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Hi, Jagbir (who has just REDONE some calculations)

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> shriadishakti , RAJAN BATRA

> <r_batra_2000> wrote:

> > Hi,there.

> >

> > I needed to consult you one a small issue.

> >

> > I have an offer from a Russian Sahajayogi who wants me

> > to host his web site, regarding Sahaj.

> >

> > Any suggestions?

> >

> > Rajan

> >

> shriadishakti , RAJAN BATRA

> <r_batra_2000> wrote:

> > Hi,there.

> >

> > I needed to consult you one a small issue.

> >

> > I have an offer from a Russian Sahajayogi who wants me

> > to host his web site, regarding Sahaj.

> >

> > Any suggestions?

> >

> > Rajan

> >



> Rajan,


> We should just go ahead and help any SY who needs our help,

> whether hosting sites or clearing chakras. The future trend is all

> towards internet and religious organizations are already investing

> money and effort to tap this vast potential. Please check my

> previous post on this topic:

> shriadishakti/message/1024


> My only suggestion would be that we SYs must announce that the

> Last Judgment and Resurrection has begun, and that the Adi Shakti

> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has been sent by God Almighty to proclaim

> it. As long as this truth is deliberately kept away from the

> public, an act of cowardice and hypocrisy which cannot be

> tolerated any longer, Sahaja Yoga will NEVER spread.


> More than 30 years have passed since Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> opened the Sahasrara and less than 0.001% of the world knows about

> Sahaja Yoga. (i have been liberal in my Maths and presume that

> 6,000,000 people have received self-realization.) But this

> generous figure falls to 0.0005% if we speculate on the number who

> know it is the Last Judgment.


> If it takes 30 years to announce Shri Mataji's message to a mere

> 0.0005% of humanity, how long will it take to reach just 1%?


> 6,000,000,000 X 0.001 = 6,000,000 received self-realization

>6,000,000,000 X 0.0005 = 300,000 remain and know about Last Judgment

> 6,000,000,000 X 0.0005 X 2000 = 60,000,000 (1% of world population)


> According to my calculations it will take us SYs 2000 X 30 years

> at the present rate of progress to tell just 1% of humankind that

> the Last Judgment has begun. In other words we have to continue

> for the next 60,000 years before high-fiving each other for

> reaching 1% of humanity. That would be somewhere in AD 62003.

> Anyone care to inform our leaders and co-ordinators of this

> auspicious year?


> jagbir



Sorry folks. There has been a miscalculation, something that should

have been expected given my atrocious maths (i flunked this subject).


Here are the revised figures:


6,000,000,000 X 0.001% = 6,000,000 received self-realization

6,000,000,000 X 0.00005 = 300,000 remain and know about Last Judgment

6,000,000,000 X 0.00005% X 200 = 60,000,000 (1% of world population)


So right now 0.00005%, instead of the previous 0.0005%, of humanity

know about the Last Judgment. So it will take another 200 X 30

years to reach 1% of humanity and we can all celebrate in AD 8003.

Doesn't this new revised date make all of us SYs feel better? ....

............... For crying out loud, i just saved all of you

52,000 years, i.e. the previous 60,000 minus the present 6,000!



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  • 4 months later...
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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Here are the revised figures:


> 6,000,000,000 X 0.001% = 6,000,000 received self-realization

> 6,000,000,000 X 0.00005 = 300,000 remain and know about Last


> 6,000,000,000 X 0.00005% X 200 = 60,000,000 (1% of world population)


> So right now 0.00005%, instead of the previous 0.0005%, of humanity

> know about the Last Judgment. So it will take another 200 X 30

> years to reach 1% of humanity and we can all celebrate in AD 8003.

> Doesn't this new revised date make all of us SYs feel better?



Dear all,


This is Sir C.P. speech's at Shri Mataj's birthday celebrations,

Saturday 20th March 2004:


" Every year I stand before you and it's almost a heaven and I am

fortunate to be a part of it. Since last 33years , SM has been

travelling incessantly all over the world and the results are now

showing. Almighty has incarnated many a times in the past, but it was

now time for a new incarnation.. People are now searching for a new

path of life, as a result of conflict arising due to Industrial

Revolution , which has given rise to materialism.


SM's efforts to bring people of the world together as one family has

no parallel, people of all colour,kind, race, caste and creed --

people of genuine morality, love and brotherhood.


But the task is not yet done.She has given all moments of Her life to

the work and now it's YOUR turn to take over and spread the movement.

