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HARMONIC CONCORDANCE Nov 8, 2003 begins with total lunar eclipse

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The prophecies of Nostradamus

The Face On The Moon "The Moon in the full of night over the high mountain,The new wise one with a lone brain seen there:By her disciples invited to be immortal,Eyes at noon, Hands on bosoms, bodies in the fire." Century 4:31

Manuela Dunn Mascetti and Peter LorieNostradamus: Prophecies for Women(Manuela Dunn Mascetti and Peter Lorie, Nostradamus: Prophecies for Women, Simon & Schuster, 1995, p. 128.)

The new Wise One with a lone brain seen there:

For the first time ever the whole world is invited to watch every full moon with the naked eye — without any material aid like telescopes or binoculars — and they will see the face of a woman on it! Kash was pointed the full moon of October 1995 by his father. Instantly, without even a second’s hesitation, he said that it was Shri Mataji’s face. Shri Sarachandra-nibhanana Shri Nirmala Devi is the new Wise One who is seen there on the full moon. She is Shri Pratipanmukhya-rakanta-tithi-mandala- pujita Shri Nirmala Devi. She is Shri Rakenduvadana Shri Nirmala Devi.












The new Wise One (This photo has not been touched in any way.)




Nearly two years later, on the evening of 14 August 1997, Lalita and her father walked to the Lachine Blockbuster Video store to purchase Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search For Christopher Robin. On the way home they picked up some chips and soft drinks from the Maxi supermarket. As they walking back three-year-old Lalita pointed at the moon and said these words: "Look, the moon is sleeping but got no pillow." Her father laughed at this innocent observation and asked her if she was sure. She answered, "Yes, the moon is sleeping and will give light." Then she added these words, "Yes, the moon got two eyes, and a mouth also, and one nose." Instant Bliss and Joy descended on her father — Lalita had recognized a Sure Sign of the Great Adi Shakti in the sky above. A three-year-old child was able to distinguish a face on the moon that was not even full. Lalita had seen the face of the new Wise One although it was a waxing gibbous

moon, being full only a few days later on August 18. (If this is the case, then it would not be a problem for mature adults to see the Celestial Signs observed by children.)






“Another gnostic writing, called the Great Announcement, quoted by Hippolytus in his Refutation of All Heresies, explains the origin of the universe as follows: From the power of Silence appeared "a great power, the Mind of the Universe, which manages all things, and is a male . . . the other . . . a great Intelligence . . .

is a female which produces all things." Following the gender of the Greek words for "mind" (nous — masculine) and "intelligence" (epinoia — feminine), this author explains that these powers, joined in union, "are discovered to be duality . . . This is Mind in Intelligence, and these are separable from one another, and yet are one, found in a state of duality." This means, the gnostic teacher explains, that:There is in everyone [divine power] existing in a latent condition . . . This is one power divided above and below; generating itself, making itself grow, seeking itself, finding itself, being mother of itself, father of itself, sister of itself, spouse of itself, daughter of itself, son of itself — mother, father, unity, being a source of the entire circle of existence.How did these gnostics intend their meaning to be understood?”




Elaine Pagels, The Gnostic Gospels, Random House, N.Y., 1989, p. 50-1.

The "lone brain" refers specifically to the infinite Knowledge and Wisdom of this Wise One, that is, Shri Candranibha Shri Nirmala Devi. Humans think that they are possessed with knowledge despite having hardly even used 5% of their brains, a capacity attained by few. The other 95% has yet to be utilized as modern society has just begun to gather information, and are a long way to reach, say, Einstein’s intellect. Even if they manage to attain a 10% capacity they can hardly be regarded as intelligent. Humans today have more knowledge than those thousand years ago. A thousand years from today they will have more knowledge. From here we may keep on expanding until the end of eternity. In the ancient books it is written that even the great Messengers of God do not have total Knowledge of the Ultimate Reality. Is it then too far-fetched to suggest that we hardly have used even 1% of our brain capacity to comprehend that the

nature of Ultimate Reality, the afterlife of our spirit self?

