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Shri Mataji: I am always present with each one of you all the time.

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Dear devotees of the Adi Shakti,


We all must have known by now that Shri Mataji will not be attending

the Shri Krishna Puja to be held at Canajohre, USA. She has sent

this letter to all:


" My Beloved Children,


The Sahaja Yogis of North and South America


I am happy to receive your invitation to me about the forthcoming

Shri Krishna Puja in Canajohre. Presently, I am in Pratisthan, Pune,

India and will not be able to travel at this time. But, I am always

present with each one of you all the time.


I know that all Sahaja Yogis of the world are upholding the ethical,

spiritual moral values emanating from Lord Krishna. This is an

occasion to reaffirm your resolve and to intensify your efforts to

spread Sahaja Yoga.


With all my love and blessings,



Mataji Nirmala Devi "




Question 1: How is it possible for Shri Mataji to be with each one

of us all the time?


Question 2: How will She witness the Shri Krishna Puja at Canajohre,

USA this week-end while resting at Pratisthan, Pune, India?




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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Question 1: How is it possible for Shri Mataji to be with each one

> of us all the time?


> Question 2: How will She witness the Shri Krishna Puja at

> Canajohre, USA this week-end while resting at Pratisthan, Pune,

> India?





The Guru Puja of 1994


The Guru Puja of 1994 was held at Camp Interval in Quebec on June

24. This was a very beautiful setting beside a large lake against a

backdrop of hills, about two hours drive from Montreal. Sahaja Yogis

from America and Canada attended this three-day event.


Before leaving the whole family meditated and invited the Spirit of

the Living God and Her Heavenly Hosts to witness the Puja. This was

the first time the Great Adi Shakti within was requested to be

present at Her own puja, though by now it was clear that She

witnessed all from within the Thousand-Petalled Lotus.


Kash also meditated and after reaching Her in his Sahasrara bowed in

Namaskar. She requested Kash to meditate. When it was over Shri Maha

Shakti informed him that She would come with Her Deities to witness

the Guru Puja at Camp Interval, the first time that the Great

Supreme Mother informed that She would do so.


Kash informed his father what Shri Mataji had told him and then all

left for Val-David where they met the organizers and obtained

detailed directions, before proceeding across dirt tracks to Camp



The next day a trekking event was organized to the nearby mountain.

A number of Sahaja Yogis participated, but most dropped back along

the long, exhausting, winding path. The few physically fit reached

the summit, rested for a while, and then decided to meditate. The

Divine Cool Wind blew all around as the meditation progressed.


Kash then felt the presence of Shri Adhiparasakthi Shri Nirmala Devi

and Shri Shiva sitting and meditating close-by. Though invisible, he

picked their exact sitting positions and identity through the

vibrations flowing from his hands. Shri Shiva was sitting and

meditating in front of him and the Great Adi Shakti, who was

emitting different vibrations, was sitting and meditating on his

left. Kash was very sure of this Reality as he had used this

spiritual awareness in his Sahasrara a number of times to identify

the invisible Spirits of the Holy One. He was very sure that his

vibrations, as his other physical senses, were telling him the



The presence of Shri Shiva and Shri Adi Shakti confirmed that She

had kept Her word to the family. She was indeed there in the

physical world!***


In the late afternoon a video titled Sahaja Yoga and the American

Experience was shown. It was an excellent production. The

powerful, searing message of the timeless human struggle for

divinity, equality, justice, peace, hope, and freedom, and HIS

Promise of His Kingdom being fulfilled right before their eyes must

have moved many Sahaja Yogis close to tears, for there was an

overwhelmingly emotional silence all around.


God Almighty was carrying out His Promise! He cares! He listens! He

communicates! He exists! He is not a Hindu prabhu but His Adi Shakti

permeates their scriptures. He is not a Jewish yahweh but His

Shekinah exists in their Old Testament. He is not a Christian god

but His Holy Spirit resides in their Bible. He is not a Muslim allah

but His Ruh lies hidden in the Qur'an. He is God Almighty, the

Supreme Creator far above and absolutely beyond the highest praise,

empty pride, selfish possession and scriptural speculation of

religious fools and fundamentalists.


Kash, himself on the verge of tears, felt the charged atmosphere and

went into Sahaj Samadhi. Before him sat the great Divine Mother,

with tears of compassion welling in Her eyes. She also was watching

the video and could not hold back Her feelings, which were being

collectively expressed by Her children. Kash just watched Her and

was at a loss for words. It was the first time that he had seen the

Great Primordial Mother with tears in Her eyes and he could hardly

control himself anymore.


He came out of meditation and informed his father standing beside

him about what he had witnessed. There was no reply as his father

was trying his best to contain himself, so intense was the universal

Message for human emancipation.


At night a havan was organized at the edge of the lake, bordered by

a small forest nearby. Grey clouds shrouded the mountains and a

beautiful full moon reflected light onto Earth.


The Sahaja Yogis slowly gathered around the site of the Sacred Fire.

SY Jay Chudasama gave a brief introduction about the havan and its

significance. Kash went into Sahaj Samadhi and reached his

Sahasrara. The Light shone ever so dazzlingly from behind the

Eternal Throne of the Cosmic Mother as Shri Somya Devi sat in Bliss

and Joy. The Spirits of the Holy One were all already present,

squatting in a semi-circle in front of Shri Adi Shakti, a fire

burning in the middle. She was sitting majestically on the Golden

Throne and looking regal in Her sari, with a crown on Her head. He

floated down into his spiritual body, bowed down and conveyed his

greetings to the Great Eternal Mother and the Divine Deities. They

all bowed back to him in Namaskar.


In his Sahasrara Kash could see that all the Sahaja Yogis at Camp

Interval also sitting around the same sacred fire, with Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi and all the Messengers of God sitting behind them. The

Great Ancient Goddess and Her Celestial Beings were actually

witnessing the whole ceremony simultaneously as it was taking place

on the physical Earth and the spiritual Sahasrara. Kash could see

himself also sitting among the Sahaja Yogis at Camp Interval,

Quebec, Canada. His spiritual form in the Kingdom of Sadashiva was

witnessing his material form on Mother Earth!


The sacred fire was lit and ghee poured onto it. The Great Divine

Feminine and the Immortal Beings watched in quiet dignity and Joy.

