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Alternative cures?

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shriadishakti , " indiblonde " <indiblonde>


> JAI SHRI MATAJI to everyone :)


> i read with intrest jagbirji's post..few questions...


> Is it alrite to " cure you energy flow/ aura/ chakras " through say,

> a reiki master or some auratherapist who is a non-SY?


> Is it ok to learn their skills (eg. reiki) to cure yourself?

> others? Is it true that if you do reiki then you are using only

> one energy channel (right side) and sooner or later it will

> backfire? That you will have a painfull death, etc etc


> Are these " curing " therapies anti-SY or complementary?


> How does one figure out which therapy is alrite in SY and which is

> anti-SY?


> JSM,

> Sohniya



Hi Sohniya,


A SY should never seek spiritual cures from anyone - no question

about this. There is no genuine kundalini awakening available except

through the Adi Shakti. The internet is full of horrible tales of

kundalini awakening which are accepted by ignorant seekers since

many have experience similar to that of this personal story

by " Erosion " :




" Kundalini and Siddha Yoga

Personal Story by " Erosion "


I had a kundalini awakening March 15 1994, living in a small rural

city in Alaska USA I am now 49 years old woman and I live in Oregon

in the United States. My situation was that I was very ignorant on

what happened to me, I'm not sure even where to start. I was reading

new age books about seeking the self within our selves for about 5

years before this date, but I was not practising any yoga of any



I was introduced to Yoga called Siddha Yoga by a friend and I had a

vision of a Guru named Swami Chidvilasananda or better known as

Gurumayi the Guru of Siddha Yoga. She appeared before me in a dream

and let me ask her questions, she was very sweet and quiet and I

woke up from the dream puzzled. I now understand this was darshan of

a Guruwhere I received initiation. I didn't know this at the time, I

knew nothing of Yoga or Siddha yoga. Except for some Hatha Yoga

classes I took in college. Anyway I borrowed a book of my friends

called The Play of Consciousness by Swami Muktananda and read this

book three times in a row trying to understand what it was saying

and I had a Kundalini awakening. It was very intense, but from

reading this book I understood that it was a safe process. Now at

this point in my life I was living in Alaska and my only contact to

this Yoga was my friend and a book, and that dream. Within a few

days I began hearing voices and they were not kind or nice to me, I

was confused because I thought it was my Inner Guru, but I was

wrong. I was driven mad....


I visited a mental hospital 3 times in a years passing. The drugs

they gave me didn't do a thing for me. I can't say how hard this all

was for me not only mentally but physically too.


Symptoms and Consequences


I have since inquired my dilemma to the Siddha Yoga people and I was

basically told to stay away from them. It has been 6 years now going

on 7 and I am still putting myself together. I feel like I was split

into many pieces, my mind was possessed with voices of many

different personalities and some of them were clairvoyant. I was

told of things to happen and they did. I was also told of things

that didn't happen. I was given no support in the Siddha Yoga

circles because they only want to hear about great, uplifting

experiences. So I now am silent and quiet about my kundalini



I had many of the experiences that are mentioned in your web site.

Lots of visions, both uplifting and awful. The orgasms right in the

beginning lasted for days. I was confused and in ecstasy at the same

time. I had outer body experiences; my body shook and popped a lot.

I had areas in my body where there were blockages, that seemed to

open up and have lots of energy flow into. I had pin point needles

prick me all over my skin. I had periods where I fasted and periods

where I never drank water. (I was not right in the mind then)


I was making decisions then that were not good for me. One should

never make decisions when the mind is not completely calm and clear.

I had great emotional swings, feeling very high and the feeling very



I reviewed my life and felt many decisions I made in my past were

unfortunate. I had periods when I just could not sleep. When I would

fall into sleep I was woken up with a jolt. This lasted for days and

I was exhausted. But it finally stopped.


My heart has irregular beatings at periods when it happens it feels

as though it is turning over and over. I thought I was having heart

problems but my heart is fine.


I've seen demons, and awful atrocities in my visions and I don't

like that at all.


My work was disturbed my family was broke up, I divorced during the

first year, Now that I look back my life was really disturbed and

turned up-side-down everything bad in my life was falling out of my

self and everything bad in the world was my fault.


At the time I thought I was blessed! I now understand that I was

very mentally ill.


Before March 15th 1994 I never ever heard voices. My life had

stressful times but I didn't go crazy. I just dealt with my problems

and worked with them the best I could. I don't understand even now

why this has happened to me. There is a lot of talk about karma, and

I have contemplated that maybe this was my karma to have such a

difficult kundalini awakening. But I am not seeking anything

anymore. I have given up on a lot of my spiritual seeking. It seems

the yoga path is not a good path for me. I am still a believer in

god or spirit. But I think that being ignorant is not a good way to

jump into anything.


No help


Kundalini awakening was a dangerous and harmful event for me; I

tried to commit suicide. Fortunately for me unsuccessfully. I had

great depression periods. I was so disturbed that I couldn't

concentrate at all on a conversation or follow a movie. The voices

were so very loud. My mind was very hurt and it felt like I was

broken. Physically I had all kinds of things happening. Lots of

movements in the beginning I saw lights red, blue, yellow and lots

of bright white light. Nearly blinding.


