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Why do 99% of seekers leave Sahaja Yoga and join other yoga teachers?

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Dear readers,


i will be introducing the opinions of non-SYs regarding the subtle

system that is the heart and soul of our public programs. My aim is

to allow SYs to gauge the intelligence of new seekers who may come

to public programs and meditation classes. Sometimes i am afraid

that SYs think they have a monopoly over subtle system knowledge,

but wonder why so few are really interested.


What i am really trying to say is that there has to be very good

reasons why 99% of seekers leave Sahaja Yoga within a short period,

whereas other yoga schools are sprouting like mushrooms in spring.


This dismal failure to attract public interest for years has been

attributed to a number of reasons which, in my opinion, are just

pathetic at best and plain propaganda at worst. Maybe one day we

will be honest enough to admit that it is all due to our own

shortcomings, and that the public is not the least interested in our

version of the subtle system. The near-empty public programs year

after year does not seem to have brought any sense of urgency or

desire for change. ................ yet. i hope i may be able to

show all SYs the writing on the wall with this new series of public

opinions. Please bear with me.







Stuart Perrin's opinion on Kundalini and Sahasrara


" The first time I heard the word Kundalini, I was eighteen years old

and working as a counter man at a coffee shop on 59th Street and

Lexington Avenue in New York City. The manager of the coffee shop

was an elegant Latin American Buddhist. We would sit together and

talk about spiritual subjects during break. He leaned over to me

during one of these discrete conversations and said in a mysterious

whisper: " Do you know anything about Kundalini. " I shrugged my

shoulders and said " no. " The second time I heard the word

Kundalini, I was twenty-one years old and living in Paris. It was

three o'clock in the morning and I was walking with a friend of mine

on a narrow Parisian side street on the Left Bank. We were both

slightly tipsy. He got down on his knees, raised his arms in the

air and cried out: " Oh sacred Kundalini in the sky. " The third time

I heard the word Kundalini, I'd been studying with my spiritual

teacher Rudi for three years. I was in his antique store one

afternoon. He asked me if I knew what type of yoga he taught. I

shrugged my shoulders and said " No. " I told him it didn't matter to

me. All I cared about was that it worked. " I teach Kundalini

Yoga, " he said. " But don't worry about it. " He'd been teaching

meditation practice for ten years when a student of his asked him if

he knew what kind of meditation he taught. " No, " Rudi said. " You

teach Kundalini Yoga, " the student said to him.


As Shakespeare so brilliantly observed: " A rose by any other name

smells just as sweetly. "


There's a mystique that surrounds Kundalini. People often ask me if

it's dangerous. They ask what it is? What are the results of an

activated Kundalini? I tell them the word 'Kundalini' sounds to me

like Italian ice cream.


There's too much discussion by uninformed masters about what

Kundalini is and isn't. We can never understand it, but once we

experience the force of Kundalini moving up our spine, once we taste

the Divine spiritual nectar of the opening of the crown chakra,

there are no substitutions. The soul force of a human being unites

with God. This marriage gives birth to consciousness. It gives

birth to spiritual enlightenment.


If Kundalini yoga is practiced without a highly trained teacher to

guide one through the experience…it could be dangerous. It is a

very strong force that burns all the lower elements in a human

being. It's like having an incinerator at the base of the spine.

When the Kundalini is dormant, the mental and physical system of a

human being atrophies. That's when it's most dangerous. The life

force in us becomes a leaky faucet…a slow steady drip giving us

just about enough energy to limp through the day. Is Kundalini

dangerous? Anything we do without consciousness is dangerous.

Taking a bath can be dangerous; crossing the street or climbing a

flight of stairs can be dangerous; eating can be dangerous; sleeping

can be dangerous. Life, itself, is fraught with danger if we live

it without consciousness. Kundalini is probably most dangerous when

not activated under the guise of a spiritual master. The soul of a

human being lies dormant. There's no upward movement of

consciousness and we're drowning in a pond of muddy water.


The force of Kundalini must be awakened if we are to have a

spiritual life. It rises up the spine and nurtures the crown chakra

until that chakra opens and allows the soul of a human being to

connect with the soul of the universe. The marriage of these two

souls gives birth to a river of energy that flows from a

transcendental sphere into the chakra system of a meditation

practitioner. It brings with it higher consciousness and a

spiritual life. It resurrects inert matter. It gives birth to a

vital and conscious human being. All our tensions are transformed

into spirit.


