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“Grégoire! You perhaps do not realize that all the Deities who reside in you . .

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The 25 September 1975 Shri Mataji was gracious enough to send me a

letter in which She very clearly exposed my inconsistencies, how

precarious my position was and what I should do to muster positivity

within myself instead of siding with negativity. I take here the

liberty of quoting a few lines of this extraordinary letter which

saved my (spiritual) life for the second time:


" Now the Time has come to tell you that Sahaja Yoga cannot work

unless and until you completely surrender to Me, without any

questioning. This Me means Mataji Nirmala Devi who resides on the

Sahasrara of the Virata. This is the Absolute Truth whether you like

it or not, whether your ego and super-ego accept it or not. I am

sorry I have to confess it. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)


If I take upon myself to publish these sacred lines which were not

meant for the public it is because of their overriding significance:


" Grégoire! You perhaps do not realize that all the Deities who

reside in you and who are controlled in your Sahasrara are not at

all interested in people who are not completely surrendered to Me. I

do not know how to convince them. They only look after those who

take My name and accept that I am the Adi Shakti. This is the only

way you can progress. What can I do? Even the people who are cured

by Me have to keep the protocol otherwise the Deities sleep, and

they go back to their previous position.


So far I have not said this to anyone because I thought there was no

need. Those who were wise realized it and those who were foolish

have lost their chance in Sahaja Yoga. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)


I was stunned! I somehow realized at once what these lines were

meant to carry. I saw clearly that if this assertion of Shri

Mataji's real identity was not true the whole of Sahaja Yoga

would fall apart. If this assertion was true the seekers of the

whole world could be saved, I too. The Golden Age would start. . . .


It dawned upon me that the answer to one single question was

providing answers to all other questions. And the question was:

" Who is Shri Mataji? " The answer to it makes the difference

between mystical sand castles and Reality; between salvation and

doom for all of us. In it lies the key to the process of collective

emancipation. Since the reception of this letter my only goal has

been and still is to further penetrate the mystery of Shri

Mataji's incarnation on this earth . . .


Grégoire Kalbermatten

Vienna, Austria 5-6-1983

Nirmala Yoga Vol. 13, Jan - Feb 1983












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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> The 25 September 1975 Shri Mataji was gracious enough to send me a

> letter in which She very clearly exposed my inconsistencies, how

> precarious my position was and what I should do to muster

> positivity within myself instead of siding with negativity. I take

> here the liberty of quoting a few lines of this extraordinary

> letter which saved my (spiritual) life for the second time:


> " Now the Time has come to tell you that Sahaja Yoga cannot work

> unless and until you completely surrender to Me, without any

> questioning. This Me means Mataji Nirmala Devi who resides on the

> Sahasrara of the Virata. This is the Absolute Truth whether you

> like it or not, whether your ego and super-ego accept it or not. I

> am sorry I have to confess it. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)


> If I take upon myself to publish these sacred lines which were not

> meant for the public it is because of their overriding

> significance:


> " Grégoire! You perhaps do not realize that all the Deities who

> reside in you and who are controlled in your Sahasrara are not at

> all interested in people who are not completely surrendered to Me.

> I do not know how to convince them. They only look after those who

> take My name and accept that I am the Adi Shakti. This is the only

> way you can progress. What can I do? Even the people who are cured

> by Me have to keep the protocol otherwise the Deities sleep, and

> they go back to their previous position.


> So far I have not said this to anyone because I thought there was

> no need. Those who were wise realized it and those who were

> foolish have lost their chance in Sahaja Yoga. " (Shri Mataji

> Nirmala Devi)


> I was stunned! I somehow realized at once what these lines were

> meant to carry. I saw clearly that if this assertion of Shri

> Mataji's real identity was not true the whole of Sahaja Yoga

> would fall apart. If this assertion was true the seekers of the

> whole world could be saved, I too. The Golden Age would

> start. . . .


> It dawned upon me that the answer to one single question was

> providing answers to all other questions. And the question was:

> " Who is Shri Mataji? " The answer to it makes the difference

> between mystical sand castles and Reality; between salvation and

> doom for all of us. In it lies the key to the process of

> collective emancipation. Since the reception of this letter my

> only goal has been and still is to further penetrate the mystery

> of Shri Mataji's incarnation on this earth . . .


> Grégoire Kalbermatten

> Vienna, Austria 5-6-1983

> Nirmala Yoga Vol. 13, Jan - Feb 1983



> http://www.adishakti.org/his_beings_within.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_jesus.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_buddha.htm

> ttp://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/prophet_muhammad.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/guru_nanak.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_ganesha.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_vishnu.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_krishna.htm






Just as God fills the whole world, so the soul fills the body.

Just as God sees, but is not seen, so the soul sees, but is not

itself seen.

Just as God feeds the whole world, so the soul feeds the whole body.

Just as God is pure, so the soul is pure.

Just as God dwells in the innermost precincts [of the Temple],

So also the soul dwells in the innermost part of the body.


