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Answers to[shriadishakti] questions from a SY.

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Jai Shri Mataji,


Let's see if this satisfies you.


--- jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote:

Dear devotees of the Adi Shakti,


> ------------


1. Why did God create us/ the earth…I mean when we

humans) get created..then there is all this cycle of

life/actions etc. We meditate to go back to god..then

why did he send us here in the

first place?


A1.God almighty creates as he/she desires. It is the

whim of the supreme to create and destroy as the Param

wishes. Of all the species God has created only Man

has the awareness (intelligence) to differentiate

between what is right and wrong and the freedom to go

towards the light or towards darkness.


When you embark on one of these above two options,

challenges and obstacles keep coming your way. How

much you can overcome these obstacles and meet these

challenges by staying within social,legal and moral

boundaries is a testimony to your intelligence and

character. That is what makes you deserving of Sahaj

and self realisation which is freedom from the cycle

of birth and death and a permanent place in Heaven.


If you are a Sahaji, and if you look around you right

now you will be surprised how few sahajis are there

around you. You stand out privileged amongst those,(of

course with total humility and thanks to the divine

for giving us the Param)



2. As he has created us…and he is all powerfull and

mighty…why doesn't he just destroy all the negativity

(evil spirits/hell/ negative & criminal behaviour in

people/ ) in the world in one go even if humans

created negativity – he can just destroy it in one go

–then why not? Why watch humans suffer when he can

change it?


Good Question!! But as I said once God created Man,

man was given freedom to choose between the correct

and the incorrect path, and hence the cycle of " As you

sow so do you reap " and " What goes around comes

around " . And, God being an infinite entity has so many

weapons and tools at his/her disposal to punish for

undeserving karmas. But God chose to let bad karmas

have their effects in the form of diseases, medical

imbalances, terror, fear, insecurity, blockages etc

i.e. things with which we are all acquainted with.

There is no doubt that all the darkness lies at the

feet and control of Mahadev almighty and he chooses to

punish as He wishes, but for this tiny little earth,

whatever negativity is there is enough to account for

and punish for bad karmas. Have you ( if you are on

the correct side of the fence ) ever thought why you

were not born handicapped, blind or dumb deaf or have

not contracted blood cancer and or Alzheimer's or


People say that it is a matter of chance. No, I say,

it is only karmas which decide your fate.


And by granting intelligence to Man and giving him the

discretion to decide between right and wrong he makes

man aware of on what side of the fence he should be



And, as far as your question is concerned about

destroying all negativity in one stroke, don't worry,

it is going to happen very soon. The Last Judgment

when it happens (very soon,no doubt about it) will

lead man into a new world without fear, unemployment,

diseases, imbalances, prostitution, hatred, anger,

fear, jealousy etc.


Sceptics may laugh their stomach off, but I'd like to

see their faces when it happens.


3. He created us and consequently the karmic



Trust the above clarifies.


4. It just feels like why am I here trying to meditate

to become one with God when he has created me and sent

me here..away from him…only to sit and focus on



In continuation with the above clarification, your

question can be clarified as follows. God Almighty is

the Macrocosm and a man/woman is a very small part -

the microcosm. And as you said, why to dwell and focus

on him, you get Sahaj only if you deserve.


And, if you deserve, you get it all as Sahaj is the

" Brahmagyan " the knowledge of the creator.


No doubt in the human form you can only observe, you

cannot create. For instance,you cannot add an element

to the periodic table by re-arranging the tiny atoms

floating around the nucleus in various nucleii. You

can only observe, appreciate and marvel at the beauty

of Mother's creation.


But as I said only few deserving are seekers.


And as I said only few likeyou are able to achieve

Sahaj and appreciate the vastness of the Viraat.


After all, the Truth cannot be described. There are no

words to describe it.


It has to be experienced and appreciated.



5. If we are granted free will by god he can still

override it with his wish…so even if we don't want to

become all goody goody he can just change us all – I

mean there's nothing that god cant do then why not



Man,that's a new one. Somebody would wish to become a

womaniser, a terrorist, a butcher, a murderer, a drug

addict etc. I wouldn't be one of them.


But sometimes such people do realise that they are

wrong,and circumstances around them do not permit them

to come onto the correct path as they have already

crossed the Point of No Return. At that time the only

source of hope is Mother and Mahadev. To forgive and

to ask for guidance.


Even such people do come to the correct path, but

their progress after forgiveness is always

proportional to past Karma. It will be rarely

exponential, mostly incremental or linear. Note this.

And, even after forgiveness when they have the

awareness to realise what they did was wrong, they do

acknowledge(albeit silently to themselves only)that

life could have been better had their karmas been



About the Last Judgement and all the things I have

said, don't worry it will happen very soon. Wait and

watch till then. and keep emditating.


6. Why give us free will when we have to follow a

set pattern of Sahaj Yoga and surrender to God? Why

doesn't he create us with the will to become good

Sahaj yogis and nothing else in first place.


If that was the case, life would have been so easy, a

cakewalk for anything. Who would think about working

hard, or working properly. If everyone gets everything

easily, it becomes even more troublesome because

people don't realise the worth of it.


A classic example of this is the dearth of deep

Sahajayogis in India. Sahaj, no doubt though for all

humans, is more or less based on a major part of

Indian mythology(not to take away the contribution of

all great Non - Indian avatars and Satgurus) so

Indians should take to it like fish to water, but they

don't, just because they think it is their birthright

or they think they already know so much about God.

