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Evangelism or concern for others? (response to Balwinder)

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shriadishakti , " dr_balwinder "

<dr_balwinder> wrote:




> First and foremost we have to be very careful when we listen to

> experienced SY because I am quite sure many of us would have come

> across cases where the " experienced " yogi says/does something which

> even to a non-SY would seem unwise.

> I respect the leaders in SY but will only take the words of SM as

> the gospel truth and when an experienced SY speaks, I will try my

> level best to see the good in what he/she says.



Balwinder, i realized very early in SY that spirituality has nothing

to do with seniority. Great leaders have come crashing down to earth

from dizzying heights. It is better to stay close to the ground and

seek the guidance of the Adi Shakti within than look up at leaders

without for sacred information. Leaders serve a useful purpose to

organize and liaise with the physical Adi Shakti. She has

continuously downplayed the role of leaders, even mocked at those

whose egos get bloated. It is all one big Mahamaya. Leaders are

venerable and a few have succumbed to abuse of privilege and power.

Shri Mataji's expelling of rouge leaders is testimony to Her

dispensing blind justice to all. The fact that none of them have

ever accused Shri Mataji of any wrong-doing speak volumes of the

integrity, strength and fearlessness of Adi Shakti.



> If the experienced ones are the likes of veteranyogi and zenyogi I

> must say that I would not take their sayings seriously for reasons

> which are obvious to some of us.



There are 16 types of SYs and they come in all shades of maturity.

The worst of the lot are those jealous murmuring souls who speak ill

of SYs striving to serve Shri Mataji to the best of their ability.

Sanjay Talwar was a victim of such lower-rung SYs. i still shake my

head in disbelief that such people call themselves devotees of the

Adi Shakti. But ask them for an explanation and be assured they will

justify their actions with a web of words and reasoning, the shabda

jalam used to insulate themselves from guilt.



> I have seen many an " experienced " yogi( being long in SY , look

> like been practicing SY very well for years etc) say things and

> make decisions which even a newcomer to SY has the discretion to

> point out is wrong.

> That is why I always enlighten newcomers who seems to be in awe

> that " Wow you have been in SY for so long you must be really

> experienced and at a different level " . My answer to that is you can

> overtake me in the spiritual ascent within months if not weeks if

> you practice it well and also depending on the purity of your

> heart, innocence etc etc.



Self-realization has nothing to do with external activities - number

of pujas attended or physical proximity with leaders, even Shri

Mataji. It is your inner self, the purity of heart, mind and soul

that counts. Attending 101 public programs or accomplishing 1001

foot-soaks will never grant the keys to His Kingdom.



> I agree that personal experience and the realization of the heart,

> and that the conviction of the heart plays a major role but how to

> put a seeker on the path to achieve that is the big question.



i do not see how it is possible for an experienced and convicted SY

to attract seekers to Shri Mataji's message of the Last Judgment

just by his/her mere presence? Maybe they may attend a few public

programs to find out the cause of rosy cheeks and glowing radiance

but they seem to loose interest pretty fast. Why is it that such

realization and conviction of the heart just does not transpire into

large numbers of new yogis? We are talking about hundreds of

thousands of public programs!!!!


SY is just not working out in the Land of Shri Krishna which still

has a long way to go before reaching the barest minimum required for

global transformation - 1600 SYs. Can't we just announce the Last

Judgment to see if it works? What is there to lose? After all, we

SYs have tried every other means over the last two decades. Maybe

the plain truth may just well work after all.



> I seriously doubt that Jagbir or Gregoire started their work with

> the objective of providing SR.IMO it is more to educate people eg

> at adishakti how all the religions have a common platform and how

> SY and SM is a common denominator for all . This has been done

> quite well by using the respective religious texts to convey the

> message which IMO is one of the best way to get across to anyone

> on the web who has a religious faith.

> Why re-invent the wheel when we can use all the relevant writings

> in each and every major religious text to convey the message SM

> and SY is conveying . Thus at the same time get them to practice SY

> meditation within the context of their religions first and once

> they realize who SM is they can start going deeper into SY and

> thus start their journey of spiritual ascent.