Talmud, Berakot 10a





Know ye not that ye are the temple of God,

And that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you.


1 Corinthians 3:16





Or do they think that We hear not their secrets and their private

counsels? Indeed (We do), and Our messengers are by them, to record.


Surah 43:80 (Ornaments of Gold)

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an





The Man-Spirit as the seed of God carries in his depth the same

attributes that are found in every part of God.


The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ





I have said, Ye are gods;

And all of you are children of the most High.


Psalms 82:6





" They say that Jesus is still living in the body and that he will

appear just before the Final Day, after the coming of the Mahdi,

when the world will be purified of sin and unbelief.


Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an






" Macrocosm and Microcosm


The Macrocosm - Microcosm parallel in the Upanishads becomes

essential to understanding the Brahman (Supreme Soul) and Atman

(Individual Soul) relationship. The Self itself has to manifest in

the matter and " returns to the body along the seventy-two thousand

nerves called Hita, which branch of from the heart to all parts of

the body and stays in it " (Br., 2.1.19). It is therefore a diffusion

into the human body of the causal reality and its effects, the

Brahman in all aspects as gross, subtle and causal to be manifested

as Atman. By using the instrumentality of the new templum the axis

mundi is now within the human body. To obtain this downloading,

various psycho--physiological techniques are employed to acquire an

inner heat of Tapas nature (Eliade, 1992, Vol 1, p. 244), thus being

able to create the transformation.


The experience of becoming like Brahman is therefore a pantheistic

experience. The enlightened person known as Jivanmukta

(Lit. 'liberated while still alive') is described in Ish., 6 as " the

wise man who perceives all beings as not distinct from his own Self

at all, and his own Self as the Self of every being ... " . This Sloka

is no less (in practical terms) but the anthropo-cosmic experience

of a Jivanmukta. It can be said that the issue is to redesign

ourselves completely, by employing various rituals and techniques in

order to obtain the superior knowledge and rise above the ordinary



The knowledge (Jnana) of Atman and the realization of the

identification as Tat Tvam Asi expresses in the Upanishads, doesn't

come without great efforts. In Ka. 1,2,24 it says: " One who has not

kept himself aloof from doing sinful acts, nor controlled his

senses, and has not a peaceful and one-pointed mind, can never

attain the Atman through knowledge " . Furthermore in Ke. 1,2 the wise

aspirant attains success " when he abandons the Ego and rises above

the senses, he achieves immortality " . " The Atman, subtler than the

subtlest and greater than the greatest, dwells in the heart of every

living being. One who is without desire and free from anxiety

realizes the glorious Atman through the purity of senses and mind

and becomes free from sorrow " (Ka., 1,2,20). It can be seen that

such an aspirant has to adopt a code of behavior, employ certain

yogic techniques, control the mind beyond the ordinary (conscious or

unconscious) mental manifestations. The Jivanmukti (Lit. 'liberation

while still alive') state is seen as high indeed, certainly not

easily available, but after persistent efforts to make sacred the

body. Such an accomplished practitioner (Sadhaka) is described in

Ai., 3,1,4 as " One who has experienced Atman in this way, having

gone beyond this world and having fulfilled all his desires in the

world of bliss, attains immortality. " This is the accomplishment of

the goal of unity, the aspiration to know the Deva-s (gods) and

become one with them or be like them (imitatio dei). Upanishads are

consistent to offer a practical approach to attain such a goal

through an available instrumentality.


The instrumentality to knowing the gods and therefore to a

soteriological goal has become thus accessible by using own body in

a new cosmogonical approach. This approach is radically different on

the path of salvation in many other traditions. It is a potentiality

always at hand in every human being. No external ritual is necessary

(once the knowledge is acquire) to making the aspirant to come

closer to the divine. The divine is present already in the body,

only the veil has to be removed by the right knowledge (Jnana) and

the illusion (Maya) be uncovered, so the cyclical life of birth and

death (Samsara) comes to an end. The aspirant in own practice pays

much attention to the purity of senses and the mind. In order to

accomplish these, various yogic practices and meditation are

recommended to make the perception acute. The aspirant also strives

to become without desire as Brahman is described to be. This gradual

process of transformation of personality is seen to create proximity

between the aspirant and the divine, the aspirant obtains therefore

divine qualities. It is a kind of religious experience which might

be called 'encounter with the numinous' (Trompf G., 1990, p. 75). In

so doing, the spiritual door is opened to access the causes of

manifestations. The ordinary perception is by far overcome, the

accomplished Sadhaka is not an ordinary person anymore. The Sadhaka

obtains a multilevel perception of space and is able to have a deep

communion with the whole environment of human, animal or vegetarian

kinds, a typical pantheistic credo and a soteriological approach to

downloading of consciousness. Brahman is thus internalized (White D.