What then is the nature of Knowledge? Let's use Earth as an example. Knowledge about it encompasses and penetrates everything, there being no mysteries, mistakes or delusion. In other words everything about Earth has to be understood: History, Geography, Botany, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Archaeology, Engineering, Nuclear Physics, Biochemistry, Molecular Electronics, Astronomy, Communications, Politics, Animal Husbandry, Diagnostics, Surgery, Electromagnetism, Seismology, Biotechnology, Navigation, Ecology, Criminology, Forensic Science, Anthropology, Entomology, Herpetology, Paleontology, . . .)

Then one has to regress into Time, before the creation of this universe, receding, back to the initial Primordial Beginning. Then we have to find out about universes prior to this one. Put simple, this is not the first, original universe as others were destroyed at the time of the Great Dissolution. The Universe has its own Cosmic Seasons. How far back are we to go back before we reach the origin of Primordial Time, the beginning of the Beginning? Is it now believable that we have hardly utilized 1 % of our brain capacity?

Then there is pure Knowledge. Knowledge with a capital K because it is eternal. This Knowledge may be summed up as Spirit — your spirit, my spirit, those of all others and the Creator. All other knowledge is impermanent and leads to eventual death. The Knowledge of the Spirit is within, and not without. This Knowledge empowers humans to travel and surf the edge of the ever-expanding universe. This Knowledge enables them to enter any portal of Time and witness the precise portion of Cosmic History. This Knowledge leads to the Pure River of the Water of Life on whose sides grow the Tree of Life. This Knowledge enables liberated souls to return to Earth and lead their fallen brethren out of bondage and delusion to a life eternal. This Knowledge leads to the Kingdom of God Almighty. How much do you and me know of this Knowledge?

The Lone Brain, with Her limitless Knowledge, has come to illuminate the puny, little-utilized brains of humans. If Shri Manasvini Shri Nirmala Devi’s Knowledge is compared to human knowledge She definitely qualifies as the only person on this planet having brains that are fully utilized. It is just like comparing a human to an ant, and only humans may be said to have brains proper, i.e., a high level of material intelligence and knowledge over other life forms. In the same way it is like comparing the Supreme Spirit to a human, and only the Great Primordial Mother may be logically said to have brains proper, i.e., an infinite level of spiritual Intelligence and Knowledge concerning the Universe and regressing back to the origin of Primordial Time. That is what Nostradamus meant by the Lone Brain.

We humans should not even think of comparing our brains to Hers. We might read all the speeches or listen to all the talks of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and rationalize that this Knowledge could be learnt. All the Knowledge that Shri Mahabuddhih Shri Nirmala Devi has bestowed to humankind is rudimentary, a kindergarten class for spiritual tots. That is why Sahaja Yoga is just a single leave on the branch of Nirmala Vidya (Pure Knowledge) growing in the Great Forest of the Adi Shakti! We humans do not possess the mental capacity to understand Her Knowledge: "All the brain activity goes against pure intelligence. One has to understand that this pure intelligence is not to be soiled by our thinking. Thinking is just an empty process of the mind. We have to go beyond this mind." So what Knowledge do we really possess?

"Everything in Sahaja Yoga cannot be explained. I cannot explain. I cannot because you don’t have those Powers to understand."

Shri Tapa-Trayagni-Samtapta Samahladana-Chandrika Shri Nirmala DeviYou Have To Be In Nirvikalpa, Vienna, Austria — May 4, 1985

"Knowledge does not mean intelligence. The real skill is that we have the Knowledge on our fingers, our hands. The full awakening of the Kundalini is Knowledge. You can awaken the Kundalini of others by this Knowledge."