Call it arrogance, overconfidence or whatever. You are

either a Sahaji or you are not.


On the contrary there are Russians who are such

excellent Sahajayogis, people who did not know or were

forbidden to speak about God, now perfectly one with

the divine, knowing so much that Indians would be put

to shame.


This is because till you are not a Sahaji you exist in

a state of finiteness. You have finite resources, but

you have more problems then your resources. If you are

a balanced individual and as I said above, you will

meet those challenges with all your intelligence and

resources without exceeding any Social, Legal or Moral

Boundaries. Life, circumstances bring you to a

breaking point where you have exhausted all your

strength and intelligence and resources and you throw

your hands up saying " No More " .


At that point, when Shri Mataji, Shri Ganesh and all

the angels sitting above see you struggling, they step

in, and from your finite state, they take you into the

state of infiniteness, (after breaking the Sahasrara,

you come into the Kaalateet stage - the realm of

infinite) where you have more resources than problems,

and all your problems, roadblocks keep getting solved

by themselves. Ask any Sahaji, they will tell you the



But only those who have butted their heads in darkness

against blank walls will know the worth of this - the

Qadr(Keemat) of this.


Alternatively, you give it to someone who leads a

stable healthy, and a peaceful professional life. He

will not be able to truly appreciate it.


As simple as this


7. Why did he let humans create negativity? If we all

are a part of God why did he separate us from him? If

we all are a part of God then how could we create and

harbour negativity?


There could be so many reasons, greed for starters.


Money is a filthy lucre which drives all negativity.


Power and strenght are powerful addictives. Somebody

who is physically strong can supress the weak and make

money. Once he is successful at that he can do the

same and use that money to make more money.


It's really a vicious circle he/she falls into.


All this time, Mahadev, Sri Krishna, Mother, Shri

Ganesh are watching. But once a man is born his life

and death are decided. They can be wavered in

circumstances which would be considered extreme for

the environment. But as long as he doesn't do

something too extreme, his beginning and end are

fixed. In the middle, lfe is a test. Every day and

every second is a test, to decide your fate.


While doing so he crosses the point of no return, a

point beyond which he will never come back into the

light, never be able to feel the param, never feel the

love of Mahadev, never feel the bliss of Mother's

love, never experience the diplomacy of Krishna, never

feel the innocence and purity of shri Ganesha, never

feel the creativity of Mother Saraswati or never feel

the comfort of Mother Mahakali.


It happens all the time. Not really to be surprised,

really. Can't expect lions and tigers to be



To explain this needs a certain level in sahaj. am not

boasting,but to acknowledge poison you must have

sensed or drunk it sometime or the other.



8. Why create all these ages of Kaliyug & Satyug

etc? If Kaliyug was meant to be a dark age then wernt

humans supposed to have done wrong deeds? Then get

enlightened by SY and go to Satyug…but why did

God create all these different ages?


As I said above, every second is a test. And the rays

of light permeate and split the darkest of the

caverns, and fill it with all that Light has to offer.


Apart from that why not have variety? If everything is

same all over and over again, wouldn't you get bored?

Talk about boiled potatoes for breakfast,lunch, dinner

and again breakfast the next day.



9. When I read some Sahaj Yoga sites there experiences

are listed where people say they met Mataji while

meditating and met other gods and they all were

meditating? Why do gods meditate?


Why shouldn't they? If they teach that Sahaj samadhi

is the supreme, then they say so because it is the

supreme even in heaven. And even after doing work in

heaven they have to go into a-karma and sit together

and enjoy. After all, if Gods run the universe, they

also do need some refreshment, some Sahaja Cola,




1o. Since God knows all and everything that will

happen then he also knows if we will fail/progress etc

in life in areas like Sahaj Yoga..does he already know

the people who will pass/ fail in the last judgement?


Definitely. Mahadev and the Adishakti know everything

that is going to happen. And they know that certain

people who will definitely quality for life after The

Last Judgment.


They also know about those who don't.


But at this point the most important thing remains to

be mentioned. People are not aware of the power of

forgiveness. They do not know what a vast range

forgiveness has.


All the great prophets, Shri Ram, Shri Krishna,

Mohammed Sahab, Guru Nanak Dev ji, and of course the

very epitome of forgiveness - the one who forgave

while being crucified at the stake - the supreme son

of God Lord Jesus Christ spoke about forgiveness.

It has such a huge power that it expands your heart

many fold and you will be amazed as to how vast your

insides have grown. This is not a web or words ( "

shabdon ka khel " ). It happens. Ask those who have

been practicing Sahajayoga for long. You will see them

unaffected by anything.


The source of all forgiveness, the source of all joy,

the source of all peace, the source of all

tranquility, the source of all love(the purest love of

God almighty, a love without any barriers or any

discriminations or any differentiation) is the very

God of Forgiveness - Shri Sadashiv Almighty - so says

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.


One Sahajayogi said, after such a long duration in

Sahaj, life goes into " Saboori " .


It is only possible by forgiving, by opening of the

Agnya chakra. And, as more the Agnya expands, more the

vibrations flow inside and more the strength of the

Nirakaar penetrate the very core of your being. The

more detachment it gives and more you enjoy the

freedom of the spirit, freedom from vices, envy,

hatred, jealousy, fear, terror etc.


Enjoy life, says Mahadev,the Adishakti, Shri Krishna

and everyone sitting above.


I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of characters sitting

on other side of the fence make it to the Light by a

simple act of forgiving.



Trust You Have Had Your Answers.


Rajan Batra




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