In the Old Testament, Moses listens to the voice of God from the

Burning Bush. " I Am That I Am, " the voice says. The essence of

this metaphor paints a picture of Kundalini. It reveals to us how

breath is essential to the activation of the sleeping Kundalini at

the base of our spine. Every time we inhale, we draw the " I AM "

(life) into our being. Every time we exhale we surrender ourselves

to " That. " We receive and we give and that giving and receiving

nurtures the fire of Kundalini at the base of our spine. The breath

of life activates Kundalini and allows the soul to rise and embrace

Infinite Energy in the Universe. It guides a spiritual seeker to



A dormant Kundalini keeps spirit from regenerating itself. It's the

cause of illness, depression and early old age. If tension isn't

transformed into spiritual energy, it eats away the vital core of

our being. The mind and the body atrophy. We fight a losing battle

against time and the plagues of time ravage our inner and outer

selves. Kundalini Yoga is one of the fastest paths to

enlightenment. Practiced under the guidance of a master, it allows

us to transform inner blocks and tensions to higher consciousness.

It burns the karmic bounds trapping us on earth. It is the Burning

Bush being fed by the " I Am " and transforming all lower elements of

life into " That. "



THE CROWN (The 7th chakra)


For many years, I wondered why the Buddha was almost always depicted

with a bump on his head. Then I heard Rudi talk about the ripening

of the crown chakra, about the mountain that forms on the head of

the meditation practitioner who has worked long enough on himself to

allow shakti to gather and form a thousand petal lotus at the top of

the head. The flowers of the thousand-petal lotus open when the

meditation practitioner has evolved to the point of enlightenment.


The Kundalini force rises to the crown chakra where it accumulates

and ripens until the crown is ready to open and allow the soul force

to move into the cosmos and connect with God. A final bit of karma

is worked out on earth when the thousand-petal lotus opens and the

soul force frees itself from earthly attachments. A human being has

become nothing. He has become one with God.


Longevity is the key to spiritual evolution.


We live in a world that believes results must be instant…a fast

food world choking on junk food spirituality. We forget that

gourmet meals are made by master chefs who have trained for years in

the fine art of cooking. They understand fish and meat and

vegetables and seasoning and have been taught how to combine these

ingredients into a delicious meal. It's important for us to have

patience. A tomato has to spend enough time on a vine to ripen. If

we pick it before it's ready, the tomato will be hard or sour or

just not eatable. When a human being has spiritually ripened, he

too is plucked from the vine. He becomes a gourmet meal consumed by

the universe. He disappears into nothingness and becomes one with

Higher Energy.


When the thousand-petal lotus ripens in the crown chakra, its petals

open and the soul of a human being finds its way to God. There's no

more separation and surrender is complete. We have taken the last

step on our journey to enlightenment. "



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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Dear readers,


> i will be introducing the opinions of non-SYs regarding the subtle

> system that is the heart and soul of our public programs. My aim

> is to allow SYs to gauge the intelligence of new seekers who may

> come to public programs and meditation classes. Sometimes i am

> afraid that SYs think they have a monopoly over subtle system

> knowledge, but wonder why so few are really interested.


> What i am really trying to say is that there has to be very good

> reasons why 99% of seekers leave Sahaja Yoga within a short

> period, whereas other yoga schools are sprouting like mushrooms in

> spring.


> This dismal failure to attract public interest for years has been

> attributed to a number of reasons which, in my opinion, are just

> pathetic at best and plain propaganda at worst. Maybe one day we

> will be honest enough to admit that it is all due to our own

> shortcomings, and that the public is not the least interested in

> our version of the subtle system. The near-empty public programs

> year after year does not seem to have brought any sense of urgency

> or desire for change. ................ yet. i hope i may be able

> to show all SYs the writing on the wall with this new series of

> public opinions. Please bear with me.



> jagbir


> ----------------



The seven major chakrasThe Seven Major Chakras And Transpersonal

Chakras by Peggy Jentoft


The chakra are the energy vortex that we have in our bodies that

bring in the universal energies we need to remain living .


Chakra is the Sanskrit word for moving wheel, the chakras are

vortexes of energy present in the ethereal body and in related

locations of the physical body. There are seven major chakras and

they function as pathways for energy to be taken in, metabolized

and sent to the major nerve center nearest each one. Several more

chakras seem to be opening up in many people but for now we will

begin with the traditional seven.


The chakras are located along the line of the spinal column and

are composed of high frequency energy strands that the spiritual

eye perceives as light The life force is channeled to the physical

body and its organs via the nadis and meridians and enters the

body through the chakras. the degree of chakra activity depends on

a combination of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

development of the individual.


Chakras can be damaged or blocked through an emotional upset such

as conflict, loss or, accident . Fear, anxiety and tress are

common causes of chakra malfunction, it is the disruption of the

chakra and aura that create disease and disturb the energy balance

of the chakras. Psychological problems may cause 'blockages',

obstructing the flow of energy into or out of the chakras.


In general the front aspects of the chakras correlate to our

emotional function, the back to our will function, and the top

three chakras to our reason function. Balance in our reason, will

and emotion centers is necessary to good health and well being.

the amount of energy flowing through our chakras determines how

well we function.


One way of doing chakra healing is to meditate on or look at a

color field of the appropriate color . . .


