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water Element (again) and the Creation Of Man And His Fulfilment

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Lyndal,


> Listed below from 1-10 is the development of species right from

> the first signs of carbon life in the Primordial Womb of Mother

> Earth billions of years ago to the present still evolving Homo

> sapiens. All these 10 incarnations of Shri Vishnu fit into the

> scientific chronology of the creation and evolution of the

> universe, but are still ahead as they also reveal the final

> evolution of humans into spiritual beings. All humans have taken

> countless rebirths spanning billions of years and reached this

> priceless human form, the highest evolved life in the eyes of the

> Divine. The final metamorphosis or evolution is that into

> spiritual beings.


> Humans are now in the last stage of evolution to become the spirit

> that all scriptures extol and expound. This is upheld by Shri

> Mataji and She has given this complex theory a simple name -

> Sahaja Yoga. Let's raise the consciousness of humanity to a higher

> level.


> jagbir


> The Primordial Human Evolution

> No. Incarnation Physical/Conscious expression:


> 1. Matsya-avtar or Fish: Water borne life — amoebae or primeval

> evolution.

> 2. Kurmavtar or Turtle: Water/Land borne life — amphibians.

> 3. Varahavtar or Boar: Land borne life — mammals.

> 4. Narshinghavtar or Human-lion: Semi-human — primates.

> 5. Vamanavtar or Dwarf: Homo erectus — primitive human.

> 6. Parshuram or Divine Seeker: Homo sapiens — conscious human.

> 7. Ram or Perfect Human: Homo sapiens — God conscious human;

> outer awareness.

> 8. Krishna or Supreme Yogi: Homo sapiens — Self-conscious

> human; inner awareness.

> 9. Buddha or Consciousness: Homo sapiens — Self-Realization;

> inner enlightenment

> 10. Kalki (Christ) or Spirit Being: Homo spiritus —

> God-Realization; Resurrection (en masse spiritual evolution.)



> " Let us dwell for a moment on the route we have taken that has led

> us here and pray to our ancestors for understanding and guidance.

> Journey to mind the 4,000 million years of unbroken success since

> our adventure into biology began. Journey back with me. Let us

> reconstruct, recapitulate, our voyage so that we may remember and

> harvest the gifts of our ancestors.Honor first your mother's womb

> where a single seed from your father united with her egg and then

> flow back from there through the womb of her mother, and then back

> and back through mother after mother. A few hundred generations

> and we leave written history behind, metals turn back to soil,

> agriculture disappears.


> We lose control over fire, soon we are back up in trees, and then

> after a while we drop our opposable thumb and scurry as mammals on

> the forest floor staying out from under the feet of dinosaurs. Our

> fur turns back to reptile scales, we slither in and out of the

> ocean until we are back under the water and free from gravity.

> Backbones disappear; life becomes simple — a tube of cells,

> then single cells washed back and forth in ocean currents, until

> we leave the organic and swim in the molecular soup once more. . .


> Can we identify with this vast process rather than our race or

> religion or ideology? Can we represent the accumulated striving of

> each and every ancestor and bring this into our lives? What kind

> of choices, priorities, and personal and political agendas spring

> from such a perspective? Is it really possible to identify with

> the precious flame passed from fin to claw to paw and now into

> your trembling hand rather than with this present life alone? How

> shall we go about this? . . .


> Unless we learn once more to harmonize our human song with the

> great symphony from which we emerged and in which we remain

> inextricably embedded, our evolutionary journey will draw abruptly

> to a close. We are the last generation of humans to be offered

> this choice. "


> John Seed, For the Earth




Creation Of Man And His Fulfilment


" In this lecture I should talk about the creation. I would switch

on from the time when we were just amoeba. Every scientist who is

open minded can see for himself that this Universe is a beautiful

Cosmos, is very well organized and has run very smoothly, and can

also deduce that the creation of this particular Universe has led to

the creation of this Mother Earth. About five million years back

this Mother Earth, which was gaseous form condensed and we cooled

down. How was it cooled down to the extent it did? Scientists accept

this fact just as it is, they cannot find out because they have

limitations. Why this thing happened? How it was started? It is easy

to say there is no God but very difficult to explain many things

without saying that there is God. Example, the time that was taken

for this Universe to create a human being is so very short that

nothing else can explain it.


