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Public Address by Shri Mataji at Royal Albert Hall 14 July 2001

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I bow to all the seekers of Truth.


Some of you have found the Truth, some of you have not found it

fully, and some of you have not found it at all. But if you look

around in today's situation, you will have to admit there is a

big turmoil going on. Countries after countries are taking to all

kinds of wrong things. A lot of cold war is on, people are killing

each other, destroying beautiful places, cutting each other's throat

for nothing at all. We are all human beings created by God, God

Almighty has created them and has brought them to this level of

human awareness.


At this juncture one can see where are we going in a collective way.

This is, where have we to reach or is it our destiny? Is this the

destiny of human beings, to be destroyed by each other for land or

for anything else? Think of the whole world as one and think what is

happening all over. Every day you read newspaper, every day there is

some sort of a horrible news about horrible things people are doing

to each other for no rhyme or reason. We have to think: what is the

destiny, where are we going? Are we going to Hell or to Heaven? What

is our situation around? Can you help it?


What is wrong with human beings is: they are still in the complete

control of ignorance. I would call it ignorance, and in that

ignorance, in that darkness, they are doing this horrible thing.

Nobody wants to understand that what we are doing is nothing but

complete destruction. Is that our destiny? That we are going to get

destroyed completely? What good are we doing under the name of some

sort of nationality or maybe some religion, all kinds of things

which are good. But we are doing all wrong things: fighting.

Fighting is not nobility, we hate anybody who can excite our

hatred. It is very much, I don't know very much liked, and under

this guidance, we form groups.


All this is coming because, this is the Last Judgement. I have told

you, this is the Last Judgement. And this Last Judgement will really

decide who are to be saved and who are to be doomed completely. It

is a very, very serious thing. All of them who are aware should

think about it. Little patchwork here, and a little patchwork is not

going to do. Whatever you may try, unless and until you transform

human being, it cannot be saved. This transformation is not an

impossible thing, it is not difficult. This is the time for

transformation, this is a chance for transformation. And within us

it is placed, the power, as power it is described, is the mystical

feminine power within us. All of them have written, I am not the

first person to say that, but nobody has been able, perhaps so far,

to understand it or to accept it that it should happen to you.


You are born, not only to be human beings, but you have to be

superhuman. You have to enjoy yourself, your life should be

enjoyable, it should be blissful. It should not be a curse, morning

till evening worried about this, worried about that. That is why you

are created, because God had no intention of creating people who

will be all the time worried how to quarrel, how to fight, how to

save, but people who will live in complete harmony, peace and joy.

That is why we are created, that is our destiny. That is not just I

am telling you, but it is a fact.


So we will have to be, we have to be transformed. This

transformation is not difficult, but what I find you could get

satisfied with anything. Hindus will go to the temple getting " oh

we have done great " , Christians go to the church and think they have

done very good, Muslims will go and pray and think that they are

great. What have they achieved? Face yourselves, please, face your

limitations, face your, face your problems and see for yourself:

Have you been able to solve your problems? Have you been able to

save yourself from calamities? Maybe these calamities may come to

destroy people who are, who are doing harm, then, that may be the

mission of God. But what is your mission? Why don't you think

that I have to be a person who is a stone, who is a source of joy

and love?


I am not only talking, but I want you all to get your self-

realization. What is self-realization? It is to know your self. You

do not know your self, you do not know. You are living in this world

without knowing your self, can you imagine? You do not know what you

are, you do not know that you are the Spirit, and that you are the

source of knowledge, of pure knowledge. I find people sitting in a

meeting listening to some babaji who is telling them some story,

very happy. This is not going to give you the reality, and the

truth. If you want to have reality and truth, then please try to

understand that something has to happen, to you some transformation

has to take place. You are not yet subtle enough, you have not got

the subtleties till you reach that point for which do not have to

leave your family, you do not have to leave your children, you do

not have to leave your household and go to the jungles. There is no

need to do all that. It is nice to say that " all right, you all take

sanyasa and give all that belongs to you to me. " It is such a stupid



These are emergencies, you are living in very emergent conditions,

try to understand. And I want to warn you that if you do not go deep

into yourself and find out what you are and take to your

transformation, anything is possible: all kinds of diseases

happening to you, all kinds of new problems of children coming up,

all kinds of national problems are there, all kinds of international

problems are there, that people cannot help it. So we have to get

out of this and become a solid personality of truth.


We don not know what the truth is. We are worse than animals whose

eyes are open, while our eyes are closed. It is not to condemn you

or anything, but to make you alert and aware that human beings have

to change. Otherwise you just, you come to my lecture, tomorrow you

will come to another lecture. That is all, it is an everyday, sort

of a nice entertainment. But when I see the destiny, I don_t know

how many will be going, how many will be finished, what will happen

to them, what diseases they will get, what problems they will get,

what will happen to their children, what will happen to their

country, and what will happen with the whole world. Just widening

your vision. My vision is that all the people of the world should get

transformation. We have enemies within ourselves, and when we talk

of jihad we talk that you have to fight your enemies within

yourself. What are our enemies?


