Guest guest Posted November 13, 2003 Report Share Posted November 13, 2003 shriadishakti , Pamela Ellis <musicalenclined> wrote: > My Dearest Jagbir, > Many of us Christians know about the Last Judgement beginning. > According to the book of Revelations, we are at the end of the 6th > seal and the 7th is fixing to be opened. > love, pamela > > shriadishakti wrote: > Dear Pamela, Looks like increasing number of believers are becoming aware that we are entering the End Times - the Last Judgment, Al-Qiyamah. This is the time when the promised Comforter explains Lord Jesus' central message to humanity, the Kingdom of God, within which is absolutely necessary for coming eschatological salvation. But what do Christians really know about it? jagbir " In the Book of Acts the Kingdom of God was still the general formula for the substance of Christian teaching... " (Hastings Dictionary of the Bible, Vol. II, p. 855). On the lips of Jesus the term Kingdom of God unquestionably summarized the very heart of His Message. " The Kingdom of God is the central theme of the teaching of Jesus, and it involves His whole understanding of His own person and work " (Theological Word Book of the Bible, Alan Richardson, p. 119). Yet the voluminous discussions of the meaning of the Kingdom of the God, the heart of the Gospel preached by Jesus, and therefore the Christian Gospel, continue to leave the impression that the subject is complex in the extreme, indeed that the truth of the matter is virtually beyond recovery. An enormous amount of scholarly energy has gone into analyzing the biblical and non-biblical evidence in an effort to explain what Jesus taught as His central theme. Can it really be that our New Testament records provide no clear idea of what Christ and the Apostles meant us to understand by the Kingdom of God? Nothing less than the Gospel message of salvation is at stake. " ----------- " Understanding that the kingdom already exists helps us give greater attention to serving others around us. But we do not forget that the completion of the kingdom is still future. If our only hope is in this age, we don't have much hope (1 Corinthians 15:19). We do not harbor illusions about bringing the kingdom with human efforts. When we suffer setbacks and persecutions, when we see that most people reject the gospel, we gain strength from the knowledge that the fullness of the kingdom is in a future age. The kingdom of glory will not be created by mortals, not even mortals who are led by God's Spirit. No matter how much we try to live in a way that properly reflects God and his kingdom, we cannot transform this world into God's kingdom. It must come through dramatic intervention. Apocalyptic events are needed to usher in the new age. Satan must be completely restrained. Numerous verses tell us that the kingdom of God will be a glorious future reality. We know that Christ is a King, and we yearn for the day he will exercise his power in a great and dramatic way to stop human suffering. The book of Daniel predicts a kingdom of God that will rule the earth (Daniel 2:44, 7:13-14, 22); the New Testament Apocalypse describes its arrival (Revelation 11:15, 19:11-16). We pray for the kingdom to come (Luke 11:2). The poor in spirit and the persecuted await their future " reward in heaven " (Matthew 5:3, 10, 12). People " enter the kingdom " on a future " day " of judgment (Matthew 7:21-23, Luke 13:22-30). The weeds will be removed (Matthew 13:24-30). Jesus gave one parable because some people thought the kingdom would become powerful right away (Luke 19:11). In the Olivet prophecy, Jesus described dramatic events that would come before his return in power. Shortly before his crucifixion, Jesus looked forward to a kingdom in the future (Matthew 26:29). Paul speaks several times of " inheriting the kingdom of God " as a future experience (1 Cor 6:9, 10; 15:50; Gal 5:21; cf. Eph 5:5), and otherwise indicates by his language that he thinks of it as realized only at the end of the age (1 Thes 2:12; 2 Thes 1:5; Col 4:11; cf. 2 Tim 4:1, 18). " ----------- " Unlike the apocalyptic syndrome abundantly set forth in the literature of the period, the Kingdom arrives without cataclysms, even without external signs. " The coming of the Kingdom of God does not admit of observation and there will be no one to say 'Look here! Look there!' For you must know, the Kingdom of God is among you " (Luke 17:20-21.) In the parables, the Kingdom is compared to the gradual maturing of the seed that is sprouting and growing (Mark 4:26-29), to the mustard seed (30-32), to the yeast that makes the dough rise (Matt. 13:33.) " Mircea Eliade, A History of Religious Ideas Vol I ----------- " The coming eschatological salvation is envisaged in transcendent and universal terms. It is an event which far transcends the great events of the salvation-history of the past. It amounts to a new creation, in which all forms of evil and suffering will be eliminated. It is characteristic of the apocalyptists to believe that even death will be conquered: this belief appears in the form of both bodily resurrection and of spiritual immortality. " Aaron-Golan, The Illustrated Bible Dictionary ----------- " Macrocosm/Microcosm The idea that our inner world contains or represents the outer world in miniature; that each individual human being embodies in small the whole of the universe; that, in the words