All the Sahaja Yogis uttered the incantations and began to burn the

negativity that was affecting the human planet. The human race had

again begun the sacred spiritual ceremonies that had been initiated

by the Spiritual Elders since time immemorial. The Mother Earth was

again being spiritually purified by a handful of supremely blessed



The first negativity affecting Mother Earth was uttered and samaghri

offered to the fire, together with the mantra Om svaha. Exactly at

this point all the Celestial Beings in the Sahasrara also raised

their right hand from the Mooladhara all the way up along the

Sushumna Nadi to the Sahasrara, circled their heads three and one-

half times, uttered the mantra Om svaha, and threw the negativity

into the Sacred Fire. The Mighty Gods had joined humans in the fight

for universal Dharma, the beginning of final battle on Earth between

the forces of Darkness and Light! Every negativity mentioned was

simultaneously burned off by the Divine Unity of the Almighty

Creator in each and every Sahasrara of each and every Sahaja Yogi.

Little did they realize the awesome, invisible Cosmic Warriors

summoned to join humans willing to fight for the Dharma that

sustains the universe.



NOTE: On September 2, 1998 at 6.45 a.m. more than four years

after this incident. Kash was again asked what transpired. His

father was slightly puzzled: If Kash was meditating in the Sahasrara

with Shri Mataji and the Deities then how was it that She was also

sitting beside him on this mountain with Shri Shiva? He wanted to

know if Shri Mataji came out of his Sahasrara on that day, i.e., he

did not meet Her within. (The physical Shri Mataji was at this time

in Cabella, Italy to perform the same Guru Puja.)


Kash explained that he did not meditate: " My eyes were opened but

sat right in front of the group, admiring the elevated view of the

valleys below and the clouds above. His physical eyes could not see

the form of Shri Adi Shakti and Shiva in the form of Spirit, but his

vibrations detected them. Others in the group meditated and Kash

remembered one Sahaja Yogini asking if anyone felt the presence of

Shri Shiva!






" In Sahaja Yoga the Guru Puja has a very different significance

from any other Guru Puja. When you worship your Guru, you are also

worshiping the Guru within you . . .


The quality of a Guru first and foremost is that he makes you meet

God. It means he raises the Kundalini and establishes the relation

between the All-Pervading Power. As your Guru is the Adi Shakti, we

make that person also meet the Adi Shakti. Then you have another

advantage that when you give them Realization you not only make them

feel the union with the Divine Power, but you can also make them

meet the Divinity itself, the Source of Divine Power. "


Shri Astami-chandra-vibhrapadalika-sthala-sobhita Devi

Detachment, Guru Puja, Avignon, France, July 8, 1990





" Now the Time has come to start talking, announcing, telling

about it to everyone. Otherwise the world would say that we never

knew about it. "


Shri Nistraigunya Devi





" The whole Universe should have to be enlightened with this

desire. Your desire should be so intense that they should emit out

the pure vibrations of Mahakali Shakti which is the pure Desire of

attaining the Spirit. That's the real Desire. All the other

desires are like mirage. You are the people who are chosen by God

specially, first to express the desire and then to achieve that

intense desire of purity. You have to purify the whole world, not

only the seekers but even those who are not seekers. You have to

create an aura around this Universe of desire to achieve the

Ultimate the Spirit. "


Shri Kama-Rupini Devi

Shri Mahakali Puja, Lonawala, India, December 19, 1982

Kama-Rupini (796th): She is of the form of Will, Icca-Sakti, to

create the Universe or She is one who can assume any form at will.





" So far you know that you could feel the vibrations, cure the

people, feel the Paramchaitanya, but you do not know what dynamic

forces are working in you and this new change is going to come. "


Shri Svaha Devi

Svaha (535th): One's own or Divine speech, or words used in the

sacrificial oblation. Also presiding deity of Mahesvari-Pitha.

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Question 1: How is it possible for Shri Mataji to be with each one

> of us all the time?


> Question 2: How will She witness the Shri Krishna Puja at

> Canajohre, USA this week-end while resting at Pratisthan, Pune,

> India?




Guru Puja 1994 (continued)


After the havan was over everyone adjourned to the main hall, which

was actually a typical North American log cabin. But this one was

huge and able to accommodate about two hundred people.


First there was meditation and then songs of praise to the Great

Primordial One were sung. Again Kash went into samadhi and reached

the Land of Divine Radiance. He met Shri Jagdamba, bowed to Her, and

greeted the rest. The Sahaja Yogis were meditating on the soft

clouds of the Sahasrara, with the Great Sacred Mother and the

Spirits of the Holy One sitting around them. There was no log cabin,

no ceilings, no roof, or anything else — just the Sahaja Yogis

sitting in the vast open skies of the Sahasrara, encircled by Shri

Mahadevi and the Eternal Beings. Little were the Sahaja Yogis aware

of the Realm of Reality that their Great Beloved Mother, Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi, had immersed them into.


The 150 or so Sahaja Yogis began to sing and clap as the tablas and

guitars picked up pace. There were songs in Sanskrit, English,

Marathi, and Hindi. All the Universal Beings participated

enthusiastically in this expression of Joy, singing and clapping

along. The Divine Deities had also joined the Sahaja Yogis. The

latter " should understand that let us please the Devi. If She is

happy then all the other Deities are happy. "


The songs and music went on and on. As the tempo picked up so did

the ecstasy of the singers and the intensity of the musicians.

Towards the end it reached a feverish pitch, with the tabla and dhol

players in sheer bliss. The climax of a most blessed night was

reaching its zenith. Men and women got up and began the Dance of

Joy. Round and round they twirled, clapped, sang, and danced. Waves

of vibrations flowed from this unrestrained outpouring of Joy.

Seeing all this abundant overflowing of happiness Shri Ganesha got

up from the Divine Circle and walked towards the dancing Sahaja

Yogis. Putting His best foot forward the Eternal Child joined the

Dance of Joy. Round and round He danced His unique one-step-forward-

two-steps-back style, a rhythm so filled with fluidity and grace

that it is hard to imagine it being performed by a short Divine

Being with stumpy legs and a huge belly.


All the Celestial Inhabitants sang and clapped to express the Joy

that was on Earth as it was in Heaven. Shri Krishna clapped and

sang. Shri Jesus clapped and sang. Prophet Muhammad clapped and

sang. Shri Buddha sang and clapped. Guru Nanak sang and clapped. All

the Heavenly Hosts clapped and sang in Praise of Shri Punya-sravana-

kirtana Shri Nirmala Devi. The Sahaja Yogis clapped and sang in

praise of the Great HOLY Spirit. The Kingdom of God and of Earth

were in unison. The Universal Sahasrara and the human Sahasrara were

in unison. The Macrocosm and the Microcosm were in unison.


The dancing yogis joined hands and went round and round the altar of

their Great Mater Spiritus Dulcednis (Mother of the sweetness of the

Spirit). Shri Ganesha kept dancing in and out of this human train

that was singing songs of Liberation, Freedom, Joy, Eternity and

Spirit. None of them could see or feel Shri Ganesha's invisible

form that was going right through their bodies. The physical Sahaja

Yogis were dancing right through the spiritual Shri Ganesha, and

vice versa.*** The Divine Beings and the evolving human beings sang,

clapped and danced in unison. It was a scene of spiritual splendor,

the Realm of Reality far beyond the grasp of mundane mullahs and

blind brahmins.