I request you, I ask you, I implore you and I charge you with that

responsibility!! "



Even Shri Mataji stressed about the " great responsibility " to

humanity. Thus if we SYs do not radically change our ways of

spreading Sahaja Yoga then it will take us till AD 8003 to reach 1%

of humanity.


Can i presume both Shri Mataji and Sir CP had excellent Maths grades

and therfore have a better grasp of the present situation?



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shriadishakti , " NAGY Adina " <adina.nagy@u...>


> If its about changing, a proposal ;)

> a movie on the life of Shri Mohammad and the nowadays real Islam,

> Sahaja Yoga.

> It seems that representation being forbidden in today's islam,

nobody deared to do a movie on Prophe's life.


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

> Von: jagbir singh [adishakti_org]


> Thus if we SYs do not radically change our ways of

> spreading Sahaja Yoga then it will take us till AD 8003 to reach 1%

> of humanity.

> jagbir


Hi Adina,


Islam forbids images (and idols). It also rejects glorification of

anything other than God Almighty. Thus there is no possibility of any

film about Prophet Muhammad.


i suggest that you initiate a professional team of SYs doctors who

can confirm feeling the Cool Wind of Al-Qiyamah. This task of getting

SY doctors together to present themselves to academic scrutiny will

go a very long way to establish Sahaja Yoga.


At present SY doctors are fragmented by lack of unity and personal

agendas. If you can get them to co-operate and present a harmonious

front ordinary people are going to perk their ears and listen. Have

you ever gone against your doctor's advice and experience?



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shriadishakti , " NAGY Adina " <adina.nagy@u...>


> Dear Jagbir,


> I suppose there are biased ways to do it ;). One of them would be

> to write a scenarion in a hadith style ..make people who lied in

> the same time as Shri Mahommed talk about him, his facts and his

> sayings. But that was more of a joke.


> As far as your proposal is concerned, I lack both the medical

> background and the deepness in SY to start such a huge project.

> However, as I wrote to a SY doctor, if doctors would agree tp share

> their well established (with scientific proofs) experiences on

> internet, I would be very glad to settle such a web site. My job is

> more about processing and sharing information and it would be the

> job of a Sahaj MD to settle a group as you suggested.


> Regards,

> adina




Dear Adina,


You should start your collection of well established and documented

experiences of MDs on the internet. Just get hold of a few SY doctors

and ask them to contribute towards the information needed. It can

become a site based solely on the contributions of MDs practicing

Sahaja Yoga. New seekers will feel comfortable if they can access

information presented by professionals, especially if they are



We SYs should now try what has never been attempted in the past

because these are the only alternatives left to spread Sahaja Yoga. i

am really confident that this DOCTORS ONLY site will not only bring

new people but also project a positive image.


Once this has been initiated then the second phase of getting SY

doctors together to verify and endorse the Cool Breeze of Al-Qiyamah

can be put together. This will be very useful to spread the Message

of Shri Mataji, especially to Muslims. There is perhaps nothing more

convincing than, say, 100 SY doctors confirming that they all feel

the Cool Breeze!


i know that right now few SY doctors are willing to risk their

reputation to endorse such a claim. But Adina, we are talking about

the near future when there will be enough evidence and confidence to

uphold such a claim. What will happen if, say, 100000 SYs also

support these doctors of feeling the Cool Breeze? Sooner or later the

world cannot ignore what we SYs are experiencing day and night on a

24/7 basis.


But to do so there has to be a harmonious, concerted effort by

concerned SYs to fulfill Shri Mataji's reminder of our greatest

responsibility towards humanity. i feel very good about DOCTORS ONLY

because of their potential to advance Shri Mataji's message to

humanity. If you can set up a website on their behalf i am sure they

will contribute. As they say: " To do the impossible you have to see

the invisible " ................ future.



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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> shriadishakti , " NAGY Adina "


> wrote:

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > I suppose there are biased ways to do it ;). One of them would be

> > to write a scenarion in a hadith style ..make people who lied in

> > the same time as Shri Mahommed talk about him, his facts and his

> > sayings. But that was more of a joke.

> >

> > As far as your proposal is concerned, I lack both the medical

> > background and the deepness in SY to start such a huge project.

> > However, as I wrote to a SY doctor, if doctors would agree tp

> > share their well established (with scientific proofs) experiences

> > on internet, I would be very glad to settle such a web site. My

> > job is more about processing and sharing information and it would

> > be the job of a Sahaj MD to settle a group as you suggested.