G., 1996, p. 212) in a practical analogy. "


Octavian Sarbatoare, Kali Yuga, Rites of Passage and Modern Science

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> The 25 September 1975 Shri Mataji was gracious enough to send me a

> letter in which She very clearly exposed my inconsistencies, how

> precarious my position was and what I should do to muster

> positivity within myself instead of siding with negativity. I take

> here the liberty of quoting a few lines of this extraordinary

> letter which saved my (spiritual) life for the second time:


> " Now the Time has come to tell you that Sahaja Yoga cannot work

> unless and until you completely surrender to Me, without any

> questioning. This Me means Mataji Nirmala Devi who resides on the

> Sahasrara of the Virata. This is the Absolute Truth whether you

> like it or not, whether your ego and super-ego accept it or not. I

> am sorry I have to confess it. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)


> If I take upon myself to publish these sacred lines which were not

> meant for the public it is because of their overriding

> significance:


> " Grégoire! You perhaps do not realize that all the Deities who

> reside in you and who are controlled in your Sahasrara are not at

> all interested in people who are not completely surrendered to Me.

> I do not know how to convince them. They only look after those who

> take My name and accept that I am the Adi Shakti. This is the only

> way you can progress. What can I do? Even the people who are cured

> by Me have to keep the protocol otherwise the Deities sleep, and

> they go back to their previous position.


> So far I have not said this to anyone because I thought there was

> no need. Those who were wise realized it and those who were

> foolish have lost their chance in Sahaja Yoga. " (Shri Mataji

> Nirmala Devi)


> I was stunned! I somehow realized at once what these lines were

> meant to carry. I saw clearly that if this assertion of Shri

> Mataji's real identity was not true the whole of Sahaja Yoga

> would fall apart. If this assertion was true the seekers of the

> whole world could be saved, I too. The Golden Age would

> start. . . .


> It dawned upon me that the answer to one single question was

> providing answers to all other questions. And the question was:

> " Who is Shri Mataji? " The answer to it makes the difference

> between mystical sand castles and Reality; between salvation and

> doom for all of us. In it lies the key to the process of

> collective emancipation. Since the reception of this letter my

> only goal has been and still is to further penetrate the mystery

> of Shri Mataji's incarnation on this earth . . .


> Grégoire Kalbermatten

> Vienna, Austria 5-6-1983

> Nirmala Yoga Vol. 13, Jan - Feb 1983



> http://www.adishakti.org/his_beings_within.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_jesus.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_buddha.htm

> ttp://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/prophet_muhammad.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/guru_nanak.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_ganesha.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_vishnu.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_krishna.htm



" The medulla, principal entrance for the body's supply of

universal life energy (Aum), is directly connected by polarity with

the Christ Consciousness centre (kutastha chaitanya) in the single

eye between the eyebrows: the seat of man's power of will. Cosmic

energy is then stored up in the seventh centre, in the brain, as a

reservoir of infinite potentialities (mentioned in the Vedas as

the " thousand-petaled lotus of light. " ) The Bible refers to Aum as

the Holy Ghost or invisible life force that divinely upholds all

creation. " What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the

Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not

your own? " — 1 Corinthians 6:19. "


Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi





The first section (of part III) constitutes from start to finish an

extraordinary hymn to Light, here no longer viewed as an exclusive

possession of God or as something purely external which is the

source of reflected light in Man, but as an all-embracing and all-

penetrating quality that illumines the whole of reality from within

and without. This Light is first and foremost a feature of the

heavenly world, but this same cosmic splendor is to be found also,

in an immediate fashion, in Man. In a word, Man discovers his own

personal, divine, and, of course, human dignity. . . .


Man discovers himself as Man, or rather as fully Man, as a center of

the cosmos, fellow with the Gods, and partner of God himself.

Between the two poles of reality Man discovers a link, an

unbreakable relation, and the burden of this consciousness leads him

to discover not only the laws of sacrifice, but also its nature. Man

is going to lose his own life in the experiment, for the discovery

that he too is God, that he may enter into the mystery of reality,

not by an epistemic act of his mind, but by an existential and total

involvement of his being, is going to consume him in the very fire

of the sacrifice that he himself discovers and prepares. All he can

do is to throw himself fully into this adventure and, heedless of

all else, trust that the experiment will succeed. The one who

emerges will not, of course, be the innocent individual of the

beginning, but the risen person, the purusottama, a new being. This

fullness is a plenitude that cannot be encompassed by human nature

or by any individualistic embrace. "


Prof Raimundo Panikkar, The Vedic Experience





" Unless you make yourself equal to God, you cannot understand

God: for the like is not intelligible except to the like. Make

yourself grow to a greatness beyond measure, by a bound free

yourself from the body; raise yourself beyond all time, become

Eternity; then you will understand God. Believe that nothing is

impossible for you, think yourself immortal and capable of

understanding all, all arts, all sciences, the nature of every

living being. Mount higher than the highest height; descend lower

than the lowest depth. Draw into yourself all sensations created,

fire and water, dry and moist, imagining you are everywhere, on

earth, in the sea, in the sky, that you are not yet born, in the

maternal womb, adolescent, old, dead, beyond death. If you embrace

in your thoughts all things at once, times, places, substances,

qualities, quantities, you may understand God.


