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[shriadishakti] One year on in SY...

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lunduner1 wrote:


Hello everyone! Just thought I'd share some of my experiences with you all one year on in Sahaja Yoga and I would like some advice too please...sorry for the length of the mail, please read it when you get some free time or something...I have now been meditating for over a year (since August 2002) and can happily report that when I evaluate my present self compared with that of before August 2002, I have been cured of various problems with the mind, particularly of uncontrolable negative thoughts which were at times affecting the quality of my life and my work as a graphic designer. As we all know, true thoughtless awareness is a state where there are no problems (the only problem is sometimes I become so thoughtless that I can't recall even why I had to meditate in the first place! Ha, ha, but of course the reasons are forever stored in the super-ego for whenever I need to access them! : )I have discovered that being in SY is a true battle against the forces

of negativity. I now identify certain behaviour in people which I used to think was okay/tolerable, as negative behaviour and can therefore take the correct steps/position instead of entertaining these negative forces and unknowingly feeling worse in myself afterwards! (Isn't it wonderful?) I have noticed that generally only other yogis understand why I began meditating and dicussing why one meditates with un-realised people can leave you very unhappy indeed! If someone has never travelled deep into Ida Nadi or Pingala Nadi and got lost, they do not understand how it feels to find the Sushumna Nadi again but this time know that you are supposed to stay in this channel. Isn't it funny how some spirits just don't stray away from the centre to such extremes as others?I have many questions but right now I'd just like to mention that I've noticed at certain points throughout the year it seems the kundalini gets some help to rise and that you go into deeper thoughtlessness than at

other periods in the year when it can be even difficult to meditate! For me, I'd just like to mention that when I got my realisation in August 2002 I went into amazing thoughtlessness after every meditation but from approx March to May 03 I couldn't feel the cool breeze/kundalini as much and of course more doubt and trips into the 2 nadis set in (like I was being tested???), but slowly from May 03 to now I've been going into deeper meditations again and feeling the kundalini so clearly moving in my head until it completely goes through my Sahastrara manifesting as cool breeze over my head (I know I am speaking quite generally here and that there could be other reasons for this and not just the divine 'pulling out' for a while but this is the impression I get). There were times last October to February when the kundalini came up without me even meditaing and that felt great!!! I am aware that Sri Mataji opened the Sahastrara in May 1970 but can anyone else throw some more light

on why the divine seems to help the holy ghost rise powerfully sometimes but at other times 'leave you in the lurch' so to speak (when you have to really concentrate hard to reach thoughtlessness).The other part of advice that I'd like to ask those with more experience is:Before finding Sahaja Yoga I relied on various types of physical excercise/training to help me 'feel' good about myself (feed/pamper my ego as I now understand it! : ) It was this excercise that I now also understand contributed to me getting lost/dislodged from the central channel because I became so reliant on a certain way of feeling I got after a intense training session that I began to really believe 'I' was that way of feeling ('that' person if you like). I carried on like this for years and eventually ended up struggling to be creative, collective, calm etc having strayed spiritually so far from my real spirit/personality/self.What I want to ask though is that....now that I know how to

keep in the centre and I am aware of the dangers of the left and the right etc etc, is it okay for me to continue with certain physical training because as we all know, there are some benefits through it and I seem to find at work that being the pure spirit all the time (in the centre) I get attacked by peoples egos/negativity which I don't like AT ALL and feel that certain physical training will make me feel more secure against these people as it did before SY except that I went to the extremes and got caught up/lost. I guess what I am asking is, can we go into the left or right channels deliberately if it is in the interest of defending the pure knowledge/truth/Sahaja Yoga.....is anyone following me here? I would greatly appreciate feed-back on this as sometimes I wonder if me continuing with various training/sports is just the negativity getting to me? Sometimes I feel as though you have no choice but to battle the unrealised negative (even evil) people with their own medicine

(left and right useage...but knowing exactly all along what you are doing and that you are right!).Anyway, I think I've written enough here and that you get the jist of it! Thank you all for reading this far!! God bless Sri Mataji and the rest of you good people doing the work of the divine! (Apparantly Sri Mataji arrived in London this evening!)Adam (London, UK)


Dear Brother Adam, JAI SHRI MATAJI !

