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Will failing in the last judgement will mean eternal hell or not ???

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Dear devotees of the Adi Shakti,


i received an email requesting an answer to this question: " Will

failing in the last judgement will mean eternal hell or not ??? "

In my opinion this is a very important question whose answer will

benefit all seekers and SYs alike. But because it is a difficult

subject i have repeated certain facts to make it more

comprehensible. It will have also have to be read a few times in

order to be understood better.


According to The New Encyclopaedia Britannica (1992.) the " idea

of the Last Judgement has often become incomprehensible to the

modern world. At the most, people apparently are still open to the

concept of judgement of the guilt and innocence of the individual.

The idea decisive for the early church's expectation of the

Judgement, however, was that the Last Judgement will be a public

one . . .


For the most part, the churches of the latter part of the 20th

century no longer have the courage to uphold the Christian teaching

of life after death. The church has long neglected teachings about

the entire area of the last things. The New Testament responses

presuppose the imminent expectation and thus leave many questions

unanswered that arose because of the delay of the Parousia. The

doctrine of the sleep of the soul, on the other hand, contains many

consequences that question the fundamental idea of the Christian

view of the personality of the imago Dei ( " image of God " ) . .

.. For this reason, since the period of Romanticism and Idealism,

ideas of the transmigration of the soul and reincarnation, taken

over from Hinduism and Buddhism, have gained a footing in Christian

views of the end-time expectation. "


It has to be emphasized that Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs, all believers

of rebirth, are absolutely subject to the Message of Resurrection.

They were Jews, Christians or Muslims in some of their previous

lives. The reverse applies to Christians, Jews and Muslims as there

is not even a shred of scriptural indication against rebirth. In

fact the Qur'an clearly supports rebirth in a number of verses

(which will not be discussed here). Only fools and fundamentalists

amongst them would claim, without a shred of evidence, of a

homogenous religious line spanning thousands of years.


The present Sahaja Yogis — who also have absolutely no memory of

their past glories — have accepted the Message of Resurrection

and are spiritually cleansing themselves daily as they know that

they are subject to the Last Judgment and will be judged. They will

be among the first to enter the Kingdom of the Almighty Creator,

followed by many millions in the future who will heed His Message of

Grace, Mercy, Compassion and Love to all His children.


Those successful in cleansing themselves in heart, mind and soul

will not be subject to the Second Death — the dissolution of the

universe and the sending of souls who failed the present First

Resurrection back into the next creation. Any human who achieves the

metamorphosis into the spirit is unconditionally free for all



But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers,

and whoremongers,

And sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in

the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:

Which is the second death.


Revelation 21:8



But those who reject the Resurrection — the fearful, suspicious,

the non-believers, the atheists, the heretics, the skeptics, the

agnostics, the hateful, the cursed, the abhorrent, the nefarious,

the contemptible, the offensive, the despicable, the detestable, the

disgusting, the killers, the pimps, the gigolos, the smut stars, the

fornicators, the popes and priests; and other salvation wizards,

those who worship rocks, trees, false gurus, money, and power; and

all liars, lawyers, politicians, presidents and those who mislead

— will be judged and burnt in the Lake of Fire till the Final

Dissolution. This will be their Second Death in the Spirit World

after their First Death on Earth for rejecting the Resurrection. The

Second Death refers to spiritual `death' after physical death

that occurs at the time of the Great Dissolution, similar to that

revealed in the Hindu scriptures. Only those who surrender but still

fail during the Resurrection will again be subject to birth in the

primordial ocean of another creation, and begin their journey in

this great Circle of Life all over again.


This is an important distinction between those who accept but fail,

and those Antichrist elements who reject outright the message of the

Last Judgment. As long as you believe it is the Last Judgment you

will not be subject to eternal punishment, even if failing to reach

the high moral ground of dharma and truth. There is always the hope

of the next creation to attain release, and the next, and the next

and the ……. For all eternity. Ultimately you will attain



However, contrary to popular believe, just being a SY is no

guarantee of liberation. There are many who think that just

meditating and taking part in the Last Judgment will lead to moksa.

That is not the case. Only those who succeed in purifying

themselves, innocent like babies so to speak, there is no Second

Death. And that is indeed a supreme achievement.