Shri DharmaDharma-Vivarjita Shri Nirmala Devi Shri

"Now, you might say, ‘Mother, it is very fantastic to hear about ourselves, but you don’t know how fantastic you are. Like you take a small little box of a television to some remote village. All the people will say, "What is this? Is just a box?" Why, you tell them that there is going to be, you can easily see lots of films in it. They won’t believe. Once it is connected only that they’ll be amazed at the television, the way it is showing all kinds of things because it is built-in and also it is built-in in you. All this is there which is within you, which you can easily verify it. It’s absolutely tangible and then you know the value of your life and then you know the purpose of your life.

This is what it is. In this short time, I don’t know how much I can tell you about it. Now, you have here beautiful lights and beautifully they’re lit up. You have to use only one switch. It all comes up. If I have to tell you the history of electricity, how it came to this country, then to your city and all that, it would be very boring. But if it is built-in, why not have the Light? So, I would say that you should have the Light and you should know what you are. First you get that Light and then we will see about the rest of the Knowledge."

Shri Matta Shri Nirmala DeviPhiladelphia, USA — October 15, 1993


Sarachandra-nibhanana (129th): Her face is beautiful like the full moon in saradrtu.

Pratipanmukhya-rakanta-tithi-mandala-pujita (610th): The 15 phases of the Moon from ‘Pratipat’ to ‘Purnima’ are Her manifestations. She is worshipped as 15 Nityas from ‘Kamesvari’ to ‘Chitra’ to whom the 15 phases of the Moon correspond.

Rakenduvadana (314th): Having a beautiful face like the full moon.

Candranibha (592th): Luminous like the moon.

Manasvini (930th): The controller of mind or intelligence.

Mahabuddhih (223rd): The greatest intelligence.

Tapa-Trayagni-Samtapta Samahladana-Chandrika (357th): Moonlight which delightfully soothes those that are scorched by the three fires name Adhyatmika, Adhibhautika, and Adhidaivika. She soothes those scorched by the afflictions and worries of physical, mental and spiritual nature.



Matta (576th): The attitude of intoxicated realisation of Brahman which makes the devotee unaware of the universe of name and form.

Note: Full Moon dates are based on Eastern Standard Time. Because of time zone differences, the Full Moon may occur on a different date in your region.




























































































































By her disciples invited to be immortal,

Her disciples all over the world are daily asking Her to have a long healthy life. The exact words are: "Shri Mataji, we the Sahaja Yogis of the world, desire and pray for your good health and long life."

They have been doing so for years and will probably keep on doing so even if Shri Maha Avatar Shri Nirmala Devi reaches a very old age. They understand that Her presence on Earth is critically needed to turn the tide of global self-destruction. "For anyone who looks calmly and objectively at the situation that human beings have got themselves into, it will be obvious that unless we achieve a breakthrough into a higher form of awareness, a higher value system, we cannot come out of this mess we have created by subjugating ourselves to matter and to animal instincts, and therefore, to our self-destruction."

Daily thousands are beseeching Her to live on, despite advancing age. Indirectly they are inviting Her to be immortal, but like all incarnations of God Almighty, She will have to leave Mother Earth. This Divine Drop will merge back into the Cosmic Ocean of Reality that is within all. She is Immortal. So are you and me!






“ . . . apocalypses (from the Greek apokalypsis: revelation) describe in cryptic language, understood by believers the sudden, dramatic intervention of God in history on behalf of the faithful elect. Accompanying or heralding God’s dramatic intervention in human affairs will be cataclysmic events of cosmic proportions, such as a

temporary rule of the world by Satan, signs in the heavens, persecutions, wars, famines, and plagues.Although apocalyptic writers do examine the present, determining whether current afflictions are fulfilment of past apocalyptic prophecies, such writers generally concentrate on the future — on the future overthrow of evil, on the coming of a messianic figure, and on the establishment of the Kingdom of God and of eternal peace and righteousness. The wicked are described as consigned to hell and the righteous or elect as reigning with God or a Messiah in a renewed earth or heaven.”