I am still having the voices in my mind happen but I don't listen to

them I ignore them, but they are very very quiet now. Before they

were so loud I was constantly being distracted.


I am not practising any Yoga, at the moment feel it isn't safe for

me. I am an artist running a business and trying to get my life back

together, It isn't easy for me because I have absolutely nobody to

help me with this kundalini situation which is still happening to

me. I am focusing on my family and my work now. I live with my

youngest daughter and her child. I still have depression and I am

trying to get over it by counting my blessings and making energetic

progress towards the good. I am celibate and I constantly try to

live a virtuous life in my thoughts and actions. I sometimes think I

need someone to help me get through this, but I have accepted that

there is not help for people who have this happen. Only ourselves to

deal with on a daily basis.


Inner Guru


I feel that I was a great fool thinking that I had received an inner

Guru, and then driven crazy. I recently read the book, Autobiography

of a Yogi by Yogananda Paramahamsa. This book made me realize that I

don't have a teacher. All the Great beings I have read about or seen

in my experiences had a very personal physical relationship with

their Guru. I realized that I didn't have this, I thought I was

protected with an inner Guru, this is what they teach in Siddha

Yoga. The books I was reading in Siddha Yoga kept saying that it was

a completely safe path to follow and the practices would only bring

good and great experiences on the path to realizing the self. But

the practices for me brought rather not so good experiences.


The ringing of the ears is still happening, in Siddha Yoga they say

this is a Nada. The mantra is a spontaneous sound I hear always. I

have questioned whether this is good for me, In Siddha Yoga they

only praise the mantra. It does not stop; it is always within me. I

have so many doubts, I have learned for me practising Yoga is not a

safe adventure into theself. I do not want any experiences anymore.

That is why I have stopped the Yoga practices. But it has not

stopped for me. Yoga has seemed to take a hold of my life now and is

in everything I do. I still hear voices that I ignore, and I am

concerned about. It just isn't healthy to have this happen and I

know that. Doing the practices makes everything very intense. But

just trying to live my life with care, love and devotion to God is

making everything sweet and soft for me. I know better now, one

should never dabble into the realm of the spiritual without

knowledge, and preparation on all levels of existence. There was no

help for me, everyone I turned too had no understanding of what was

happening to me, even in Siddha Yoga. I guess it was my karma to not

have help. But maybe it is in my karma to help someone else who is

in spiritual crisis looking for some help. "


Personal Story by " Erosion "






Sahaja Yoga is head and shoulders above all yogas. It has nothing to

do with weird and painful kundalini experiences that is a trademark

of victims suffering from the teachings of novice teachers, fake

gurus or outright quacks.


The kundalini awakening bestowed by the Adi Shakti is like no other.

It is truly the MahaYoga that triumphs over the enlightenment

achieved by the teeming masses of religious institutions and

spiritual organizations. In my life i have never come across

anything even remotely resembling the self-realization of Sahaja

Yoga. It is an insult to even compare it to any other because we are

just touching the tip of the Sahaja Yoga iceberg. We SYs know little

of what powers we possess after kundalini awakening.


The Mother Kundalini within only recognizes the Adi Shakti and no

other master or aura therapist. Sohniya, just learn to cure your

energy flow/ aura/ chakras effortlessly by being in the thoughtless

state. Very few SYs will advise this method because, though

extremely effective, is very difficult to attain. That is why they

keep insisting on kindergarten cures like chillies, lemons,

shoebeats etc. Only when they advance beyond this rudimentary stage

will they learn to cure themselves without the need of any external

rituals. Period!


so be your own master,




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shriadishakti , " indiblonde " <indiblonde>

> wrote:

> > JAI SHRI MATAJI to everyone :)

> >

> > i read with intrest jagbirji's post..few questions...

> >

> > Is it alrite to " cure you energy flow/ aura/ chakras " through

> > say, a reiki master or some auratherapist who is a non-SY?

> >

> > Is it ok to learn their skills (eg. reiki) to cure yourself?

> > others? Is it true that if you do reiki then you are using only

> > one energy channel (right side) and sooner or later it will

> > backfire? That you will have a painfull death, etc etc

> >

> > Are these " curing " therapies anti-SY or complementary?

> >

> > How does one figure out which therapy is alrite in SY and which

> > is anti-SY?

> >

> > JSM,

> > Sohniya

> >


> Hi Sohniya,


> A SY should never seek spiritual cures from anyone - no question

> about this. There is no genuine kundalini awakening available

> except through the Adi Shakti. The internet is full of horrible

> tales of kundalini awakening




" Danger High Voltage


A Kundalini release can be triggered by meditation, yoga, prayer,

bodywork, psychedelic drugs, a life crisis (such as extreme physical

or emotional trauma, a near-death experience or the death of a loved

one), childbirth, menopause, certain ascetic or sexual practices,

and so forth. Kundalini can also awaken spontaneously from no

apparent cause. This out-of-the-blue Kundalini arousal occurred in

my own case in 1991. Since then, I have communicated with hundreds

of people whose Kundalini rose involuntarily, initiating a long

transformative process.