If you use the law of chance, we can find out how many times the

permutations and combinations have to work to create even a living

cell. For example, in a test tube if you have 50 red pills and 50

white pills, all arranged in such a manner that all the red ones are

at the bottom and that white ones are at the top. You have to go on

shaking them and the arrangement of the pills gets disorganized

completely. Then to organize it back fully into the original

arrangement, how many times one has to shake? They have discovered a

formula that is raised to power something. According to this

formula, if human beings are created by chance, it seems an

impossibility; because the time that is taken so far is so short

that only, at the most, may be, some living cell could have been

created. Why a complicated human being has been created and so

beautifully it is organized within him, that is hard to believe that

some Juggler was not behind the show. There must have been some

scientist who has achieved these results. It could have only been

possible by some Special Hand to do these things. I mean if there

was no organization, no thinking, no planning, no powerful

personality — The Almighty behind it — it could not have been



As science has its limitations, of course, we cannot find out how

was it expedited; how it took place? Because we can see that we have

achieved something in the field of science, by one method, perhaps

similar to one that was used to trigger our evolution so fast.

When I was a young student in school, at that time I could never

have believed that we could ever reach the moon; none could have

believed. If anyone would have said that the people would have

laughed at such a conjecture. Even today if you tell My grandmother,

she does not believe it. She thinks it is just a story you are

telling. But we have reached the moon, no doubt.


In this system, we have used a very wonderful system of putting five

capsules one into another and the first capsule, the lowest one

explodes and triggers the movement of the rest of four capsules.

When the second one explodes, it gives an acceleration many more

times than that with which it was already moving. The speed

increases in such a tremendous way that suddenly we find that the

acceleration is a very high multiple of the first one. Then the

third one when it explodes gives another push to the capsule. Next,

the fourth one explodes. Then the fifth one which contains the

spacecraft. Through this kind of explosions from one to the other,

through that built-in mechanism, we have been able to achieve a very

high acceleration for the spacecraft.


In the same way our evolution has taken place. We got this idea

without even knowing about our evolution from the Unconscious. We

have come to know how it has happened, but we cannot correlate both

these together. So, in the same way human being was created out of

amoeba or amoeba was created out of all the elements. In the same

manner we can say that we were made again of five capsules. The

first one is the physical, or physical being. Inside the physical

being was kept the emotional being. Inside the emotional being was

kept the spiritual being and inside the spiritual being was kept the

spirit or our attention.


We can say Kundalini is the one that triggers, that is the one that

explodes. So Kundalini force is in everything, but in the most

affective, the best, the highest form, it is in human beings. It is

this force which exists in everyone and evolves everything, say from

carbon to the amoeba stage and from amoeba to animal stage and from

animal to human stage. Even in element it exists because the

elements also evolve. We do not know how they evolve but it happens

in Nature, that elements start changing their forms and mass and

they become different elements. We have no idea of this because we

have no way of measuring the quantity of this change that is taking

place. Then the animals also change, from fishes, many become

reptiles, out of reptiles many become mammals, from mammals many

become primates, monkeys and then human beings. All this happening

takes place. How many are destroyed, how many remain, how many are

transformed, nobody has kept any account of it.


Today, we talk of population problem; perhaps many animals have

taken birth as human. You can see the effect of that, the way people

are behaving; you can be sure that many animals have taken human

form and they have yet to go through lot of evolution and training

as a human being to understand the value of human life. A human

being starts evolving within himself.


Now we have been human beings, as they say, for 14,000 years and we

have been growing inside through our freedom. Human beings are the

only people who get freedom to evolve themselves to understand what

is wrong and what is bad. This freedom is granted because without

freedom you cannot go any further. For example, when you start

studying in a school, you are told to learn tables — 2x10=20. You

learn by heart and do not question why it is so, but just go on and

on. But when you reach a certain standard of education, say

graduation or post graduation standard, then you are given freedom

to write on this subject: Why is it that when you multiply 2 by 10

it is 20? It is because you have reached a certain stage of

development. At this stage you are given freedom to find out for

yourself. That is how you are developed and then by this development

only you can teach the other people who are coming up. This is the

way the evolution has been.


So far you have not felt your evolution from amoeba to this stage.

You do not know how you became a human being. You take it for

granted. Even if you see your eyes, they are so complicated. It is

much a complicated organ that if you start studying them you will be

amazed how things are made. If you just prick a pin in My finger,

immediately there is a reflex action. It is so nicely built, it is

so nicely arranged, it is so efficient that one is surprised and

amazed at the wonders of this kind of organization that is this

human body.


But you see what human beings are. They are inefficiency

personified. I sent four telegrams to My daughter and today she says

she received one telegram after one month.


Human beings have been given freedom to understand, to develop their

own efficiency, to receive the Ultimate Knowledge of the Creator of

this creation and the Powers of the Creator. That is why the

Kundalini is placed in the human beings alone, though there is

Kundalini force and there is Kundalini in another form in everything

that exists. Only in the human beings this force is kept in the

triangular bone in dormant state, to trigger their last jump into

the unknown. Now this Kundalini exists, this is there.


But to begin with, if I say before starting all this creation, who

was created first, it is most interesting and may not be very

congenial to the mind of a scientist. It is much beyond science I am

talking now, that much before anything was created on this Earth.