of Pico della Mirandola (quoted by Barfield in RCA 237), " Whereas God contains in Him all things, because He is their source, Man contains in him all things, because he is their centre " --belief in the existence of the Macrocosm and the Microcosm -- is an ancient one, shared by East and West alike. Barfield's own version of it is drawn from a number of sources, including the thought of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and the teachings of Rudolf Steiner. In " The Time-Philosophy of Rudolf Steiner " we are told that " The human microcosm [is] a centre, into which irradiated centripetally an unbroken influence from the macrocosm " (RCA 187). And we learn from the Meggid in Unancestral Voice that macrocosm/microcosm is a " once and future " idea. " The truth, " the Meggid explains, " that the human body is an epitome of nature was once known to the generality of mankind, and though it has long been lost to their view, they will find the truth again. " ------------- " The Difficulty of the Topic Turning to the Scriptures is the first step in understanding what the kingdom of God is, but determining what the Scriptures teach is not always an easy thing to do. When we study the biblical theme of the kingdom of God, we are faced with several difficulties. First, some biblical doctrines, like sin, are defined with a high degree of precision (1 John 3:4). The kingdom of God, by contrast, is never precisely defined in the Bible. The phrase appears most often in the preaching of Jesus, but Jesus seems to have assumed His hearers would understand what He meant. Instead of defining the kingdom of God, Jesus explained its nature by a variety of images, metaphors, and parables. The kingdom is like a mustard seed that grows into a tree, like a pearl buried in a field, like a net that gathers fish, like a landowner who rents his vineyard to evil men, like a king who forgives his servant's debt, and so on. None of these metaphors, images, or parables exhausts the full meaning of the kingdom of God. Instead, Jesus' teaching provides a variety of different perspectives on the kingdom. " --------------- " The seventh major chakra is Sahasrara, located on the top of the head. The color is white. Through Sahasrara chakra, we receive universal cosmic energy and energetic information from God or the Divine Center. Sahasrara represents the highest aspect of the Self as a cosmic organism. It is linked to the Absolute body (the conclusion of the development of all seven subtle bodies of a cosmic organism), and it relates to the whole being. Sahasrara chakra is a center of psychic energy. The crown chakra is the most purified and evolved energy level in the bio-energy system, a balanced and perfected universal wisdom. The goal of a human is to improve one's own karma by living a " good " life, and a healthy Sahasrara chakra regulates human behavior and personal characteristics to live a life in accordance with karmic law. Sahasrara chakra is a center of spirituality, refinement, and magnificence. Through the crown chakra, human spirit connects to Universal Spirit, and the spiritual being moves toward Universal Consciousness—the individual self is fully dissolved here. At the crown chakra level, the cosmic self opens to the Source, unites with cosmic principles, and governs the entire universe within the body. The crown chakra is associated with universal knowledge and spiritual understanding. " Michael Nudel and Eva Nudel, Ph.D., Chakras as Psychic and Energetic Centers -------------- " Nicodemus visits Jesus in the night. Jesus reveals to him the meaning of the new birth and the kingdom of heaven. 1 Nicodemus was a ruler of the Jews, and he was earnest, learned and devout. 2 He saw the master's signet in the face of Jesus as he talked, but was not brave enough to publicly confess his faith in him; 3 So in the night he went to talk with Jesus at the home of Jude. 4 When Jesus saw him come he said, Full blessed are the pure in heart; 5 Twice blessed are the fearless, pure in heart; 6 Thrice blessed are the fearless, pure in heart who dare to make confession of their faith before the highest courts. 7 And Nicodemus said, Hail, master, hail! I know you are a teacher come from God, for man alone could never teach as you have taught; could never do the works that you have done. 8 And Jesus said, Except a man be born again he cannot see the king; he cannot comprehend the words I speak. 9 And Nicodemus said, How can a man be born again? Can he go back into the womb and come again to life? 10 And Jesus said, The birth of which I speak is not the birth of flesh. 11 Except a man be born of water and the Holy Breath, he cannot come into the kingdom of the Holy One. 12 That which is born of flesh is child of man; that which is born of Holy Breath is child of God. 13 The winds blow where they please; men hear their voices, and may note results; but they know not from whence they come, nor where they go; and so is every one that is born of Holy Breath. 