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HHSM: Declare to all the nations now that I am the Holy Ghost (Ruh of Allah)

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"Declare to all the nations now that I am the Holy Ghost (Ruh of Allah) and I have come for this Special Time, that is, the Resurrection Time (Al Qiyamah)."

Shri Panca-kosantara-sthita Shri Nirmala DeviAssume Yourself, Sydney, Australia — March 21, 1983

(Panca-kosantara-sthita [428th]: Residing inside the five sheaths. Cf. Name sandhya. ‘She vitalises these sheaths which constitute again three bodies, the Sthula, Suksma and Karana. Here, the ‘Antar’ is Guha. It is the same as Para — Akasa or Dvadasanta in the microcosm. Similarly, She resides inside the macrocosm, the Viratsvarupa.)

Al Muddaththir (The One Wrapped Up) Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi declaring the Resurrection and glorifying God Almighty


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shriadishakti , " Dr.Nitin Khandelwal "

<dr_nitin_khandelwal> wrote:




> Dear Shri Jagbir Ji, JAI SHRI MATAJI !


> Thanks a lot for revealing this section of Discourse delivered by

> Shri Mataji in which mother commanded all Sahaja Yogis to take her

> Incarnation & message of The Last Judgement to every nook-n-corner

> of Globe.


> This will cure the hesitating Sahaja Yogis who daren't declare

> Shri Mataji's Incarnation & The Last Judgement.


> COOLEST Regards,


> Yours Sahaja Yogi Brother,


> Dr.Nitin Khandelwal, Ujjain Sahaja Yoga Yuva Shakti, UJJAIN, M.P.,





Gregoire de Kalbermatten's statement (Zurich, Switzerland, 1980)



A realized being is someone who has felt the wind of the Spirit and

whose Sahasrara Chakra has been opened. He is not yet a real Sahaja

Yogi. A real Sahaja Yogi is someone who understands and realizes in

his life a few basic principles of behavior. One of them is



Fear is a cloud full of murmurds and sometimes full of horror which

spreads from the left side through the heart chakra into the field

of consciousness. Why do we fear? Some of the Sahaja Yogis are

saints whose Ida Nadi still store the memory of past lives'

persecutions. Some others, in their seeking aspects have been

exposed to various aspects of hell. And a few are just plain

cowards. Yet, fear is nothing but a cloud. It has no substance, no

reality. Actually it is fear which creates its own objects: the

thing we fear is created by fear itself. For, there is nothing to be

afraid within the glorious beauty of reality. This reality can be

encompassed in one statement: Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Mother of

Sahaja Yogis is Sakshat, the incarnate Adi Shakti. This is a fact.

This fact cannot be affected by mere opinions about it. Do we

realize Her Power is beyond the scrutiny of the Trimurtis? Have we

read in the Devi Mahatmyam how the gently smiling Goddess became an

enraged demon killer for the sake of Her children? Do we understand

again that this is not a mythological tale but the actuality? How

dare we fear? Really, if we look straight into our various fears,

they will vanish: the clouds dissipate when searched with the

stronger beam of enlightened action.


Shri Mataji always says: " Never forget that your Mother is very

powerful, that She knows everything and that She loves you very

much. " So, to become fearless, a Sahaja Yogi has simply to

realize the truth, the depth and power of this statement. To do so,

we need actualizing the nature, the divine nature of our

relationship to Shri Mataji. And the One who can help us in this, is

this great child-God Shri Ganesha-Christ.


So, it may well be concretely helpful to pray in our mooladhara and

agnya chakras so as to become better aware that we are sakshat

children of the Adi Shakti. And we should also pray Shri Jagdamba in

the heart chakra to bless us with a strong feeling of security. The

key to the success of these prayers is, of course, surrender.


Indeed, a Sahaja Yogi can always take refuge behind the

indestructible all-pervading cosmic shield of Shri Bhagawati's

attention. And then we also become Her swords, because the fearless

attention of an enlightened being starts burning away many forms of

negativity. Fear itself is afraid of you when you are fearless.


With best regards and Jai Shri Mataji,


Gregoire de Kalbermatten

Zurich, Switzerland

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