> I would like to qualify me statement here that this does not mean

> spiritual ascent can never be established without SY but it will be

> much , much tougher for even the most dedicated soul.



i could not agree with you more. Muslims, Christians or Hindus will

ONLY accept Sahaja Yoga and Shri Mataji if their own religions and

holy scriptures are upheld and acknowledged. There is absolutely no

questioning this fundamental prerequisite for the faithful to

embrace Shri Mataji message. If SYs do not give evidence that Shri

Mataji's advent is entrenched in their holy scriptures, they will

never attract the masses. SYs must have the conviction to announce

that She is the Comforter, Ruh of Allah, Adi Shakti, Imam Mahdi,

Eykaa Mayee - the long awaited Messiah who fulfils God Almighty's

promised intervention in human affairs to end the long reign of




> The websites will help in the sense they open a person's mind to

> the possibility of being connected to the divine within the

> religious framework of whatever religion they are currently

> practicing.

> I do not think that many who will be coming across the website will

> jump and say " Eurika , I have found salvation " . But IMO I believe

> that many will be intrigued enough to search further and many more

> will also be much more open and enthusiastic when they come across

> a real-life SY trying to spread SY.

> Secondly , there is tremendous amount of information about SY's

> connectivity to each and every religion on the sites.



Again the websites ensure that seekers feel comfortable not only

with Shri Mataji's astounding interpretation of mystical issues that

have confounded religious institutions for millennia, but also how

the various parts make the whole. It allows the faithful to look at

their own religious experience in a new light and remain silent.

This silence speaks a thousand words because Shri Mataji has never

been attacked or vilified by anyone. No visitor at www.adishakti.org

or www.al-qiyamah.org has said a harsh word against the Adi Shakti,

despite all claims that She is the Messiah. Even the Muslims, the

most unforgiving of believers, are quiet. Not a single voice of




> Some of the problems which are quite obvious using the net and how

> SY is portrayed now are

> 1)how will they come across websites on SY

> google search on yoga – SY appeared 57th on the list

> google search on yoga & spirituality – 40th on the list



Some SYs make a big issue of the number of hits the official

websites receive. What they do not explain is that a great number

are from SYs themselves. Your Google results just lends credence to

my saying so. i do not see how and why thousands of visitors are

able to seek Sahaja Yoga at # 57 on the search results page. My own

surfing experience is that visitors seldom venture beyond the first

page. And if so many do why so few actually join?



> 2)once they come across it on the web or in real life what will be

> the great difference b/w SY and the hundreds of yogas being offered

> which will make them choose SY over another from of yoga

> - many offered health , physical & mental wellbeing , stress

> relief, some talk about vibes/energies , some about kundalini ,

> chakras, being connected etc etc.



This is even more relevant than search results. Visitors who somehow

click the official website have no reason or information convincing

them that Sahaja Yoga is one of a kind. There is nothing

outstanding or marvelous that really attracts them, except for Shri

Mataji's image. Yes, this is harsh judgment but let's be brutally

honest for the sake of change. For most surfers Sahaja Yoga is

exactly what it is from the information available - just another

type of yoga. The official SY site does talk about " health, physical

& mental wellbeing, stress relief, some talk about vibes/energies,

some about kundalini, chakras, being connected etc etc. " , just like

other forms of yoga. Give me 10 good reasons they should choose

Sahaja Yoga over hundreds of other yoga schools?



> Confusion of words (Shabda Jalam) can only occur if a person

> invents his own theory but if we use authentic (which can also be

> questioned by some) religious texts, I do not see any confusion of

> words. We have Mother's talks to guide us and most of her messages

> are rather clear and so are lots of religious texts.

> As far as Mother's talks are concerned there is no room for error

> in case of those on tapes/CDs and for the older religious texts ,

> if we have reasons to doubt their 100% authenticity we should use

> our discretion.



This confusion of words is because some SYs invent ideas to justify

their actions. Their reasoning uses certain words like " not in our

nature " , " humble seekers " , " force ourselves " , " minds of the

public " , " personal experience " , " realisation of the heart " ,

" conviction of the heart " , " everlasting impression " . The western

intellect is highly proficient at using words to justify all immoral

and Antichrist activities. Some SYs are just as good at inventing

theories and logic to circumvent clear-cut instructions.


Shri Mataji has never said that we SYs are forcing ourselves on the

public. In fact those who say that we should not announce the Last

Judgment are unwittingly accusing Shri Mataji of forcing Herself on

the public. Shri Mataji has declared in a number of public programs

that it is the Last Judgment. Is Shri Mataji guilty as i am 100%

sure that She has publicly proclaimed that it is the Last Judgment

and Resurrection Time.



