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This evil of jealousy among human beings.

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To all the Adi Shakti's devotees,


Brother Akplogan Christian has just submitted a post titled " Great

News from Sanjay Talwar-India. " There is an interesting comment by

Sanjay Talwar on his release by `Times Music' his first

commercial music album titled " Jai Jagdambe Maa. " He also

talks about resistance from fellow SYs against him making bhajans to

honor the Adi Shakti. i quote:


" Once there was a gap of about two years, when I had not made a new

Bhajan Tape. She ordered me not to discontinue making them. There

were many others who had also started doing the same, and there was

a big competition. I was being stopped by many from continuing, but

then She told me, that She was trying to overcome this evil of

jealousy among human beings, and that till such time it happened, I

must not lose hope and learn the art of forgiveness. "


i think Shri Mataji, magnanimous as usual, refrained from using the

word " sahaja yogis. " So She was referring to this evil of jealousy

among Sahaja Yogis who gossip, slander, backbite and put all kinds

of obstacles against fellow SYs who are endowed with special

talents. That Sanjay Talwar had to undergo all this negativity for

just being a talented singer is beyond my comprehension. i feel sick

and disgusted that established SYs go out of their way to drag down

and discourage those who rise above them.


But Sanjay Talwar is a very artistic singer whose only crime is that

he sings well. Apparently some SYs could not forgive him for that.


However, in the case of my family, our only crime is that my

children are able to visit and converse with the Adi Shakti in their

Sahasraras. It is a boon that has brought immense resistance and

negativity since 1994, and some have gone to extraordinary lengths

to demonize them and destroy the Truth they continue to witness.


Of all the culprits the most jealous, deceitful and devious was Yogi

Mahajan and his crony Mrs. Chitnavis, the former principal of the

International School. Let me quote this fraud first:


" Only those who go deep in the source discover the Golden Goddess

that resides within. Her touch enlightens and enthralls the total

being. It is indeed the miracle of miracles. This miracle resides in

every being. The wise pursue it, the scriptures speak of it, and the

saints glory in its praise. " (Yogi Mahajan, The Ascent, Motilal

Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1997 p. 4.)


Ever since early 1996 when he came to know that Kash was able to

meet the Golden Goddess in the Sahasrara, Yogi Mahajan carried out a

cloak and dagger operation to assassinate his character and destroy

Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God. He picked on weak and easily

influenced SYs who unwittingly carried out his devious plan. ....

............. and i have to admit that he was very successful as

till today his pervasive negativity still lingers on. He has

managed to spread such ugly and repulsive rumors that i am loathe to

mention them. He is the epitome of this evil of jealousy among SYs

which Shri Mataji refers to.


But the eternal Adi Shakti who is within all Sahasraras destroyed

him. May Shri Mahamaya continue to destroy all who conspire, out of

sheer jealousy, to harm those unwaveringly dedicated to Her cause

and mission on Earth. ............. even if they are the greatest

of leaders and closest to Her.



Jai Shri Mataji,





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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> Of all the culprits the most jealous, deceitful and devious was

> Yogi Mahajan and his crony Mrs. Chitnavis, the former principal of

> the International School. Let me quote this fraud first:


> " Only those who go deep in the source discover the Golden Goddess

> that resides within. Her touch enlightens and enthralls the total

> being. It is indeed the miracle of miracles. This miracle resides

> in every being. The wise pursue it, the scriptures speak of it,

> and the saints glory in its praise. " (Yogi Mahajan, The Ascent,

> Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1997 p. 4.)



Kash can always see what is happening in the room with his eyes shut

in meditation on Earth, but before going into Nirvikalpa Samadhi

with the Great Adi Shakti in the Sahasrara (Kingdom of God). In

other words, though his eyes are completely closed in the physical

world he starts seeing with the spiritual eyes from within himself,

referred to as the Thrid Eye by ancient Hindus.


If anyone walks in or does anything else in the meditation room, he

or she is witnessed, even if the physical eyes are closed in deep

meditation. This is because in the Sahasrara the meditation only

starts when the Spirit of the Living God Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

says so, and prior to that the eyes of his spiritual body are still

open. Thus for a few minutes Kash is able to see with his two

spiritual eyes within, while the physical eyes are closed without.


