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Self-realization through music of unsuspecting public?

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The latest SWAN Newslatter proudly declares:


" 700 Got Their Realisation Through Devotional Indian Music in Italy

Tuesday, September 02, 2003


About 700 people received their own Self realisation during evening

musical programs in four different towns of Liguria, the slicing

coast of Italy at the border with France. "





i have never come across any speech by Shri Mataji where She tells

us that music can bring self-realization to human beings without

their knowledge. All i know is that Shri Mataji clearly said that

She CANNOT force self-realization on anyone UNLESS it is desired. So

under what criteria are these SYs claming that 700 unsuspecting

music lovers have had their self-realization even though none of

them desired so, or suspected in the first place?


This latest method of hoodwinking the public into getting self-

realization goes against all that the Adi Shakti has enlightened me -

that the Last Judgment must be upheld and declared by truth,

transparency and honesty. This shameless corruption of Sahaja Yoga

is but the beginning of more innovations that will follow after Shri

Mataji's departure from Earth. All religions were perverted through

similar human inventions that caused them to decay, and the faithful

deprived of true knowledge. All traditions have been corrupted and

the masses mislead from the intention of their prophets. Shri

Mataji's message of the Last Judgment has also been subject to

much corruption, and the latest musical self-realization is utterly



i cannot stand still and allow this incident to pass without protest

because this insidious degradation of the truth regarding the Last

Judgment has become an accepted fact. Most SYs are now impervious to

any protest from conscientious devotees that we are hypocrites and

liars who continue to prevent humanity from God Almighty's message

of the Last Judgment .......... but rejoice that 700 music lovers

got their self-realization against their will, or knowledge. This is

blasphemy and mocks the sacredness of surrendering to God's Will

to participate in the Last Judgment with heart, mind and soul!



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Dear Jagbir,


I read the article on the sahaja website also with great interest and

was greatly over-joyed at such a wonderful event.


I noticed that the article mentioned that a guided meditation took

placed throughout the course of the concert, so my understanding was

that the audience freely participated in the guided meditation. This

then sould have been greatly enhanced by the wonderful music which

would help lift the vibrations.


I completely agree with you that self realisation cannot be forced

upon anyone, the desire must be there. And Shri Mataji so respects

all our free will so without desire and consent or willingness to

particpate in the meditation, which formed within the concert, such

realisataion would not have taken place.


I pray in great thanks to our mother for the blessings of so many

seekers and searchers to have had thier realisation and enjoyed the

beautiful vibrations throughout the concert preformed by our Italian

brothers and sisters.


Jai Shri Mataji.



shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> The latest SWAN Newslatter proudly declares:


> " 700 Got Their Realisation Through Devotional Indian Music in Italy

> Tuesday, September 02, 2003


> About 700 people received their own Self realisation during evening

> musical programs in four different towns of Liguria, the slicing

> coast of Italy at the border with France. "


> http://www.theworldsavior.org/swan/view/swan_176_2003.asp



> i have never come across any speech by Shri Mataji where She tells

> us that music can bring self-realization to human beings without

> their knowledge. All i know is that Shri Mataji clearly said that

> She CANNOT force self-realization on anyone UNLESS it is desired.


> under what criteria are these SYs claming that 700 unsuspecting

> music lovers have had their self-realization even though none of

> them desired so, or suspected in the first place?


> This latest method of hoodwinking the public into getting self-

> realization goes against all that the Adi Shakti has enlightened

me -

> that the Last Judgment must be upheld and declared by truth,

> transparency and honesty. This shameless corruption of Sahaja Yoga

> is but the beginning of more innovations that will follow after


> Mataji's departure from Earth. All religions were perverted through

> similar human inventions that caused them to decay, and the


> deprived of true knowledge. All traditions have been corrupted and

> the masses mislead from the intention of their prophets. Shri

> Mataji's message of the Last Judgment has also been subject to

> much corruption, and the latest musical self-realization is utterly

> deplorable.


> i cannot stand still and allow this incident to pass without


> because this insidious degradation of the truth regarding the Last

> Judgment has become an accepted fact. Most SYs are now impervious


> any protest from conscientious devotees that we are hypocrites and

> liars who continue to prevent humanity from God Almighty's message

> of the Last Judgment .......... but rejoice that 700 music lovers

> got their self-realization against their will, or knowledge. This


> blasphemy and mocks the sacredness of surrendering to God's Will

> to participate in the Last Judgment with heart, mind and soul!


