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After Sahajayoga, no other Alternative Therapy Please!!!!

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Jai Shri Mataji,


For your information I have practiced Reiki for 5

years at the second degree level before I joined

Sahaj. This was from '95 to '2001.


Reiki will just cure aches and pains, it will not take

you beyond a certain level.


Sahaj puts you on an entirely different plane.


We do welcome your queries as it is normal to be

inquisitive, however, if you do any other alternative

therapy do not do Sahaj.


Or, alternatively, if you do Sahaj, do not do any

other alternative therapy.


No doubt all therapies lead to energy balance,

however, the modes are different, and the destinations

are different.


Except for Shri Mataji and Sahajayoga nobody can give

you realisation or permission to break the Sahasrara.


Keep meditating, footsoaking & shoebeating.






--- jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote:


> shriadishakti , " indiblonde "

> <indiblonde>

> > wrote:

> > > JAI SHRI MATAJI to everyone :)

> > >

> > > i read with intrest jagbirji's post..few

> questions...

> > >

> > > Is it alrite to " cure you energy flow/ aura/

> chakras " through

> > > say, a reiki master or some auratherapist who is

> a non-SY?

> > >

> > > Is it ok to learn their skills (eg. reiki) to

> cure yourself?

> > > others? Is it true that if you do reiki then you

> are using only

> > > one energy channel (right side) and sooner or

> later it will

> > > backfire? That you will have a painfull death,

> etc etc

> > >

> > > Are these " curing " therapies anti-SY or

> complementary?

> > >

> > > How does one figure out which therapy is alrite

> in SY and which

> > > is anti-SY?

> > >

> > > JSM,

> > > Sohniya

> > >

> >

> > Hi Sohniya,

> >

> > A SY should never seek spiritual cures from anyone

> - no question

> > about this. There is no genuine kundalini

> awakening available

> > except through the Adi Shakti. The internet is

> full of horrible

> > tales of kundalini awakening

> >

> >


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi




" The Kundalini is the Pure Desire within us . . .

> This Power of Pure Desire resides in the triangular

> bone. It is very important to know that the

> Kundalini lies above the Mooladhara Chakra in the

> Mooladhara. So those people who say that sex can

> awaken the Kundalini are absolutely wrong and are

> trying to play upon our weaknesses. Because

> Mooladhara Chakra looks after the pelvic plexus

> which is responsible for our organs of excretion as

> well as for sex. At this time all such activities

> stop and a person becomes innocent and then the

> Kundalini rises . . . To say that it gives trouble

> shows that the people who are doing this kind of

> work are not authorized, or they do not have any

> Knowledge about it. "

> Shri Pratyak-Chiti-Rupa Devi

> Madras, India — February 11, 1990


> Pratyak-Chiti-Rupa (367th): Inner consciousness or

> knowledge of Self of each Jiva as Saksi.



Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi




" I am telling you as your Mother and persuading you

> not to go to such wicked people and invite your

> disaster. Do not destroy your Spirit by going to

> such people. You should understand your Spirit.

> There is no need to spoil everything in the

> oscillations of questions and counter questions. Get

> Realization first. First know your Spirit. I will do

> the rest. On what basis will you ask questions

> before that? Have you got any means to ascertain who

> is genuine and who is fake. "

> Shri Charachara-Jagannatha Devi

> Delhi, India — August 18, 1979


> Charachara-Jagannatha (244th) The Queen of the

> entire Universe, moving and non-moving. Jagat means

> moving which is nothing but Herself as Power.



Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi




" In the breaking of the Sahasrara I have never left

> anything undone. It's a perfect job. Your nerves are

> not hurt. Your brain is not hurt. Such a powerful

> Kundalini comes up. How sweetly, beautifully,

> delicately she pierces through. Only a thread comes

> up. And how then the connection is established and

> the relaxation starts coming in on the sympathetic.

> How beautifully all the Chakras open and more of

> these threads are coming up. Now you are also told

> how to work it out. You know all the technical know

> how. . . .