These days the worst is greed, there is greed. With that greed

people can do anything they want, all kinds of things are happening

out of greed. They will have money, they will have all kinds of

facilities, but still this greed is such a satanic thing that you do

not even see what you have. And you want to have more and more,

deceive people, deceive your, deceive everyone and.


Then another worst thing we have is anger. Anger does not allow to

see things as they are, we develop anger for small things. Like we

have come to this country, I have seen people who are angry because

of different colour. I cannot understand! God has made different

colours otherwise we all would have looked the same like and life

would have been miserable. So the colour has been created by nature.

So they are whites or blacks, what is the difference? I just do not

understand, because such a myth is going on, with this myth we are

fighting. The whites are fighting with the blacks and the blacks are

fighting with the whites. And then they go also for burning

their skin in the sun, getting skin-cancers. I just do not

understand, there is no logic, there is no balance in us to see that

what we are doing. Why are we wasting this precious time when we

have to get transformation? This anger can be with anything,

anything one can develop anger, is like a human failure which is

very common. For the smallest thing people can get angry, and they

like it because with that they can oppress others, they could be

aggressive. So they want to have this anger within them, and with

that anger they try to dominate others. This is the biggest problem.

Why do we want to dominate others? Why do we want to oppress others?

And why do we want to take control of others? We cannot control

ourselves. Why are we wanting to control others? What is the need?


Then there are attachments, attachments to their houses, to their

land, to their children, to everything. But tomorrow you will not be

here, you will go with open hands, you cannot carry anything new. So

such attachment, to change, they are very particular about their

car, about their house, maintaining. But what about yourself? Are

you all right? Inside, are you absolutely calm, peaceful and joyful?

Why are you wasting your energy in getting angry? That is a sign of

life that will be also destroyed. If you look at another person,

here you see weaknesses, apart from money, from women, is very

common, or women having for men, to get attractive. For what?

Everybody has to get old. What have you achieved by running after

women, by running after other sex? You have no sense of dignity, no

sense of honour. If you are arrogant, you wear very good clothes,

you are a wonderful person. This is not the way. We have to

introspect and see for ourselves. Why are we doing this, wasting our

energy into nonsensical things? So many people I meet are really

half mad and some of them are full mad. And what they tell me that

they wanted to marry a particular woman and a particular man or

anything. How they put it, I mean, how fragile! That is not being

very great.


You have to be very, very strong within yourself, feel your self.

Your self is the Spirit, is the differential of God Almighty within

you. You can be very strong, you can be very heavy, and you can be

absolutely balanced if you become the Spirit. You have heard so much

about Spirit and Spiritual life. But, have you reached that point?

Even when you read zen-system, tao-system, Bible, Koran, anything.

Do you know how to reach that point of the Spirit? Not yet, not yet.

You have to know that, because you are very great, you are very

precious and you are so beautiful within. But you are not aware of

it! You have to become that. That becoming is very important.


And for that already God Almighty has organised within you, which is

called as Kundalini, which can be awakened and its awakening can

give you self realisation, can give you self knowledge, as you call

atma sakshat. That is what is very, very important in your life to

have it, and when it is free, you cannot pay for it. How much can

you pay? When it is absolutely free, why don_t you take your self

realisation? And why don't you grow? Is your [_] in the name of

religion? Every religion has certain. Mohammed Saab has said

clearly: " At the time of resurrection your hands will speak. " Are

they speaking? Hindus know about it, that we have to get our self

realisation. No use just listening to these babajis and giving

them money. All this kind of rituals that we are doing, that our

forefathers have been doing. What have we achieved? Nothing!


So now it is important for us to know that we have to have our

evolution reaching to the point of self realisation. If we were

perfect, there would have been no problem. If we were self realised

people, there would have been no problem. All kinds of selfishness,

all kinds of limits we have put around us, all kinds of conditioning

and ego, which have been working our life and have been ruling us,

we have to get over it. And once you get over it you get united.

Nobody has to tell you that you get united. You lose all

misidentifications. Your misidentifications are that, that you belong

to this country, you belong to this religion, you belong to that. You

belong to nothing. You belong to the kingdom of God. That is what we

have to achieve, and you should be one there. But if you like

storytelling there is no end to it.


But you are wasting your time! The time is running short. I have

been now here for the last, I don't know, 20 years or so. I

worked very hard, but what I find, that people do not realise what

they are supposed to do. They like people who will just say

something very simple, or who are to serve visual entertainment. So

the whole humanity has to understand that destiny of destruction is

to be about today, complete destruction is to be about. And very

simple is that you enter into the kingdom of God, which is very

easy, no time to pay anything, you do not have to work out anything.

You take your self realisation, and then at home you spend about 10

minutes meditating. Only your mind is all the time justifying your

misbehaviour. I call it misbehaviour because it is against the

truth, it is against God's wish, it is against humanity, and it

will destroy all the good things.


All this misidentifications have to be dropped and you have to know

that we are all one, we are all one, we are all global, we are not

separated by colour, race or religion. We should know we are all

one, and that oneness should not be established by slogans or by

shouting. What should be that oneness is to be felt within. It is

not artificial, it has to be real, very real oneness. And that comes

to you once you realise that you are part and parcel of the whole.

