscious that the

Last Judgment is the final evolution of homo sapiens into the

eternal homo spiritus. That is why i can only feel a little Joy in

the immense pain when Her devotees declare that She is a guru who

does wonders for stress management.



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First: Congratulations to this wonderful experience! I kow what

you are talking about, as I have had a similar revelation.


Second: The Last Judgement is not the Goal. It is the " Entry

Port " , through which those who do not " know " can't enter. Satya

Yuga is the goal.


Third: You might have met some strange weirdos, but none of

MY immediate friends in SY believe that SY is just about stress



Why are you complaining HERE in this forum? Whom are you

talking to? Is this YOUR world alone? Why don't you go and get a

life? Why not enjoy fully, not just a bit? Why just sit on the

sidelines of SY and not in the very core (Remember, Shri Mataji

is with us in Cabella at the moment)?


PS: Should you decide to answer my questions, please keep it







> Dear All,


> Yesterday i watched part 2 of a three-episode documentary

The Sacred

> Balance by David Suzuki concerning the water element.


> drawing on his life as a scientist, environmentalist, writer, and

> thinker, reveals his inspiring view of the human place on Earth.


> identifies seven elements - earth, air, fire, water, biodiversity,

> love, and spirituality - which all human beings need to lead full,

> rich lives.


> i finally realized, albeit superficially, why Hindus pray to the

> river Ganges and revere all elements. My ignorance humbled

me into

> silence as i became conscious of my birth in the primordial


> the Womb of Mother Earth, many billion of years ago. i realized


> i am made of the same elements that belong to my long line of


> ancient animal ancestors who emerged from that Primordial

Womb. i

> understood why humans need to move away from global


> competition and towards a recognition of our connection with


> Earth and Spirit.


> The exquisite balance of these elements creates and

maintains the

> web of life on Earth. We too are part of that web: like all living

> things, we ARE the sacred elements. We are made from and


> by earth and air, fire and water. We are part of the totality of

> biological diversity that maintains the planet's life-support

> systems. We are held together by love. And we express and


> our understanding of our place on Earth through the mysteries

of the

> Spirit.


> Never have any religious organization or guru other than than


> Mataji Nirmala Devi made me realize, through the mysteries of


> Spirit, that i am a scared element. Never have anyone showed

me the

> way to the Kingdom of Spirit (Sahasrara) within where God


> (as Light) and She rules supreme.


> Now i know that i AM sacred and eternal, and chose to take


> when this Primordial Spirit incarnated on Mother Earth. i am

> absolutely sure that we must make humans become

conscious that the

> Last Judgment is the final evolution of homo sapiens into the

> eternal homo spiritus. That is why i can only feel a little Joy in

> the immense pain when Her devotees declare that She is a

guru who

> does wonders for stress management.


> jagbir

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shriadishakti , " herbert108 " <hreininger@c...>


> First: Congratulations to this wonderful experience! I kow what

> you are talking about, as I have had a similar revelation.



It is encouraging to know others on the same wavelength.


> Second: The Last Judgement is not the Goal. It is the " Entry

> Port " , through which those who do not " know " can't enter. Satya

> Yuga is the goal.



Do not think that all those who know that it is the Last Judgment

will make it. It is a daily work in progress to rid oneself of

negativity and vices, and purify oneself in heart, mind and soul.


> Third: You might have met some strange weirdos, but none of

> MY immediate friends in SY believe that SY is just about stress

> reduction.



i know that stress management is encouraged as a means to attract

people to Sahaja Yoga.


> Why are you complaining HERE in this forum?



i am NOT complaining, just putting my points across. If i use your

criteria to ascertain " complaining " then everyone is complaining

about everything - world affairs, politics, weather, food stamps,

welfare fraud, stock exchange, family fueds, oil prices, evolution,

the river Gangga, the Catholic Church, ex-prophet Simon, Palestine,

500 channel cable stations, Sahaja Yoga .................... and

everything that can be discussed between humans.


> Whom are you talking to?



To those who comprehend.


> Is this YOUR world alone?