This is the most ambitious and risky method of experiencing the

world in the mind, the most powerful way of interpreting the

relationship of the microcosm to the macrocosm. "


Joseph Campbell, The Inner Reaches of Outer Space





" There are other obstacles in reading the Bible that should be

mentioned, not least the fact that it can be pretty heavy going. The

most familiar translation, the King James Version, is archaic in

style and language and is, for all its occasional literary beauty,

often unintelligible to a modern man and woman. Moreover, the form

in which the stories are presented — the frequently awkward

segmenting of the narrative into numbered verses, for instance —

is unfamiliar to a modern reader, often distracting and sometimes

misleading. As a result, although the Bible has been and remains the

unchallenged best-seller among English language books it is the

least read. Most homes have a Bible but it is seldom opened. It is

my considered judgment that not one in a hundred clergymen and not

one in a thousand laymen has read the Bible from cover. And little

wonder: it is not an easy read and much of it is irrelevant in our

time. "


Charles Templeton, Farewell to God





" When Self-Realization takes place the Deities are awakened and

the Chakras are nourished and refreshed . . . As soon as the Deities

are awakened their Powers are also awakened. This is a living

process and how it works out you cannot explain. "


Sri Brahmarupa Devi

Bombay, India — Feb. 26, 1987


(Brahmarupa [265th]: One of the Trimurtis who is Her Sakti, who

creates. [Vis. Pur.])





" The Chakras are all milestones in the path of evolution, each

evolving and developing at particular stages in our history. The

Vishuddhi centre for instance in the throat developed fully at the

time when humans first raised his head. Then, when the Chakra was

established, the Deity for that centre was created and placed

there. "


Shri Chakra-raja-ratha-rudha-sarvayudha-pariskrta Devi


(Shri Chakra-raja-ratha-rudha- sarvayudha-pariskrta [68th]: Mounted

on the chariot or Sri Chakra. She is armed with all the weapons i.e.

powers. She has three bodies: the Stula, Suksma and Karana which are

represented by the three Chakra — Sri-Chakra, Geya-Chakra and

Kiri-Chakra. Geya Chakra is mounted by Mantrini i.e., mind. Kiri

Chakra is mounted by Varahi, i.e., Buddhi. Her weapons are there in

the microcosm. They are good qualities like Soma and Dama, truth,

and righteousness, distinguishing between real and unreal and

developing a cosmic view of the Reality. They are for fighting the

ego (Bhanda); with the help of these qualities the enlightened mind

realises the Ultimate Reality as an all-pervading consciousness.)





" Be careful. Take My warnings always seriously. You all have to

come up very well now. It is not only doing My Puja that is going to

help you. I can tell you this much. Now you better worship your

Self. You have to worship all the Gods within you! "


Shri Matajila Devi

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> The 25 September 1975 Shri Mataji was gracious enough to send me a

> letter in which She very clearly exposed my inconsistencies, how

> precarious my position was and what I should do to muster

> positivity within myself instead of siding with negativity. I take

> here the liberty of quoting a few lines of this extraordinary

> letter which saved my (spiritual) life for the second time:


> " Now the Time has come to tell you that Sahaja Yoga cannot work

> unless and until you completely surrender to Me, without any

> questioning. This Me means Mataji Nirmala Devi who resides on the

> Sahasrara of the Virata. This is the Absolute Truth whether you

> like it or not, whether your ego and super-ego accept it or not. I

> am sorry I have to confess it. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)


> If I take upon myself to publish these sacred lines which were not

> meant for the public it is because of their overriding

> significance:


> " Grégoire! You perhaps do not realize that all the Deities who

> reside in you and who are controlled in your Sahasrara are not at

> all interested in people who are not completely surrendered to Me.

> I do not know how to convince them. They only look after those who

> take My name and accept that I am the Adi Shakti. This is the only

> way you can progress. What can I do? Even the people who are cured

> by Me have to keep the protocol otherwise the Deities sleep, and

> they go back to their previous position.


> So far I have not said this to anyone because I thought there was

> no need. Those who were wise realized it and those who were

> foolish have lost their chance in Sahaja Yoga. " (Shri Mataji

> Nirmala Devi)


> I was stunned! I somehow realized at once what these lines were

> meant to carry. I saw clearly that if this assertion of Shri

> Mataji's real identity was not true the whole of Sahaja Yoga

> would fall apart. If this assertion was true the seekers of the

> whole world could be saved, I too. The Golden Age would

> start. . . .


> It dawned upon me that the answer to one single question was

> providing answers to all other questions. And the question was:

> " Who is Shri Mataji? " The answer to it makes the difference

> between mystical sand castles and Reality; between salvation and

> doom for all of us. In it lies the key to the process of

> collective emancipation. Since the reception of this letter my

> only goal has been and still is to further penetrate the mystery

> of Shri Mataji's incarnation on this earth . . .