There were numerous incidents when Kash watched activities taking

place around him, together with Shri Mataji and the deities. He had

on many occasions witnessed his father, mother or brothers walking

around him or doing other things, although he was in Samadhi. He was

meditating in the macrocosm (Earth) but in the microcosm (Sahasrara

or Kingdom of God) he still had to go into meditation. Only when

Shri Mataji requests meditation does he close his spiritual eyes.

Then he does not see anything.


There was an incident that properly portrays this dimension.


On April 21, 1995, at 6:55 a.m. i took the flower vase from the

altar room to the balcony outside for watering. While they were

watered Kash went into the room to meditate.


When the flowers were brought back i noticed that Kash was already

in meditation, eyes closed in deep concentration. i softly tip-toed

and gently put the vase back on the altar.


After he had finished about 15 minutes later, i asked if he had

noticed anything. He casually replied that he saw me bringing the

flowers and putting them back on the altar. The Great Golden Goddess

and all the Immortal Beings also witnessed this entire episode as

they had yet to begin meditation. (Shri Mataji may have been waiting

for the flowers to be brought back and placed on the altar before

commencing meditation.)


i asked how this was possible as i had seen his physical eyes

completely closed. He explained that in the Sahasrara his spiritual

eyes were still open as all the Messengers of God were waiting for

the Primordial Mother to commence meditation.


These may be miracles to humans but for him it was just the normal

Reality in the Kingdom of God within. He has always maintained that

this Reality is more real than the physical world he lived in. The

basis for this opinion must have been the fact that not only he was

able to experience both worlds simultaneously, but that he was able

to witness the physical world outside from the spiritual world



The reverse was not possible; from the physical dimension he was not

able to perceive the spiritual dimension within. It always had to be

the other way round.


Incredible as it seems but all these mythical experiences tallies

with the proclamation of Shri Jesus 2,000 years ago that the Kingdom

of God is within!


" On the lips of Jesus the term Kingdom of God unquestionably

summarized the very heart of His Message. " The Kingdom of God is the

central theme of the teaching of Jesus, and it involves His whole

understanding of His own person and work " (Theological Word Book of

the Bible, Alan Richardson, p. 119).


The Comforter sent by Him is proclaiming this Kingdom that Lord

Jesus promised to all. However She cannot enlighten further because

humans do not have the capacity to understand the Reality they

cannot see, just as ignorant humans were unable to comprehend the

parable of Jesus' Kingdom of God!


This crippling human handicap has made us blind, in all sense of the

word, to the infinite glory of our inner Reality which is now

manifesting itself in ordinary people. Kash just happened to witness

it for himself.***



" In these Modern Times, in the evolutionary process, we have reached

the state of human awareness. This human awareness can work through

its thinking, rationality or conditioning. Many modern poets have

described them as the walls of freedom of the Self. But what if one

can rise to a higher dimension of awareness? Why not open our hearts

and minds to the unique discovery that has been revealed for this

vital ascent? The Kingdom of God that We promised is at hand. This

is not a phrase out of a sermon or a lecture, but it is the

actualisation of the experience of the highest Truth which is

Absolute, now manifesting itself in ordinary people at this present

moment. "


Shri Prakatakrtih Devi




" It is Wilber's contention that we have lost, over the last

four hundred years or so, the `third eye' of knowledge. We

have used extensively the `eye of the flesh' which studies

matter, and also the `eye of reason' which values logic and

philosophy, but we have lost the `eye of contemplation' or

spiritual awareness.


Without that eye the person cannot perceive spiritual reality. With

it, `the knowledge of God is as public to the contemplative eye

as is geometry to the mental eye and rainfall to the physical

eye.' Without it, we have lost our deepest source of

knowledge. "


Jean Hardy, A Psychology with a Soul, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.,

1987, p. 211.