> jagbir

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Hi Sarvesh,


Let me first make it perfectly clear that I adore all types of

music – Chinese, Japanese, Western and Indian classical, New Age

and devotional music. I listen every day to bhajans, especially

those by Jagjit Singh and Krishna Das. Without music this spiritual

life will be quite bland. I know that music is food for the soul.

Thus in no way am I trying to belittle those SY brothers and singers

who performed to an obviously appreciative audience.


My bone of contention is that SYs are led to believe that music is

responsible for getting 700 people attain self-realization. " 700

Got Their Realisation Through Devotional Indian Music in Italy "

means just that – that devotional music was responsible for

raising the kundalini of 700 people. SYs are led to believe, or it

is implied, that it is possible for people to get realization

through devotional Indian music. This is all the more enforced by

claiming that " A new era just started " . Yes, SYs are

encouraged to believe that a new era of musical self-realization has

just started because some are already convinced that music will

bring self-realization to the masses in future ............ big



But the meaning would have been different if it was titled:


1) 700 Got Their Realisation During Devotional Indian Music in Italy

2) 700 Got Their Realisation at Devotional Indian Music presentation

in Italy

3) 700 Got Their Realisation during break at Devotional Indian Music

in Italy

4) 700 Got Their Realisation from SYs attending Devotional Indian

Music in Italy



Anyone reading the above will deduce that humans were responsible

for giving 700 people self-realization. Since this is the case then

no new era has started since we SYs have been giving self-

realization for decades.


But if we read carefully a new era has indeed started. SYs have

found an innovative way to first organize a musical presentation and

then, during the break, give them self-realization. Yes, a new era

has started to attract people to listen to Indian Devotional Music,

and then allow SYs to introduce them to Sahaja Yoga.


Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. Most SYs do not have the

conviction to announce that it is so. We continue to spend

tremendous amounts of energy and time with so little to show in

terms of numbers and progress. The 700 people will all go home and

soon forget the cool breeze, as have hundreds and thousands before

them. They have no idea that the cool breeze was their second birth

(being born again) to take part in the Last Judgment. Few or any

will return, a scene that has been repeated countless times over the

last three decades.


It is beyond my comprehension why SYs are afraid of telling the

truth which Shri Mataji has announced so many times. Till today not

even a single SY has told me the reason why. This wall of silence is

almost deafening. No one seems to know, care or comprehend the

enormous responsibilities placed on our shoulders to awaken humanity

so that they can take part in the Last Judgment and attain eternal

life. If we do not have the courage and conviction to do so while

Shri Mataji is still on Earth, what makes us think we will after She






PS: Yes, i am part of the SY collective who says big things about

Sahaja Yoga. Does it all make sense?




shriadishakti , " Sarvesh Prakash Singh "

<sarveshps@h...> wrote:


> Hi Jagbir





> PLEASE READ THE ARTICLE AGAIN. I have given a part of the article

> below. What I understand from below is that meditation session was

> done during the break of music performance.


> The vibrations from our Holy Mother were surrounding all the place

> in happiness and calm.


> The meditation break was accepted with opened mind...and opened

> hands. Most of them felt the cool breeze.


> People congratulated and thanked very much at the end telling us

> that the music was really enjoyable and that they felt good

> feelings from inside.





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Dear Mahesh Khatri ,


Thank you for an honest answer which was also believed by another SY

to be the reason. So now it is finally confirmed that SYs do not

dare announce about the Adi Shakti and the Last Judgment because few

seekers believe and eventually they also fade away. So this is the

reason? But what about the tens of thousands of public programs held

where no such declaration was made? Did we get any better results?

Are SYs telling me that programs where we hid the truth and baited

the public to attend through questionable tactics brought better



Anyone care to remember the time in the late 90's when Yogi

Mahajan organized the much hyped Stress Management fiasco in New

York, USA which turned out not only to be a financial ruin, but also

an utter disaster? US$50,000 were spent to attract a few thousand

people after a huge publicity blitz. There was no mention of Shri

Mataji being the Adi Shakti or about the Last Judgment – it was a

stress management ploy to get the public interested in Sahaja Yoga.


What were the number of people who came back for the follow-up? 10!

Yes, ten of them. Even Shri Mataji complained that it cost US$5,000

per seeker, a huge waste of SY funds. And how many actually became

Sahaja Yogis? None that i can recall!


Despite this well-known disaster SYs continue to hide the truth of

the Last Judgment from the public. They are all, as you have stated,

afraid that seekers will run away if the truth is told. Yes, they

are petrified of failure and do not mind being liars, hypocrites and

pretentious self-realized souls who cannot uphold the simple dharma

that they must be honest at all times. I have never met any

religious / spiritual organization that is so shameless and thick-

skinned to the extend that we have been dishonest and deceitful to

humanity. And we are supposed to be the messengers of God Almighty

who have been blessed and trusted to bear the responsibility to

announce! This is staggering hypocrisy and despicable abandonment of

dharmic duty!


