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Collective Consciousness and consciousness of the local collective

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" Once the Spirit starts shining fully in one's attention one

actually becomes enlightened in the sense that one can see for

oneself that one becomes one's own Guide, one becomes one's

own Master. Then you don't need any guide, but you are the Master

of your Self. In the past this process was limited to one or to very

few persons but now a phenomena to allow en masse Realization was

discovered about twenty years ago.All such enlightened people follow

a religion which is called as Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, meaning the

innate Pure Religion within us. These people have actualized the

enlightenment. They have actualized the baptism because they feel

the Cool Breeze as Kundalini pierces through the fontanelle, and

thus have become religious saints, Yogis, Yoginis, and seers —

they are not like ordinary people — who know themselves within and

know others in Collective Consciousness. They are the people who

have achieved a state in which they know on their central nervous

system that they are part and parcel of the Whole. It is not blind

faith or lip service built of empty words. This is the subtle

Knowledge of the Roots. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" The human being is not an ignoble being. He is the epitome of all

evolution. He is not a person to be degraded. Only thing is his

ignorance. In ignorance a rope seems a snake. Unless there is light

you cannot see the rope. So I would not call anybody guilty,

whatsoever. Whatever a person has done, he can get his

transformation because his Spirit is still there — shining!

It's just clouded with many things. And if somebody can by any

chance move those clouds the sun, that is the Spirit, will shine

forth . . .So the happening is of the breakthrough of human

awareness into a New Dimension, about which Jung has written, that

is, Collective Consciousness which has to be actualization and

becoming, and not just talking. They become real brothers and

sisters in the sense they become part and parcel of the Whole . . .

that human beings will know that they are in the Kingdom of God. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" At the Nirvikalpa state, the Collective Consciousness becomes

subtler and subtler. At that stage you can understand the very deep

significance of things when the Reality starts becoming

clearer. . . .You give him a statue of a deity and ask him all about

this statue — whether it is all right or not. He might say that

it is not alright. You can feel the subtle vibrations, whether it is

in Dharma or otherwise. Now can we say say that Ashtavinayaka's are

living Gods — How do you know? Jyotirlingas are living — How

will you know? Unless you know the integrations of all the great

souls together and how are you going to judge them? That is why you

must get Realization. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" But still, if you have any doubt, I will like to attend to them

definitely. Moreover, sometime we get very good questions. I have

seen that some people ask really good questions and give Me the idea

of as to what is the problem. So that will also be welcome. But do

not sit down with the attitude of doubting Toms, that is also one

thing. Sahaja Yoga is a very big subject and it is rather difficult

to explain whole of it. It is by which you get your physical,

mental, emotional and spiritual integration because all the centres

come into play and brings enlightenment into all the four aspects of

your life; into the totality so that you feel your wholesomeness in

Collective Consciousness. It is quite complicated sentence I have

said in short, but if you have any problem about it, you can ask Me

without fear. I am your Mother. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" You have become Collective Conscious. This Power of Collective

Consciousness that is awakened within you, is Brahma Shakti and it

is present in the Universe, in different forms and even in

molecules. It is the Solidity in solids, in living beings it is

Beauty, in waking state it is the Power of Bliss, in Sahaja Yoga it

is the Power of Consciousness Bliss, in Param Yoga it is Supreme

Bliss and within Bhagavati it is the Power of being Brahma.

You have understood all these, but should experience them. You

should have steady mind and surrendering, your heart become free

from illusion. These are My blessings. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" The attention of the consciousness moves to the inner being. As the

thread of a necklace is passing through every bead of the necklace,

the Inner Consciousness is also passing through every human being.

As soon as our attention moves to our Inner Consciousness we can

move on to everybody's Kundalini. One starts feeling the Kundalini,

its nature, its position in other persons. Collective Consciousness

is thus established. Now you become a universal being. After some

days you cannot say who is the other person. The Power of Love is so

great and dynamic that with the movement of your fingers you can

move the Kundalini of thousands. It becomes child's play.


This is how en masse evolution of human beings will take place.

These are signs of the advent of the Golden Age of Truth (Satya

Yuga). Let us forget whatever hardships we have suffered in our

search in the past. It does not matter if some could not find it

before. You have to open your mind and understand that though the

discovery is unprecedented, it does not make any seeker or

predecessor small. If some experiments are made it does not matter

if, ultimately, we have found out the way. It is a collective

achievement. Perhaps in the chaos of Kali Yuga it was to happen and

many of us who have been earnestly searching in many lives, are

reborn to have their promises by the Divine. Maybe we were our own

predecessors. On the Tree of Life there might have been very few

flowers but now the Blossom Time has come. Their fragrance of

longing has collectively materialized the manifestation of Sahaja

Yoga. Many are going to jump into the Realm of Thoughtless Awareness

where you get introduced to your Self and start identifying with

your Universal Nature. Those who deserve will get the Throne of

their Inner Being which rules the Skies of Peace, and the Oceans of

Divine Love, and Supreme Knowledge within which is limitless. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" So now we are exposed to a new dimension and that dimension is that

we are the ones who are the channels of that Will of God. So then

what is our duty and what should we do about it? As a result of the

Sahasrara being opened out, one thing is that the illusions have

vanished. Illusions have vanished. You should have no illusion as to

the existence of God Almighty, the Power of HIS Will and the Truth

about Sahaja Yoga. You should have no doubts at all, minimum of

minimum you should be like that. But while using this Power you

should be aware that this Power is given to you because you are

capable of handling it. It is the highest Power you could think of.

