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EXCELLENT WORDS [shriadishakti] 1000 Names of the Great Mother, Primordial Goddess, Holy Spirit or Ruh of Allah

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--- jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote:

> 12) SRI



> — Her red brilliance engulfs all Universes.

> — All created Universes are only Her Radiance.


> Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Ad and

> Printers, 1989.


> http://www.adishakti.org/

> http://www.al-qiyamah.org/


> -------------------






> Salutations to the Divine Mother who exists in all

> beings in the

> form of intelligence, mercy and beauty, salutations,

> O Sweet Mother,

> the consort of Lord Siva. O Mother Parvati! Thou art

> Lakshmi, Thou

> art Sarasvati. Thou art Kali, Durga and Kundalini

> Shakti. Thou art

> in the form of all objects. Thou art the sole refuge

> of all. Thou

> hast enchanted the whole world. The whole universe

> is the play of

> Thy three Gunas. How can I praise Thee? Thy glory is

> indescribable.

> Thy splendour is ineffable. Protect me. Guide me, O

> Loving Mother!


> O Adorable Mother! Thou hast generated this great

> illusion by which

> all people walk deluded in this world. All sciences

> have come from

> Thee. Without Thy grace, no one can get success in

> spiritual Sadhana

> and salvation in the end. Thou art the seed for this

> world. Thou

> hast two aspects, viz., the unmanifested aspect or

> Avyaktam and the

> manifested aspect or the gross universe. The whole

> world gets

> dissolved in Avyaktam during Pralaya. Give me the

> divine eye. Let me

> behold Thy real majestic form. Help me to cross over

> this illusion,

> O Kind Mother!


> O Compassionate Mother! I bow to Thee. Thou art my

> saviour. Thou art

> my goal. Thou art my sole support. Thou art my guide

> and the remover

> of all afflictions, troubles and miseries. Thou art

> the embodiment

> of auspiciousness. Thou pervadest the whole

> universe. The whole

> universe is filled with Thee. Thou art the

> store-house of all

> qualities. Do Thou protect me. I again and again

> salute Thee. O

> Glorious Mother! Salutations to Thee. All women are

> Thy parts. Mind,

> egoism, intellect, body, Prana, senses, are Thy

> forms. Thou art Para

> Shakti and Apara Prakriti. Thou art electricity,

> magnetism, force,

> energy, power and will. All forms are Thy forms

> only. Reveal to me

> the mystery of creation. Bestow on me the divine

> knowledge.


> O Loving Mother! Thou art the primal energy. Thou

> hast two aspects,

> namely, the terrible and peaceful. Thou art modesty,

> gentleness,

> shyness, generosity, courage, forbearance and

> patience. Thou art

> faith in the heart of devotees and generosity in

> noble people,

> chivalry in warriors and ferocity in tigers. Give me

> strength to

> control the mind and the Indriyas. Make me worthy to

> dwell in

> Thee. Salutations unto Thee.


> O Mother Supreme! When shall I have equal vision and

> placid state of

> mind? When shall I be established in Ahimsa, Satyam

> and

> Brahmacharya? When shall I have Thy cosmic vision?

> When shall I get

> deep abiding peace and perennial joy? When shall I

> enter into deep

> meditation and Samadhi?


> O Radiant Mother! I have not done any spiritual

> Sadhana or service

> of teachers. I have not practised any Vrata,

> pilgrimage, charity,

> Japa and meditation or worship. I have not studied

> religious

> scriptures. I have neither discrimination nor

> dispassion. I have

> neither purity nor burning desire for liberation.

> Thou art my sole

> refuge. Thou art my only support. My silent

> adorations unto Thee. I

> am Thy meek suppliant. Remove the veil of ignorance.



> O Gracious Mother! Prostrations unto Thee. Where art

> Thou? Do not

> forsake me. I am Thy child. Take me to the other

> shore of

> fearlessness and joy. When shall I behold Thy lotus

> feet with my own

> eyes? Thou art the boundless ocean of mercy. When

> philosopher's

> stone turns iron into gold by contact, when the

> Ganges turns impure

> water into pure water, can'st Thou not turn me, O

> Divine Mother,

> into a pure soul? May my tongue repeat Thy Name

> always!


> Sri Swami Sivananda in GEMS OF PRAYERS




> -----------




> Since the dawn of civilisation, when the primitive

> man lived in a

> matriarchal society, the worship of the Divine

> Mother came into

> practice. Later on, as civilisation progressed, the

> matriarchal

> pattern gradually faded out, and the father became

> the head of the

> family unit, where he was treated as the man in

> authority and to

> whom everyone looked for guidance and approval.

> Consequently, there

> was a change in the concept of God as such; the

> Fatherhood of God

> was established. But Mother worship persisted

> simultaneously, since

> this concept was psychologically more appealing to

> the devotee, the

> mother being nearest in filial affection to the

> child. Subsequently,

> a synthetic harmony between the Motherhood and

> Fatherhood of God was

> developed by the Hindu religion; the people

> worshipped Sita and

> Rama, or Radha and Krishna together.


> The concept of the human mind is based on relative

> experience.

> Subjective idealism, therefore, in its initial

> stages, takes the aid

> of objective and relative analogies. God is neither

> limited to

> abstract or concrete concepts. But it is easier to

> establish a

> conscious relationship with the Providence in terms

> of benevolent

> fatherhood or affectionate, kindly motherhood than

> by the concept of

> an unfathomable void. God is devoid of qualities, in

> reality, but a

> relative superimposition of the positive ideals of

> goodness and

> virtue is essential for self-culture and spiritual

> progress of the

> aspirant.


> Mother is very kind to her child. You are more free

> with your mother

> than with anybody else. It is the mother who

> protects you, nourishes

> you, consoles you, cheers you and nurses you. She is

> your first

> preceptor. She sacrifices her all for the sake of

> her children. In

> the spiritual field also, the aspirant has very

> intimate

> relationship with the Divine Mother.


> The Upasana or the worship of the Universal Mother

> leads to the

> attainment of knowledge of the Self. The Yaksha

> Prasna in

> Kenopanishad supports this view. Approach Her with

> an

=== message truncated ===





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