You are putting words in my mouth.


> Why don't you go and get a life?



What makes you think i do not have one?


> Why not enjoy fully, not just a bit?



i will when i am fully enlightened.


> Why just sit on the sidelines of SY and not in the very core

> (Remember, Shri Mataji is with us in Cabella at the moment)?



i know the Adi Shakti Shri Lalita Devi is within me. The day the

physical Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the incarnation of the Adi Shakti

Shri Lalita Devi, leaves Her physical body you will understand and

comprehend what i am talking about. Only then will you be fully

conscious that i was all the time in the very core of Truth, not the

sidelines of Sahaja Yoga.


Anyway, i learnt far more sitting on the sidelines than the centre

of collectivity. i cherish this self-enlightenment from Shri Mataji

within and freedom from all fears, and will not redeem it. (This

also answers a recent email from a concerned SY.)


> PS: Should you decide to answer my questions, please keep it short.



i hope my answers were short enough.




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shriadishakti , " in2centre " <supatni@b...>


> Nowdays most sahaja yogis come from more mainstream and what

> used to be called middle class or business class so they are a bit

> more worried about their reputations perhaps.





> It is a missionary approach. Wanting to CONVERT large crowds.

> On re-reading some of the surahs on your site the other day I was

> struck buy the idea that we only have to announce (And of course

> offer realization to those who WANT it), But that for the most



> EVERY MICROPHONE. We still cannot expect the majority to believe >

> what we say. Only the meek in spirit.



Lyndal, you are probably the first to comprehend. i knew you were a

very wise woman after reading your first few posts.


> Are all Sikh chaps conditioned to be easily enraged and outspoken

> and despondant at the apparent incompetence of others? Or was Mars

> in a stressful opposition to Jupiter when you were born perhaps?

> Just teasing, little brother.



" Guru Tegh Bahadur's martyrdom had far-reaching political effects.

The Mughals had, not long after, to face stiff resistance from the

Sikhs. Sikh opposition contributed significantly to the collapse of

the Mughal empire. After the martyrdom of his father, Guru Gobind

Singh, took several concrete steps to give a new orientation to the

Sikh community. As a true soldier of the people and conscious of the

role he had to play in the aftermath of ninth Guru's martyrdom, Guru

Gobind Singh did not get overwhelmed by his tragic loss. Guru's

public execution had outraged the Indians. From near and far they

moved to Anandpur Sahib to be with the young Guru. They looked to

him as the promised saviour and the man of the hour.


A soldier of destiny, the tenth Guru started consolidating his

resources and began building an army of saint-soldiers among his

people. He gave a clarion call to all the Sikhs on the Baisakhi fair

in 1699. Several thousand Sikhs came to participate in the fair in

response to the Guru's call. He created the Khalsa in 1699 after

baptising the 'Panj Pyara' (Five beloved ones) and asking them in

turn to baptise himself. It was really a psychological feat of

transformation of the community as also of democratising the

religious authority, which had earlier vested in the personality of

the Guru exclusively. Personal Guruship ended with his death and

Guruship came to be vested in the scriptures and the Panth. After

the creation of Khalsa, out of the fourteen battles they fought

against the well-disciplined imperial army, not less than twelve

times they defeated the enemy convincingly. In his struggle against



Guru Gobind Singh suffered grievious losses personally. His father

was martyred and mother died in captivity. Two of his sons met their

end fighting single-handedly against heavy odds. His two younger

sons were walled-in alive. Nowhere in history has any leader given

so much personal sacrifice. Aurangzeb ultimately decided to invite

Guru Gobind Singh for reconcilation.


Guru sent him a letter known as Zafar Nama, the Epistle of victory.

