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To all believers of the Last Judgment and Resurrection,


i received an email from a long established SY and wish to comment

on it due to its relevance on this forum.




" On the subject of Almighty God one wonders to whom these chaps

think Sri Mataji is referring when she says " May God bless you "

not " Bless you, my child " as we would otherwise have expected.

There are numerous talks where, in the role of Mother She says how

worried She is about not being able to raise us to a standard where

we may be presented to God the Father. "


The quote below of Shri Mataji spoken on Feb 6th 1985 at Bordi,

India was used to support the above statement that She has never

ever claimed to be God Almighty, even as some established SYs

continue to put words into Her mouth:


" I want my children to be comfortable. They are new-born babes.

Alright, they need comfort, they are to be looked after. But I

cannot blackmail the Divine because the children are small. Can

I? I am here to do the job of God Almighty. "


Lord Jesus also said along the same lines, that He was sent to do

the job of God Almighty:


" For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will

of Him that sent me. And this is the Father's will which hath sent

me, that of all which He hath given me I should lose nothing..... "



Probably when Jesus claimed that " I and my Father are one " the

Pharisees conspired to kill the Savior as they interpreted that

Jesus was " putting himself up " as God Almighty. But Jesus, just like

Shri Mataji, never claimed to be God Almighty but was only serving

Him. It is no wonder that SYs " who have only a shallow recognition

of Sri Mataji draw similar conclusions. "




i know that this form of negativity is quite common among SYs and i

quote: " On the subject of jealousies one could cite endless

examples. " Those most attacked are often uniquely talented. The most

effective way to escape from these negative SYs is by leaving the



According to this SY " while all these things are deplorable and

frustrating it is in some ways inevitable as the real changes in the

world can only be worked out through the sahaja yogis themselves. "


Maybe the slow hemorrhage of SYs from collectives will be taken

seriously and confronted by concerned individuals instead of being

spoonfed by 'those in charge'. It is time to discard the band aid

kits repeatedly supplied after nearly every brainstorming session of

coordinators / leaders to cure the problematic symtoms that keep

plaguing Sahaja Yoga. All this periodic collection of brains have

found no answer.


We can only change if we realize our mistakes and shortcomings and

stop relying on the elite thinking for us. The only way we can do so

is by having the freedom to discuss what those higher up the pecking

order regard as their privilege. (This forum was set up for this





It seems that " power-hungry men at the top are openly displaying

their weakness and they are being given long ropes as have all the

ones who went before...partly for them and partly for their

followers to see where they are wrong and correct themselves.


It is frustrating when they create structures which prevent the

collective from enjoying real meditative experiences. They really

fear the spread of Sahaja Yoga growing to proportions which they can

no longer control so they make rules about when and where and with

whom people can meet. "


i find this type of restriction abusive and totalitarian. What are

these stupid power-hungry SYs trying to do by controlling those in

their charge? Are they by any chance self-appointed sheppards of the

Lord who must take care and guide the dim and dull SYheep who,

despite self-realization, can still go astray and get lost?




Now the person who wrote the email is trying to be his / her own

master without submitting to the directions of those in charge. It

is already beginning to pay dividends:


" Now very few of us do this without any announcement of what we are

doing whenever we can. It is making a difference on our local

collective. "


i was talking with my wife yesterday as we strolled along a

beautiful lake. Both of us have realized that in future increasing

numbers of people will accept Shri Mataji's message of the Last

Judgment on the internet, not from public programs. They will then

continue to daily meditate and purify themselves as they continue

comprehending the complex breath and depth of God Almighty's Good

News to all His children.


The local collectives where jealous, power hungry men struggle for

power and control will cease to be relevant for the Adi Shakti. Soon

it will become obvious that ascend is far faster by seeking Her

guidance from within the Sahasrara than by following the advise of

power-hungry chieftains of local collectives.


i AM my own master,




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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> " On the subject of Almighty God one wonders to whom these chaps

> think Sri Mataji is referring when she says " May God bless you "

> not " Bless you, my child " as we would otherwise have expected.

> There are numerous talks where, in the role of Mother She says how

> worried She is about not being able to raise us to a standard

> where we may be presented to God the Father. "


> The quote below of Shri Mataji spoken on Feb 6th 1985 at Bordi,

> India was used to support the above statement that She has never

> ever claimed to be God Almighty, even as some established SYs

> continue to put words into Her mouth:


> " I want my children to be comfortable. They are new-born babes.