> Grégoire Kalbermatten

> Vienna, Austria 5-6-1983

> Nirmala Yoga Vol. 13, Jan - Feb 1983



> http://www.adishakti.org/his_beings_within.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_jesus.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_buddha.htm

> ttp://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/prophet_muhammad.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/guru_nanak.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_ganesha.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_vishnu.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_krishna.htm



" In the same way that air is blown through the holes of the flute

in order to become music, in the same way the Holy Spirit (Adi

Shakti) manifests God Almighty through seven of His main aspects

which correspond to the expressions of God, (devatas, deities)

respectively worshipped by the different world religions. There are

seven holes but the air is one. In the same way there are seven main

aspects of the Virata. These seven aspects correspond to the seven

Adi Chakras (original centres) in the cosmic body of the Virata . . .


After realization, the deities on the chakras are awakened and the

whole of the human awareness system (biological, endocrinal,

spiritual) is integrated. The connection between the cosmic

structure of the Virata and the human nervous system should be

accepted as a hypothetical proposition until it can be

experimentally verified during and after realization. Then, proof

can be given that various chakras react to the mantras or invocation

of specific deities . . .


The deities on the Adi Chakras of the Virata express various aspects

of the Divine. For instance Lord Ganesha is the transcendent purity

of divine childhood. Lord Shiva is the Self, the bliss of absolute

existence. Lord Jesus Christ is the Truth of the Light of God. With

the gradual opening of the corresponding chakras in our body we

develop these respective qualities within us. It is the wish of the

Divine Love that the children participate in the perfection of God.

After realization, the divine qualities blossom within us and we

enjoy our own virtues. A realized poet joyfully wrote to HH

Mataji: " Now the sandal wood has started enjoying its own fragrance. "


When Socrates was reminded of the advice carved in the temple of

Apollo in Delphi: " KNOW THYSELF, " he knew that to know oneself

actually gives the key to the knowledge of the whole universe. It is

a puzzling experience to realize that the scheme which guided the

genesis and evolution of the Universe is integrally represented

within man. "


Grégoire de Kalbermatten, The Advent






" Vedic Yoga, the Oldest Form of Yoga


Yoga is a comprehensive set of spiritual practices designed to

enable us to realize the greater universe of consciousness that is

our true nature. The term Yoga means to unite, coordinate,

harmonize, work, or transform. It refers to the linking all aspects

of our being, from the physical body to our highest intelligence,

with the true or universal Self that dwells within the heart. This

process occurs in different forms and stages relative to the

condition of the individual and variations of time, place and

culture. Vedic knowledge is that knowledge of the Divine or higher

Self that the practice of Yoga is seeking to realize. Veda is

spiritual wisdom and Yoga is its application.


Yoga has developed over many thousands of years and has evolved into

many branches and types. For this reason the older basis of Yoga in

the Vedas is not understood by many people today. Today Yoga has

been reduced, particularly in the West, to its physical or asana

side, and little of the greater tradition is understood. Even in

India the Vedic basis of the tradition is seldom given proper



Yet as we move into a new planetary age, such older spiritual

traditions are beginning to resurface in the collective mind. As we

move forward we must comprehend our origins and reclaim our ancient

spiritual heritage. The Vedas contain keys to the perennial wisdom

of humanity. The Vedas proclaim that we are all children of light,

children of the seers, who have wandered far. In order for us to

evolve in consciousness we must revitalize the seeds of our higher

evolution that the ancient sages planted within us millennia ago.

Hence the relevance of the Vedas must continue to grow and is

crucial to the emergence of a new spiritual global culture. . . .


Vedic Yoga is the oldest form of Yoga dating back to the Rig Veda,

which is perhaps the oldest book in the world. It is the oldest

Sanskrit text and the oldest work in any Indo-European language.

According to the great Yogi Sri Yukteswar, guru of Paramahansa

Yogananda, Vedic teachings date back to Satya Yuga or Golden Age

over ten thousand years ago.


According to the Vedic view, humanity was one in language and

religion during the Golden Age. Human beings possessed an innate

contact with the Divine Self within and also had telepathic powers

and photographic memories. This made books and other media

unnecessary. Religious institutions were also not required and no

technology was needed either. Human life was spent in Sadhana or

spiritual practice and human consciousness freely moved through the

domains of cosmic consciousness, remaining in harmony with both

nature and the Spirit.


At the end of the Golden Age, human spiritual intelligence began to

decline. Differences in language along with the growth of the ego

brought about an increase of ignorance and division between people.

At this time the Vedic teaching was first compiled in an oral

tradition to preserve the spiritual knowledge developed in the

Golden Age.