Tell me a single organization who has hidden the truth to the extend

SYs have done? Sai Baba devotees loudly claim that not only is he

God Almighty but the Adi Shakti as well. Mata Amritanandamayi

followers will put SYs to shame in their claim that she is the

Divine Mother. Others believe that " real masters, like

Muktananda, Osho, Papaji, Nisargadatta, and all the rest, are vastly

powerful transmitters of spiritual energies " because their

followers work tirelessly to announce in powerful messages. Sys are

wimps and cowards by comparison and that is why Sahaja Yoga is

languishing so far behind most organizations.


On the contrary, every religious and spiritual tradition have gone

out of the way, sometimes at the peril of losing their lives, to

announce their prophet or guru.


If we compare ourselves to Lord Jesus' disciples who faced

horrible torture and death in order to uphold the truth of the

resurrected Savior, there are no words that come in my mind to

compare our utter cowardice and lack of conviction. It would be an

insult to even justify a comparison.


And will any SY care to listen to what the followers of Prophet

Muhammad or Guru Nanak endured in order to defend and spread the

message of their divine personality? It is better that we don't.


So the excuse that the public will flee is utterly false, a

convenient scapegoat to deflect any attempt to announce the Adi

Shakti and Last Judgment. So ingrained is this fear of announcement

that the next generation of SYs, the Yuvashakti, has a siege

mentality that blocks out anything even remotely dangerous to Sahaja

Yoga i.e., even discussions about the Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah.

This X-generation is even more intimidated than the baby boomers

when it comes to announcing the plain truth. They are paralyzed by

the fear of public rejection to the point of hostility to those who

attempt to do so.


We are raising a whole generation of even more timid devotees who

will ensure that Shri Mataji's message to humanity is suppressed

in order to save, and spread, Sahaja Yoga – exactly as you have

pointed out Mahesh Khatri, a collective view that few will rebut.

This strange, twisted and self-contradictory logic is the product of

fear and the utter lack of conviction that people will believe it is

the Last Judgment?


Yes, i believe what you say, that " We have a very short time say 50

years in this lifetime. But the divine has no shortage of time. The

divine says Ok doesnt matter if not in this birth we shall see in

next birth or after 10 births, after countless births one will seek

after all. " i also do not mind, just like the Divine, to wait. What

i am trying to protest is that we should at least tell the truth

while waiting. Do you think the Divine will also behave like SYs -

deliberately withhold the truth because it will frighten others, or

resort to hypocrisy, lies and half-truths to achive this end? Does

Shri Mataji behave like us as far as upholding the truth and

announcing it is concerned?


And what has She repeatedly told SYs to do, year after year since

the late 70s?


" Those people who are working it out and spreading it all over

are the ones which are really very much there, and to them I must

say the Paramchaitanya is just their servant . . . If you are the

spirit the whole Nature is with you . . . So the complete faith is

that this Paramchaitanya is like your servant, is all the time

waiting there to serve you. Whatever you say will happen . . . First

you must be established in Dharma. Dharma as you know is

righteousness. If you are in the righteousness there is no question.

There is no question that this Paramchaitanya won't obey you . . .

Actually the whole authority comes to you through your faith . . .

The Truth gives you the authority. If you have the Truth with you,

if you have the Absolute Truth with you, then you have the

authority. . . .


One has to know the announcement. You must have faith in yourself

and you must announce. All the saints announced.. "


Shri Kohlini Shri Nirmala Devi

What State You Have To Reach, Diwali Puja, Lisbon, Portugal —

November 10, 1996





" You have to stand on your own legs and know that you are here

One with the Truth, the testimony of Truth — that you have seen

the Truth. You know what Truth is and you cannot compromise with

falsehood. Be sure that you are telling the Truth and nothing else,

and that you have felt the Truth in full ways. Those who have not

felt the vibrations should not talk of Sahaja Yoga. They have no

authority . . .