Shri Mahadurga sat on the Golden Throne and witnessed the

unrestrained outpouring of Joy and Bliss. The Infinite Light shone

ever so brightly from behind the Everlasting Throne of the Great

Divine Mother as She sat in Bliss and Joy.


It was truly a night to remember. So was the dawn.


Note***: Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on Earth has on a few occasions

described Shri Ganesha by looking at a particular blank spot. The

Sahaja Yogis do not see anything although Shri Ganesha is actually

present, as they do not have the spiritual eyes to see the Spirit



Thus they did not see Shri Ganesha dancing amongst them on this

particular day, just as none saw the Divine Beings photographed

leaving the Puja on the front cover of this book. Not only are they

unable to see these Primordial Beings during Shri Mataji's Pujas,

but also keep passing right through them without the slightest

awareness of doing so. These Messengers of God follow the Great

Divine Spirit as She travels across globe spreading the Message of

Truth. But no human being will be able to see them with these

material eyes just as Kash could not see Shri Ganesha dancing with

his physical eyes without — although his spiritual eyes within

absolutely confirmed that He was!


Maybe they should understand the subtle meaning of these words of

Shri Mataji: " The Deities are so generous themselves, the way

they bestow blessings on Me. How they are hard working, how they are

running about. What are we giving them? They give us Joy. They look

after us. They look after our children. They look after everything.

They manage everything. " The Great MahaDurga is talking about a

Reality taking place on Earth. But no one can see these Spirit






" It's so nice to see people who are happy, joyous, righteous

and so good. Where do you find such a sight? Like Shri Ganesha who

is a Child, dancing, making us happy and trying to make us wise.

Such a tremendous personality in a little Child. "


Shri Mantrini-Nyasta-Rajyadhuh Devi

Punya-sravana-kirtana (544th): Mere hearing and singing Her

greatness is meritorious.





" I know I'm Mahamaya. I'm really very clever at it. But

I'm truthful. I do not have crocodile tears, I cannot have.

I'm truthful but still I'm Mahamaya. So to recognize Me what

should we do? If we recognise then you are protected. And the

cleansing, the simplest thing in Sahaja Yoga is to be collective. If

you are not collective know that there is something wrong with you.

If you are collective, then it is as if you are taking your bath in

the River Ganges. You don't have to go to Himalayas, you don't

have to do individual sadhana much, you don't have to. Just be



If you are collective, if you are collective, if you are enjoying

the collective then you should know that you are clean, no blemishes

there, you're absolutely alright.


Now the second part of this Mahamaya business. I had to be very

close to you. I had to be extremely close, to talk to you, to have a

rapport, to tell you everything about Yoga. To Me you absolutely

aware of yourself. This had to be done and with all these

complications within your mind, within your heart, within your body.

I had to work it out. To come close, in the real form would have

been very dangerous. So, one had to be a Mahamaya.


But despite that, if you could recognize Me, to understand Me that I

am Divine personality, an incarnation, that's all the Deities

want. Then they'll look after you in every way. They'll give

you all the Powers. They'll give you all the satisfaction, all

the protection that you want. This is the condition which for a

rational mind is very difficult to understand that how can Adi

Shakti be in one body? How can the infinite become finite? But human

beings cannot do that — they're only human beings. God can do

it. He's God after all. And even so you have so many miracles, you

have so many photographs, so many things to see. But this is what

one has to recognize.


Now I see people when I talk to them, they start talking to Me a

little frivolously, not with that depth, not with that feeling that

I am Mahamaya. Then some of them even answer Me. Some of them, if I

tell them something, they are ready to give Me answer, explanation.

Of course, this freedom I have given you, deliberately. But you must

understand that you to talk Me in a way that you would talk to Adi

Shakti. Very important.


Then how you behave is very important. It should not be artificial.

It should not be superficial. But best is to put your hand on your

heart, both the hands, and just try to feel it. Your Mother is Adi

Shakti. She has created all this Universe, She has created all this

world and She is for your protection. Even Shri Krishna could not

protect Pandavas. They had to go in the forest, they had to suffer.

But not Sahaja Yogis.


As soon as I come to know about your problems My attention can work.

Shri Rama himself had to go to jungles. All this is given to you,

this protection, because you are seekers of Truth, and the Truth is

that I am the Adi Shakti incarnated. Once this Truth becomes one

with yourself, there's nothing to fear because all Deities know

this fact. They know about this incarnation very well. They're

all prepared for it and they'll do anything to substantiate your



In every way they're trying to give you My photographs in the

sky, this, that, all sorts of things. God knows what they are going

to do today. They're so anxious. They are behind the stage,

before the stage, all sides of the stage, listening to Me, feeling

happy that I am telling you the Truth. But the way they recognize

and the way they act, they never disobey. "


Shri Pancami Devi

False Religions; Recognition, Navaratri Puja, Cabella, Italy —

October 13, 1991





" Only through your bhakti, through your devotion and dedication

you can achieve Me. My achievement is the complete manifestation of

your Divine Powers. It's very simple, made so simple. I'm only

pleased by people who are simple, innocent, who are not tricky, who

are loving, affectionate to each other. It's very easy to please

Me. When I see you loving each other, talking good of each other,

helping each other, respecting each other, enjoying together each

other's company, I get My first Blessing, first Joy. "


Shri Maha-Kamesa-Mahisi Devi

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Question 1: How is it possible for Shri Mataji to be with each one

> of us all the time?


> Question 2: How will She witness the Shri Krishna Puja at

> Canajohre, USA this week-end while resting at Pratisthan, Pune,

> India?




Guru Puja 1994 (continued)


By early dawn most of the Sahaja Yogis were up and meditating. Some

went to the lake to wash-up before breakfast. It was one of the most

beautiful sight ever seen. Water-lilies in full bloom floated around

as freshwater fish skimmed under the still clear waters and metallic-

colored dragonflies flitted over the surface in the cool fresh air.

The mist morning embracing the mountain had rolled down and spread

over the lake, shrouding the entire area with an air of Shangri-La.

The whole atmosphere was charged with stillness and peace, an

unforgettable reminder that Nature was in the thoughtless state.