The Vedic Yoga was created by numerous Vedic seers of the Angiras

and Bhrigu families, of which the most important are the seven great

seers Vasishta, Vamadeva, Bharadvaja, Gritsamada, Vishwamitra,

Kanwa, and Atri. Through the vision of the Rishis, the Vedas set

forth all the main possible spiritual paths for humanity. The Vedas

contain a comprehensive key to cosmic evolution as well as to human

spiritual unfoldment, unlocking all the laws of the universe. Vedic

language employs powerful mantras to set forth this teaching that

have many different levels of meaning and application. In this

regard the Vedic language has a depth and dimension that modern

languages, products of the outer mind and ego, cannot approach.

Vedic mantras reflect the pattern of cosmic law and the blue print

of cosmic intelligence, through which all that exists can be

comprehended in ones inmost consciousness. Vedic mantras contain the

prototypes of all knowledge and all powers of creation. Yet to

understand and use them correctly requires a special insight. Vedic

mantras cannot be grasped by the ordinary intellect, which is why

academic renderings of the Vedas are almost useless and breed many

distortions. "


David Frawley, Vedic Yoga, The Oldest Form Of Yoga






" Religions are also the expressions and experiments of realized

souls-the seers. They also talk about the inner being, second birth,

and about Self-realization. In the beginning, in India, they tried

to take the attention inside by introducing symbols (idols) that

they saw of this unconscious, universal being within. This gave rise

to pantheism and the aspirant's attention got stuck to symbols

(Sakar) and to rituals which killed the main objective.


So the other type of experiments of talking only about the abstract

(Nirakar) gave rise to many other religions which ended up as dogmas

or " isms. " The reason is obvious. Talking about the flower or the

honey cannot take you to the honey but can only create

dogmatic " isms " in the mind. You have to be a bee to reach there,

i.e., you have to be reborn. This has to happen within to take you

inside. It is too great an achievement and unbelievable, but I feel

the search of ages has brought great results. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" There are Deities who are in the Chakras. When the Kundalini rises

She awakens them just like seeds. Once they are awakened they start

working it out. They know what is their job, what to work out like

they have been appointed. Those Deities you have achieved through

your evolution at different points. So where ever they are settled

they do the job. "


Shri Siva Devi


(Siva [53rd]: One who bestows on the devotees true knowledge i.e.






" But you have your own Gods. You have your own Goddesses. You are

the making of your own which are mythical. Face it yourself. You

need not believe into anything but you need nor disbelieve also.

Just as you go into a college you have to study, not believing into

anything or non-believing, but you have to see it for yourself. You

have to experiment yourself. "


Shri Satchakropari-samsthita Devi

Geneva, Switzerland — June 13, 1985


(Satchakropari-samsthita [108th]: She is above the six chakras.)





" The attack of the negativity is on but no more do we crucify a

saint. This way I will not face the punishment. They will be

punished now. All those who try to do such things will be punished

because a New Age has started. Today I want to tell you about the

Agnya Chakra, about Jesus Christ, who advanced to this center of

Agnya Chakra where you see this red mark. Behind that, inside the

brain, on the crossing of the optic chiasma is this subtle center

where this Great Deity is placed through His crucifixion. "


Shri Bhanu-Mandala-Madhyastha Devi

The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA — October 6, 1981

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> The 25 September 1975 Shri Mataji was gracious enough to send me a

> letter in which She very clearly exposed my inconsistencies, how

> precarious my position was and what I should do to muster

> positivity within myself instead of siding with negativity. I take

> here the liberty of quoting a few lines of this extraordinary

> letter which saved my (spiritual) life for the second time:


> " Now the Time has come to tell you that Sahaja Yoga cannot work

> unless and until you completely surrender to Me, without any

> questioning. This Me means Mataji Nirmala Devi who resides on the

> Sahasrara of the Virata. This is the Absolute Truth whether you

> like it or not, whether your ego and super-ego accept it or not. I

> am sorry I have to confess it. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)


> If I take upon myself to publish these sacred lines which were not

> meant for the public it is because of their overriding

> significance:


> " Grégoire! You perhaps do not realize that all the Deities who

> reside in you and who are controlled in your Sahasrara are not at

> all interested in people who are not completely surrendered to Me.

> I do not know how to convince them. They only look after those who

> take My name and accept that I am the Adi Shakti. This is the only

> way you can progress. What can I do? Even the people who are cured

> by Me have to keep the protocol otherwise the Deities sleep, and

> they go back to their previous position.


> So far I have not said this to anyone because I thought there was

> no need. Those who were wise realized it and those who were

> foolish have lost their chance in Sahaja Yoga. " (Shri Mataji

> Nirmala Devi)


> I was stunned! I somehow realized at once what these lines were

> meant to carry. I saw clearly that if this assertion of Shri

> Mataji's real identity was not true the whole of Sahaja Yoga

> would fall apart. If this assertion was true the seekers of the

> whole world could be saved, I too. The Golden Age would

> start. . . .


> It dawned upon me that the answer to one single question was

> providing answers to all other questions. And the question was:

> " Who is Shri Mataji? " The answer to it makes the difference

> between mystical sand castles and Reality; between salvation and

> doom for all of us. In it lies the key to the process of

> collective emancipation. Since the reception of this letter my

> only goal has been and still is to further penetrate the mystery

> of Shri Mataji's incarnation on this earth . . .


