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HARMONIC CONCORDANCE Nov 8, 2003 - Time to announce Last Judgment & Al-Qiyamah?

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On August 28, 1998, John Mirehiel (pronounced Ma-RAY-he-el),

astrologer, first identified a still-to-come moment of great

astrological potential. While he was surfing the future, using a

sophisticated software program that displayed planetary positions

around a horoscope wheel, his attention was drawn to the patterns

forming in early November of 2003.


As he watched the shifting planets, they began to align themselves

in a planetary pattern known to astrologers as The Grand Sextile,

(star tetrahedron ) thought to be highly beneficial when it appears

in the chart of an individual . In this instance, however, the

horoscope Mirehiel was seeing was not one for an individual, but

rather it was a global one, for Mother Earth herself. It was a

unique astrological chart, representing a moment in time during

which we can change the world we see, and ourselves, if we so



It has been called the Harmonic Concordance of 2003.


The context in which the Harmonic Concordance information is

presented happens to arrive in the language of western, geocentric,

tropical astrology. The chart for that moment is rife with

astrological details encoded in this specific date. The metaphors to

which those details refer describe a moment in which a great shift

in conscious awareness may well take place. It is very interesting

to note, however, that this year (2003) and this day (November 8th

or 9th depending on where you are located in relation to the

International Date Line), if not this exact clock moment, have

clearly been anticipated within the framework of other traditions as



The Shifting World of 2003 In the years since the Harmonic

Convergence of 1987, José Argüelles and his wife, Lloydine,

have been campaigning for a calendar reform that would place us on a

Thirteen-Moon Calendar, to complete the necessary realignment of

humanity to the cycles naturally experienced by the Earth. They

believe that this is necessary if we are to avoid crashing into " the

wall " of the 2012 necrosphere. Interestingly, they tell me that on

November 8, 2003, we will have exactly one galactic spin cycle left

(as reckoned in the Mayan Calendar) to complete the realignment of

humanity to the cycles naturally experienced by Mother Earth. But

noted Psychic Silvia Browne has said the 2012 date itself is

erroneous; that confusion arising over western calendar systems has

led to our belief that 2012 represents the last noted year of the

Mayan Great Calendar when, according to her guides, 2003 is the

correct corresponding Gregorian year.


Yet another commentator, posting on the " Troubled Times " website,

says that the " significant event " calendar date line, supposedly

encoded into the architecture of the Great Pyramid, terminates

abruptly at the end of the year 2003. Even some Christian ministers

claim that the prophecies of Daniel predict that the " End Times "

will arrive in 2003. Peruvian shamans of the Q'ero line (a lineage

shared by both the Inca and the Apaches), descendants of those who

fled into the high Andes to escape the Spanish conquistadors, have

told shaman-psychologist Dr. Alberto Villoldo about the occurrence

of an important event in the late fall of 2003. At that time, which

they say will mark the end of the current, and final, " Pachakuti " (a

period of cleansing, when everything is turned upside down), it is

said that a tear, or hole in the fabric of time will appear, and

that those who have prepared for it will be able to walk through it

and into their luminous bodies.


Another author, " time researcher " Preston Nichols, who has studied

time and consciousness as they are shaped by frequencies and

magnetic fields, has pinpointed 2003 as the significant year at the

other end of the " time wormhole " that was first opened by the

Philadelphia Experiment in 1943.


And Starr Fuentes, master healer and teacher in the " curandera "

tradition, who works with similar metaphors of frequencies as the

causal factors behind physical manifestation, says that she was

alerted to the importance of November 8, 2003, by her own teacher in



The affirmations and confirmations of the importance of this time by

these and other well-known seers, mystics, psychics, and

researchers, as well as those of many private individuals, clearly

indicate the power of the Harmonic Concordance Moment to stand at

the hub of a wide variety of converging timelines.


Some Astrological Factors In linear time, the Harmonic Concordance

Moment of November 8-9, 2003,is presently a future astronomical

event that will occur at the precise moment when a Total Lunar

Eclipse completes an astrologically beneficial configuration known

as the Grand Sextile. Like other previously announced, spiritually

significant times (most notably the Harmonic Convergence mentioned

above), the Harmonic Concordance of 2003 will pull a great many

people into a prayerful alignment, at one moment, with a focused

intent of a higher spiritual purpose. In this case, the larger

purpose is the Ascension of Mother Earth and her awakened



I have been a practicing astrologer and spiritual seeker for more

than 30 years. As the discoverer of the chart, I have identified

many individual astrological details that are in play at the moment

of the Concordance Eclipse. My experience tells me that those

factors, when taken all together, confirm a promise of hope, joy,

unity, and transformation. Nor am I alone in this astrological

assessment of the Harmonic Concordance chart. Astrologers of all

rank, from the world famous to novice, have seen, been inspired by,

written of, and spoken about its enormous potential. The spiritually

inclined, in particular, are invariably impressed by the power and

purpose expressed in the chart.



The Spiritual Meaning.