The morning Guru Puja was held in honor of the 10 Primordial

Masters — Prophet Abraham, Moses, Zarathustra, Confucius,

Lao-tse, Socrates, Muhammad, Raja Janaka, Guru Nanak, and Shri Sai

Nath of Shirdi — as according the Great Holy Spirit, " We only

worship the incarnations because they came as incarnation. Ganesha

came as incarnation. The Goddess came as incarnations. Rama, Shri

Krishna, Gurus, Christ, Buddha, all of them came as incarnations on

this Earth and we worshipped the incarnations who came on Earth,

specially. "


The main altar was collectively decorated, dressed with lots of

fresh flowers and offerings of dried fruits, nuts, cakes, cookies,

and other assorted pastry. Clean, polished ceremonial utensils were

placed before the photograph of the Great Universal Mother: oil

lamp, conch, bell, a jug of water, and coconut. The Panchamrut of

five elements constituting the Amrut were poured into small

containers and kept together: honey, milk, sugar, yogurt and ghee.

Kukkum was used to mark the coconut dedicated to Shri Ganesha, with

a swastika and the `three eyes' of Shri Shiva at its top.


Slowly the devotees began to gather around and when all were ready

the Puja began with a collective bandhan and the Mighty Mantra of

Shri Ganesha. Shri Siddha-Mata Devi's feet were washed by the

children and then decorated with a swastika by women, as the Shri

Ganesha Atharva Sheersha was read. Then the 108 names of Shri

Adi Guru Dattatreya were read, followed by bhajans.


Throughout the entire ceremony Kash kept switching between the Guru

Puja on Earth and that in his Sahasrara, as his father wanted to

know exactly what Shri Mataji meant when She said that there

are " things which happen into a Realm which is beyond

thinking. " " It triggers you into another Realm. It is really

miraculous. "


Kash did not disappoint him about the Spiritual Realm that the Great

Primordial Goddess was talking about — It is beyond the grasp of

the mundane human mind and to describe this Realm as miraculous is a

gross understatement. Never did any Incarnation enlighten so deep

about the boundless glory of God within all humans, reminding them

at the same time that further enlightenment is beyond the capacity

of the human race to absorb due to the limitations of their minds!


Miraculous is definitely an understatement to describe the faintest

glimpse of His Glory. The Great Holy Spirit was just revealing the

Kingdom of God that Lord Jesus, twenty centuries ago, claimed

existed within humans. The Comforter was just fulfilling what the

Universal Savior had promised to humankind when He walked on Earth.

As the devotees of the Great Supreme Spirit performed the sacred

ceremonies the Heavenly Hosts in their Sahasraras watched in quiet

dignity. They raised their Kundalinis simultaneously with the human

brethren. They uttered the Sacred Mantras in unison with the

Believers of the Resurrection. They sang in harmony with the seekers

of the Ultimate Reality. They meditated together with the new race

of enlightened souls. This was the new race of people destined to

emancipate the human species out from the darkness of religious

dungeons, and towards the Light.


To end the ceremony the Aarti of the Great MahaDevi was sung. The

Guru Puja on Mother Earth was over.


Shri Bhagavati Shri Nirmala Devi and the Divine Deities got up and

walked to the altar. They began to pick up and eat the offerings

that lay before them. On Earth the Sahaja Yogis were filling bowls

of offerings for the children of all races to distribute. The

Heavenly Hosts ate at a very leisured pace, unlike humans. They were

in no hurry at all, as is their innate nature. Handful by handful,

bit by bit, and morsel by morsel all the offerings of Shri

Mataji's devotees were consumed. In the end not a fig or date or

nut was left behind; every single delicacy was taken. The Guru Puja

in the Sahasrara was also over.


After the Puja was over lunch was served at the canteen nearby. As

the Sahaja Yogis gathered there it began to drizzle, and then rain

fell. After a while the rains stopped and two beautiful rainbows

appeared in the sky, right in front of the mountains and above the

lake. The ends of the rainbows were visible, just about 200 yards

away from the canteen. For many it was an unique experience of

seeing the end of a rainbow; so close were they that one could

almost touch it. Those with cameras quickly came down to snap this

beautiful scene into memory.


However the Sahaja Yogis were unaware on what was going on the other

side of the lake, as the trees and the main log cabin blocked their

view. Kash and his brother Shahwinder were still boating in the

middle of the lake, though the rest had sought shelter at the shore

when the drizzle began. From their vantage point in the middle of

the lake four rainbows were visible; two on either side of the lake.

Humankind, Nature, and the Divine were in perfect harmony.IR


Note: The organizers received a call informing that according to

Shri Mataji the full moon was the most perfect since 15,000 years

ago. A few days later Kash was told to inquire from the Great Adi

Shakti the reason for the moon being in such a pure state after so

many millenniums. She replied that God and His Divine Messengers

were so happy and pleased to see so many people of different races

and religious background mingling and meditating together in peace

and harmony that they decided to mark the occasion with this very

special full moon. Humans, Nature, and the Divine were in perfect



It was a perfect end to one of the greatest pujas ever witnessed.

Jai Shri Mataji! Jai Shri Mataji! Jai Shri Mataji!





" So one must know that in the Realm of Divine there are all kinds

of miraculous things. Same is the Puja. Now when we do the Puja

first of all you will praise Shri Ganesha. By that in you Shri

Ganesha will be awakened and established. By worshipping Me as Shri

Ganesha your innocence will be established and you will see the

vibrations rise. Also your vibrations will be increased and you will

feel very stable within yourself. Now when you will take Shri

Ganesha's names you will know what qualities He has, what Powers

He gives you. When you praise these qualities those Powers of those

qualities will start emitting through you. This is how the Divine

works, as if you get charged with those qualities. Then you praise

the Goddess, the Adi Shakti. Now the Adi Shakti has all the seven

Chakras within Her awakened. And She has to work with all these

seven Chakras. For the first time such an incarnation has

come. . . .


So now when you are praising the Adi Shakti I am also a Mahamaya

that I look like you. I behave like you. I have made myself exactly

like you. Very difficult to make, but I have. And this body has to

bear lots of things to make you understand Sahaja Yoga. "


Shri Sri-Chakra-Raja-nilaya Devi

Madrid, Portugal — May 24, 1986





" This enjoyment cannot come to you if you do not have purity of

your mind. How to bring the purity — just by developing

thoughtless awareness and looking at things without thinking. For

that, you have to be collective. If you are collective, I am there,

wherever you are collective, wherever you gather, I am there. And

nothing gives Me greater pleasure than to hear that all of you are

attending these programs. Collectivity is the Ocean of

Nourishment. "


Shri Bhanda-putra-vadhodyukta-bala-vikrama-nandita Devi

Bangalore, India — February 13, 1990





" Today I am going to tell you a few more secrets about Sahaja

Yoga, it is that for the Puja you should not get people of mediocre

nature because to bear the Puja is very difficult. People have not

yet understood the value of My Being, of My Feet, of My Hands —

they cannot. They do not deserve to be here. So do not get anybody

because he is your friend, or a sister, or a brother. Is wrong. You

are spoiling the chances of the person because it is too much for

him. He cannot bear it . . .