For many like me in this situation, once Kundalini has risen, its

activity in the system is constant and palpable. Unusual energy

sensations are frequently or continuously experienced. These are

often felt as tingling, vibrating, buzzing, prickling, stinging,

itching, burning or crawling sensations. A host of other physical,

psychological, psychic and spiritual changes may precede or arrive

in the wake of the classical torrent of energy rushing through the

spine and out through the top of the head in an explosion of



The ongoing Kundalini process differs from occasional pranic-energy

releases or mystical experiences, after which the Kundalini settles

back into dormancy. But these isolate experiences can be precursors

to a future full blown Kundalini process. When we are in the midst

of this profound transformation of our body/minds, unless we are

being guided by wise and experienced teachers, it is better to trust

the innate intelligence of Kundalini than to attempt to control or

push the energies along. I have heard story after story of

disastrous results when individuals with awakened Kundalini tried to

force the process in any way. Havoc has also plagued those who

submitted to intervention from others who were unqualified to work

with Kundalini.


Practices and techniques often recommended to rouse Kundalini can be

outright dangerous when the Kundalini is already up and roaring. I

am speaking of methods like pranayama (yogic breath-control

exercises), holotropic breathwork, and most formal methods of

meditation. Excruciating headaches, infernal heat, seizures, extreme

anxiety and psychosis have been the price paid by many who learned

the hard way to respect Kundalini's natural course. All of these

afflictions can also occur during an intense Kundalini episode when

there has been no interference, but the system can rebalance itself

more quickly when it is not being stressed by over-stimulating



Once Kundalini is awake and active in the system, especially when it

has awakened spontaneously and the individual does not recognize

what is happening, the tendency to fight against it is strong. This

can be mentally and physically harmful. A man who was weary of

months of debilitating fatigue (common at certain stages of the

Kundalini process) decided to give himself a boost with

amphetamines. This was a serious mistake; he catapulted himself into

a ten week bout of psychosis.


Another individual had panic attacks trying to resist the seemingly

alien force of Kundalini as it twisted her ribcage and torso into

bizarre positions. When she learned that such unusual postures are

caused by Kundalini's purposeful inner adjustments to allow the

energy to flow freely, she relaxed and allowed the energy to take

over. Not only was her fear diminished; she told me that her overall

health improved from that point on.


Quite a number of people with risen Kundalini (myself included) have

experienced a worsening of symptoms as a direct result of energy

manipulations performed by healers. After I suffered an immediate

increase in pain -- and no discernible improvement in my Kundalini

symptoms -- in the aftermath of treatments from three different

bodyworkers, I decided to stay away from them altogether. This is

not to say that anyone whose Kundalini has risen must avoid healers,

bodyworkers or spiritual advisors! I also know of people whose

Kundalini difficulties were greatly relieved by such practitioners.

The important thing is to be very discerning. Healers, therapists

and teachers who are familiar with Kundalini and who are respectful

and sensitive both to the client and to the energies can help



When the Kundalini awakens, tremendous power is unleashed. The

resulting expansion of consciousness affects every element of our

being, from our biological functions to our personal relationships

to our concept of reality to our influence in the world. We are

irrevocably changed in ways we could not have imagined and in ways

we may never fully comprehend.


For some of us, the risen Kundalini gives us our first or most

unmistakable contact with the Spirit. Before my Kundalini rose, I

thought the resurgence of Goddess religions were mostly a feminist

backlash against millennia of a masculinized God. Now I understand

it all quite differently. Kundalini is Shakti, the Great Mother

Goddess, the living energy that daily makes her vibrant presence

known in my body and my psyche. She is as fierce and powerful as she

is mysterious and enticing.


Whether or not anyone else shares my deified view, Kundalini is not

a blind force of nature because there are no blind forces of nature

(with the possible exception of the human mind!). Approaching

Kundalini with arrogance, impatience or greed is asking for trouble.

Usually, mercifully, such attitudes assure that one's own Kundalini

will not stir at all. If Kundalini is to be invoked, it must be with

care and better still, with reverence and humility. We are treading

sacred waters here. To plunge in recklessly is to risk self-

annihilation. "


El Collie, www.hmt.com

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shriadishakti , " indiblonde " <indiblonde>

> wrote:

> > JAI SHRI MATAJI to everyone :)

> >

> > i read with intrest jagbirji's post..few questions...

> >

> > Is it alrite to " cure you energy flow/ aura/ chakras " through

> > say, a reiki master or some auratherapist who is a non-SY?

> >

> > Is it ok to learn their skills (eg. reiki) to cure yourself?

> > others? Is it true that if you do reiki then you are using only

> > one energy channel (right side) and sooner or later it will

> > backfire? That you will have a painfull death, etc etc

> >

> > Are these " curing " therapies anti-SY or complementary?

> >

> > How does one figure out which therapy is alrite in SY and which

> > is anti-SY?