The Qur'an also narrates along similar lines about those righteous

souls entering the Kingdom of the Almighty Creator who know that

they will not face the Second Death, and the unbelievers thrown into



Is it (the case) that we shall not die, except our First Death,

And that we shall not been punished,

Verily this is a supreme achievement!


surah 37:58-60 Al Saffat (Those Ranged in Ranks)

(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.)



Moreover, We shall join them to Companions with beautiful and

lustrous eyes.

There can they call for every fruit in peace and security;

Nor will they there taste Death, except the First Death;

And He will preserve them from the penalty of the Blazing Fire.


surah 44:54-56 Al Dukkan (The Smoke)

(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.)



However, those who fail will not be subject to eternal hell but will

again suffer samsara, the endless rounds of rebirths when they are

poured back into the primordial ocean of the creation. They will

have to evolve from that primordial soup of life again and again,

dissolution after dissolution, until the attain moksa. That answers

the question of whether those who participate and fail in the

present Last Judgment will suffer for all eternity – No! only

those who refuse to believe will meet that horror.


Lord Jesus acknowledged that " blessed are they who do His

commandments, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may

enter in through the Gates of the City. For without are dogs, and

sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and

whosoever love and makes a lie. " i cannot say for sure if these

Antichrist elements who will be subject to more severe penalties,

although the Qur'an and Bible is clear that those who defy and

ridicule the Good News will burn for all eternity. How can penalties

be similar if i surrender to the Call of the Resurrection but fail

despite all efforts to be pure in heart, mind and soul? Thus why

should i be punished for all eternity for trying to be a good human

being? It is my strong conviction that all who surrender to the Last

Judgment and strive for dharma will, if they still fail, get another

chance at liberation during the next creation.


So this First Resurrection of the Bible matches that of the Qur'an

(Chapter 75 Al Qiyamah [The Resurrection].) Unfortunately the misled

Muslims have also been deceived, and told by their naive ayatollahs,

shaikhs, ulema, mullahs, imams and scholars that Resurrection will

only take place when the world ends (Al-Qariah - Day of Noise and





and not before the End (Al Qadr - Night of Power and Fate).





None of them seem to understand and accept the Truth that only after

the Comforter has arrived on Earth and explained all that Shri Jesus

wanted to be explained will humans be enlightened enough to

comprehend the complex reality of the Last Judgment. (Many SYs are

in fact quite ignorant of what the scriptures say about Shri Mataji

and Her message of the Last Judgment and Al-Qwiyamah. They find it

easier to project Sahaja Yoga as the means to learn about the subtle

system and cure various ailments.)


The First Resurrection of the Bible also concurs with the Srimad

Bhagavatam regarding the Spirit World, the destination of those able

to attain eternal life after the Last Judgment in this Kali Yuga.


Kash was told to confirm from the Great Divine Mother whether

liberated souls, as the Srimad Bhagavatam states, will spend another

15 trillion 480 billion years after the Great Dissolution on another

planet. On August 22, 1994 Kash meditated and took along the Second

Canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam.


The Mother Kundalini engulfed his body and took him through the

Sushumna Nadi into the Mansion of the Great Aykaa Mayee (One Mother)

within. This Supreme Truth of the Sahasrara was announced by Guru

Nanak to ignorant Hindus and Muslims five hundred years ago. The

Eternal Light shone ever so brilliantly from above the Golden Throne

as Shri Yogada Devi sat in Bliss and Joy. (According to the Sri

Lalita Sahasranama Shri Yogada (654th) is the " One who gives Yoga

or Union of the individual soul `Jivatma' with Paramatma'

the Cosmic Spirit. The pathway of such a union is called Yoga. " )


This mystical experience confirmed the priceless preaching of Shri

Jesus' rebirth by water (Kundalini) and spirit (Holy Spirit

within). The words of the Savior had become a stunning Reality. The

Kingdom of God within is the heart and soul of Lord Jesus'

message to humanity. Kash was inside theat Kingdom of God

(Sahasrara) where the Adi Shakti lives, irrefutable evidence at

present to humanity that will in future lead millions to surrender

to Shri Mataji's message of the Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah!