Take any governor, take any minister, anyone, they can be removed

tomorrow. They can become corrupt. They can become absolutely devoid

of any Knowledge of their own Powers. There are many people who just

get elected without knowing what they have to do.


So this is not just a conversion of people, it's not only even

transformation, but it is a new fashioning of a new human being

which has come forward and which is capable of carrying the Will of

God further. So as a result of your Realization, what you have got?

The first thing that has happened is that your illusions have gone.

You should have no illusions about God Almighty, HIS Will and that

HE is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient. All HIS Omnipotence

has done this work and as Collective Consciousness you should also

know that you are also Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient.

Omniscient means that HE sees everything, knows everything. Part of

it, that Power, is also within you. So to prove HIS Omnipresence you

have to all the time be aware that you are Sahaja Yogis. When I find

even now Sahaja Yogis struggling about their wives, their children,

their house, their jobs, I start wondering what is their level now?

where are they? when are they going to take up the role of what they

have got?


So the Omnipotent God who is everywhere, who has done all this, the

Will of God that has worked it out, has to work through you people

and you have to be very strong, very sensible, very wise, also very

effective people. The more effective you become the more energy you

will get. But still I feel that the Sahaja Yogis are more, not

taking the responsibility of understanding that they have to

represent this God Almighty who is Omnipresent, Omniscient, who

knows everything, who sees everything and who is potent, means

Almighty. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" So, as soon as you become super human being through Kundalini

awakening you become aware of yourself within and you become aware

of others within. This is the Collective Consciousness, this is what

Sahaja Yoga is. Sahaja Yoga is the system of Nature. The way this

creation took place is also Sahaja. Sah means with and ja means

born. Sahaja means born with. Every thing is built in within you

like in a seed. If you see a seed it has a primule within it to

sprout. Seed has the complete power of the tree it is going to be.

The whole thing is in the seed. In the same way in the human seed

the whole picture of what he is going to be, is built in the whole

mechanism, is placed within. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" Jesus Christ incarnated to open the Agnya Chakra and to dissolve

our ego. My job is to awaken your Kundalini Power so that it could

pierce your Sahasrara Chakra. This work is of a collective nature. I

have therefore to do it in the case of one and all. I want to tell

you about Jesus Christ, Guru Nanaka, King Janaka and a number of

other incarnations and the way they relate with the Collectivity.

Similarly, I wish to talk to you about incarnations of Shri Rama,

Shri Krishna, ecetera and also about Shri Shiva because all the

Powers of these Gods and Deities are in us. Now the Time has come

for Collective Consciousness to manifest.In this KaliYuga all those

who are seeking God shall find HIM and millions of people will be

able to do so. Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. This is described

in the Bible. You are judged only after you come to Sahaja

Yoga. . . .


The Judgment in this matter is to be made by the individual himself.

It is only when you stabilize in Sahaja Yoga that the state of

thoughtless awareness is established. So long as the Kundalini Power

does not pass through the Agnya Chakra the state of thoughtless

awareness is not reached. As soon as the Kundalini crosses the Agnya

Chakra the thoughtless awareness is established. It is the Power of

Shri Jesus which is instrumental in opening the subtle door located

above the Agnya Chakra. For that purpose you are to recite the

Lord's Prayer composed by Jesus Christ. After crossing this Door

the Kundalini Power enters the limbic area of the brain. It is after

the Kundalini enters this area, which is also termed as the Kingdom

of God, that the state of thoughtless awareness is established. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


shriadishakti , " jagbirsingh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> > Anyway, i learnt far more sitting on the sidelines than the

> > centre of collectivity. i cherish this self-enlightenment from

> > Shri Mataji within and freedom from all fears, and will not

> > redeem it. (This also answers a recent email from a concerned

> > SY.)


shriadishakti , " sahajhist " <sahajhist>



> Oh really Jagbir, this is ridiculous!

> How many times does Shri Mataji have to say it? Sahaja Yoga is

> about collectivity.


> For myself, yes I enjoy the collectivity of the Sahaj internet.

> Sure. But my real strength comes from my local collective: taking

> part in new people's programs; welcoming brothers and sisters into

> my house for collective meetings. That's where the aggression of

> the 'I'-ness gets dissolved into the vibrations.


> Why not just rejoin your local collective? It might be a struggle

> for you initially but when the aggression and anger dissolve

> you'll feel better for it. And your children will be able to

> interact will their peers, the other born realised children.






You have now read these quotes of Shri Mataji regarding Collective

Consciousness which are far deeper than you understanding. Perhaps

its time to raise the consciousness of your local collective to a

higher level.