Although this astrological chart is set for our future, the ultimate

perfection of that ascended world exists right now. Many

metaphysical and spiritual traditions have long told us that Time is

the great illusion; that, in fact, all time " happens " in the

simultaneous NOW. If that is so, then this " future " moment of

ultimate balance, power, and peace is available to us in the

present. As such, it behooves us to claim that moment now. If we can

accept the idea that that perfect world is co-existent with the

somewhat different exterior " reality " that most of us see, then we

must also accept the possibility that we can change that exterior

projection. To acknowledge that we are the ones responsible for the

appearance of that projection means that we must begin to understand

what immense and limitless creative beings we are. Unfortunately, we

often have trouble accepting that thought, even though the avatars

and exemplars throughout the ages have told us this is so.


One major block to this realization lies in our persistent belief in

solid space and linear time. However, if you can conceive of how it

might feel to live as an Ascended Master in an Ascended World, you

can step through a hole in time, anytime, and bring that existence

back into your daily experience, right then and there, here and now.


The Harmonic Concordance chart portrays a multi-dimensional mandala

in sacred geometry, offering a variety of these reminders through

symbols that are significant in many different belief systems. It

contains, for example, a two-dimensional representation of the 8-

pointed star that is called the Merkaba, the symbol that represents

the Light Body form as seen by those who can perceive on this level.

Practitioners of the Merkaba meditation essentially visualize

rolling their light bodies through time, from one present moment

into the next. This exercise allows them to stay in an eternally

perfect present, while learning how to work with new energetic

concepts of time. Conscious Intent and Change In The Seth Material,

Seth, speaking through the late Jane Roberts, proposes that what he

calls " temporal consciousness, " or time, is essentially a dimension

of action. This certainly seems to have been demonstrated by recent

mass consciousness experiments on Art Bell's " Coast to Coast " radio

show. The background to these experiments was research conducted by

the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Institute, which has

placed thirty-two data-recording instruments around the world to

pick up changes in the Earth's field. On 9/11, a couple of hours

before the first plane struck the World Trade Center, the Princeton

group reported, there was a significant perturbation, or change, in

this field.


Inspired by this indication that a field of mass consciousness

exists which carries some sentience about the outcome of human

events, Bell and his guest host, George Noory, issued specific

requests to their vast numbers of radio listeners challenging them

to act collectively in order to deliberately influence that field of

consciousness to achieve a positive outcome. At the time of this

writing, the last such challenge issued was for the audience to

visualize a resolution to the Washington " Sniper Crisis, " such that

the situation would be resolved quickly and no one else would be

hurt. The two suspects who are now in custody were arrested in the

early morning hours immediately following this show. No one was

injured in the capture. This event is only the last in a long line

of " coincidences " of many types that show us that the Concordance

message is indeed an open invitation to play in the field of

temporal dimension. Why not do so in the most inspired possible



Which is precisely the point. The great promise of this Harmonic

Concordance Moment is that its potential may be assessed at any

moment. Quantum physicists speak of " nonlocal " reality as comprising

the basic structural " field " that supports and sustains all life. In

this reality, time and space do not exist. This is the place from

which we are able to see the Universal Perfection in All That Is;

and it is from this vantage point that we can step through the

Concordance paradox and into a divine state of existence, right now.

Spirit will respond to any individual up-reach, at any time. This is

the symbolism inherent in the interlocking triangles of the Star of

David pattern. It is therefore the great paradox of the Concordance

Moment that if you wait until November 8, 2003, to experience it,

you might well miss it completely!


John Mirehiel


(P.S. From the view of PATRICIA DIANE COTA-ROBLES This is what will

be happening: The Spiritual Hierarchy has revealed that 2003 is the

year that is destined for the global shift of consciousness we have

been anticipating for the past 50 years. There is going to be a

Galactic alignment that will open a multidimensional portal of

Divine Consciousness into the Heart and Mind of the omniscient,

omnipotent, omnipresent Cosmic I AM-All That Is. During that rare

moment, the Cosmic I AM will flood the Earth with unprecedented

frequencies of Divine Consciousness and lift every man, woman and

child a quantum leap into the remembrance of the Oneness of ALL life.

That rare Galactic alignment will occur on November 8, 2003. There

will be a Star of David and other complex formations in the Heavens

during a Lunar Eclipse that will be 18 degrees Scorpio.) On July 18,

2002 a crop circle unofficially dubbed the " Harmonic Concordance

Crop Circle " appeared, which many felt was a response to work being

done ar ound the ideas of the Harmonic Concordance.



Astrological Configuration of the Harmonic Concordance Moment,

November 8-9, 2003


When affording Chiron planetary status, the Moment contains a near

perfect Grand Sextile/Star of David pattern in Earth and Water

signs, featuring the six planets that offer the precisely

appropriate energies for a planetary shift in consciousness: Sun,

Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and Chiron. I am frequently asked what

relationship November 8-9, 2003, has to the Harmonic Convergence of

1987. José Argüelles, the well-known interpreter of ancient

Mayan texts, called the world's attention to the 1987 event as being

exceptionally propitious for the spiritual growth of humankind. The

Harmonic Concordance of 2003 also offers us an exceptionally

propitious Moment (and one shared throughout every time zone) for

the further graduation of humanity as a whole, and for Mother Earth

as well. In this sense they share the same lineage. J.



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