> >

> > JSM,

> > Sohniya

> >


> Hi Sohniya,


> A SY should never seek spiritual cures from anyone - no question

> about this. There is no genuine kundalini awakening available

> except through the Adi Shakti. The internet is full of horrible

> tales of kundalini awakening




" With increasing numbers of individuals being led to believe that


Kundalini awakening is a risk-free undertaking and an expressway to

happiness and perfect health, many of those who make enough

progress, will be saddled with serious or limiting complications

they were not prepared to endure.


In Carl Jung's preface to the Tibetan Book Of The Dead, he touched

briefly upon the complications when he used the phrase " the ill-

fated Kundalini Yoga. "


Another questionable claim is that Kundalini " cleans house " and

fashions us into superior beings with all manner of supernatural

powers and an unerring moral compass. These claims are only

anecdotal and have no basis in emperical proof. In links on this

website you will read stories of Kundalini Awakened (and alleged to

be enlightened) Spiritual Masters who in the course of their

lifetimes turned out to be less than superior in their actions

against others. . . .


" There are dozens of yogas in the East and the West, and if you feel

attracted to these forms, you should go to a proper teacher of that

tradition. Some abhyasis do have experience of the inner sound or

shabda of nada-yoga, the various light-visions (lakshya) common to

taraka-yoga. Though kundalini may be awakened in Sahaj Marg practice

if Master deems this to be necessary for an abhyasi's appointed

work, kundalini as such involves power and has nothing to do with

spiritual realization. "


This gives rise to questions about whether or not just trying to

force an inner energy to shoot up one's spine is enough for the

hallmarks of spiritual growth--Love and Compassion--to blossom in an

individual's life. It may be that more is needed than Kundalini,

spiritual power, or the practicing of techniques alleged to make you

enlightened. Maybe simply trying to be a loving, compassionate being

is more important in the here and hereafter, and a safeguard against

the seductions and downfalls of spiritual power. "



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shriadishakti , " indiblonde " <indiblonde>

> wrote:

> > JAI SHRI MATAJI to everyone :)

> >

> > i read with intrest jagbirji's post..few questions...

> >

> > Is it alrite to " cure you energy flow/ aura/ chakras " through

> > say, a reiki master or some auratherapist who is a non-SY?

> >

> > Is it ok to learn their skills (eg. reiki) to cure yourself?

> > others? Is it true that if you do reiki then you are using only

> > one energy channel (right side) and sooner or later it will

> > backfire? That you will have a painfull death, etc etc

> >

> > Are these " curing " therapies anti-SY or complementary?

> >

> > How does one figure out which therapy is alrite in SY and which

> > is anti-SY?

> >

> > JSM,

> > Sohniya

> >


> Hi Sohniya,


> A SY should never seek spiritual cures from anyone - no question

> about this. There is no genuine kundalini awakening available

> except through the Adi Shakti. The internet is full of horrible

> tales of kundalini awakening




" My current self-esteem is pretty good - a 8-9 I'd guess. There


some people here on this list who had psychiatric problems. I also

had that - I thought. But then a book I bought today has made me

question whether my " breakdown " really was a breakdown, instead of a

Kundalini Experience.


It seems that the two are quite similar, and that it's easy to

mistake a Kundalini Awakening with a psychotic episode. The book is

called " The Kundalini Experience " and it's written by Lee Sannella,

MD. I'll just quote a bit from the blurb on the back of the book,

and then you can mail me if you want more information:


" In a darkened room a man sits alone. His body is swept by muscle

spasms. Indescribable sensations and sharp pains run from his feet

up his legs and over his back and neck. His skull feels as if it is

about to burst. Inside his head he hears roaring sounds and high-

pitched whistling. His hands burn. He feels his body tearing within.

Then suddenly he laughs and is overcome with bliss. "


" A psychotic episode? No, this is a psychophysiological

transformation, a 'rebirth' process as natural as physical birth. It

seems pathological only because the symptoms are not understood in

relation to the outcome: a physically transformed human being. "


Kundalini experiences often occur when the person has been doing

much meditation/yoga/bodywork. It is an opening of the floodgates, a

release of the stoppages of the chakras, energy flowing from the

root chakra to the crown chakra. It often results in increased

psychic sensitivity, clairvoyance, precognition, the ability to

start fires.


Sometimes the experience isn't " total " or full. This can result in

later problems, such as depression, suicidal thoughts etc., but is

possible to rectify. The same can happen if the person isn't aware

of what's happening to him/her. "


Haakon, Norway





" I was dreaming something, when all of a sudden I became lucid


got aware of lying in a wide unknown room. It was dark, but by means

of concentration I became aware of some contours. Thus encouraged I

increased concentration and by doing this I got the impression that

the walls got cracks and light was shining through. Suddenly I felt

the kundalini arising in form of hot waves, moving upwards the

spine. In the next moment the kundalini criss-crossed up to the

shoulder-blades and thereafter moved again straight upwards the

spine. Instantly I could see: While lying in bed, I was surrounded

by bizarre, demon like creatures, staring at me and approaching.