Can i presume that i do not need to learn from my local collective,

who have similar views, but continue to dive deeper into the

ocean of Knowledge within myself? And can i also presume that no one

in my collective can teach me anything significant, and that the Adi

Shakti within will help me become my own master? Last, but not the

least, when my Mother Kundalini is the fountain of all

enlightenment, what will mere mortals still fighting off pesky

catches and bhoot bugs teach me?



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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> You have now read these quotes of Shri Mataji regarding Collective

> Consciousness which are far deeper than you understanding. Perhaps

> its time to raise the consciousness of your local collective to a

> higher level.


> Can i presume that i do not need to learn from my local collective,

> who have similar views, but continue to dive deeper into the

> ocean of Knowledge within myself? And can i also presume that no


> in my collective can teach me anything significant, and that the


> Shakti within will help me become my own master? Last, but not the

> least, when my Mother Kundalini is the fountain of all

> enlightenment, what will mere mortals still fighting off pesky

> catches and bhoot bugs teach me?


> jagbir


Dear Jagbir


If you want to go your own way so be it. No-one can stop you.

You can indeed continue to find extracts from Shri Mataji's talks to

prove your mental concepts.


Shri Mataji has made it very clear that She is always with those who

find themselves away from the Collective.

However She has also made it very clear that She is not with those

who deliberately withdraw from the Collective.


As the song says, 'go your own way' but please stop criticising those

Sahaja Yogis who obey their Mother and work within their collectives.


Jai Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi!



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shriadishakti , " sahajhist " <sahajhist>



> Shri Mataji has made it very clear that She is always with those

> who find themselves away from the Collective. However She has also

> made it very clear that She is not with those who deliberately

> withdraw from the Collective.





i went bicycling riding with my daughter about two hours prior to

this post. On the way beside the lake i decided to oil the chain as

it was slightly rusty. At the bike repair store i was told that my

wheel was dented and would need changing, and i agreed. While

waiting i had a conversation with my 9 year-old daughter about Shri

Mataji. i asked her how was Shri Mataji and what were the colors of

Her saris. Lalita replied that She is alright and often wear reds

saris ................ and occasionally blue, pink, yellow and

other colors.


You claim that Shri Mataji " has also made it very clear that She is

not with those who deliberately withdraw from the Collective. " So

She is not with me now and neither with anyone of my family, if that

is what i understand. Your claim is either a lie or your own



John, you have no idea how the Adi Shakti operates. All you know is

the physical Shri Mataji and your attention is focused outwards. i

have mine focused inside where She resides in my Sahasrara. There is

absolutely no question of Shri Mataji abandoning ANYONE who

meditates on Her and implores Her protection, whether they

deliberately stay with the collective or not. Only fools like you

can imply that Shri Mataji has abandoned me and my family.


i have met SYs like you in my collective who conjecture their own

version of knowledge. i had the early experience of being hounded by

a senior SY just because i believed that the soul takes birth as

either male or female. This SY insisted that a soul is permanently

male or female for all eternity, no matter how many rebirths.


It was the early beginning of a difficult journey in Sahaja Yoga for



But one ugly incident, out of a number, must be mentioned to make

you comprehend why i want to stay out of the collective.


In 1996 when Lalita was about two-years-old my family went for a

collective meditation in the countryside. Over the course of

conversation the senior SY told us that Shri Mataji had purchased

US$32,000 worth of diamonds to open the Agnya Chakra of North

America. i immediately stood up and told him that it cannot be true.

He insisted it was. i again told him that i cannot imagine how and

why Shri Mataji would need diamonds to open the Agnya Chakra of

America. The rest of the collective just kept quiet. It was as if i

was a rebel going against SY authority by questioning senior



In the end the collective had meditation. After it was over i just

sat quietly and was thoughtless.


Then my daughter started crying and i went to comfort her. Out of

nowhere this senior SY came and shouted: " Jagbir, take a tape and

tape her mouth. " i was stunned for a moment, not believing what he

had said. He sincerely wanted me to tape my daughter's mouth to stop

her from crying!!! Then anger welled up inside me and i was so close

to violence. Perhaps it was the meditation that restrained me.


John, i can talk about many personal incidents with other North

American SYs that have shocked me over the years. However, i prefer

not to. In the end i decided that the only way to grow was to leave

the collective. i will never return to ignorance, pettiness,

ritualistic conditioning, the ceaseless chatter of catches and the

clink of $32,000 worth of diamonds.


You will have to inform the physical Shri Mataji of this post

because i know She has no idea i have written it ...............

but the Adi Shakti within me is watching and witnessing everything,

including the full-stop. SHE WILL NEVER ABANDON ME AS SHE HAS BEEN




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I too have my stories of past leaders and their actions.

Indeed, I have a physical indentation in my forehead as a result of

one leader trying to clear my agnya many years ago.


I wish you well on your individual journey which you are so keen on

pursuing, but please understand that other Sahaja Yogis prefer their

individual journeys to be within the collectivity of Sahaja Yoga.


May peace be with you.



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