14 The ruler said, I do not understand; pray tell me plainly what you mean. 15 And Jesus said, The kingdom of the Holy One is in the soul; men cannot see it with their carnal eyes; with all their reasoning powers they comprehend it not. 16 It is a life deep hid in God; its recognition is the work of inner consciousness. " Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ 75:1-16 --------------- " You have to take a stand in your family, in your surroundings, with your friends, and you have to tell them, " You better all get realized. " The reason for that is that the Christ who crucified Himself is going to come back with his Eleven Forces of Destruction. And when He starts He is not going to ask you to take any Realization. No one is going to be bothered whether you are going to hell. He will just sort out. But those who have got Realization will enter into the Kingdom of God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God here, as I say, in the Seventh Chakra. " Shri Sahasraksi Devi The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA — Oct. 6, 1981 ------------------ " As soon as the Sahasrara was opened the whole atmosphere was filled with tremendous Chaitanya. And there was tremendous Light in the sky. And the whole thing came on the Earth — as if a torrential rain or a waterfall — with such tremendous force, as if I was unaware and got stupefied. The happening was so tremendous and so unexpected that I was stunned and totally silent at the grandeur. I saw the Primordial Kundalini rising like a big furnace, and the furnace was very silent but a burning appearance it had, as if you heat up metal, and it had many colors. In the same way, the Kundalini showed up as a furnace, like a tunnel, as you see these plants you have here for coal burning that create electricity. And it stretched like a telescope and came out one after another, Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Just like that. And the Deities came and sat on their seats, golden seats, and then they lifted the whole of the head like a big dome and opened it, and then this Torrential Rain complete drenched Me. I started seeing all that and got lost in the Joy. It was like an artist seeing his own creation, and I felt the Joy of great fulfillment. After coming out of this beautiful experience I looked around and saw human beings so blind and I became absolutely silent, and desired that I should get the cups to fill the Nectar . . . " Shri Niskala Devi Opening Of The Primordial Sahasrara Sahasrara Puja, Paris, France — May 5, 1982 (Niskala [140th]: Indivisible — Complete) ------------ " Today we are celebrating the opening of the Sahasrara. On this day I must say it was a Great Happening that took place on all the humanity. It was such an achievement, which I never realized before. Now I can see that without Self-Realization it would have been impossible to talk to people. Then this happened! I thought that how I will talk to people about it because no one would understand Me and it would be a big mistake on My part to say something about Sahasrara because even about Sahasrara nowhere in the scriptures something was described. It was absolutely an ambiguous description I would say where people could not even have thought there is a Realm beyond Sahasrara, and one has to enter that Realm where is the Reality. That time what I saw around Me was darkness and unless and until there are many Lights, people will never realize that how important it is to have Light. " Shri Niskama Devi You Dissolve Into The Divine Power Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella, Italy — June 9, 1996 ----------- " Today is a great day for us, for all the Sahaja Yogis that on this day . . . the Sahasrara was opened out. It was just a miracle I should say because I didn't think that I am at a point where it could be done. So I wanted to wait but some things happened that made Me think that it had to be opened. It was in such a situation that I felt if I delayed it anymore now it may help these false gurus to spread their nonsense all over. " Shri Brahmani Devi To Achieve Complete Freedom, Sahasrara Puja Cabella, Italy — May 7, 1995 ----------- " For all of us the seekers the last work of the Divine of opening the last centre in the Great Primordial Being was done on the 5th of May, 1970. It is the greatest event of all the spiritual happenings of the Universe. It was done with great care and great attachment. It is not in the limits of human understanding how things are worked in the heavens. It is your fortune and God's Love that has worked this one. Without this happening there could not have been a possibility to give mass Realization to people. One could have done it on one or two persons here and there, but to give such a mass awakening could not have been possible. " Shri Gomata Devi Opening Of The Primordial Sahasrara Sahasrara Puja, Paris, France — May 5, 1982 ----------- " So it was a turmoil . . . and at this turmoil state only Adi Shakti had to come to establish the Dharma . . . When I was born I was shocked at the way people were. At that time I don't think I met many seekers . . . First I thought I've come a little early . . . but then I saw these horrible false gurus also throwing their charms on people and trying to control them. That made Me really, really think that now I'd better stop worrying as to what sort of people there are — let's start! And that's how the first Brahmarandhra Chedan took place in India. It was 5th May, 1970 . . . in the morning time. " Shri Nirvikara Devi Incarnation Of God's Divine Love Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella, Italy — June 6, 1993 ----------- " You know that I reside in the Sahasrara. I incarnated on the Lotus of 1000 Petals; that is why I could break it open