There were so many of them, that they filled the room, to the rear

piling up to the ceiling. I felt myself keeping them away at a

distance of about 11/2 meters making use of an inner force, which

required a tremendous amount of concentration. They were standing

there without moving and stared at me. One of them in front of me

was imposing by his long claws. I tried to scare them away by

Mantras but they echoed disharmonically. Since all my efforts were

in vain I turned to awake state as speedily as possible, turning my

body around still out of trance state. Later on I was amazed how

fast I had been able to leave trance and to move my body. The

experience was very vivid and vigorous and interesting. Subsequently

my back, especially in the region of the spine, felt strikingly

heated "


Alfred Ballabene,

Kundalini Arousal And Vibrations In OBE-ing





" For the last 12 months, I have been experiencing a form of

Kundalini disease that started from an incident a couple of years



While deeply in trance I was verbally abused. Instead of coming out

of trance, the abuse along with the music took me more deeply. " Let

the music take you deeper and deeper " the guru stated continually

during this guided meditation.


Each word of abuse was a knife plunging into my heart as my

entranced mind watched helpless and bemused. By the end of this

verbal attack my soul felt as if it were bleeding and I was crying,

still in trance, experiencing what was most likely a previous life

memory of being killed.


For five hours I cried, trapped in trance by the distress and the

music playing on and on, set on repeat mode. After five distressing

hours, the guru turned off the music and I " emerged " .


continued for several days and I remained in a state of severe

nervous anxiety for a week before I was well enough to return to

work. Remaining in trance much longer would have probably led to



This was certainly a left-hand tantric experience that raised



Previously after Kundalini experiences, Kundalini had dropped safely

back to Muladhara Chakra, however because of the sadomasochistic

style distress involved in this experience and Tantric sexual

practices being practiced at the time, when the Kundalini dropped it

became stuck in Swadhisthana causing serious health problems.


Swami Narayanananda in the 'The Primal Power in Man or The Kundalini

Shakti' emphasises that at the time of rising of Kundalini Shakti,

Brahmacharya (chastity) is essential for success. " Without perfect

Brahmacharya the whole effort will be a miserable failure. "


After this event my physical health slowly but steadily declined.

Twelve months ago I started experiencing pain in the toes which over

many months moved up the feet and legs and also into the hands. This

severe pain was accompanied by weakness (sometimes it was impossible

to stand) and also coldness, numbness and burning. It's difficult to

imagine how one can feel all these at one time but this was the

case. Losing 10 kilos turned me into skin and bone. The doctors

could measure the problems but were at a loss to find an underlying

cause. Their common recommendation being to eat, sleep, rest and

stay warm.


Swami Narayanananda states " If the heated Kundalini Shakti remains

for long in the Swadhisthana centre ... it completely exhausts a

person. The body of such a person becomes very lean and thin and one

is subject to various kinds of diseases such as nervous debility... "


Narayanananda is absolutely specific on this point: " Many sincere

aspirants, both men and women, end their lives most miserably ...

the causes of their failures are mainly due to the awakened

Kundalini Shakti occupying the Swadhisthana Chakra for long... many

of their Gurus (spiritual guides) themselves being ignorant of this

fact, cause the ruin of their disciples also. As long as the

Kundalini Shakti lives in the Swadhisthana Chakra, one is actually

in hell fire. "


This last phrase accurately describes my life of the last couple of

years. Since I became involved in left-hand Tantra, I have never

been further from enlightenment, never further from contentment,

never further from spirituality.


Now after returning to the Hatha Yoga regime of my youth along with

spiritual blessings received in India during my recent visit, the

devastating effects are slowly dissipating leaving a much greater

understanding of Kundalini and its problems. "


Gayenand, Kundalini Disease

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shriadishakti , " indiblonde " <indiblonde>

> wrote:

> > JAI SHRI MATAJI to everyone :)

> >

> > i read with intrest jagbirji's post..few questions...

> >

> > Is it alrite to " cure you energy flow/ aura/ chakras " through

> > say, a reiki master or some auratherapist who is a non-SY?

> >

> > Is it ok to learn their skills (eg. reiki) to cure yourself?

> > others? Is it true that if you do reiki then you are using only

> > one energy channel (right side) and sooner or later it will

> > backfire? That you will have a painfull death, etc etc

> >

> > Are these " curing " therapies anti-SY or complementary?

> >

> > How does one figure out which therapy is alrite in SY and which

> > is anti-SY?

> >

> > JSM,

> > Sohniya

> >


> Hi Sohniya,


> A SY should never seek spiritual cures from anyone - no question

> about this. There is no genuine kundalini awakening available

> except through the Adi Shakti. The internet is full of horrible

> tales of kundalini awakening




" Are you having strange symptoms like feeling as if electricity


surging up through your body? Are you tasting metals and chemicals?

Do you have awful headaches that feel as if a firm finger is

pressing on your pineal gland? Are you sleep patterns really weird?

Do you feel strong cravings? Does your head feel like it's going to

explode? Are your sexual desires becoming too strong to cope with?


On the other hand, are you experiencing amazing synchronicities? Are

you getting more and more psychic? Have you become a healer? Is your

inner purification a driving priority? Have you experienced Cosmic

Consciousness? What about telepathy? Are you hearing your Guides?

Have you had to learn--maybe the hard way--to feel unconditional

love? Are you giving up judgmental thoughts? Has your Higher Self

come into your life?