Now what we call the Chranamrut, meaning the Ambrosia of My Feet, is

not meant for everyone. Neither are the blessings of the Puja meant

for everyone. So try to avoid people who are not fully equipped. . .

. . . It is a very great privilege to be here and this privilege

cannot be granted to every person. . . . Everything is going to be

exposed one day. "


Shri Maha-Tripura-Sundari Devi

The New Consciousness, Sahasrara Puja, U.K. — May 5,1980

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:


> Question 1: How is it possible for Shri Mataji to be with each one

> of us all the time?


> Question 2: How will She witness the Shri Krishna Puja at

> Canajohre, USA this week-end while resting at Pratisthan, Pune,

> India?






Birthday Puja 1995




Two new Sahaja Yogini sisters, Diane and Louise Ruelland organized

the Birthday Puja of 1995. It was held on March 29 at

Trois-Rivières in Quebec's heartland. This industrial town

founded in 1634 was located at the churning confluence of the St-

Maurice and St. Lawrence rivers. " Museums, monuments, and several

early buildings attest to its status as Canada's second oldest

city after Quebec. "


A small group of Sahaja Yogis came from Toronto and Maine, USA to

this maple syrup and farming community in the typical rural French-

Canadian countryside.


In the evening a havan was prepared near a sap-house located in the

dense maple forest nearby. The tiny band of Sahaja Yogis formed a

semicircle, holding bowls of samaghri as offerings to the sacred

fire. Ghee was poured and the flames roared to life. Sacred mantras

were uttered and the guidance of the Great Formless Mother invoked.

Kash went into Sahaj Samadhi and floated into his spiritual body

meditating beside the Great Cosmic Mother. The Primordial Light

shone ever so dazzlingly from behind the Eternal Throne of the Great

Sancta Maria as She sat in Bliss and Joy.


Kash bowed to Her and then to the Divine Unity which included Guru

Nanak, Prophet Muhammad, Shri Buddha, and Shri Jesus. Greetings were

mutually exchanged.


In front of him was the same sacred fire of the Sahaja Yogis. He

found all of them sitting in exactly the same positions as he had

left them, including himself. The spiritual Kash was observing the

physical Kash. The immortal Kash was witnessing the mortal Kash. His

internal self was watching his external body. It was just a casual

observance of Reality. They say beauty lies in the eyes of the

beholder but Reality lies in the eye of the Spirit.


The Sahaja Yogis in the physical world began their incantations to

destroy the negative forces of their beloved Mother Earth. They were

not alone in Collective Consciousness. All over the world small

groups of similar superconscious humans were floating their pure

desires into the atmosphere. They were unconsciously building up the

critical mass, or Hundredth Monkey Effect***, which would trigger a

massive escalation in Collective Consciousness.


The seekers of the Spirit brought up their right hand along the Ida

nadi up to the Sahasrara and circled it three and one-half times.

They then threw the samaghri into the fire, invoking Divine

intervention with the words `Om svaha'. All the Divine Unity

in their Sahasraras simultaneously repeated this procedure, also

with the words Om svaha.


Shri Jesus said, " Om svaha. "

Shri Buddha said, " Om svaha. "

Prophet Muhammad said, " Om svaha. "

Guru Nanak said, " Om svaha. "

Shri Shiva said, " Om svaha. "

Shri Krishna said, " Om svaha. "

Shri Vishnu said, " Om svaha. "

Shri Rama said, " Om svaha. "

Shri Brahmadeva said, " Om svaha. "

Shri Ganesha said, " Om svaha. "

Shri Hanuman said, " Om svaha. "

Shri Radha said, " Om svaha'.

Shri Luxshmi said, " Om svaha. "

Shri Saraswati said, " Om svaha. "

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi also said, " Om svaha. "

All the Divine Beings said, " Om svaha. "



The Divine Forces were chanting the mighty mantras to destroy the

negative forces on Earth. The Celestial Beings were simultaneously

uttering the same sacred mantras to fight the evil forces. The

Supreme Beings in the Kingdom of the Almighty Creator and the Sahaja

Yogis on Earth were One in spirit and mind. This is the Collective

Consciousness slowly enveloping Earth to destroy the Dark Age of



When it was over everyone adjourned to the cabane à sucre (maple

syrup sap-house.) Over snacks and smiles the devotees absorbed the

vibrations of each other, totally ignorant of the Reality within

themselves. Slowly the rhythm of a bhajan crept into the blissful

atmosphere and lifted the spirits even higher. Soon the whole cabin

was filled with joy, laughter, songs, and clapping. In the end they

formed a human train that sang and twisted all around and about the

sap-house. No one was conscious that they white, or black, or brown,

or Indian, or Malaysian, or American, or Canadian, or Christian, or

Sikh, or Hindu, or rich, or poor, or tall, or short, or fat. It was

one big happy family.


Then it was time to leave this country cabin and return back to

retire for the night.


Exactly as the group was leaving the almost full moon ever so slowly

came out from behind a long sliver of clouds on the horizon. The

flat countryside accentuated the huge orb, and the scene engaged the

senses. The enormous size of the moon — suspended just at the

edge where the rim of the planet met the expanse of the night sky

— made it appear as if it had moved very close to Earth. This

optical illusion temporarily broke the spell of human indifference

to their surroundings. All were awed by the sheer grandeur of the

celestial body looming before them which silhouetted the huge barns

in the distance. Humans, Nature and the Divine were in perfect



The next day the puja was held in a small, humble log cabin set in

the frozen maple forest. Inside it was warm and full of vibrations

of Self-realized SYs.


The altar was decorated and the food offerings arranged.


When the Puja commenced Kash went into Nirvana. The Divine Energy of

the Adi Buddha took him through the chakras on the Sushumna Nadi to

the Thousand-Petalled Lotus. He slowly drifted down into his

spiritual body that was meditating beside the Great Adi Shakti. The

Universal Light shone ever so brilliantly as Shri Kala-Nadhih Shri

Nirmala Devi sat on the Timeless Throne in Bliss and Joy. He bowed

to the Cosmic Queen and Her Divine Guests. Shri Mataji had a crown

on Her head.


The Supreme Beings were all sitting in a semi-circle around the

Great Spiritual Mother. This was a rare occasion: it was the first

time in the history of this universe that the Great Adi Shakti had

taken a human form. Her birthday celebrations were one of the rarest

and most auspicious of all to these Heavenly Beings.


The Heavenly Hosts witnessed the small group as they went about

their prescribed spiritual procedures. Shri Lok Mata sat on Her

Golden Throne and observed Her children, smiling in Joy and Bliss as

they sang Her praises. Shri Krishna, Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Nanak,

and others all joined in the singing and clapping.