Encyclopedia Britannica





"That’s what it is today. I do not know that what it is to that we are now in the Blossom Time, as I call it, because many flowers are born and they are to become the fruits. This is the Resurrection Time, which is described in all the scriptures, but it’s not like this, the way they had described us. Something wrong with them that all the dead bodies who are in the graves will come out of the graves. I mean, how much is left out of them, God knows. Must be some bones or maybe some skulls there. So they’ll come out of the graves and they will get their Resurrection. This is a very wrong idea.

Once I happened to mean a fellow, a Muslim from Bosnia and he told Me, "I want to die for my religion, for God’s sake." I said, "But why? Who told you to die?" He said, "Now, if I die in the name of God, I’ll be resurrected." I said, "It’s all wrong. That’s not the way it is going to work out. Resurrection is going to work out this way that at this time, all these souls will take their birth. All these souls will take their birth and they will be resurrected as human beings they’ll have to come."

That’s why we find all kinds of funny people these days, all kinds of cruel, criminal, all kinds of idiotic, stupid, I mean very queer, weird, funny ideas which find such, such a variety of people and such a tremendous population that we should understand they have to have their chance of Resurrection. But how many will come? That’s the point. How many are going to come?"

Shri Mano-vachamagochara Shri Nirmala DeviPhiladelphia, USA — October 15, 1993

Mano-vachamagochara (415th): Beyond the grasp of mind and speech. Mind cannot comprehend Her nor speech describe Her. ‘Yato Vacho nivartante’; where words turn back. (Annapurna Upanishad 2.) ‘Yanneti neti vachanaih nigama avochuh’; Whom Vedas describe by the words "not thisnot this." Mind and speech are Her creations very far removed from Her. As such, they cannot comprehend Her.



Eyes at noon, hands on bosoms, bodies in the fire.

Eyes at noon actually mean to concentrate on the Sahasrara, the top of the head, during meditation. In Sahaja Yoga meditation this has the effect of the eyes looking upwards. This is unlike standard meditation, practiced by most Buddhist and Hindu disciplines, where one concentrates on the space between the eyebrows and keep the eyes at morning (gazing down at eight or nine o’clock). The Great Primordial Goddess resides in the Templum Spiritus Sanctus and meditates individually with each disciple. Even the mere attention on Her in the Great Lotus Forest has the immediate effect of producing vibrations and enhancing the state of thoughtless awareness. Experienced Sahaja Yogis always put their attention on the fontanel bone area and this cause the ‘eyes to be at noon.’

Hands on bosoms means putting the right hand on the left breast — the heart where resides the Spirit — and saying the mantras of Shri Jagdamba (Universal Mother) and Shri Shiva/Parvati (Universal Father/Mother.) The hands are also kept on the bosom during the process of Self-Realization and the desire is expressed to the Supreme Spirit within to grant enlightenment. This desire to be awakened from darkness and ignorance must be wished by each seeker before the Divine Deity manifests itself. (Humans are absolutely free to do as they please and are under no obligation to get their second birth. They have to do so on their own free will, knowing full well that they will be taking part in the Resurrection and bear all its consequences.)






The disciple leads the prana until Mooladhara.The air thus inspired awakens the lower Fire which was asleep.




Amritananda Upanishad





Bodies in the fire refer to the Kundalini coursing through the bodies of all Self-realized souls. This Kundalini is sometimes seen as a spiritual fire within. In meditation it rushes through numerous chakras and nadis and purifies them. In the ancient Hindu texts it says that only by Self-Realization will this Kundalini or Fire be rekindled, awakening the seeker to Inner Reality.

Thus, "bodies in the fire" means that as the disciples meditate on the Wise One (whose Face is on the full moon) with their right hands on their left hearts, their bodies are cleansed and purified by the spiritual fire of the Kundalini.


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