also. " Shri Svatmananda-Lavibhuta Brahmadyananda-Santatih Devi (Svatmananda-Lavibhuta Brahmadyananda-Santatih [365th]: All the bliss enjoyed by the beings from Brahma downwards put together is but a drop in the ocean of Bliss enjoyed by Herself. ) ----------- " By saying there's no God, God doesn't disappear. He is very much there. Sahaja Yoga is the only way you can prove the existence of God and all that is said so far about all these Incarnations because the Seventh Chakra is now open. You get your Realization, and you become the spirit. It is so imminent that the Seventh Chakra had to be opened so that you pass from one life level to another level. " Shri Abala-gopa-vidita Devi Geneva, Switzerland — June 13, 1985 (Abala-gopa-vidita [994th]: Known even to ignorant ones like children and untutored like Gopa or cowherds.) ----------- " What is the meaning of going into meditation? It means you have got connected to the Paramchaitanya, the All-Pervading Power. The minute you are in meditation you have established Oneness with the Paramchaitanya. " Shri Bali-priya Devi ------------ " This Kundalini is the one which is called as the Kumbha in Sanskrit language means the Aquarius. We call it as Aquarius, as one of the Signs, and is the same as Khumba in Sanskrit language. So it is the Age of Aquarius, is the Age of the Kundalini. . . which will nourish, which is the Mother within you, which will rise, will give you the completeness of it. And which will connect you with your Spirit which ultimately gives you the enlightenment by which you become Collectively Conscious. Shri Srikanthardha-saririni Devi USA — September 16, 1983 (Srikanthardha-saririni (392nd): Half the body of Sri-kantha, I.e. Siva is Hers. The equal status of Siva and Shakti are indicated by this name.) ----------- " Without breaking the Sahasrara we could not have achieved the ascent en masse. . . . To keep Sahasrara open should be very easy if the western brains could understand and be aware of your Mother. When your Mother is the Deity of Sahasrara the only way to be able to keep the Sahasrara open has to be complete surrendering. For that many ask Me, " How do we do it'? " It's a very funny question. It is irrelevant. If your Sahasrara has been opened by someone, and luckily that is the Deity before you, it should be the easiest thing to surrender. But it is not . . . What is surrendering? . . . What do you have to surrender? A drop has to dissolve in the Ocean to become the Ocean, and a drop cannot be greater than the Ocean — can it be? So what is the surrendering? Surrendering of our conditionings, of our ego, and the artificial barriers we have built around us . . . But one should know this is the greatest of greatest opportunity for you, not for the Divine. If you are not available the Divine can find its own way of fulfilling its Last Culmination of Expression. Even to understand how immense the task is you need a surrendering heart.. The area of the Sahasrara is the realm of God. When the Brahmarandhra opens fully then the heavens open within yourself. The Kundalini, which has risen up and given you Realization, creates the opening by which the Divine starts pouring all its subtleties inside your brain . . . All of us can achieve that state of Nirvikalpa. . . After Nirvikalpa you cannot come down . . . . " Shri Kantardha-vigraha Devi You Have To Be In Nirvikalpa, Vienna, Austria — May 4, 1985 (Kantardha-vigraha [861st]: Having a form half of which is a `female' i.e., Ardha-narisvara: showing the dual concept of Reality as the united aspect of Siva and Shakti. ) ------------- " When the Kundalini enters the Agnya Chakra, She enlightens it. Then Christ within you is enlightened or awakened. He sucks both these balloons of ego and the super-ego and the whole Agnya Chakra opens. There is simultaneous opening of the Sahasrara. I saw the Sahasrara of the Virata open. It was like tongues of flames. Just like when you dissect the human brain, its cross-section looks like petals of flame. In the center of it, it looks like a yellow hole. The opening of the Sahasrara is sudden. With a bang it opens. " Sri Nirupaplava Devi ------------- " I know all beyond the Vaikuntha but I have not revealed it so far. It will be slowly revealed by Me because people have not been prepared yet to become capable of absorbing it. " Shri Sukhprada Devi Shiva Puja, Bombay, India — February 26, 1987 (Sukhaprada [192nd]: Confers happiness or bliss or Moksa which is Nirvana-Sukha, the Bliss of Liberation.) ----------- " You cannot force on the organization of God anything. He is on His own, His organization is on His own. Only thing you can do is to enter into His Kingdom and become a part and parcel of that blissful domain. You would never like to change it either. It is so wonderful. It is so protective, it's so loving, is so gentle, so kind, so compassionate, that you would hate to change that organization, but we do! We try to organize God. For people who think that is the ultimate you have to seek, it's all arranged to enter into the Kingdom of God. The time has come. This is the Day of Resurrection. These are the days of Resurrection. " Shri Pasahantri Devi Hampstead, UK -- July 22, 1982 (Pasahantri [811th]: One who destroys Pasas or bonds and gives liberation or Moksa.) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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