At the first of my words, I'd like to congratulate you cordially on completion of your 1st year in Sahaja Yoga.

All the journies have some ups-n-downs. But we should always put our attention on our goal as a Sahaja Yogi which is Imbibing our Mother Divine Holy Ghost (Shri Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi, The Primordial Mother)Completely .

Yhis is possible only when we're sincere towards ourselves. As you tried to put in your mail, "The Holy Ghost sometimes helps us step-up & sometimes step-down", it is a MUST as if there're no blockages, we'd be very careless about our TRUE self. Now, we have to wish to move right up towards Lotus Feets of Shri Mataji. In Ganesh Navratri Puja-2002 Shri Mataji has said to solve your problem "Whenever you feel puzzled, the best way is to Meditate. Meditate and you'll shortly find yourself out of delusion."

As about doing anything else besides Sahaja Yoga for Health/Physical Strength or keeping yourself from being assailed by Satanic Force, you NEED NOT do anything else. Just your Meditation and Dedication towards Shri Mataji will sprout all the Angels within yourself. And they're already present there, waiting for you to wish to awaken them. In Hanuman Puja 99 Shri Mataji told "You need not be Strong, but you're." As long as you're in Sushumna, the Royal Vein, The Central Path, you're in your fortress where none dares harm you. As about the other techniques/ways out of Sahaja Yoga, they make you even more vulnerable to Negativity. Now, the Last Judgement is very close to be up. For us, the Sahaja Yogis, this is the time to make our INNER SELF strong through Sahaja Yoga Meditation and Dedication towards Shri Mataji. Rest everything will be TAKEN CARE OF. YOU NEEDN'T WORRY A BIT."

If you meditate sincerely, if you're collective, if your attention is towards yourself and you spread Sahaja Yoga, nothing else needs be done. ALL THE REST WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF. Shri Mataji has told it thousands a times.

And at the very end of my Letter, I'd like to clear that "Collectivity is the Mooladhar of our Ascent. If we're not collective and don't goto Collective Meditation Centre, we're just same as a NAIL CUT-OFF THE FINGER and almighty needs be of NO CONCERN OF US."

So, all your doubts & delusions will go away if you do 3 things at priority :

(1) Individual & Collective Meditation

(2) Giving Sahaja Yoga to others (Spreading)

(3) Total Surrender & Dedication towards Shri Mataji (Most IMPORTANT)


So, Meditate regularly at home & attend Collective Meditation atleast TWICE a week. Maintain sound relationship with your Local Sahaja Yogis. All they're your Spiritual Brothers-N-Sisters. If you've any doubts, don't hesitate to put before them.

Don't forget to convey my Jai Shri Mataji to rest of London Collective.

With COOLEST Regards,

Yours Sahaja Yogi Brother

Dr.Nitin Khandelwal, Ujjain Sahaja Yoga Yuva Shakti,



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lunduner1 wrote:

Hello everyone! Just thought I'd share some of my experiences with you all one year on in Sahaja Yoga and I would like some advice too please...sorry for the length of the mail, please read it when you get some free time or something...


I have now been meditating for over a year (since August 2002) and can happily report that when I evaluate my present self compared with that of before August 2002, I have been cured of various problems with the mind, particularly of uncontrolable negative thoughts which were at times affecting the quality of my life and my work as a graphic designer. As we all know, true thoughtless awareness is a state where there are no problems (the only problem is sometimes I become so thoughtless that I can't recall even why I had to meditate in the first place! Ha, ha, but of course the reasons are forever stored in the super-ego for whenever I need to access them! : )


I have discovered that being in SY is a true battle against the forces of negativity. I now identify certain behaviour in people which I used to think was okay/tolerable, as negative behaviour and can therefore take the correct steps/position instead of entertaining these negative forces and unknowingly feeling worse in myself afterwards! (Isn't it wonderful?) I have noticed that generally only other yogis understand why I began meditating and dicussing why one meditates with un-realised people can leave you very unhappy indeed! If someone has never travelled deep into Ida Nadi or Pingala Nadi and got lost, they do not understand how it feels to find the Sushumna Nadi again but this time know that you are supposed to stay in this channel. Isn't it funny how some spirits just don't stray away from the centre to such extremes as others?


