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In these days there is going to be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit

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shriadishakti , Pamela Ellis

<musicalenclined> wrote:

> My Dear Jagbir,

> With the limited knowledge that i do have, i believe this article

> is as you say and i feel that if one is a true seeker of God and

> wants to know the truth, then i would recommend throwing out

> heresay and everything that man has told you and going to and

> collecting all of the the words and works of all of the Avatars

> and great Masters that have walked the earth and begin to read and

> meditate upon these things without prejudgement in your hearts and

> seek for your living Master and sit at His/Her feet and you will

> find that they all line up and lead back to the Creator of Heaven

> and Earth and is such a divine call of love saying this is the way

> dear children, come home,,,,that i have ever seen! I believe that

> in these days there is going to be an outpouring of the Holy

> Spirit like we have never seen before, so are we going to jump in

> the Great Ocean of Life or are we going to fight against it and

> stay on dry land and dry up.



Dear Pamela Ellis,


You are absolutely right about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit

(Adi Shakti or Ruh of Allah) on Earth. This is the promised Age of

the Last Judgment and Resurrection (Al-Qiyamah).


The scriptures mention certain events and predictions meant to

foreshadow eschatological manifestations of the Kingdom of God and

Last Judgment, and to keep it present in the minds of believers

without exciting useless curiosity and vain fears.


In this Golden Age of the Kingdom of God and the Last Judgment we

will will break free of centuries of false religious dogmas,

destructive indoctrinations, and absurd ideas about the Divine. The

corrupt foundations of materialistic society and oppressive

religious regimes crumble. The Last Judgment and the Kingdom of God

is not the signal of the apocalyptic end of the world. On the

contrary the Dark Night of death, delusion and destruction humanity

has lived for centuries ends and we awaken to a bright new dawn of

Truth (Sat), Consciousness (Chit) and Bliss (Anand).


Already people think, dream and work towards a world in harmony, a

world at peace. We no longer want to be tied up by international

boundaries, religious barriers or class chains. We now seek the

unification of all peoples and nations, and concern ourselves more

with humanity in general than with ourselves. In concerning

ourselves with all, we care for everyone in order to make our world

a more considerate, benevolent and accepting place. We seek

spiritual paths beyond the limitation of religion and mind. We are

souls in search of the meaning of life and freedom, only transient

travelers to this world to gain vision and purification, before

moving on to other worlds.


The collective signs, prophecies and circumstances ushering this

promised Golden Age for the human race, as according to Christian,

Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist and Hindu scripture, is the liet motif of

this website.


" The idea of the Last Judgement has often become incomprehensible to

the modern world. . . .


For the most part, the churches of the latter part of the 20th

century no longer have the courage to uphold the Christian teaching

of life after death. The church has long neglected teachings about

the entire area of the last things. The New Testament responses

presuppose the imminent expectation and thus leave many questions

unanswered that arose because of the delay of the Parousia. " 1


Few truths are more often or more clearly proclaimed in the

scriptures of all major religions than that of the general

judgment. " Fazlur Rahman, in an oblique paraphrase of sura 50:22,

said that Judgment Day is the " Hour when every human will be shaken

into a unique and unprecedented self-awareness of his deeds; he will

squarely and starkly face his own doings, not-doings, and mis-doings

and accept the judgment upon them. . . . "


Something like a Final Judgment or Day of Reckoning is a naturally

corollary of monotheism. If there is one God who knows all and sets

standards of behavior for the world, there must be a time of

judgment, or the edifice crumbles of its own weight. " 2


Belief in a Last Judgment became common, indeed credal, because

scripture says it; tradition asserts it; reason supports it; and

literature and art proclaim it. Though opinions may differ on

precise details it is generally believed that it is connected to the

last days. But careful reading of the Bible (Book of Revelation) and

the Koran (Surah 75 Al-Qiyamah) regarding the Last Judgment and

Resurrection reveals that this Great Event is definitely not the

fire and brimstone apocalyptic end that religious regimes interpret

and breakaway sects brainwash their followers with. On the contrary,

it is the most peaceful, blissful and joyous times ever known to

those given the knowledge, belief and, most important of all, the

daily experience of the Holy Spirit (Adi Shakti for Hindus, Sikhs

and Buddhists, Sehkinah for Jews or Ruh of Allah for Muslims) within

which corrects and guides them. Last, but not the least, it is about

the Kingdom of God (Sahasrara Chakra for Hindus, Dsam Dwar for

Sikhs, 1000 Petal Lotus for Buddhists, Kether for Jews or Regions in

their Souls for Muslims).


" On the lips of Jesus the term Kingdom of God unquestionably

summarized the very heart of His Message. " The Kingdom of God is the

central theme of the teaching of Jesus, and it involves His whole

understanding of His own person and work " (Theological Word Book of

the Bible, Alan Richardson, p. 119).