You can write books, you can talk to your friends, relations and

everyone and tell them, " This is the Truth now " ; that you have

entered in the Kingdom of God; that you have been blessed by the

Grace of God; that you are Realized souls; that you have felt the

Divine Power, which is prevailing everywhere. With the confidence,

with that complete understanding coming out of your heart, people

can make out, " This is the Absolute Truth! "


And then all kinds of falsehood must be denounced. Doesn't matter if

somebody feels bad because by telling that you are saving them, and

not harming them. Tell them, " This is wrong! It is wrong! You do not

know! We have done the same thing! " This is how you are going to

express your principle of mastery or you can say Guru Tattwa. You

have to be truthful. First and foremost thing is that you should

know the Truth and stand the Testimony, and that you should announce

it. "


Shri Manipuranta-rudita Devi

Guru Principle, Guru Purnima Day, U.K. — July 28, 1980

Manipuranta-rudita (101st): After cutting the Brahma-granthi, Sri-

Lalita appears in manipurna to the devotee. Here the devotee feels

the unreality of the wakeful state.





" It's a very great thing we must realize within ourselves

that no amount of cruelty, planning against us, any kind of violence

of other people cannot harm us. If they ever try to harm us they

will be harmed themselves. All of our work will go on smoothly. We

should not lose, even for a minute, our self-confidence and our

determination. Above all, we must have faith in the Paramchaitanya,

which is now acting. . . . One should have full faith with one's

self to understand that God is with us and He's

All-Powerful. " \


Shri Pragalbha Devi

Shri Rama Puja, India — 1990

Pragalbha (938th): Very Powerful.





" In between Jesus Christ and His destroying incarnation of

Mahavishnu called as Kalki there is time given to human beings to

rectify themselves; for them to enter the Kingdom of God which in

the Bible is called as Last Judgment — that you will be judged.

ALL OF YOU WILL BE JUDGED ON THIS EARTH. The population of the Earth

is at the maximum these days because all those, practically all

those who had aspirations to enter into the Kingdom of God, are born

in Modern Times and are going to be born very soon. This is the most

important times because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. It is

fantastic to hear this but that's the fact — it's the Truth.


Though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very easy for

you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of Last

Judgment — which looks such a horrifying experience — has

been made very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does

not disturb you. "


Shri Chideka-Rasa-Rupini Devi

Kundalini And Kalki Shakti, Bombay, India — September 28, 1979

Chideka-Rasa-Rupini (364th): Experience as attributeless

consciousness. Chit is not merely a matter of knowledge but a matter

of experience as bliss, Ananda component in the Sat, Chit, Ananda.

The highest state of consciousness therefore is not a thing merely

to be known, but is to be experienced.





" Declare to all the nations now that I am the Holy Ghost and I

have come for this Special Time, that is, the Resurrection Time. "


Shri Panca-kosantara-sthita Devi

Assume Yourself, Self-esteem, Birthday Puja, Sydney, Australia —

March 21, 1983





" You have to take a stand in your family, in your surroundings,

with your friends, and you have to tell them, " You better all get

realized. " The reason for that is that the Christ who crucified

Himself is going to come back with his Eleven Forces of Destruction.

And when He starts He is not going to ask you to take any

Realization. No one is going to be bothered whether you are going to

hell. He will just sort out. But those who have got Realization will

enter into the Kingdom of God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of

God here, as I say, in the Seventh Chakra. "


Shri Sahasraksi Devi

The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA — October 6, 1981




And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple:

And his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the


And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things?

Verily I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon

another that shall not be thrown down.

And as he sat upon the mount of Olives the disciples came unto him

privately, saying,

Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of

thy coming, and of the end of the world?

And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive


For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall

deceive many.

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not


For all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:

And there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in

divers places.

All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you:

And ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.

And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and

shall hate one another.

And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world,

for a witness unto all nations;

And then shall the end come.


Matthew 24:1-14



So it was Written. So it will be Done. So it must be announced.









shriadishakti , mahesh khatri

<maheshkhatri> wrote:

> Jai Shri mataji


> Dear Jagbirji


> As you say I also feel that we should openly announce that Sahaja

> yoga is the last judgement. Here when we arranged a public

> programme, we distributed pamphlets mentioning the declaration of

> Shri mataji that she is adishakti.


> also in the programme when we introduced Shri Mataji, we told them

> that She is the avatar of Adi Shakti and that you are truly

> blessed that you have got realisation.


> In spite of all that could be done, we got very few of them in the

> follow up and no one in the centre later. What we all did was gone

> in drain.


> Thats what anyone would think. But actually I feel that once the

> Kundalini is awakened, he will come back sooner or later when his

> time comes. A seed is sown and it will germinate whenever

> conditions are favourable. Shri Krishna had sown and scattered

> many seeds here and there, which are being germinated now that the

> time is ripe.


> It is not we who can make sahaja yogi. We can only create

> awareness and be an instrument in giving realisation. Thats all.