I have many questions but right now I'd just like to mention that I've noticed at certain points throughout the year it seems the kundalini gets some help to rise and that you go into deeper thoughtlessness than at other periods in the year when it can be even difficult to meditate! For me, I'd just like to mention that when I got my realisation in August 2002 I went into amazing thoughtlessness after every meditation but from approx March to May 03 I couldn't feel the cool breeze/kundalini as much and of course more doubt and trips into the 2 nadis set in (like I was being tested???), but slowly from May 03 to now I've been going into deeper meditations again and feeling the kundalini so clearly moving in my head until it completely goes through my Sahastrara manifesting as cool breeze over my head (I know I am speaking quite generally here and that there could be other reasons for this and not just the divine 'pulling out' for a while but this is the impression I get).

There were times last October to February when the kundalini came up without me even meditaing and that felt great!!! I am aware that Sri Mataji opened the Sahastrara in May 1970 but can anyone else throw some more light on why the divine seems to help the holy ghost rise powerfully sometimes but at other times 'leave you in the lurch' so to speak (when you have to really concentrate hard to reach thoughtlessness).


The other part of advice that I'd like to ask those with more experience is:

Before finding Sahaja Yoga I relied on various types of physical excercise/training to help me 'feel' good about myself (feed/pamper my ego as I now understand it! : ) It was this excercise that I now also understand contributed to me getting lost/dislodged from the central channel because I became so reliant on a certain way of feeling I got after a intense training session that I began to really believe 'I' was that way of feeling ('that' person if you like). I carried on like this for years and eventually ended up struggling to be creative, collective, calm etc having strayed spiritually so far from my real spirit/personality/self.

What I want to ask though is that....now that I know how to keep in the centre and I am aware of the dangers of the left and the right etc etc, is it okay for me to continue with certain physical training because as we all know, there are some benefits through it and I seem to find at work that being the pure spirit all the time (in the centre) I get attacked by peoples egos/negativity which I don't like AT ALL and feel that certain physical training will make me feel more secure against these people as it did before SY except that I went to the extremes and got caught up/lost. I guess what I am asking is, can we go into the left or right channels deliberately if it is in the interest of defending the pure knowledge/truth/Sahaja Yoga.....is anyone following me here? I would greatly appreciate feed-back on this as sometimes I wonder if me continuing with various training/sports is just the negativity getting to me? Sometimes I feel as though you have no choice but to battle the unrealised negative (even evil) people with their own medicine (left and right useage...but knowing exactly all along what you are doing and that you are right!).


Anyway, I think I've written enough here and that you get the jist of it! Thank you all for reading this far!! God bless Sri Mataji and the rest of you good people doing the work of the divine! (Apparantly Sri Mataji arrived in London this evening!)


Adam (London, UK)




Dear Brother Adam, JAI SHRI MATAJI !


At the first of my words, I'd like to congratulate you cordially on completion of your 1st year in Sahaja Yoga.


All the journies have some ups-n-downs. But we should always put our attention on our goal as a Sahaja Yogi which is Imbibing our Mother Divine Holy Ghost (Shri Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi, The Primordial Mother)Completely .


Yhis is possible only when we're sincere towards ourselves. As you tried to put in your mail, " The Holy Ghost sometimes helps us step-up & sometimes step-down " , it is a MUST as if there're no blockages, we'd be very careless about our TRUE self. Now, we have to wish to move right up towards Lotus Feets of Shri Mataji. In Ganesh Navratri Puja-2002 Shri Mataji has said to solve your problem " Whenever you feel puzzled, the best way is to Meditate. Meditate and you'll shortly find yourself out of delusion. "