Yet the voluminous discussions of the meaning of the Kingdom of the

God, the heart of the Gospel preached by Jesus, and therefore the

Christian Gospel, continue to leave the impression that the subject

is complex in the extreme, indeed that the truth of the matter is

virtually beyond recovery. An enormous amount of scholarly energy

has gone into analyzing the biblical and non-biblical evidence in an

effort to explain what Jesus taught as His central theme. Can it

really be that our New Testament records provide no clear idea of

what Christ and the Apostles meant us to understand by the Kingdom

of God? Nothing less than the Gospel message of salvation is at



Nearly all writers on this subject agree that the Kingdom has both a

present and a future reference in the teaching of the New Testament.

But it is the present reference which seems always to attract most

attention, the impression being given that Jesus insisted on the

fact that the Kingdom of God had arrived with His ministry. How

deeply that notion has been instilled in us can be tested by asking

in a variety of religious circles what is understood by the term

Kingdom of God. Almost invariably the reaction will be that it is a

present reality, a reign of God in the hearts of the believers, the

Kingdom thus being, in some sense, synonymous with the Church. Now

that emphasis might well appear convincing, were it not for a large

number of impressively simple New Testament passages which flatly

contradict the notion that the Kingdom was present, in the sense

that the Kingdom itself had come with Jesus. Surprisingly, these

passages seem to have escaped notice. Yet they provide the most

obvious support for the fact that the coming of the Kingdom is

linked overwhelmingly in the New Testament not with the ministry of

Jesus in Palestine, but with the Coming of the Messiah in the glory

of His Kingdom at the end of the age (popularly, but wrongly known

as the end of the world). It is essential, therefore, at the outset,

to make a fundamental distinction between the proclamation of the

Good News of the Kingdom, which is at the heart of the ministry of

Christ and the Apostles, and the future coming of the Kingdom which

is consistently associated with His Coming in glory at the end of

the " present evil age " (Gal. 1:4). " 3


According to Prof. Jeffery B. Russel whatever the " new eon and the

kingdom of God meant, they meant a complete change, whether by

obliteration and new construction or by transformation of the

existing world. The nature of the new eon, the kingdom of God,

varied considerably among these writers. It might be a world not of

this earth, or it might be a completely new order on this earth. It

might be the end of time or the beginning of a new sort of time. For

all the apocalyptic writers, however, it meant the final, eternal,

and complete triumph of justice, in which the good would be rewarded

and the evil punished . . .


The judgment would be a judgment of all the peoples of the

world. . . . The coming of the Messiah was then linked to the day of

the Lord and, accordingly, to the Last Judgment. The Messiah would

act as the agent of the Lord, or sit in judgment with the Lord. The

functions of the Lord and of the Messiah at the Last Judgment were

gradually fused. " 4


Civilization as we know it is only transitory and " it will finally

pass away as the new age dawns and the true civilization is born.

That will mark the end of the " provisional " world we live in today.

God wills a reckoning for the old civilization and the establishment

of a new one, and the time of His reckoning is at last drawing near.


Until now evil forces have had wide latitude in civilization, but in

the transition from the old to the new, they will be weeded out. All

people will go through an inexorable process of cleansing. The world

will be terribly afflicted in payment for untold sins gathered over

millennia. The great affliction is the sign that all societies and

nations are being purified, and it will lift humankind to a new

level of existence where good prevails.


The transition, which is actually upon us now, is the last stage

before the beginning of an earthly paradise. In the upheaval, every

sphere of life and every corner of civilization will be transformed.

Those who believe in God and repent will witness the coming of the

new world, and they will be able to start on the road to salvation.

But those still heavily burdened with sin and unable to overcome

their malicious ways will end this life in absolute misery and may

find no salvation in the next. " 5


Down through the ages, the word " religion " has undergone a radical

metamorphosis. Its origin was derived from the Latin prefix " re, "

suffix " ligio, " meaning " to re-link the self or personality with its

source, or that which caused it to be. " The ideas propounded at the

moment of birth of each religion (ideas originally established by

each respective founder) were centered on this basic definition.

However, over the course of time, the word " religion " has generally

come to represent multiple splintered systems of belief, each with

their own set of dogmas and rituals, each arrogantly believing that

theirs is the only one founded on truth and sanctioned by

God. " Religion " has therefore come to represent sectarian prejudice,

superstitious ignorance, and pious superiority. The modus operandi

of this site is to challenge the religious elite regarding their

outdated, incomprehensible and false teachings about the Kingdom of

God, Last Judgment and Resurrection, and present these critical

salvation issues in far greater depth and detail as revealed by the

great avatar Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi proves beyond a shadow of doubt that

these " are the times described in the Holy Bible as the Last

Judgment and in the Koran as Qiyamah, the Resurrection time.

Astrologically it is also called the Age of Aquarius, the time of

rebirth and of great spiritual development on the Earth. " Every

messenger of God upheld this message and hope for all humanity, but

more than a millennium of scriptural ignorance, distortion,

misinterpretation, rivalry, animosity, hatred and wars among Jews,

Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists have left them utterly

ignorant of this collective truth.