Holiness was created that we call the Pavitrata. Sri Ganesha is the

deity of that Holiness. God has created this Holiness to protect

this creation, this atmosphere of Holiness. HE created to protect

all the people and all the creativity which are there and which are

being created by Him, otherwise nothing would work out. Just think

if one of the Oceans was deeper even by 10 feet the balance of Earth

would have toppled down. Just imagine what a speed this Mother Earth

has, it revolves with such a tremendous speed, goes round the sun

regularly in a proper way, not in a round way, but in a special

style as you know. She creates day and night for you. Day to work

and night to rest. How She herself has created this beautiful

atmosphere for you and has maintained the balance and the

temperature that was given to Her, is only done by Power of Holiness

that was created first.


Now, man in his foolishness is challenging that Holiness. He thinks

he can challenge God, that is the sign of HIS awareness. If he had

risen to that height where he could feel God pulsating in every

thing he would never have done that. But before he could reach that

state of perfection he has started talking about God. Who is going

to challenge this authority of this stupid man, who does not want to

achieve his perfection and wants to talk big.


All-Pervading Power is of Holiness which corrects, which guides

which co-ordinates, which loves and which organizes everything for

you to get this awakening within you. So one must understand how

Kundalini awakening is the most important thing that has to happen.

Kundalini awakening is the only way you are going to know your

spirit. This is the most important happening in the history of

creation. It is like laying out the garden, then you plant the tree,

the trees have flowers and now the time has come, the fruit must

appear. It is the most important thing and has to happen. Every

individual who is seeking the Truth will know it.


The trouble with Truth is that you have to seek it with all humility

in your own being. No body can hypnotize people for seeking Truth,

those who are hypnotized cannot understand. In all your awareness,

in all your dignity you have to get the Knowledge of Truth.

But it is not just giving you a lecture that you are going to

understand. It is not brainwashing that has been done by all

nonsensical people throughout. It is the happening, the

actualization by which you reach that state of awareness, by which

you develop the dynamics of collectively conscious, is an awareness

which develops within you is real actualization.


As you are a human being, you know that when this capsule of human

being was triggered you got lots of things, e.g., your awareness is

more than that of animals. The university itself — animals do not

have any universities. Animals don't understand gardens, they

don't understand dirt and filth, they don't understand

beauty. All this has come to you, deep within you manifested as soon

as you become human beings.


So, as soon as you become super human being through Kundalini

awakening you become aware of yourself within and you become aware

of others within. This is the Collective Consciousness, this is what

Sahaja Yoga is. Sahaja Yoga is the system of Nature. The way this

creation took place is also Sahaja. Sah means with and ja means

born. Sahaja means born with. Every thing is built in within you

like in a seed. If you see a seed it has a primule within it to

sprout. Seed has the complete power of the tree it is going to be.

The whole thing is in the seed. In the same way in the human seed

the whole picture of what he is going to be, is built in the whole

mechanism, is placed within.


Now there are the undercurrents of your being, which I will be

describing to you. What are the forces built up inside human beings?

Only thing I would like to say that you are like a computer, you are

already made like a computer, only thing is that you have to be put

to the mains. If you are put to the mains then the computer starts

working by itself, but it is the way you understand a machine. You

are a human being, you know what is love. To a scientist I cannot

talk of love. I am talking of Divine Holiness — the Love of God

— which has created you, which wants you to know Him. Through

science you cannot do that. Every scientist must be loving somebody

if not his children at least, his dog. He must be loving flowers, if

not flowers he might be loving his horses, but he knows what is



And if he can understand that spark of love from where it has come,

the Love that I am talking about, is a synthesis of all these Powers.

Science deals with only a very little portion, I will also tell you

which part of this Power deals with our physical being and out of

which how much a scientist knows. You will be surprised that if

Knowledge is an Ocean, the scientist knows only a drop. And to know

the Ocean, the drop is to be dissolved in the Ocean. But a drop

cannot by its own effort become the Ocean, the Ocean has to dissolve

the drop. And that is what Ocean has to do, if creation has to have

its fulfilment and HIS beautiful creation is manifested in the human

beings. The human being must find out His fulfilment. If he cannot

find out His fulfilment, he cannot reach perfection in anyone of his

endeavours. God, Himself will not rest till He does that for who

would like to destroy one's own creation.


In thousands and thousand of years of time this has come to its

fulfilment and if it is to be done by Me — if I am the person who

is supposed to trigger your Kundalini — why should you have any

objection? Thank God, I was not a scientist, otherwise I would have

finished My life making an atom bomb. Thank God, I am not a

psychologist, other I would have gone mad, listening to mad people.

Thank God, I am not a politician, you know how they are. Thank God,

I am none of these, I am just your Mother, concerned, absolutely

concerned, about your ultimate will beings and not about superficial

things. May God bless you all. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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