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The Ascending Kundalini Serpent Of Great Wisdom

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The Ascending Kundalini Serpent Of Great Wisdom


On the morning of November 18, 1996, at about 7:35 a.m. the father

was asking Kash about Shri Mataji and punching the information

into the computer. His younger six-year-old son Arwinder, who was

meditating nearby, suddenly opened his eyes and told his father that

something yellowish had moved like a snake from his Mooladhara

Chakra right up to the top of his head. He explained with hand

gestures how it had snaked its way up, and was sure that it was in

the form of a snake. Arwinder added that it was also very powerful

as a flash of white lightning came out of his eyes when it reached

the Sahasrara! He also added that he also saw different colors —

red, yellow, green, blue — like " rainbow colors, " one

after another. (Probably he saw the different colors of the



When Arwinder first told that he saw " something yellowish moving

like a snake " he was questioned a few times to confirm the color

as the father had not read or heard from any source the actual color

of the kundalini. This book Kundalini Tantra, was borrowed from a

graduate of the Bihar School of Yoga, Sahaja Yogi Alok Kumar Gupta,

on January 1, 1997 i.e., after the above incident. (In his earlier

meditations Arwinder had told the family that there was something

warm that moved up to his Sahasrara and slowly down again. Only on

November 18, 1996 did he see his own Kundalini for the first time.)


Children of the Age of Sat Yuga are guiding ignorant elders towards

the Path of Enlightenment. A six-year-old, but ancient devotee of

Shri Indra-dhannuh-prabha Shri Nirmala Devi was describing the

ascent of his Kundalini!





" When Kundalini crosses over the seventh Chakra, She pierces

through the fontanelle bone area which again becomes a little

softer, as it was in childhood, and this Kundalini joins, or becomes

one, and unites with the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love. As a

result, we start feeling the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost on our

finger tips, later on our hands, and also out of our fontanelle bone

area. This is the first time we feel the All-Pervading Power of

Divine Love. . . .


On our fingertips, we can feel our own centres and the centres of

others, as shown in the figure (similar to that on page 705 or back

cover). If we know how to cure your own centres through your own

Self-Knowledge, we can also cure the centres of others.


Automatically our own human awareness achieves Collective

Consciousness by which we know about the Chakras of others. Now we

speak the language of Chakras and understand others and their

problems by the Chakras. The extreme right side is for our extreme

futuristic personality or for the collective supraconscious and the

extreme left side is for our collective subconscious. In the present

when we ascend through the piercing of the Kundalini into All-

Pervading Divine Love we achieve the Realm of Super

Consciousness. "


Shri Kula-samketa-palini Shri Nirmala Devi





" When the Kundalini rises one can feel easily the Cool Breeze

coming out of one's fontanel bone area on top of one's head. One can

feel it oneself, and one has to certify oneself. One can also feel

this Cool Breeze all around oneself. This Cool Breeze is the one

that is manifested by the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love. For

the first time in life one actualizes the experience of feeling this

subtle Divine Power.


Even after feeling this Power one has to understand that this

Kundalini is not fully established. In ordinary mechanical language

we can say that the connection is not established. One has to work

it out. Though sprouting in a seed is spontaneous, the gardener has

to now look after the tender sapling.


In the same way a seeker has to look after his Self-Realization in

the beginning. Some people achieve heights very easily, but some

have to work for six or seven months and are still not all right.

Under these circumstances it is important that one must know and

understand where the problem is by understanding the proper decoding

system and its practices in Sahaja Yoga. "


Shri Sampradayesvari Shri Nirmala Devi

Sampradayesvari (710th): Ruler of tradition. The Knowledge of Sri-

Vidya is to be obtained through a competent `Guru " who

conveys the traditional wisdom to the disciple. The identity between

Siva and Shakti cannot be realised by mere book knowledge but only

by the grace of a competent Guru who helps the disciple to have

`Istadevata-Siddhi. She, as the ruler or the controller of that

traditional lore, imparts it to the devotee in the for of

the `Guru.'