A quick synopsis of each major chakra is below and each one also

has a separate page


The Individual Chakras




Root Chakra ,Muladhara, Kundalini, survival, Muladhara =

Base (mula - root adhara - support)

located at the tailbone base of spine

color red, black element earth mineral kingdom sense smell

note c mantra lam or e as in red vortex or petals 4 essential

oil Frankincense, rosewood, gemstones Garnet, smoky quartz, black

tourmaline ,hematite ,red jasper, obsidian

governs vigor, heredity ,survival, security ,passion ,feet legs

survival, and trust. your relationship with money, home, and job.



Sacral Chakra, Svadistana

sensation Svadisthana = one's own base (sva - one's own)

Located at sex organs or near belly button

color orange, brown element water plant kingdom sense taste

note d mantra vam or o as in home

vortex or petals 6

oil rose, Jasmine, sandalwood

gemstones Carnelian, Tiger eye, fire opal,

governs sexuality, creativity, emotions, anger, fear instinct to

nurture, spleen, perceptions concerning food or sex.



Solar Plexus Chakra Manipura

power Manipura = city (pur) of jewels (mani)

ocated between the sternum bone and the belly

color yellow element fire animal kingdom sense sight

note d mantra ram or aum

vortex or petals 10

oil cassia, peppermint

gemstones citrine, amber, golden topaz

governs power, accomplishments, will, ego projections, vital

energies, control, and your freedom to be yourself.



Heart Chakra Anahatha Heart, love ,Anahata means " unstruck "

" Unstruck Sound " the place where the spiritual descends into the

physical by the power of the " word " (shabdbrahman) the point of


located at heart center of chest

color green, pink element air human kingdom sense touch

note f# mantra yam or a as in ah

vortex 12

oil jasmine, rose

gemstones Aventurine, emerald , rose quartz, Dioptaise, Kunzite

governs love, compassion, mediates between higher and lower planes

of being healing, lungs breath prana, sense of time ,and the area of

relationships in your life.



Throat Chakra Visshuda

creative Vishuddi = purity

located at base of throat

color sky blue element ether angelic realms sense hearing

note g # mantra ham or u as in blue

vortex 16

oil chamomile, frankincense

gemstones turquoise, aquamarine, chryoscolla, azurite, sodalite

governs speech, hearing ,communication self expression



Brow Chakra Anja,

intuitive Ajna = knowing

located in center of forehead above eyes

color indigo element spiritual vision archangels sense telepathy

note high a mantra aum om or mmm

vortex 96

oil basil ,cedar wood, clary sage

gemstones Lapis lazuli, blue sapphire, sodalite, selinite, kyanite,

azurite, sugulite and fluorite

governs intuition thought inner and outer sight, visions ,dreams



Crown Chakra Sehasara,

spirit Sahasrara = thousand spoked

located at top of head

color violet, white element cosmic kingdom =

mantra aum , ee as in bee vortex 972

oil lavender rosewood gemstones clear and rutile quartz, amethyst,

Iolite, sugulite, tanzanite

governs connection to cosmic consciousness ,spiritual, wisdom

aspirations, knowledge of truth



Palm Chakras and transpersonal chakras


I also want to mention the chakras in the palms of the hands, often

relegated to minor status. These chakras transmit healing energy and

receive energetic information from the universe. The palm chakras

are used to channel healing energies to yourself and others and to

receive impressions of the energy of a room, person, situation, etc.

These minor chakras make a major difference in the quality of life

when they can be opened by intention. practice in becoming aware of

the energy of the palm chakras is a good place to start if you are

at all interested in energy work and spiritual healing. healing

chakras may also activate in the fingertips.


Transpersonal chakras


The most important of the emerging transpersonal chakras are the

thymus or etheric heart in the upper chest which governs compassion

and inner peace and the connection to world soul. The Soulstar about

a foot above the head which brings in spiritual energy from the

spiritual core and the Earthstar about a foot below our feet that

brings in and connects us to the Earth energies it is important to

develop the Soulstar and Earthstar simultaneously.


The most important change happening at this time is the unification

of the chakra functions all the chakras are beginning to work

together much more than in the past. You can call in an attunement

for Unifying your Chakra


There is a procedure for Channel Building in the basics section that

will help you become aware of your Soulstar and EarthStar.



Your Chakra Guardian Animals thoughts on the chakra


Here are some other pages that relate to the energy body the aura

seeing Auras Aura color and healing aura what you see reading the

layers aura and chakra tune up grounding & centering protection

channel building


Color Field for Meditation on red Red Jasper

Color Field for Meditation on orange Carnelian


Color Field for meditation on yellow Tigers Eye

Color Field for meditation on green Green Turquoise


Color Field for Meditation on blue green Amazonite

Color Field for meditation on indigo Lapis Lazuli

Color field for meditation on violet Amethyst



Peggy Jentoft



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