I could go on and on. Kundalini causes amazing spiritual changes,

delightful/dreadful growth experiences, bliss, and sometimes

debilitating physical pain, stress, and even real physical

illnesses. You might have the symptoms of a real disease, but not

the pathology. That means no one can diagnose your problem, but

you're miserable, anyway!


Education is part of your answer. Read about Kundalini! If you have

uncomfortable symptoms, visit your naturopath, your acupuncturist,

or your chiropractor. Homeopathic medicine is designed to treat

symptoms. Acupuncture balances you and is very good with pain

management. Even a spinal adjustment and a good massage can

alleviate internal tension. Get healthy so your body can tolerate

the Kundalini better, and find out everything you can about this

amazing evolutionary energy. "


Elaine Lehman, Big K, The Kundalini Story






" I'd like to share my own personal story and theory of kundalini

awakening. From the time I was born I was very interested in the

spiritual world. I would often catch myself being in a trance-like

state when I was young and end up talking to myself and not even

being aware that I was in a public place. The term 'space-cadet'

or 'absent-minded professor' probably fit me like a glove. I was

trying to astrally travel and reading books on such occult things by

the time I was seven.


When I was 19 I became hooked on Carlos Casteneda's books on Don

Juan, as well as other " classics " such as Barbara Brennan's 'Hand's

of Light'. It was this same year that I began experimenting with

hallucinogens - mainly LSD and mushrooms. For a person who is

interested in outerspace explorations such drugs are the key to a

quick advancement. Like most people I felt that I had entered a

whole new reality to explore. Probably the 7th or 8th time that I

tripped, I started to become aware of myself in a whole new way. I

was suddenly able to see that certain aspects of myself needed to

grow and change. I became aware that I possessed many undesirable

traits. It was as if these realizations were coming from another

source than myself - I was not actually seeking them out. Because of

these experiences I began to contemplate the realm of human

personality - and soon my spiritual path escalated.


Being very young still, and a true believer in spiritual powers, I

was very interested in exploration of psychic powers in general. Of

particular importance to my spiritual path was the experience of

unity consciousness or at least partial unity consciousness -

experienced with other friends while tripping on LSD. When two

people who are open to feeling states are in each others presence

their feeling states will often merge, and soon it is as if they are

becoming one person. The effect is increased when you stare into

another persons eyes and try to become empty-minded and being

completely aware. I will explain the importance of this later in the



The other important psychic effect was being able to will various

parts of my body to move - without moving them in the normal manner,

using pure mental willpower. I found it easiest to start with my

feet and then move on up. I found I was also able to make parts of

other peoples bodies move by pure mental will just by focusing on

that area - usually it would just kind of jump and shake - obviously

I needed some practice at acheiving true control. It was probably

very similiar to the chinese internal martial artists ability to

affect other people in a fight without touching - called nei gung

technique. The relevance to the kundalini awakening will also come

later in the story.


At a certain point in time, while tripping again (The use of

hallucinogens seemed to open me up to these experiences - although I

was also able to expereince them normally to a lesser degree [or

using more willpower] )I would experience spontaneous movements,

also called kriyas, kriya movements, spontaneous yogic movements

etc. This is basically where your body moves as if another

intelligence is moving it. This would happen especially during times

of extreme emotion in myself. The effects during this time period

were vague - usually sawing movements very rough in nature. This

relates to the above paragraph.


In the next year or two, these movements would increase in

complexity, again especially while on hallucinogens. Soon, this

force could expertly move my hands and other small parts of me.

There was a time that I thought it was my Reiki spirit guides :)

Note that this intelligence could also affect my emotions and my

thoughts. The more I relaxed and tried to calm my own thoughts and

listen intently, the more this force could penetrate my being and

affect me on the physical, mental, and emotional level. I noticed

that the types of movements usually corresponded to whatever

spiritual path I was interested in at that time. For example, when I

was initiated into kriya yoga, from Babaji, Yogananda etc., The

intelligence would start to perform certain hand mudras and yoga

gestures - things that I did not know and had to look up the meaning

of afterwards.


I also have to mention that during these years as my contact with

this 'presence' was growing stronger I was actively trying to engage

it in mental conversation. To hear the words of this intelligence in

my head at first was difficult and was basically a meditation in

itself. I used the same techniques as any other channeler would use

by the way. Eventually as this presence was able to more fully enter

into my neurological system, the effects became clearer and I was

able to mentally hear specific words on a frequent occasion. I began

querying this presence and received usually one word answers - which

were mostly complex multi-syllable words which I did not know the

meaning of and had to look up in a dictionary.