In it he described Aurangzeb as faithless and irreligious. Guru told

him, 'what if my four sons have been killed, I live to take their

revenge. It's no herosim to extinguish a few sparks. You have only

excited a devastating fire. You have the pride of your empire, while

I am proud of the kingdom of God. You must not forget that this

world is like a caravan sarai and one must leave it sooner or later. "


The Khalsa was formed to defend Sikhs against persecution, and has

always had a leading role within the Sikh community. As the producer

of 'The Khalsa', Kristine Pommert explains: " the last Sikh Guru, or

spiritual leader, Guru Gobind Singh, said 'my Khalsa should be both

saints and soldiers.' "


The faith taught justice, social harmony, peace and equality of all

people regardless of religion, creed and race but in the face of

tyranny eventually adopted a martial character.


Sikhs have had " a very traumatic 500-year history " explains John

Das, producer of 'The Sikhs', " particularly in the 20th century,

with the storming of the Golden Temple, the subsequent killings of

Sikhs in India, the partition of Punjab at the time of Indian

Independence, and the consequent mass migrations. "


The religion had to survive against the most astonishing odds, Delhi-

based historian Patwant Singh adds, including " invaders, wars,

persecution, repression - everything in the book was thrown at Sikhs

and yet they came out of it stronger, better and more self-

confident. "


" Maj. General M. Khan of Pakistan wrote in his book 'Crisis of

Leadership' about the bravery of the Sikh soldiers during the Indo-

Pak war. Here are some excerpts:


" ....the main reason of our defeat was Sikhs fighting facing us. We

were helpless to do anything in front of them. Sikhs are very brave

and they have a great craving for martyrdom. They fight so fiercely

that they are capable of defeating an army many times bigger than

theirs. "


" ....On 3rd December 1971, we fiercely and vigorously attacked the

Indian army with our infantry brigade near Hussainiwala border. This

brigade included Pakistan army's fighter Punjabi regiment together

with the Baloch regiment. Within minutes we pushed the Indian army

quite far back. Their defence posts fell under our control. The

Indian army was retreating back very fast and the Pakistani army was

going forward with a great speed. Our army reached near the Kausre-

Hind post. There was a small segment of the Indian army appointed to

defend that post and their soldiers belonged to the Sikh Regiment. A

few number of the Sikh Regiment stopped our way forward like an iron

wall. They loudly greeted us with the ovation of 'Bole-so-Nihal' and

attacked us like blood thirsty hungry lions and hawks. All these

soldiers were Sikhs. There was even a dreadful hand-to-hand battle.

The sky filled with roars of 'Yaa Ali' and 'Sat-Siri-Akal'. Even in

this hand-to-hand fighting the Sikhs fought so bravely that all our

desires, aspirations and dreams were shattered. "


" .....In this war Lt. Col Gulab Hussain of Baloch Regiment got

killed. With him Major Mohammed Zaeef and Captain Arif Alim also

died. It was difficult to count the number of soldiers who got

killed. We were astonished to see the courage of those handful of

Sikh soldiers. When we seized the possession of the three-storey

defence post of concrete, the Sikh soldiers went onto the roof and

kept on persistently opposing us. The whole night they kept on

showering fires on us and continued shouting the loud ovation

of 'Sat-Siri-Akal'. These Sikh soldiers kept on the encounter till

the next day. Next day the Pakistani tanks surrounded this post and

bombed it with guns. Those handful of Sikhs got martyred in this

encounter while resisting us, but other Sikh soldiers then destroyed

our tanks with the help of their artillery. Fighting with great

bravery they kept on marching forward and thus our army lost its

foothold. "


" ....Alas, a handful of Sikhs converted our great victory into a big

defeat and shattered our confidence and courage. . "


" ....The same thing happened with us in Dhaka (Bangladesh). In the

battle of Jaissur, the Singhs opposed the Pakistani army so fiercely

that our backbone and our foothold was lost. This became the main

and important reason of our defeat and the Sikhs' fancy for

martyrdom and mockery with death for the sake of safety and honour

of the country, became the sole cause of their victory. "


Similar type of comments were made by Pakistani army in East

Pakistan under the leadership of General Niazi while surrendering

their weapons to General Jagjit Singh Arora. The bravery and spirit

of sacrifice of Sikhs were respected and honoured by one and all.