As about doing anything else besides Sahaja Yoga for Health/Physical Strength or keeping yourself from being assailed by Satanic Force, you NEED NOT do anything else. Just your Meditation and Dedication towards Shri Mataji will sprout all the Angels within yourself. And they're already present there, waiting for you to wish to awaken them. In Hanuman Puja 99 Shri Mataji told " You need not be Strong, but you're. " As long as you're in Sushumna, the Royal Vein, The Central Path, you're in your fortress where none dares harm you. As about the other techniques/ways out of Sahaja Yoga, they make you even more vulnerable to Negativity. Now, the Last Judgement is very close to be up. For us, the Sahaja Yogis, this is the time to make our INNER SELF strong through Sahaja Yoga Meditation and Dedication towards Shri Mataji. Rest everything will be TAKEN CARE OF. YOU NEEDN'T WORRY A BIT. "


If you meditate sincerely, if you're collective, if your attention is towards yourself and you spread Sahaja Yoga, nothing else needs be done. ALL THE REST WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF. Shri Mataji has told it thousands a times.


And at the very end of my Letter, I'd like to clear that " Collectivity is the Mooladhar of our Ascent. If we're not collective and don't goto Collective Meditation Centre, we're just same as a NAIL CUT-OFF THE FINGER and almighty needs be of NO CONCERN OF US. "


So, all your doubts & delusions will go away if you do 3 things at priority :


(1) Individual & Collective Meditation


(2) Giving Sahaja Yoga to others (Spreading)


(3) Total Surrender & Dedication towards Shri Mataji (Most IMPORTANT)




So, Meditate regularly at home & attend Collective Meditation atleast TWICE a week. Maintain sound relationship with your Local Sahaja Yogis. All they're your Spiritual Brothers-N-Sisters. If you've any doubts, don't hesitate to put before them.


Don't forget to convey my Jai Shri Mataji to rest of London Collective.


With COOLEST Regards,


Yours Sahaja Yogi Brother


Dr.Nitin Khandelwal, Ujjain Sahaja Yoga Yuva Shakti,






Hi again Dr.Nitin,


thank you for your advice and I do understand everything you have written. I do agree that when you are in the Sushumna properly/fully, there are no problems because obviously you are not in thought of any kind and recently I am doing my best to remain in this state while I am at work which is a battle for me but I always get up early to meditate before work and even meditate during work if the opportunity arises! I would also like to add that I do partake in (1) and (2) of the above regularly now and my understanding and love for Sri Mataji is also growing.


I'll be specific about why I was asking about use of Pingala nadi for the defence of the Sushumna and what it stands for. As I mentioned above, before my discovery of Sahaja Yoga one year ago I did a lot of physical training to help me feel better about myself. This might sound horrid to many yogis now but the training consisted of mainly weight-lifting and boxing which as I found out, taken to a extreme can mess you up spiritually big time! I have discovered during the last year that yes, the kundalini is the pure desire within us and to prove it I have gone weeks with only meditation and nothing else (this is a miracle for someone who has relied on physical training for YEARS!) but I still feel that the odd session in the gym aids my resistence and security against those unrealised people (and I am talking in terms of my own capability to deal with them in verbal or ignoring terms and not physical). I am a particularly sensitive individual and meditation alone (as incredible and powerfull as it is!) can only defend me so far at work when working with egoistic, god doubting characters, I can not meditate all the time! I would not need anything else I am sure if I worked with other yogis but I still feel the need to feel physically as well as spiritually strong against certain people I have no choice but to work alongside for the time being. I love Sahaja Yoga and I am very gratefull to Sri Mataji for her method of self realisation and just need to know that I will not be punished by the divine if I still partake in physical training - now not for ego building but as a kind of compliment to my understanding and defence of what Sahaja Yoga stands for? A example of this is for instance: sometimes after a collective meditation if I haven't practiced my training for a while I will feel apprehensive about explaining Sahaja Yoga to say a certain type of new person (perhaps a totally unrealised person) but if I had practiced my training a few nights before, the apprehensiveness is not there and I will explain myself with more of a aura of confidence! This is a subtle difference which I have noticed many times.


I wonder if there are other yogis out there who understand what I have written as I am sure there must be! Please understand though, I am not saying that I now need to go to a gym every night, of course not, but if I still feel positive benefits from going now and again why should I give it up completely?




Adam (London UK)

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