> Grégoire Kalbermatten

> Vienna, Austria 5-6-1983

> Nirmala Yoga Vol. 13, Jan - Feb 1983



> http://www.adishakti.org/his_beings_within.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_jesus.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_buddha.htm

> ttp://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/prophet_muhammad.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/guru_nanak.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_ganesha.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_vishnu.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_krishna.htm




Since the reception of this letter my only goal has been and still

is to further penetrate the mystery of Shri Mataji's incarnation on

this earth, to bring my consciousness closer to Her City.


This island city, vibrating with multicolored tongues of fire, we

all carry it as the thousand-petalled lotus floating in the limbic

area of our brain. It's gate is narrow, no doubt, but Shri Mataji

has given me the password.


Grégoire Kalbermatten

Vienna, Austria 5-6-1983

Nirmala Yoga Vol. 13, Jan - Feb 1983



I am Alpha (Shri Ganesha) and Omega (Lord Jesus), the beginning

(Creation) and the end (Second Coming), the first and last.

Blessed are they who do His commandments, that they may have right

to the Tree of Life, (A)

And may enter in through the Gates (B) of the City. ©

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and

murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever love and makes a lie.

I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto thee these things in

the churches. (D)

I am the root and offspring of David, and the bright and morning


And the Spirit (E) and the Bride (F) say, Come. And let him that

hears say, Come.

And let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will, let him take

the Waters of Life (G) freely.


Revelations 22:13-17



A The subtle system within all beings consisting of nadis, chakras

and Sahasrara;


B The very narrow Agnya chakra located at the optic chiasma within

all beings where resides the Universal Savior Shri Jesus Christ;


C The Sahasrara, Thousand-Petalled Lotus, or Kingdom of God within

all beings where resides the Spirit and the Bride;


D " Once there was a single Christian group, Jesus of Nazareth's

tiny band of twelve apostles; now there are thousands. It has been

estimated that there are some twenty-two thousand separate and

distinct Christian groups around the world. "

(Charles Templeton, Farewell to God)


E God-Almighty, Sadashiva, Allah, Yahweh — the Father.


F Holy Spirit, Adi Shakti, Ruh, Shekinah — the Mother.


G " . . . water is a very holy thing. . . This is the time of

Aquarius means the Kundalini is made of Divine Water. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)





" You have to be kind towards your auspiciousness and holiness so

that Christ enjoys His stay there in your Agnya; that we do not

torture Him by our useless ideas uncomfortable behaviors,

inauspicious appearances and unholy acceptance of wrong ideas. Try

to respect Him; there He stands. Try to make Him very comfortable. I

wish I could do that, but He resides in everybody's Agnya Chakra. If

He was only in My Agnya, I would have given Him the greatest

comforts, but He wants to be manifested in everybody's Agnya.


So I have to request you as a Mother to look after Him, give Him a

nice cradle, give Him a comfortable time, because He is born to give

you your Resurrection. He has taken up such a great responsibility

to suck all your conditioning and to suck all your ego, but that

does not mean that you put stones on top of it. It's like, sometimes

I find the conditioning of some of the people in the West is so

great that a big mountain is falling on this little Child. And

sometimes I find a big a bad breath, horrible breath of ego — it

stinks — blowing like a big wind towards the Agnya. Horrible

stink coming out of this terrible type of an ego. Absolutely not the

way to treat the King of Kings who is born within you.


You are so respected that Christ is born within your Agnya. But you

must respect your Agnya Chakra. Your attention should be in the

Centre so that no wobbliness. . . . So this Agnya Chakra is to be

kept very clean, healthy and holy. The attention should be holy. The

attention outside is still not very holy, should be detached

attention. If you start seeing through your Agnya it should project

a Power of holiness. So that anybody who looks at your eyes should

know that serenity is flowing from these eyes, and not lust and

greed and aggression. All this we can achieve because we have got

Christ within our Agnya. Accept Him there. He is born yet to grow.


I am sure Sahaja Yogis will understand the importance of the Agnya

Chakra. In the East no problem, because to them He is only Ganesha.

Ganesha is a child and they know for definite that childhood has no

contamination. No problems. Nothing. So they are still children as

far as sin is concerned. "


Shri Baindavasana Shri Nirmala Devi

Christmas Eve Talk, Pune, India — December 24, 1982


(Baindavasana [905th]: Seated in Bindu, the innermost point of Sri

Cakra. It is stated to be the abode of Shiva. It corresponds to the

stalk of the Sahasrara-Padma in the head of the devotee.)





" So now the time has come for you to get integration. The complete

synthesis of all the religions has to complete. But it is not a

mental projection . . . And when it happens you automatically

realize that all of them belong to the same Tree of Life, are

milestones in our life by which we rise. Now many people have a

habit that they are stuck to one channel. For example those who are

Hindus will just believe in Krishna and nobody else. Krishna is just

here (pointing to the Vishuddhi Chakra). He came 6,000 years back.