It was during a 2-3 month period of intense emotional purging

through the use of mostly hallucinogens and nitrous oxide that this

intelligence was able to completely 'enter' my neurological/nervous

system. My theory on this is that these compounds allowed me to

completely open up psychically to recieve these energies. During 2-3

particular trips I experienced most of the more 'hard core kundalini

awakening effects' such as energetic pulses going up and down my

spine, strange pressures in all parts of my brain, feeling as if if

I was breathing through various parts of my brain which corresponded

to chakra locations, rapid body heat changes, visions of such

complexity that I knew that my mind wasnt the one making them, times

where one or the other of my nostrils would close open, and I would

be breathing out of only one, then it would suddenly and quickly

switch...I also experienced ecstatic feelings of love and bliss in

many different forms, which were far greater than any kind of drug

experience I could possibly have had. I am quite sure that I also

had various hypertensive effects - rapid blood pressure changes,

lots of scary effects that made me think that I was going to faint

or have a seizure or something. It was after a particular intense

use of mushrooms that it became obvious that this presence no longer

needed me to use the hallucinogens to get into contact with it. I

was now constantly in dialogue with it and it was continously

working in my body 24 hours a day - even influencing my dreams.


After my last trip during this time period, I spent about the next

month feeling what I call the 'sparklies' - which felt like intense

little shocks throughout my nervous system - most of them small,

some of them large and corresponding to major chakra points -

especially the muladhara chakra. Also after this major awakening

event the intelligence had full access to my nervous system - it

could physically move me around just as easily as I could. It could

lay on any emotional state or feeling in my body, play any kind of

mental imagery across my inner picture screen that it wanted, and a

month or so after the 'sparklies' ended it could also talk through

my mouth just as easily as I could.


It has been a little over a year since this happened. One of the

major effects is that my consciousness is expanding daily. Another

unfortunate part of the process is that during this whole time and

to a great extent the past 2 years prior to my 'kundalini awakening'

it as if I have been depressed. When I say depressed - I mean

lacking in feeling and general happiness. This needs to be described

more in detail.


Mainly it isn't really being 'depressed' it is more like

being 'suppressed'. The feelings that make life so great just aren't

there. This is accurately described by Gopi Krishna in his year and

a half to two years after his kundalini awakening. Having no

interest in life often drains one as one feels nothing. It is hard

to maintain interest in activities, relationships, food, sex, or any

of desires of humanity. As a result of this a person experiencing

this will often find that he will grasp onto anything which provides

a feeling arousal. This is very Jungian in effect - that person will

dig up all of his childhood traumas and desires which were stifled

during their lifetime. For example - if that person secretly was

gay, and trying to remain straight - it would come out, if that

person hated living where they were living - that feeling would come

out to such an intensity that they would move, if that person was in

a career or life-style situation which was contrary to their true

nature - they would be forced to change it - the feeling would

dominate their consciousness at that point. This is why having a

full-kundalini awakening pretty much catapults you towards your true

self. As most people do not truly represent their true selves -

having built up a false persona of who they were, it is often a

painful process of growth which they must go through. You will be

forced to enter into many situations which you feared (perhaps you

feared what people would think of you if you acted 'this' way, or

you if you became 'that' kind of person). After having giving in to

your true self - especially having worked through all of the past

issues, you will not necesarily stay as that person you didnt want

to be - you can still grow and change your life style, but you have

to allow that true inner self to be.


On an end note I'd like to point out that these kind of occurrences

are exactly what is supposed to happen in Kriya yoga, Siddha yoga,

Sahaj yoga, and advanced Kripalu yoga. Each of these yogas is about

allowing the spontaneous yoga movements to occur. Furthermore there

are many famous individuals who have written books which describe

this intelligence as being the force behind spiritual change.

Examples are Sri Aurobindo, who called this force the supermind.

KrishnaMurta - who details how a spiritual presence was able to work

through him. Joan of Arc - who communicated with what is most likely

this same presence. Swami Muktananda - whose experiences perfectly

fit into this model. Any of the spiritualists who allowed beings to

enter into them and express itself through such things as automatic

writing, channelling, speaking in tongues, etc. etc. Swami Yogananda

of kriya yoga - obviously was 'in allegiance' with this presence, as

is detailed in his books.


Looking back at the spiritual events in my life it is plainly

obvious that the guiding force on my whole spiritual path was this

presence. As far the unity consciousness is concerned (unity

consciousness being one of the goals of the tantric path BTW) I

believe that two individuals with this " initiation " would be able to

truly experience this state because this spiritual presence would

act as a bridge between the two people. So it really wouldn't be a

twosome - it's a threesome. I think that is a major blessing for two

people who are in union, they each would be able to know eachother

so much deeper by being in contact with this go-between presence.


So in short -what I am saying is that the kundalini awakening is not

as is commonly believed - coiled around the muladhara chakra three

times - instead it is an awakening and connection with a higher

spiritual intelligence which moves through mankind and has been for

thousands of years - probably the force which is evolving humankind.

Traditionally a kundalini awakening has been seen as a separate

occurence, but I think it is in fact the motivating force behind all

truly spiritual people and spiritual paths. An intelligent presence

which may very likely be involved in the evolution of all of the

life forms on this planet. There are many terms which may describe

this energy - shakti, mahashakti, purusa, shabdabrahman, Tao?, Ain

Soph, God?, the companion (sufism), etc. etc.. in all of the various

advanced spiritual paths in the world. So anyone who is experiencing

this awakening is truly experiencing a connection with a higher

(divine?) presence. The question is - is this presence the same one

for all of the people? Or are there many different spiritual

entities which are contacting people? The latter one may lead to

some fear, but it is a possible explanation...In any event I am

positive that this occurrence in my life has led to remarkable

growth and changes and abilities which I would not have had

otherwise. "


Kaleb zoomazang, Aug 2000

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shriadishakti , " indiblonde " <indiblonde>

> wrote:

> > JAI SHRI MATAJI to everyone :)

> >

> > i read with intrest jagbirji's post..few questions...