> >

> > Regards,

> > adina

> >

> >


> Dear Adina,


> You should start your collection of well established and documented

> experiences of MDs on the internet. Just get hold of a few SY

> doctors and ask them to contribute towards the information needed.

> It can become a site based solely on the contributions of MDs

> practicing Sahaja Yoga. New seekers will feel comfortable if they

> can access information presented by professionals, especially if

> they are doctors.


> We SYs should now try what has never been attempted in the past

> because these are the only alternatives left to spread Sahaja Yoga.

> i am really confident that this DOCTORS ONLY site will not only

> bring new people but also project a positive image.


> Once this has been initiated then the second phase of getting SY

> doctors together to verify and endorse the Cool Breeze of Al-

> Qiyamah can be put together. This will be very useful to spread the

> Message of Shri Mataji, especially to Muslims. There is perhaps

> nothing more convincing than, say, 100 SY doctors confirming that

> they all feel the Cool Breeze!


> i know that right now few SY doctors are willing to risk their

> reputation to endorse such a claim. But Adina, we are talking about

> the near future when there will be enough evidence and confidence

> to uphold such a claim. What will happen if, say, 100000 SYs also

> support these doctors of feeling the Cool Breeze? Sooner or later

> the world cannot ignore what we SYs are experiencing day and night

> on a 24/7 basis.





Lea Sestieri


The «Guide for a correct presentation of Jews and the Jewish

religion in the Preaching and Catechesis of the Catholic Church»

(1985), encourages Christians to acquire a more respectful and

adequate knowledge of the common heritage of Christians and Jews

because this knowledge «can help them better understand certain

aspects of the life of the Church» (1,3). This knowledge also

includes the mystery of the Holy Spirit whom the New Testament and

above all Christian tradition profess to be the third Person of the

Holy Trinity, proceeding from the Father and the Son and who «with

the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified» (Nicean-

Constantinople Creed).


Although in Jewish scripture the Holy Spirit is never presented as a

person but rather as a divine power capable of transforming the human

being and the world, the fact remains that Christian pneumatological

terminology is rooted in that of the Jewish religion. In preaching

and Catechesis therefore it will be necessary to point out this

connection, underlining the main aspects.


1. The term: «Spirit» translates the Hebrew word «Ruah»

which in its primary sense means breath, air, wind. «Jesus indeed

uses the sensory image of the wind to suggest to Nicodemus the

transcendent newness of him who is personally God's breath the

divine Spirit»(Catechism of the Catholic Church 691). The spirit

as irruption and as transcendence: working in history but other than

history, who cannot be reduced to history's logic but who

installs another logic, that of responsibility and love for others;


2. Ordering power: «In the beginning God created the heavens and

the earth. Now the earth was a formless void, there was darkness over

the deep and God's spirit hovered over the water» (Gn 1,1).

God's spirit came down on the formless world and this descent

produced the miracle of creation: the transformation of chaos into

cosmos, of disorder into order;


3. Vivifying power: «The Lord God fashioned man out of dust from

the soil. Then he breathed into his nostrils a breath of life and

thus man became a living being» (Gn 2, 7). The spirit of God is

breathed onto the human being of dust and, because of this breath,

the human being is transformed into a living being: no longer an

animal being but a partner with whom and to whom God speaks and

entrusts responsibility for the world;


4. Guiding power: «On him the spirit of the Lord rests, a spirit

of wisdom and insight, a spirit of counsel and power, a spirit of

knowledge and the fear of the Lord» (Is 11,2). The Spirit of the

Lord takes hold of certain persons (patriarchs, matriarchs, judges,

kings, prophets, wise men etc.,) and by bestowing on them special

powers, enables them to act as guides and master interpreters in the

world, of the will of God;


5. Healing power: «I shall give you a new heart and put a new

spirit in you… I shall put my spirit in you, and make you keep my

laws and sincerely respect my observances» (Ez 36,27). Entering

into the human being, the spirit recreates and heals him, overcoming

his sin and making him once more a partner of God in the covenant and

in the observance of the Torah.


6. Universal dimension: «I will pour out my Spirit on all mankind.

Their sons and daughters shall prophesy Even on my slaves men and

women, in those days I will pour out my Spirit» (Jl 3f 1-2). There

will come a day when every human being will be possessed by the

spirit and this day will coincide with the day of the messiah.





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