In his Sahasrara he opened page 108 [Canto 2, Ch. 2, Text 26] to

inquire about the translation of the second paragraph:


" This Sisumara is the pivot for the turning of the complete

universe, and it is called the navel of Visnu [Garbhodakasayi

Visnu]. The yogi alone goes beyond this circle of Sisumara and

attains the planet [Maharloka] where purified saints like Bhrgu

enjoy a duration of life of 4,300,000,000 solar years. . . .


At the time of the final devastation of the complete universe [the

end of the duration of Brahma's life], a flame of fire emanates

from the mouth of Ananta [from the bottom of the universe]. The yogi

sees all the planets of the universe burning to ashes, and thus he

leaves for Satyaloka by airplanes used by the great purified souls.

The duration of life in Satyaloka is calculated to be

15,480,000,000,000 years. "


Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 2, Ch. 2 Text 25-6,

Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, 1987, p. 108.



Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi told him that it was true. All liberated

souls will proceed to Satyaloka where they will live for at least

15,480,000,000,000 years. (She also told Kash that Shri Krishna

actually first revealed the Srimad Bhagavatam about 100,000 years



This above Vedic verse confirms the Qur'anic Second Death for

those failing during the present Resurrection, as well as the

biblical Second Death:


This is the first resurrection.

Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection:

On such the second death hath no power,

But they shall be priests of God and of Christ. "


Revelation 20:4.



Thus those believers who participate in this present Last Judgment

and Al-Qiyamah will be judged after they pass away (First Death).

Those successful will remain in the Spirit World till the Great

Dissolution and will then proceed to Satyaloka and live there for

15,480,000,000,000 years


Those unsuccessful will be put back into the primordial ocean of the

next creation trillions of years away. They are the ones who face

the Second Death and will have to struggle for moksa (liberation)

all over again. There is eternal punishment only for the unbelievers

of the Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah.


It is better we believe and participate in the Last Judgment and

Resurrection. It is our only hope for release from the pain and

suffering of endless rebirths, and attaining the bliss of eternal

life. Where do you think Shri Mataji, the messengers of God and all

eternal souls live? So why are you on Earth at this most blessed of

all times, the Golden Age of the Last Judgment and Resurrection?


Jai Shri Mataji




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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> This is an important distinction between those who accept but

> fail, and those Antichrist elements who reject outright the

> message of the Last Judgment. As long as you believe it is the

> Last Judgment you will not be subject to eternal punishment, even

> if failing to reach the high moral ground of dharma and truth.

> There is always the hope of the next creation to attain release,

> and the next, and the next and the ……. For all eternity.

> Ultimately you will attain release.


> However, contrary to popular believe, just being a SY is no

> guarantee of liberation. There are many who think that just

> meditating and taking part in the Last Judgment will lead to

> moksa. That is not the case. Only those who succeed in purifying

> themselves, innocent like babies so to speak, there is no Second

> Death. And that is indeed a supreme achievement.



" In between Jesus Christ and His destroying Incarnation of

Mahavishnu called as Kalki there is time given to human beings to

rectify themselves, for them to enter the Kingdom of God which in

the Bible is called as Last Judgment — that you will be judged.

All of you will be judged on this Earth.


The population of the Earth is at the maximum these days because all

those — practically all those who had aspirations to enter into

the Kingdom of God — are born in Modern Times and are going to be

born very soon. This is the most important times because Sahaja Yoga

is the Last Judgment. It is fantastic to hear this but that's the

fact. It's the Truth!


Though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very easy for

you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of Last

Judgment — which looks such a horrifying experience — has

been made very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does

not disturb you. But this is the Last Judgment I tell you, and you

are going to be judged through Sahaja Yoga whether you can enter the

Kingdom of God or not. . . .


I have to warn all Sahaja Yogis who are here. Because Sahaja Yoga is

the Last Judgment not only that you will be judged, that you are

entering the Kingdom of God, but you become the citizens of God is

correct. . . . and if you do thefts and commit criminal offence, you

will be punished even then. So even if you are a citizen of God you

have to be very careful about it. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Kundalini And Kalki Shakti, Bombay, India — September 28, 1979

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