> >

> > Is it alrite to " cure you energy flow/ aura/ chakras " through

> > say, a reiki master or some auratherapist who is a non-SY?

> >

> > Is it ok to learn their skills (eg. reiki) to cure yourself?

> > others? Is it true that if you do reiki then you are using only

> > one energy channel (right side) and sooner or later it will

> > backfire? That you will have a painfull death, etc etc

> >

> > Are these " curing " therapies anti-SY or complementary?

> >

> > How does one figure out which therapy is alrite in SY and which

> > is anti-SY?

> >

> > JSM,

> > Sohniya

> >


> Hi Sohniya,


> A SY should never seek spiritual cures from anyone - no question

> about this. There is no genuine kundalini awakening available

> except through the Adi Shakti. The internet is full of horrible

> tales of kundalini awakening




" What are the signs of an awakened kundalini?


Briefly, according to classical literature the signs of an awakened

kundalini can be grouped into: mental signs, vocal signs and

physical signs. Mental signs can include visions that range from

ecstatically blissful to terrifyingly frightful. Vocal signs can

include spontaneous vocal expressions that range from singing or

reciting mantras to make various animals sounds such as growling or

chirping. Physical signs include trembling, shaking and

spontaneously performing hatha yoga postures and pranayamas.


From a more subjective perspective the more pleasant experiences

associated with a kundalini awakening may include: waves of bliss,

periods of elation, glimpses of transcendental consciousness. The

less pleasant experiences associated with a kundalini awakening may

include: trembling, sharp aches in areas associated with the cakras,

periods of irrational anxiety, sudden flashes of heat.


Are these methods of awakening kundalini dangerous? What about Gopi

Krishna's books?


If we take the psychological perspective and view kundalini as the

power latent in our unconscious then it is easy to understand that

awakening this force is going to bring a greater amount of

unconscious material into our consciousness. Even in the best of

circumstances this is likely to be uncomfortable and if an

individual is barely coping with his unconscious even under normal

circumstances then awakening kundalini may push the individual over

into psychosis. This phenomenon has been documented many times.


Forceful methods of awakening kundalini pose additional dangers.

Because quite forceful methods can be used to awaken kundalini these

techniques themselves are potentially physically and mentally

disruptive. An individual named Gopi Krishna awakened his kundalini

by doing unguided meditation on his crown cakra. His life after

awakening was both blessed by ecstatic bliss and tormented by

physical and mental discomfort. Eventually his experience

stabilized. He wrote down his experiences in a recently re-released

autbiography entitled ``Living with Kundalini.'' Gopi Krishna's

autobiography appears to be an honest representation of his

experiences but it is only one extreme datapoint in the panorama of

experience on kundalini yoga. It represents dangers in forceful

unguided practice but it is not representative of a typical

practicioner's experience.


But even if kundalini is dangerous, isn't it a faster way to



First of all it may be useful to observe that there is no technique

currently known on earth that appears to be rapidly catapulting

large number of individuals toward enlightenment. Because kundalini

yogas deal so directly with a powerful enlightening force it seems

natural that they would be ``faster'', but there appears to be alot

of tortoise and hare phenomena at work with newbie kundalini yogins.

Many people begin kundalini yogas, have strong initial experiences

and then become frightened. Many who persevere through this initial

phase become distracted by the energy and focus on temporal and

phenomenal applications of the energy. "


Kurt Keutzer, Kundalini FAQ





" I went through almost all symptoms listed, sought medical advice

from neurologists and internists, ophthalmologists and

psychiatrists, visited clairvoyants and pranatherapists, and none

were able to offer a good explanation. Since all my tests came up

clean, I was considered a hypochondriac.


I found out all the answers by myself. I might write the

book, " Kundalini, My Way. " After two years, I still have many of the

symptoms. After meditation or energizing practice, they are enhanced

but I am happy with them. "


Laurian, Dec 99





" About 23 years ago and after having meditated for about 12 or 15

years and many enlightening experiences, I wanted to have an

intuitive understanding of the powers of God. I meditated on this

for only about 6 weeks and I started having dreams of getting hold

of a wire that was to hot to handle and burning my hands.


When Kundalini started it did just that. I had massive blisters on

both hands and many experiences that are to much to mention in a

short message. the blisters lasted for about 6 weeks. I did not

meditate for another 6 months and then I foolishly tried the same

thing again.


It took much less time for the second experience and the same thing

happened. I then went through many changes. I became sexually

promiscuous and did some things I regretted. after going through

that transition, the sexual system shut of and I had many strange

dreams and psychic experiences. All the time, I felt I had a

tremendous power in me and I did not know what it was. "


Anonymous (www.hmt.com/)

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