> As for the case put forward on how Muslims will come in SY, I

> cannot contribute much since my depth of Muslim religion is not so

> much despite living in a Muslim country. Nevertheless I do tend to

> agree that because of the Muslim world's spiritual awareness it

> will accept SY instantly on a mass level when they realize the

> message of SM & Qiyamah.



One day the Islamic world will have to face the declaration of Al-

Qiyamah. They will have to deny hundreds of pages at www.al-

qiyamah.org. Let them pick any page and dare claim it is false! i

know that the truth of the Koran blasts them into silence, such is

their reverence of their Holy Scripture. The day will come when the

believers will surrender to the message of Shri Mataji and Qiyamah.

Till then their silence will speak a thousand words that the Great

News cannot be refuted.



> To me the person who conducts public programmes , the person who

> brings people to public programmes , the person who does even a

> teeny weenie bit in spreading SY has my utmost respect.



Yes, they deserve credit but should not feel offended by my remarks.

They have the right of rebuttal.



> I have not lived in EU or North America to be able to see or

> comment on how music can enable SY to spread rapidly on a big

> scale among the younger generation the way Furat feels it can be

> used.



Music will be greatly enjoyed by SYs but will not bring seekers.



> I see no harm in spreading the message about Last Judgment over the

> web to a person who has never had SR although I believe that if I

> meet a person in real life I would give the person SR first before

> even proceeding to talk about Last Judgment.

> Can anybody feel he has had SR after having attended a couple of

> once- a-week programs – very few and far between although a lot

> do feel the cool breeze but are unable to fathom what it really

> means.



i have never said that we proclaim the Last Judgment like Christian

zealots. However, seekers must be able to identify the Cool Breeze

with being born of the Spirit, and understand that is a

genuine 'second birth.' They cannot be left stranded high and dry

with only the Cool Breeze to continue practicing SY. Many question

silently: " What is this big deal about cool breeze? " or " So what if

I feel the cool breeze? "


My initial kundalini awakening and subsequent feeling of the Cool

Breeze (vibrations) puzzled me. For months i had no idea why SYs

were so excited about it. It just did not make any sense until, many

months later, i finally understood that the Bible confirms that

those born of the Spirit and water (kundalini) will feel this

mystical wind. Finally it made sense.



> I myself do not know why SY never or hardly ever speak about the

> Last Judgment – it is as if Last Judgment means Apocalypse the

> way it is avoided being used. Mother has used it so often and I

> remember her even having said for us to announce it. It has been

> called the Last Judgment / Resurrection Time / Qiyamah / Golden

> Age of Emancipation / Age of Aquarius / Time of Rebirth .



99% of new seekers do not have this vital information and leave SY

without hardly any notion what they have really forgone, i.e., the

priceless chance to participate in the Last Judgment. This loss of

their right to salvation rests squarely on the shoulders of those

SYs who are afraid to tell them the plain truth. Why are they

afraid? They fear frightening them with the claim that it is the

Last Judgment.


And why are seekers in turn afraid of the Last Judgment? They have

all been conditioned with the falsehood that it means Apocalypse,

the end of the world? Thus, SYs are caught in a catch-22 situation.

With that train of thoughts there is no light at the end of the

tunnel ............... even after more than two decades.


i remember when Shri Mataji started issuing Her message to humanity

in the late 70s and early 80s. She was forthright, fearless and

thunderous in declaring the Last Judgment. She faced the skeptical

public alone, even ridicule from some. But She never backed from

that stance and stood Her ground ever since. Now, old and worn by

age, She still continues to perform Her divine duty of proclaiming

the Last Judgment.


But where are Her messengers of Al-Qiyamah who must prevail? Your

guess is as good as mine.



> Mother has said that it has come and it is time to take your second

> birth and it has been made very beautiful, and very tender, and

> delicate, and does not disturb you. I do not see any problem

> announcing it as long as we do not make it look as apocalypse or

> that it means the end is near which is farthest from the truth of

> what is actually happening in the Age of Aquarius.



This simple solution seems to have eluded the best brainstorming

sessions and workshops to spread SY for the last decade or two.

Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. It is far easier to educate the

public about chakras than the truth that the Last Judgment is not

the end of the world. We have all reached an impasse unless we just

tell the plain truth.


Jai Shri Mataji,




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