When the Puja was over the Immortal Ones got up and helped

themselves to the prasad. Shri Mataji ate the exquisite cake

prepared by SY Lisa McNeil. Shri Jesus also ate it. And so did Shri

Ganesha, Vishnu, Buddha, Muhammad, Nanak, Saraswati, Rama, Krishna,

and all the others.


Kash's father had never eaten such a tasty cake in his life.

Perhaps the Divine Beings also might have felt the same. So he asked

Kash to check how much of the cake was still remaining in the

Kingdom of God.


He did so and came back with this answer — There was none left.

They had finished it first, and were now helping themselves to the

rest of the prasad! So the cake was indeed excellent.


Shri Mataji was very pleased. She told Kash to thank all those who

had celebrated Her birthday.





" Now what happens actually when you project the Puja? It has been

found out and now I am telling you that first you have to awaken

within you the Deities that are still asleep by worshipping them.

But as these Deities, Primordial Deities, are with Me you worship

Me, and every Deity in Me is awakened by which your Deities are

awakened . . . Puja really is a triggering thing — it triggers

you. It triggers you into another Realm. It is really miraculous. "


Shri Mahesvara-Maha Kalpa-Maha-Tandava-Saksini Devi

Brighton, U.K. — July 19, 1980

Mahesvara-Maha Kalpa-Maha-tandava-Saksini (232nd): Witness to the

great dance of great Siva at the end of the Kalpa, that is after

dissolution. She is the Silent Witness to the dissolution of the

Universe which is the act of Siva in Bhairava form. She then keeps

all the creation within Her.





" We forget that we are saints and that God has given us a special

awareness all the time. "


Shri Svaha Devi

Svaha (535th): One's own or Divine speech, or words used in the

sacrificial oblation. Also presiding Deity of Mahesvari-Pitha.





NOTE***: " The Hundredth Monkey by Ken Keyes Jr.


The Japanese monkey, Macaca fuscata, had been observed in the wild

for a period of over 30 years.


In 1952, on the island of Koshima, scientists were providing monkeys

with sweet potatoes dropped in the sand. The monkeys liked the taste

of the raw sweet potatoes, but they found the dirt unpleasant.

A 18-month-old female named Imo found she could solve the problem by

washing the potatoes in a nearby stream. She taught this trick to

her mother. Her playmates also learned this new way and they taught

their mothers too.


This cultural innovation was gradually picked up by various monkeys

before the eyes of the scientists. Between 1952 and 1958 all the

young monkeys learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes to make them

more palatable. Only the adults who imitated their children learned

this social improvement. Other adults kept eating the dirty sweet



Then something startling took place. In the autumn of 1958, a

certain number of Koshima monkeys were washing sweet potatoes —

the exact number is not known. Let us suppose that when the sun rose

one morning there were 99 monkeys on Koshima Island who had learned

to wash their sweet potatoes. Let's further suppose that later that

morning, the hundredth monkey learned to wash potatoes.


THEN IT HAPPENED! By that evening almost everyone in the tribe was

washing sweet potatoes before eating them. The added energy of this

hundredth monkey somehow created an ideological breakthrough!

But notice: A most surprising thing observed by these scientists was

that the habit of washing sweet potatoes then jumped over the sea...

Colonies of monkeys on other islands and the mainland troop of

monkeys at Takasakiyama began washing their sweet potatoes.

Thus, when a certain critical number achieves an awareness, this new

awareness may be communicated from mind to mind.


Although the exact number may vary, this Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon

means that when only a limited number of people know of a new way,

it may remain the conscious property of these people.


But there is a point at which if only one more person tunes-in to a

new awareness, a field is strengthened so that this awareness is

picked up by almost everyone! "


Ken Keyes, The Hundredth Monkey (webmaster)

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> shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:


> Question 1: How is it possible for Shri Mataji to be with each one

> of us all the time?


> Question 2: How will She witness the Shri Krishna Puja at

> Canajohre, USA this week-end while resting at Pratisthan, Pune,

> India?




Easter Puja 1995


The Easter Puja was held at the Toronto ashram, situated on a quiet,

tree-lined suburban neighborhood, on April 23, 1995.


The havan ceremony, an extremely powerful fire ritual to destroy

negativity, was performed first. The Creator was invoked to help

cleanse Mother Earth of all its various ills. All over this global

village an ever-growing number of spiritually conscious beings,

genuinely concerned of the unmanageable problems facing the human

race, are making a concerted, selfless effort to stop the carnage.

The Sahaja Yogis were well aware that the sheer magnitude of these

problems required a Higher Being to intervene on their behalf.


Moreover, the Universal Mind had revealed that " when the

compassion and anxiousness will come within us, then through

Realized souls the Paramchaitanya will immediately know and . . .

its solution will start working. " In other words, change will

only come through en masse Self-Realization, i.e., the awakening of

the Kundalini within that connects humans to the Divine and merges

them with Collective Consciousness. The more there are humans who

desire change the more powerful will the Collective Consciousness

grow, literally exerting itself to materialize their pure desires.

These are the new race of humans who will definitely bring about a

massive change in consciousness this century.


The puja began with the mantra of Shri Ganesha. Kash went into Sahaj

Samadhi and took the Shahi nadi (Royal Vein) and attained Wahad-ul-

Wajud that the ancient Sufis had talked about. He burst through the

cloud cover and emerged into the Thousand-Petal Lotus, so

brilliantly illuminated by the Light. While floating down to merge

into his spiritual self he saw that the Celestial Beings were all

waiting to start the Puja. The Supreme Celestial Mother was sitting

on Her Golden Throne, again with a crown on Her head. He bowed down

and exchanged greetings. Then the rest were given their due



Kash could see himself seated among the Sahaja Yogis, in deep

meditation. The spiritual Kash in the Sahasrara was witnessing the

physical Kash in Toronto. The eternal Kash in the Thousand-Petal

Lotus was observing his mortal self on Earth. The indestructible

spirit squatting in the Kingdom of Sadashiva was watching its

physical body squatting in a Toronto basement. Eternal spiritual

Reality was mirroring its temporary corporeal illusion.


However there were some differences. In the Sahasrara there were no

basement, no ceilings, no roof, no houses, no trees, no roads, no

neighborhood, and no suburban Toronto. In the Tabernacle of God only

the devotees of the Great Holy Spirit, the altar, and their

offerings materialized. Every single flower, fruit, and pastry was

there, down to the last date and pistachio. Every single adult and

child was there. But there was no basement, ceiling, roof, house,

tree, road, neighborhood, or Toronto.


When the Puja was over the Sahaja Yogis in his Sahasrara disappeared

like water vapor evaporating slowly into this air. Only the flowers,

fruits, and food remained.