He is here. And then some will believe only Rama. Rama is just here

(pointing to right Heart Chakra). Or some will believe only in

Christ. Now Christ is just here (pointing to Agnya Chakra). He's

the Gate but He is not the Destiny. So what is the Destination? Is

the limbic area. " You have to enter into the Kingdom of God, " He

said. "


Shri Lokatita Shri Nirmala Devi


(Lokatita [960th]: Transcends al created universes. Also it means

She is seated above Sahasrara — the highest of the worlds or

Lokas, which is also called Sadasiva-Loka in the body.)





" Today is the day we are celebrating Easter. Easter is extremely

symbolic of not only of Christ but also for all of us, in that the

most important day is that of the Resurrection. The Resurrection of

Christ has the Message of Christianity. Through Resurrection Christ

has shown than one can be resurrected with the body that you have.

And without His Resurrection we could not have managed the crossing

of Agnya Chakra. "


Shri Bhairavi Devi

Self-Knowledge For Resurrection, Easter Puja,

Calcutta, India — March 14, 1995





" Innocence is innately built within us. So the first and foremost

thing that the Will of God built up was innocence, the

auspiciousness. The first thing He did was to create Shri Ganesha,

or I would say She, because the Will of God is Adi Shakti. And all

this innocence was created first of all to make the whole world very

beautiful. All those qualities were also placed within you, all

those Deities were placed within you. Specially made, human beings

were specially made so that they should become saintly people, that

they should have their saintly, innate sense. But it happened in the

countries which developed, that our brain was bombarded by all kinds

of television, all kinds of things, and we became very vulnerable. "


Shri Gudha-gulpha Devi

The Will Of God, Sahasrara Puja, Cabella, Italy — May 10, 1992





" We are here to know the Truth, first through our mental

understanding and then through our experience, to prove everything

you have heard so far. But the minds are very conditioned. Like in

India when you talk about Christ to Hindus, saying that Christ is

based and placed in the Agnya Chakra, they think that I am trying to

spread Christianity because I was born in a Christian family. But

when people talk about the Deities on the Chakras, which is a fact,

people in the West start thinking they are talking about Hindu

philosophy. But one must know they are all related to each other.

Christ Himself has said in the Bible those who are not against Us

are with Us. . . .


I have been coming to Switzerland for four years and I have been

telling Arneau just wait before talking about the Deities because I

know the conditioning of the Western mind. They will never try to

understand that there is something beyond what they know from the

missionaries. "


Shri Varuni-Mada-Vivhala Devi

Seeking In The West, London, U.K. — November 21, 1979





" Up till now many saints, sages have known and revealed about this

Shakti. Whatever they could not describe in prose, they tried to

convey through poetry. Whatever description was not possible to put

in words they composed different names of the Devi and described. We

all know this and many people also know the meaning of this. But one

thing they perhaps do not know is that every human being has all

these Shaktis, Powers, dormant in them and they can awaken them.

These dormant Powers are eternal and limitless. "


Shri Bindu-Mandala-vasini Devi

Navaratri Puja, Pune, India — October 16, 1988


(Bindu-Mandala-vasini [380th]: Resides in Bindu-mandala, which is

the innermost point in Sri Chakra representing Anandamaya; in the

body it is chandra-mandala which is below Brahma-randhra in the






" I am the Primordial Mother and I have to do the Job of awakening

the Primordial Nature, the Dharma within you human beings, and

that's what I have to do and nothing else. But for that I don't do

anything. I am Nishkriya. I don't do anything. Really, I don't do.

It's done by Nature, done by Shri Ganesha, Vishnu, Mahesha,

everybody. They are all doing it.


But what is the relationship? The relationship is they are all in My

Body and they are all bound by their own Dharma. And they act. This

is the relationship: spontaneous, automatic, like a built-in

relationship. For example, the fan it's built-in. As soon as you

push the button it starts moving. It's like that. All of them are

related to Me and they start moving. It's like that. All of them are

related to Me and they have a tremendous protocol, tremendous

respect . . .


See, this thing is that very, very deep thing that I am telling you

that you are a human being; that there is built-in within you are

your Dharmas, and if you go against your Dharma then you will be

finished. They are all built-in within you. They are all there

potentially. I hope you will understand how important it is to be

aware of your restrictions within your Self. Thanks very much all of

you. May God bless you.


Shri Brahmopendra-Mahendradideva-samstuta-vaibhava Devi

Shri Ganesha and the Innate Dharma

Ganesha Puja, Cabella, Italy — Sep. 7, 1997


(Brahmopendra-Mahendradideva-samstuta-vaibhava [83rd]: After having

acceded to their wishes and accomplished Deva-Karya, Her splendour

is praised by the Devas such as Brahma, Vishnu and Indra.)

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