" The Prajnaparamita may be said to be standing on the line which

divides the absolute aspect of existence from its relative aspect,

and this line is a geometrical one just marking the boundary and

having no dimension. Even then we must not conceive the Prajna as

looking this way or that way when it wants to survey the two realms

of existence. If the Prajna were to take Sunyata alone without its

Asunyata, or Asunyata alone without its Sunyata, it would be no more

Prajna! To symbolize this, the Indian gods are furnished with one

extra eye cut straight up between the two ordinary ones. This is the

Prajna-eye (the eye of wisdom.) By means of this third eye the

enlightened are enabled to perceive reality yathabhutam, without

splitting it into two and then unifying them, for this splitting and

unifying is the work of abstract thinking. The Prajna-eye, placing

itself on the boundary line of Oneness and Manyness, of Sunyata and

Asunyata . . . takes these two worlds at a glance as one Reality. "


D. T. Suzuki, Essays in Zen Buddhism, Third Series, Rider & Co.,

London, 1953, p. 269.



*** There are many examples over the years of Kash observing

activities in the meditation while he was in meditation in the

physical world but yet to meditate in the Sahasrara.


Kash always witnessed in his Sahasrara the earthly actions of his

human family with a quiet detachment. Not on any occasion was it any

big deal. As far as he is concerned it is nothing to brag

about ............. or even talk to humans as they will not

believe, including SYs.


i remeber him telling me in 1994 that SYs are only pretending to

listen and that none of them believe a single word. i was quite

shocked and doubted him. i have to now admit that these words of a

thirteen-year-old child nearly a decade ago still ring true today.

Some SYs continue stoking the fires of jealousy as they cannot bear

those with enormous talents, whether it is a SY like Sanjay Talwar

singing the praises of the physical Adi Shakti at Cabella .........

........... or Kash seeking audience with Her within

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> Of all the culprits the most jealous, deceitful and devious was

> Yogi Mahajan and his crony Mrs. Chitnavis, the former principal of

> the International School. Let me quote this fraud first:


> " Only those who go deep in the source discover the Golden Goddess

> that resides within. Her touch enlightens and enthralls the total

> being. It is indeed the miracle of miracles. This miracle resides

> in every being. The wise pursue it, the scriptures speak of it,

> and the saints glory in its praise. " (Yogi Mahajan, The Ascent,

> Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1997 p. 4.)



To all devotees of the Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,


Just a few minutes ago i asked my nine-year-old daughter Lalita if

she had meditated and the answer was affirmative. i questioned her

further as i thought it was a rather quick meditation. Lalita

replied she had done so in the main meditation room upstairs. i

again told her that it was rather a quick meditation and she agreed.


Then i asked her if Shri Mataji, who always sits on a Golden Throne

and Lalita squatting on the soft carpet of clouds before Her, tells

her when to start and stop meditation.


Lalita replied, " She tells me when to start but not when to stop. "

In other words it is up to Lalita how long she wants to meditate

with Shri Mataji in the Sahasrara, even though the Adi Shakti

initiates the commencement.


The Sahasrara Chakra is the Kingdom of God that is the core of Lord

Jesus' message to all humans. Not even the most enlightened of gurus

or the most advanced religious institution know what it is all about.



" All three of my main kundalini teachers refused categorically to

discuss the seventh chakra. They felt that this chakra should be

encountered without preconceptions of any kind to interfere with

direct experience.It is therefore with a bit of hesitation that I

write anything at all about this ultimate chakra . . .


The Sanskrit name of this energy center is sahasrara, which

means " to multiply by a thousand. " In a looser translation,

sahasrara means tapping into the infinite spiritual dimensions that

lie beyond the personal parameters of consciousness. Awakening the

seventh chakra is most definitely an experience in which we

transcend our individual minds and enter into perfect conscious

harmony with the infinite spiritual wholeness of the universe. "


John Selby, Kundalini Awakening, Bantam Books, 1992, p. 190.



The Great Adi Shakti has been sent by God Almighty, as promised

by Lord Jesus, to explain the Kingdom of God to the human race. It

is only since the arrival of the Comforter Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

that we SYs have been the first to be revealed a glimpse of its

priceless secrets. May no jealous SY dare attempt to destroy what is

beyond their limited comprehension. May they first remove the large

beam in their eye than the tiny splinter in the eye of my children.


Jesus used a rather comical analogy that has relevance to the ending

of Kali Yuga (Age of Darkness). Jesus was talking about the

hypocrisy involved in those trying to pick at others when there was

negativity radically affecting them.


" Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but

consider not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say

to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and,

behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out

the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to

cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. " (Matthew 7:3-5)




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