Religions have brought you up to this point of awareness, not your

fighting, not your killing. Why, why human beings have diverted

themselves? Because of complete ignorance of righteousness , because

of complete greed of oneself, oneself, just yourself, all your

family, at the most all your relations. Why do you want to keep it

yourself? You are the Spirit. Spirit is the ocean, ocean of

knowledge, is the ocean of love, is the ocean of all blessings.


So we have to decide. Today I have to request that there is not so

much time left. We have to decide that we have to become the Spirit.

That is what all the religions have brought, but how to do it was

not so very much explained, and it did not work out. Some of them

did get it, but they were not trusted, nobody listened to them. Even

people killed them and tortured them and crucified them. But now

please, all of you, try to understand the value of that. Why are you

humans? Why are you created? What is the purpose behind this? Are

you going to be driven by nonsensical ideas? Are you going to be

finished by all sorts of dividing factors? No, no. You are

all going to get your self realisation, and you are going to

understand the value of your life.


The problem is, you will get your realisation in the sense, the

power within you will rise. It is very well organised. Actually, God

is a great creator, how he has balanced and how it works out is

remarkable, every detail he has done it. With that happening, is not

sufficient. You enter into, say, a palace and then you go round and

see for yourself how beautiful you are, what beautiful things God

has made, then grow into it. Once you are grown into it then you

will realise what a great thing you are, the greatest gem, the

greatest person so loving, that having some writing under statues.

Nobody tries to understand what were they doing, how they worked.


So, tonight we can have the experience, the experience of the

Spirit. It is a very unusual rare thing, never used to have one like

that. But it is now, so why not take advantage of it. Please, be

ready for that, accept it, take it and become. Becoming is the

point. What you become is the point, and what you make out of this

whole human civilisation is your problem, not mine. I can help, I

can work it out.


So I would request you all to now get ready for self realisation. It

is much better, but those who do not want to have cannot be forced.

So it is better such people leave, leave the hall, and get on to.


May God bless you.


Firstly, you do not have to do anything. Meaning, also do not think

what I have said, try to keep your thoughts very peaceful, and I am

sure all of you can get your self realisation. But how many will

grow? Because you have to come to the follow-up, then you have to

practise it in the centres. And it works out, little bit time you

have to give to yourself and to this global problem. You have to

dedicate yourself, it is very important you have to dedicate

yourself. That does not mean that you have to become sanyasi or

you have to get busy with this, nothing. But this dedication will

make you so much one with yourself, with the whole universe that I

do not have to tell you that you will dedicate by yourself.


So please do not stay here if you do not want to have self

realisation, nothing will happen to you. Please leave the hall in

case you do not want self realisation.


What you have to do is not to do anything, put just your hands

towards me. Of course if you are wearing shoes, better take them

out, because mother Earth is very strong. Please put both hands

towards me. You do not have to pray, you do not have to say

anything, just put your hands towards me, just like this. Now please

close your eyes, it is important, please close your eyes. This power

Kundalini is placed in the triangular bone, known as sacrum, is

sacred and it rises through 6 centres of the parasympathic and

ultimately pierces through the fontanel bone area which was a soft

bone in your head, on top of your head, when you were a child it was

a soft bone. It pierces through that and enters into the subtle

energy of all pervading power of divine love. They call it by

different names, they call it Paramchaitanya, they call it

Chaitanya, some call it as Ruh. You may call it by any name, it is

the Love of God. Once you get connected with you, when you start

feeling on your fingers some sort of a breeze, first some

people will get hot, does not matter, but then it cools down and you

get the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost everyone. And it starts



You can now raise your left hand on top of your fontanel bone area,

keep your eyes shut and see for yourself if there is a cool or a hot

breeze coming out of your head. You can move your hand. Now see with

your right hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of

your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood.

See for yourself. Bend your head, better is to bend, please bend

your head. Again put your right hand towards me, and see for

yourself with the left hand, see if there is a cool breeze coming

out of your head. If it is hot it is all right, it does not

matter, it is coming because of the heat within you.


Now all those who have felt cool or hot in their hands or on their

fingers or out of the fontanel bone area, this is the real baptism,

please raise both your hands.


Just imagine, you are the soldiers who are going to save the world

from its destruction. Try to understand your importance.


You can put down your hands. Everyone practically has felt. That

means you are already mature to get your Spiritual life. Now just

under very, that is how you got it, it is last jump to reality. Now

you should know what is this, what are you, what is your Spirit, and

what your can do, what are your powers, what are spiritual powers.

For this I would request you to first to come to the follow-up

program and after that you can join anyone of the centres which are

closer to you, and work it out.


You have to work for the whole world. You should know there are 85

countries which are following Sahaja Yoga. And surprisingly, black

countries like Benin, they have 20000 Sahaja Yogis, only 3 years

back I started there. And in England, it is more than 16 years I

have been working here, and after that also all the time every year.

But somehow, their growth is very much there, but not subtle, not

within ourselves. The growth is within and you will enjoy, very much

enjoy the reality. The reality is beautiful, absolutely.


May God bless you.

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