Shri Mataji also reveals and gives detailed evidence of the

existence of the Kingdom of God, a mystical dimension and sanctuary,

within all humans. " From the early biblical prophets who walked

alone in the desert to fast and pray for divine revelation to Native

Americans setting out in the wilderness to search for a vision, the

pursuit of an inner world beyond everyday physical reality is one of

mankind's oldest traditions. For thousands of years humans have

retreated into solitude to find answers to life's questions and to

gain spiritual wisdom. Though many of the old ways have been

forgotten, there are still a means by which anyone can step through

the crack between the two worlds and enter the mystical dimensions.

This retreat, this quest, is an ancient rite of passage; it is a

journey to the center of your soul " 6 The great Adi Shakti explains

its profound mystical powers, how it will awaken, transform and

bring about fellowship and harmony among people during the

Resurrection and Last Judgment. This unprecedented knowledge about

the Kingdom of God that Lord Jesus spoke 2000 years ago, to be

delivered by the Comforter, is the final breakthrough in human

evolution. Shri Mataji declares: " The Kingdom of God that we were

promised is at hand. This is not a phrase out of a sermon or a

lecture, but it is the actualization of the experience of the

highest Truth which is absolute, now manifesting itself in ordinary

people at this present moment. " To back this seemingly preposterous

statement, undeniable evidence of the biblical Kingdom of God

manifesting daily in ordinary children is provided for cross-



This site is thus also an open book and challenge to all guardians

of religious regimes — priests, pastors, reverends, bishops,

popes, rabbis, clerics, imams, mullahs, shaikhs, ulema, ayatollahs,

gurus, swamis, pandits, brahmins, acaryas, bhagwans, granthis,

gianis, lamas, monks, dalai lamas — to rebut and prove Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi's message of the Kingdom of God, Resurrection and Last

Judgment false. Skeptics, atheists or any anti-cult organization,

especially those specializing in busting fake gurus and false

claims, are most welcome.


Should the high priests of organized religions fail to do so, a

forgone conclusion of which we are absolutely assured, they should

refrain from further misleading and dividing fellow beings on

religious, spiritual and mystical issues that are beyond their

present comprehension. The religious elite should begin to realize

that the sun is now setting on their evening empires which are

crumbling into sand, and from those ruins is breaking the Dawn of

Resurrection and Last Judgment that will awaken the human race from

their long spiritual lumber, and unite them in Collective



This non-profit website, which went online exactly on 1-1-2000, is

thus for the human race to examine the Revelations, Miracles,

Knowledge, Truths and Prophecies of the Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi about the Kingdom of God, Last Judgment and the

Resurrection. Should they be convinced they may get their Self-

Realization (Kundalini Awakening) and learn ancient spiritual

techniques absolutely required to begin their own mystical journey

into this biblical Kingdom of God (Sahasrara Chakra) which, though

eternally external, also exists within their own being.


We also wish to inform that Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom of God

website is being continuously updated with research data, cross-

referenced and linked across a broad spectrum of religious

traditions and spiritual issues in a comprehensible way. This is

necessary as the sheer magnitude, profound impact and pervading

universality of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's message of the

Resurrection and Last Judgment, unless presented as a completed

whole of a massive and complex spiritual puzzle, may result in

adverse reactions from those conditioned by centuries of scriptural

half-truths, misinformation and distortion. Given the strenuous,

sustained and extremely successful efforts of various religious

institutions over the millennia to divide and differ over every

issue imaginable, it is not an easy task. Our plea is that visitors

come with an open mind to be able to venture deep into the Divine

Forest in spite the countless species of religious trees, sect

saplings and atheist undergrowth marring their way.


" Tagore comes closest to us, though, when he calls on his Western

friends to imagine a world in which East and West give each other

spiritual gifts free of imperialistic coercion, a world in which

science is honored but spiritual and human values rule. When our

universe is in harmony with man, the eternal, we know it is as

truth, we feel it as beauty, " Tagore told Einstein in 1930. Coming

from a man with few illusions about either East or West, this noble

sentiment sounds less like pure idealism than a hard-won way of

living decently in a violent century. Tagore's gift for us today,

splendidly presented in this anthology, is his insistence on

speaking for the highest human values and loftiest human aims. At a

time when our public discourses have descended into the mud of

marketspeak and realpolitik, we need Tagore's courageous and

undeceived conviction that we were born for something wildly and

brilliantly better. " 7


And the great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi declares: " I was

born at this time where I have to do this Job of telling you that

you must get your transformation. . . . The human being is not an

ignoble being. He is the epitome of all evolution. "


There is no question that we were born for something wildly and

brilliantly better because each and every scripture promise the

final evolution of the physical being into the spirit, and eternal

life in the Kingdom of God. We humans truly are the epitome of all









1. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica (1992)


2. Ira G. Zepp Jr., A Muslim Primer


3. Anthony Buzzard, The Kingdom of God: Present or Future?



4. Jeffery B. Russel (Professor of History, University of California

Santa Barbara)


5. Okada Mokichi, Sekai-Kyusei-Kyo, Johrei (Japanese New Age



6. Denise Linn and Meadow Linn, Vision Quest (Ballantine Publishing

Group, 1997.)


7. Jon Spayde, The Forgotten Genius (March/April 98 Utne Reader)




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