> Alright, they need comfort, they are to be looked after. But I

> cannot blackmail the Divine because the children are small. Can

> I? I am here to do the job of God Almighty. "



" Imminence of judgment was one characteristic of apocalyptic

thought; another was transcendence. Whatever the end of the world

and the new eon and the kingdom of God meant, they meant a complete

change, whether by obliteration and new construction or by

transformation of the existing world. The nature of the new eon, the

kingdom of God, varied considerably among these writers. It might be

a world not of this earth, or it might be a completely new order on

this earth. It might be the end of time or the beginning of a new

sort of time. For all the apocalyptic writers, however, it meant the

final, eternal, and complete triumph of justice, in which the good

would be rewarded and the evil punished, not just on earth and in

time, but in eternity.


Even more clearly than in the OT, apocalyptic writers insisted that

at the resurrection both the just and the unjust would be judged.

Where Isaiah had prophesied the liberation of the faithful from pain

and death without mentioning the punishment of the faithless (14.3),

Daniel foresaw a trial of both the righteous and the wicked, with

eternal joy for the former, " who shall shine like the brightness of

the sky, " and eternal punishment for the latter (Dan 12.2-10). Enoch

concurred: " And to all the righteous He will grant peace. He will

preserve the elect, and kindness shall be upon them. They shall all

belong to God and they shall prosper and be blessed; and the light

of God shall shine upon them " (1 Enoch Book 1, ch. 1.7-9; cf. 1

Enoch 45.3-6).


Apocalyptic, best known for its prophecies of doom, really

emphasized the joy and goodness of the judgment as much as its fear.

That is why apocalyptic thought flourished: it was a message of hope

for the poor and the oppressed:


On that day, they shall lift up in one voice, blessing, glorifying,

and extolling in the spirit of faith, in the spirit of wisdom and

patience, in the spirit of mercy, in the spirit of justice and

peace, and in the spirit of generosity.... All the elect ones who

dwell in the garden of life (shall bless you); every spirit of light

that is capable of blessing, glorifying, extolling, and sanctifying

your blessed name (shall bless you) and all flesh shall glorify and

bless your name with an exceedingly limitless power forever and ever

(1 Enoch 61.10-13).


The judgment would be a judgment of all the peoples of the world,

but the Jewish apocalyptic writers were naturally most concerned

with the judgment of Israel itself, where the criterion was clear:

loyalty or disloyalty to the Covenant. A peculiar emphasis of Jewish

apocalyptic was messianic speculation. Mashiach, " the anointed one, "

was a title of the kings of Israel and Judah since Samuel had

anointed Saul. With the repeated defeat and occupation of the Land

of Israel by foreign empires, the conviction grew in the last two

centuries B.C.E. that a mashiach, Messiah, of supernatural strength

and power would soon emerge to liberate Israel. For some, the

Messiah would lead the Jews in a military revolution against their

oppressors and restore the earthly kingdom; for others, this earthly

kingdom was to be transformed, and the Messiah would rule it for

ages or even forever; for yet others the Messiah was to usher in a

kingdom that completely and eternally transcended the present

cosmos. The coming of the Messiah was then linked to the day of the

Lord and, accordingly, to the Last Judgment. The Messiah would act

as the agent of the Lord, or sit in judgment with the Lord. The

functions of the Lord and of the Messiah at the Last Judgment were

gradually fused. "


Jeffry B. Russell

Professor of History

University of California Santa Barbara




" I am here to do the job of God Almighty. "


Shri Satya-rupa Devi*

Satya-rupa (818th): She is Brahman Herself.



" But Today it is the day I Declare I am the One who have to save the

humanity. I Declare I am the One who is Adi Shakti, who is the

Mother of all Mothers, who is the Primordial Mother, the Shakti

(Primordial Power) of the Desire of God, who has incarnated on this

Earth to give meaning to itself, to this Creation, to human beings,

and I am sure that through My Love and Patience and My Powers I am

going to achieve it.


I was the One who was born again and again. But now I have come in

My complete Form and with complete Powers. I have come on this Earth

not only for salvation of human beings, not only for their

emancipation, but for granting them the Kingdom of Heaven, the Joy,

the Bliss that your Father wants to bestow upon you. "


Shri Puratana Devi*

Declaration, Guru Puja, U.K. — December 2, 1979

Puratana (801st): Primordial or Ancient.



* All names of the Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi are

taken from Sri Lalita Sahasranama, compiled by C. Suryanarayana

Murthy, Associated Advertisers and Printers, 1989. The number

corresponds to the position of the particular name out of the 1000.

It has to be understood that all Her names are purely esoteric in

nature, and reveal Her Ultimate Reality in the Sahasrara or Kingdom

of God within.

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