May God rest the souls of all the fallen soldiers (Sikhs and

Pakistanis), in peace. "



" Sawa Lakh se ek laraun, chirian to(n) main baaj taranun,

tabhe Gobind Singh naam kahaun "

(Unless I raise one to stand against many, cause sparrow spurn hawk,

I shall not deserve to be called Gobind Singh.)


Lyndal, we Sikhs despise cowards who flee from battle and are

thus " easily enraged and outspoken and despondant at the apparent

incompetence of others. " Hundreds of thousands of Sikh warriors and

soldiers have most willingly laid down their lives whether in battle

or for a cause. We saints are just programmed to be soldiers,

peaceful within and fierce without. Just like the Gurkhas, our

loyalty is as legendary. We Sikhs are a proud race indeed.




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> Anyway, i learnt far more sitting on the sidelines than the centre

> of collectivity. i cherish this self-enlightenment from Shri Mataji

> within and freedom from all fears, and will not redeem it. (This

> also answers a recent email from a concerned SY.)


Oh really Jagbir, this is ridiculous!

How many times does Shri Mataji have to say it? Sahaja Yoga is about



For myself, yes I enjoy the collectivity of the Sahaj internet. Sure.

But my real strength comes from my local collective: taking part in

new people's programs; welcoming brothers and sisters into my house

for collective meetings. That's where the aggression of the 'I'-ness

gets dissolved into the vibrations.


Why not just rejoin your local collective?

It might be a struggle for you initially but when the aggression and

anger dissolve you'll feel better for it. And your children will be

able to interact will their peers, the other born realised children.


A win-win situation all round.


Your Australian brother, John

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Jagbir wrote:

> Lyndal, we Sikhs despise cowards who flee from battle and are

> thus " easily enraged and outspoken and despondant at the apparent

> incompetence of others. " Hundreds of thousands of Sikh warriors


> soldiers have most willingly laid down their lives whether in


> or for a cause. We saints are just programmed to be soldiers,

> peaceful within and fierce without. Just like the Gurkhas, our

> loyalty is as legendary. We Sikhs are a proud race indeed.



Dear Jagbir,

thank you for your very full explanation of where your conditioning

comes from. I had not looked into Sikhism much I must confess.

I wonder what the role of women in the community is like? Are they

listened to, or expected to remain silent like a lot of Indian women?


On the topic of spreading Sahaja Yoga -

I notice in Sri Matajis recent Birthday address She was saying :


" The way you have got your spiritual powers and the way you are

using it, is really beyond understanding-any human understanding.

That is why people don't believe that there is something like Sahaja

Yoga.........It's something beyond the conception of human beings

that they can achieve this kind of spiritual growth within

themselves. "

Speaking about the war going on in iraq that the outcome with our

efforts will bring peace everywhere, She said " We don't want to have

wars but we have to change human beings. Otherwise you cannot trust

them. This is a very big challenge to all of you to work very hard

to get to this idea of giving realisation to everyone. Otherwise you

cannot stop it But awakening is needed within which of course I

don't know if everybody will try to have. But as many as can have it

please try to give them awakening because they are all human beings

born at this time so they deserve it. " " Everyone can have ten to

fifteen people and will change the world. That is our ambition is

to change the world to the new style of understanding. That we have

to live peacefully as human beings " .... " Today that is the need of

the hour. At the right time we are now ready to do sahaja yoga and

spread it all over. As much as possible. Wherever you see the

necessity. "

All of which makes me think that this is a new era where it is

suddenly much easier to give realisation than before, as well as

being a more critical time.

So the announcing bit is one thing, but actually manually raising

the kundalini of at least 10 or 15 people each and that is probably

a critical mass sufficient to turn things around.

The shiva puja talk was very much emphasising peacefulness. Very

certainly there is no place for anger at all.

The current trend of demonstrating how to give vibrations in

public is really a grass roots low tech approach wich probably would

not have worked a few years back but is now very effective.

I personally am very put off by the lecture hall system with rows

of people facing a speaker (usually male) no matter how convincingly

they announce, it is not as good as face to face.

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