" KUNDALINI — (Sanskrit kund, " to burn " ; kunda,

" to coil or to spiral " ) a concentrated field of intelligent,

cosmic invisible energy absolutely vital to life; beginning in the

base of the spine as a man or woman begins to evolve in their first

incarnation; fed by the chakras along the spine and by the cosmic

energy entering through the feet from the Earth; as wisdom is earned

in each incarnation, this electromagnetic, ultrapotent energy moves

slowly upward through the spine; it is directed by the speed of the

soul mind as the soul-mind meets the requirements of each chakra,

according to the needs and thinking of the individual; eventually

this energy is unspiralled through the medulla oblongata, pituary

gland, pineal gland and through the crown chakra to unite with the

silver cord; one will ascend to the higher realms to finish

evolutionary cycle; kundalini is feminine polarity in nature. Coiled

Serpent, Cosmic Fire, Chi, Bioplasma, Holy Spirit [cf. Appendix 5

Kundalini] "


June G. Beltzer, Ph.D., The Donning International Encyclopedic

Psychic Dictionary, p. 343.





" In the traditional descriptions of kundalini awakening, it is

said the kundalini resides in Mooladhara in the form of a coiled

snake and when the snake awakens it uncoils and shoots up through

Sushumna (the psychic passage in the center of the spinal cord),

opening the other chakras as it goes. (See Sir John Woodroffe's The

Serpent Power.) Brahmachari Swami Vyasdev, in his book Science of

the Soul, describes the awakening of kundalini in the following way:

" Sadhakas have seen the Sushumna in the form of a luminous rod or

pillar, a golden yellow snake, or sometimes as a shining black snake

about ten inches long with blood red eyes like smoldering charcoal,

the front part of the tongue vibrating and shining like lightning,

ascending the spinal column. " "


Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Kundalini Tantra, Bihar School of Yoga,

1984, p. 10.





" The Goddess 'Kundalini' is verily like the very Mother of the

Universe, as also the grandeur of the Supreme Majesty of soul . . .

She looks as if she is cast in the image of the life-breath clad in

a yellow coloured cloth of gold, but just discarding it and getting

exposed, or as a lamp-flame getting extinguished by a breeze of

wind, or as a lightning just flashing in the sky and then just

disappearing. "


Yogi Mahajan, The Ascent, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi,

1997 p. 8.






" Kundalini 'Snake' or 'serpent power' in Sanskrit, this term

originally referred to a type of meditation practiced in Hindu

TANTRA. Recently, kundalini has become a label for a variety of

experiences that involve sensations of energy moving vertically in

the body. . . Along the pathway of the kundalini's ascent are

located the CHAKRAS, psychic structures that correspond to aspects

of human personality. Various schools enumerate various numbers and

kinds of chakras. As the snake of power rises, it stimulates each

chakra. The aim of the tantric practitioner is to prevent the

kundalini from falling below the level of the heart chakra; the

lower chakras represent self-centered appetites, whereas the higher

ones embody spiritual aspirations.


Experiences associated with the kundalini in tantric Hinduism are

diverse. Classical texts state that Shakti's energy climbs the

central channel in one of the five ways: creeping like an ant

scaling a tree trunk; like a fish swimming in an ocean; like a

monkey that leaps from the spinal base to the head in a single

bound; in the manner of a bird, hopping from branch to branch; or

undulating, like a snake. Metaphors used to describe the sensation

of kundalini frequently combine liquid and luminous qualities, in

phrases such as " flowing light " or " liquid fire. " "


Leonard George, Ph.D., Alternative Realities, Facts on File, Inc.

1995 p. 149.





" Within the ancient world, the serpent (like its larger cousin,

the dragon) had long been representative of the adept, of his powers

of immortality and " divine " knowledge. Every culture of

antiquity with the exception of the Christian revered this symbol.

Christianity elected to forget the brazen serpent of Moses (Numbers

21:7-9), which God instructed the patriarch to make so that those

who had been bitten by snakes might look upon the brass serpent and

live. Jesus himself implied the great wisdom and prudence symbolized

by the serpent when he said, " Be ye wise as serpents, and harmless

as doves " (Matthew 10:16.) In fact, throughout archaic literature,

the usual mythological association of the serpent is not with deceit

and corruption, as in Genesis, but with physical and spiritual well-

being and enlightenment. "


Rosalyn L. Bruyere, Wheels of Light, Simon & Schuster, 1994 p. 117-


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