> Rest we should leave it to Shri Mataji to develop the seed. At

> the most if we are in regular touch with the person we can keep

> following him up. I have personally seen the growth of a few

> people. After 3 years of giving realisation the person suddenly

> develops enormous urge to know more and grow more deeper. Why did

> it take 3 long years. I feel that once the persons kundalini is

> awakened, the countdown begins and when the time comes the bell

> rings and wakes him up from deep sleep.


> So to say that our efforts are gone down the drain is misleading

> and we should continue giving realisation to as many as possible

> and not worry about how many of them eventually come.


> We have a very short time say 50 years in this lifetime.. But the

> divine has no shortage of time. The divine says Ok doesnt matter

> if not in this birth we shall see in next birth or after 10

> births . after countless births one will seek after all. Who knows

> who will seek in this birth. So we should not be dissappointed if

> someone doesnt come into sahaj as soon as he gets realisation.

> Only Shri Mataji knows who shall come and who shall go.


> If we are able to do sahaj, it is only due to grace of Shri Mataji

> and not because we want to do or because we have the intellect to

> understand it. Without her grace we cannot be in sahaj for even a

> second. We should pray that we always enjoy her grace and never

> fall down in her eyes in any way.


> Jai shri Mataji


> jagbir singh <adishakti_org> wrote:

> Hi Sarvesh,


> Let me first make it perfectly clear that I adore all types of

> music – Chinese, Japanese, Western and Indian classical, New Age

> and devotional music. I listen every day to bhajans, especially

> those by Jagjit Singh and Krishna Das. Without music this

spiritual life will be quite bland. I know that music is food for

the soul.

> Thus in no way am I trying to belittle those SY brothers and

singers who performed to an obviously appreciative audience.


> My bone of contention is that SYs are led to believe that music is

> responsible for getting 700 people attain self-realization. " 700

> Got Their Realisation Through Devotional Indian Music in Italy "

> means just that – that devotional music was responsible for

> raising the kundalini of 700 people. SYs are led to believe, or it

> is implied, that it is possible for people to get realization

> through devotional Indian music. This is all the more enforced by

> claiming that " A new era just started " . Yes, SYs are

> encouraged to believe that a new era of musical self-realization

has just started because some are already convinced that music will

> bring self-realization to the masses in future ............ big

> time!


> But the meaning would have been different if it was titled:


> 1) 700 Got Their Realisation During Devotional Indian Music in


> 2) 700 Got Their Realisation at Devotional Indian Music


> in Italy

> 3) 700 Got Their Realisation during break at Devotional Indian


> in Italy

> 4) 700 Got Their Realisation from SYs attending Devotional Indian

> Music in Italy



> Anyone reading the above will deduce that humans were responsible

> for giving 700 people self-realization. Since this is the case

then no new era has started since we SYs have been giving self-

> realization for decades.


> But if we read carefully a new era has indeed started. SYs have

> found an innovative way to first organize a musical presentation

and then, during the break, give them self-realization. Yes, a new

era has started to attract people to listen to Indian Devotional

Music, and then allow SYs to introduce them to Sahaja Yoga.


> Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. Most SYs do not have the

> conviction to announce that it is so. We continue to spend

> tremendous amounts of energy and time with so little to show in

> terms of numbers and progress. The 700 people will all go home and

> soon forget the cool breeze, as have hundreds and thousands before

> them. They have no idea that the cool breeze was their second

birth (being born again) to take part in the Last Judgment. Few or

any will return, a scene that has been repeated countless times over

the last three decades.


> It is beyond my comprehension why SYs are afraid of telling the

> truth which Shri Mataji has announced so many times. Till today

not even a single SY has told me the reason why. This wall of

silence is almost deafening. No one seems to know, care or

comprehend the enormous responsibilities placed on our shoulders to

awaken humanity

> so that they can take part in the Last Judgment and attain eternal

> life. If we do not have the courage and conviction to do so while

> Shri Mataji is still on Earth, what makes us think we will after

She leaves?



> jagbir


> PS: Yes, i am part of the SY collective who says big things about

> Sahaja Yoga. Does it all make sense?




> shriadishakti , " Sarvesh Prakash Singh "

> <sarveshps@h...> wrote:

> >

> > Hi Jagbir




> >

> > PLEASE READ THE ARTICLE AGAIN. I have given a part of the


> > below. What I understand from below is that meditation session


> > done during the break of music performance.

> >

> > The vibrations from our Holy Mother were surrounding all the


> > in happiness and calm.

> >

> > The meditation break was accepted with opened mind...and opened

> > hands. Most of them felt the cool breeze.

> >

> > People congratulated and thanked very much at the end telling us

> > that the music was really enjoyable and that they felt good

> > feelings from inside.

> >

> > JSM

> >

> > SPS



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