The Divine Spirits got up and walked to the altar with a measured

slowness. It was obvious that no one was in any hurry to eat. They

picked up a dried fruit here or a slice of pie there and walked back

to their places. They ate out of their bare hands with leisure and

dignity only found in heaven. The Spirit of the Living God also got

up from Her Throne and helped Herself. She then walked back to Her

Throne and enjoyed the offerings of Her children.


Everyone conversed with each other, just like humans do. Shri Buddha

talked with Shri Radha while Prophet Muhammad discussed with Shri

Shiva. Shri Jesus chatted with Guru Nanak while Shri Krishna

listened to Shri Ganesha. One trait was common — everyone spoke

in low, dignified and humble tones. Occasionally there would be

laughter here and there. This indeed is the Reality of the Kingdom

of the Almighty Creator. How on Earth did humans divide themselves?



NOTE: Shri Rajni Shri Nirmala Devi always wears a crown during

auspicious occasions, especially Pujas. (Rajni [305th]: Crowned



Kash noticed this on a number of occasions. Even if he is not

present at these Pujas on Earth the Sacred Mother still adorns a

crown in his Sahasrara. This fact was clearly observed and recorded

during the Guru Puja havan held worldwide on July 15, 1995.


Kash was at home in Montreal, Canada and went to meditate. When he

reached the Land of the Clear White Light, he met the Great Spirit.

He noticed that She had a crown but did not ask Her what was the

occasion. Put simply, he was a bit surprised that although it was

just a normal meditation Shri Mataji was wearing a crown and this

was unusual as the Puja was supposed to be on the next day. Kash was

unaware that, exactly at that time, a havan ceremony was being

performed for Her at Camp Talooli, Syracuse, USA. Moreover, in other

parts of the globe the Guru Pujas were already being performed. That

was why the Grea Adi Shakti had a crown. The Kingdom of God is a

flawless Reality.





" Just go thoughtless. Once you are thoughtless, you are in the Realm

of the Divine. And then the Divine takes charge and it will start

emitting such beautiful vibrations that you'll be amazed at

yourself how things are working out. "


Shri Sarva-Mangala Devi

The Value Of Innocence, Ganesha Puja,

Cabella, Italy — Sep 10, 1995





" After Realization whatever is your desire becomes a part of the

Divine Desire. And whatever you do becomes the part of the Divine

action . . . You may not have any interest in many things but you

will be amazed how you become the master of so many things, as if

your brains have been materializing whatever you have been

desiring . . . So you become the master of your brain because

actually the Spirit is the master of the brain. "


Shri Sadhvi Devi

The Opening Of The Primordial Sahasrara,

Sahasrara Puja, Le Raincy, France — May 5, 1982





" There were only twelve disciples of Christ and they spread the

Message of Christ. Of course, whatever they did, didn't turn out

very well, but you can because you have got Realization, you have

got all the Powers and you know, you have the real Knowledge, not

only real, but it is the Knowledge of the Divine, a secret

Knowledge. "


Shri Vidya Devi

Lakshmi And Maya Of Money,

Diwali Puja, Lisbon, Portugal — Nov 2, 1997





" When you achieve oneness with the Paramchaitanya, then whatever you

consider wrong you can speak against it. Great sages and saints were

forthright and spoke openly against untruth. Socrates was poisoned

for speaking the Truth because Paramchaitanya will make him speak

the Truth. He will firmly adhere to Truth. His intelligence will be

able to recognize Truth and untruth because the Light of his Spirit

has come on to his brain and enlightened it. With a single glance he

can know who is at what level. Paramchaitanya informs him of

everything as the Paramchaitanya does everything. We are not

concerned about results. Its results only God enjoys. "


Shri Savitri Devi

Shivaratri Puja, Pune, India — February 23, 1990

Savitri (699th): The creatrix. `Savita' is the name of Surya,

Bhargava or Siva. As the Creator of the Universe, Siva's power or

Shakti, which is the primary cause, is Savitri.





" The first and foremost thing is the assumption, the faith, that we

are the Spirit and that the rest is superimposition. You have to

assume that within yourself. After Realization it should become very

easy. That you are something much more, something very different

from what you have known so far . . . you do not have a blind faith

but you have a faith that has come out of experience. "


Shri Chatuhstyupacharadhya Devi

Importance Of Puja And Havana, Paris, France — June 18, 1983

Chatuhstyupacharadhya (235th): Worshipped by the sixty-four kinds of

offerings. She is the only Deity who is worshipped by these 64

items, or this name may refer to Sri-Yaga with which She is

worshipped with 64 items, Samkalpa to Avabhrta. The 64 items of

worship are described in Varivasyarahasya.

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Question 1: How is it possible for Shri Mataji to be with each one

> of us all the time?


> Question 2: How will She witness the Shri Krishna Puja at

> Canajohre, USA this week-end while resting at Pratisthan, Pune,

> India?





Sahasrara Puja 1995


At 7:40 a.m. on May 5, 1995, Kash meditated and went within himself.

The Divine Radiance shone ever so brilliantly from behind the

Everlasting Throne of the Formless Mother as the Spirit of the

Living God sat in Bliss and Joy. He bowed down and greeted Her. He

noticed that again She had a crown. He then wished Shri Bhagavati a

happy Sahasrara Day. She replied, " Thank you very much. " The

Universal Beings, as usual, were already sitting around Her in a

semi-circle. Beside Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was his spiritual body

in deep nirvana. He walked towards it and sat into it. His physical

form fitted perfectly into his spiritual form.


Every one then raised their Kundalinis collectively and went into

the state where " thoughts surrender to exalted states of bliss

and reverie as inner dimensional gateways open to reveal deeper

wisdom. "


Kash did not know how long it lasted. Then he heard Shri Yogananda

Shri Nirmala Devi called him by his spiritual name " Shri " to

rouse him out of his deep Samadhi. The meditation was over. He bowed

to all the Immortal Beings and returned to this perverted world of

sadomasochists and serial killers.


On May 7, 1995, the whole family attended the Sahasrara Puja held at

Val-David, Quebec. Both havan and puja ceremonies were held on the

same morning.


As the sacred fire was lit Kash meditated and found that Shri

Mahasaraswati was already sitting on the Eternal Throne with all Her

Divine Forces to witness the havan in Her honor. She looked radiant

and majestic in Her sari and crown. Kash bowed to Her in reverence,

acknowledged the rest of the Divine Unity, walked to his spiritual

body, and merged into it.


In the Sahasrara he again noticed his physical form among the Sahaja

Yogis. The Spirit of the Lord and Her Divine Forces sat in a circle

around this small group of devotees who were now throwing havan

samaghri and informing the Paramchaitanya of their diverse desires:

an end to racism, pornography, drugs, divorce, sufferings, wars,

hatred, religious rulers, ignorance, and so on. All these ills of

humankind were offered for Divine destruction because " the work

of Paramchaitanya gets done through the desire of Self-Realized

people. The desire should be pure and selfless because this work

gets done on the strength of the Atma. "


The Spirit Elders uttered `Om svaha' as the Sahaja Yogis

uttered their desires, forming latent positive thoughts that would

linger on in the Collective Consciousness.


Immediately after the havan the Puja was performed. The Celestial

Beings and their Beloved Mother continued witnessing these precious

souls as they went about performing their duties.


The ceremony went on for about an hour or so. After it ended, the

Divine Beings began to partake in the offerings. Shri Adhiparasakthi

Shri Nirmala Devi told Kash that She liked the Puja very much. Kash

bowed to the Heavenly Hosts and again wished Shri Mataji a happy

Sahasrara Day on behalf of all Sahaja Yogis. He then closed his

spiritual eyes in the Kingdom of Heaven and descended into this

dreadful world of death and decay.


Note: As the Dawn of Aquarius sheds its first faint Light on Earth,

the devotees of the Great Spirit of Truth are the first to know and

experience on their central nervous system that " Paramchaitanya

is the Adi Shakti who is the Power of the Desire of Shri Shiva . . .

it is the Paramchaitanya that is doing everything, which has made you

— every part of your body — and made you grow. And now, after

becoming human beings, you have become Realized souls. "


They are the new human race prophesied to lead humankind into the

Millennium of Light, learning to harness the All-Pervading Power to

destroying the negativity and darkness smothering Mother Earth. They

are the first wave of Spirit-conscious humans already on their way

to moksa. They are the ones who had recognized Her. They are the

ones who had their Self-Realization. They are the ones who fully

accepted the Divine Unity of the Universal Self. They are the ones

fully conscious of their spiritual duties. They are the ones fully

conscious of their evolutionary growth. They are the ones fully

conscious of the Truth. They are the ones evolving into spiritual

beings. They are the ones leading humankind into the Age of

Aquarius. They were the ones who had in ancient times sought the

Truth, undergoing great hardships and penance by meditating in

inaccessible mountains and isolated valleys. They were the ones

prophesied to be born as normal householders towards the end of the

mighty Age of Kali, and gain their moksa during the most decadent of

times, the Time the Great Primordial Spirit walked on Earth!






" Vigraha means the one which is a vibrating statue, and then go on

looking at that statue and try to raise your Kundalini. And

Kundalini used to come up to Agnya, but the jumping beyond the

Sahasrara was an impossible task because one had to go from form to

Formless. And it was so difficult to get out of form to Formless,

and even to concentrate on abstract or Formless was another

impossible task, as the Muslims did or many others tried to do.

Under these circumstances it was necessary that the Formless had to

take a form so that there were no more complications . . .


So the problem is very easily solved now. Puja is one of the things

by which you can excite the form into formless. Now your centres are

the centres of energy, but they too have a guiding Deity sitting on

all these Chakras. And when you do the Puja, the form melt into

formless energy. And these formless energies start flowing, and then

blows the wind. And that is how these misidentifications, these

superimpositions on the Spirit are removed. Now you cannot think

about the Puja. These are things which happen into a Realm which is

beyond thinking. So you have to understand that you cannot

rationalize the Puja. "


Shri Yogananda Devi

Importance Of Puja And Havana, Paris, France — June 18, 1983

Yogananda (148th): The bliss resulting from Yoga. The bliss of

Turiya state. `Anando Brahmeti Vyajanat' Know that Ananda is

Brahma (Taittiriya Upanisad 3-6.)

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> The Sahaja Yogis in the physical world began their incantations to

> destroy the negative forces of their beloved Mother Earth. They

> were not alone in Collective Consciousness. All over the world

> small groups of similar superconscious humans were floating their

> pure desires into the atmosphere. They were unconsciously building

> up the critical mass, or Hundredth Monkey Effect, which would

> trigger a massive escalation in Collective Consciousness.


> The seekers of the Spirit brought up their right hand along the

> Ida nadi up to the Sahasrara and circled it three and one-half

> times. They then threw the samaghri into the fire, invoking Divine

> intervention with the words `Om svaha'. All the Divine Unity

> in their Sahasraras simultaneously repeated this procedure, also

> with the words Om svaha.


> Shri Jesus said, " Om svaha. "

> Shri Buddha said, " Om svaha. "

> Prophet Muhammad said, " Om svaha. "

> Guru Nanak said, " Om svaha. "

> Shri Shiva said, " Om svaha. "

> Shri Krishna said, " Om svaha. "

> Shri Vishnu said, " Om svaha. "

> Shri Rama said, " Om svaha. "

> Shri Brahmadeva said, " Om svaha. "

> Shri Ganesha said, " Om svaha. "

> Shri Hanuman said, " Om svaha. "

> Shri Radha said, " Om svaha'.

> Shri Luxshmi said, " Om svaha. "

> Shri Saraswati said, " Om svaha. "

> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi also said, " Om svaha. "

> All the Divine Beings said, " Om svaha. "



> The Divine Forces were chanting the mighty mantras to destroy the

> negative forces on Earth. The Celestial Beings were simultaneously

> uttering the same sacred mantras to fight the evil forces. The

> Supreme Beings in the Kingdom of the Almighty Creator and the

> Sahaja Yogis on Earth were One in spirit and mind. This is the

> Collective Consciousness slowly enveloping Earth to destroy the

> Dark Age of Kali.



" Now, there are some Sahaja Yogis who believe that Sahaja Yoga is a

Christian Sahaja Yoga or a Hindu Sahaja Yoga. Sill that. That it is

a Christian Sahaja Yoga for Christians it has to be Christian Sahaja

Yoga for Hindus, it should be a Hindu Sahaja Yoga for Muslems.

It's a Muslem Sahaja Yoga it must relate to Islam because they

can't get out of their own conditioning so it must relate to

that, it must explain everything that is there. . . .


All the time you have to bring in Christ or you have to bring in

Mohamed or you have to bring in or someone like that who should be

there to guide you.


Now your guidance is your spirit, which is unlimited, so you

don't have to bring anyone of them. They are all within you, they

are all part and parcel. But to stick on to one person is again a

sin, that you are not expanding.


You know that you are all. You have got Shri Krishna within you who

is awakened. You have got Christ within you. You have got Ganesha

within you. You have got Brahmadeva within you and you have got

Mohammed within you. And you have got all of them - Moses, everyone -

within you. So, how can you be identified with one person. "


Shri Durgama Devi


Durgama (189th): Hard to approach

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