> When asked anyone of the saints or anyone of the

> great incarnations, did they know so much about

> Kundalini. If they had they would have written about

> it. They have never written anything about

> Kundalini. If they have it's very little. "


> Shri Sarvopanisadadudghusta Devi

> How It Was All Decided, Fregene, Italy — May 8, 1988

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi




" Unless and until you get your spirit you are not

> going to be satisfied, you try anything else because

> you are a category and category of a seeker. There

> may be some who are not, who are just posing, they

> can be discovered very easily. The Kundalini rises

> only in the presence of a holy person who is a

> realised soul, that's why they say you must get a

> Satguru, which is a Guru who is a Realised soul, but

> how many there are? "

> Shri Mula-vigraha-rupini Devi

> University of NSW, Australia — March 23, 1981


> (Mula-vigraha-rupini (840th): The Primordial Power

> from who originate the various energies.)












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shriadishakti , RAJAN BATRA

<r_batra_2000> wrote:

> Jai Shri Mataji,


> For your information I have practiced Reiki for 5

> years at the second degree level before I joined

> Sahaj. This was from '95 to '2001.


> Reiki will just cure aches and pains, it will not take

> you beyond a certain level.


> Sahaj puts you on an entirely different plane.


> We do welcome your queries as it is normal to be

> inquisitive, however, if you do any other alternative

> therapy do not do Sahaj.


> Or, alternatively, if you do Sahaj, do not do any

> other alternative therapy.


> No doubt all therapies lead to energy balance,

> however, the modes are different, and the destinations

> are different.


> Except for Shri Mataji and Sahajayoga nobody can give

> you realisation or permission to break the Sahasrara.


> Keep meditating, footsoaking & shoebeating.


> Rajan






i know very little about Reiki. Correct me if i am wrong but what

surprises me is the growing number of Hindus practising it in India.

Just the other day my wife told me that an on-off Indian SY was told

to try Reiki by her sister. What attracts people to Reiki in the

first place? Maybe you can elaborate how this is possible when India

is Yogabumi.


But what i really want to know is if there is any self-realization

through kundalini awakening, though such a possibility cannot

probably be true.



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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Rajan,


> i know very little about Reiki. Correct me if i am wrong but what

> surprises me is the growing number of Hindus practising it in

India. Just the other day my wife told me that an on-off Indian SY

was told to try Reiki by her sister. What attracts people to Reiki

in the first place? Maybe you can elaborate how this is possible

when India is Yogabumi.


> But what i really want to know is if there is any self-realization

> through kundalini awakening, though such a possibility cannot

> probably be true.


> jagbir





Dear Rajanji,


i received an email from an Indian Reiki practitioner (below) and

replied to him. Please treat this growing trend among young Indians

very seriously and provide a comprehensive reply.


SYs must become aware that it is time to take a giant leap, not

step, to combat head-on all types of falsehood - gurus, spiritual

practices, religious indoctrination and scriptural distortion. We

must provide the vidya and budhhi bestowed by the Adi Shakti who has

enlightened us beyond anything known to the human race. Nothing

compares to the self-realization and kundalini awakening of Shri

Bhavani. We must take the message of the Adi Shakti into the hearts

of the masses by speaking up and destroying the falsehood of all

religious/spiritual traditions. The Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi has said:


" In these modern times, in the evolutionary process, we have reached

the state of human awareness. This human awareness can work through

its thinking, rationality or conditioning. Many modern poets have

described them as the call of freedom of the Self. But what if one

can rise to a higher dimension of awareness? Why not open our hearts

and minds to the unique discovery that has been revealed for this

vital ascent?


The Kingdom of God that we were promised is at hand. This is not a

phrase out of a sermon or a lecture, but it is the actualization of

the experience of the highest Truth which is Absolute, now

manifesting itself in ordinary people at this present moment. "


Reiki has nothing to do with what Shri Mataji is talking about ...

........... yet millions are trying to learn about the vast secrets

of kundalini awakening - the biblical Tree of Life, the Al Nur of

the Koran, the Mother Kundalini of the Sri Lalita Sahasranama - that

will only manifest within the believers of the Last Judgment and



The Kingdom of God that we were promised is indeed at hand. As long

as SYs continue to suppress this central message new seekers will

continue the sustained exodus from Sahaja Yoga. Just like Reiki

practitioners they are only seeking the energy. They quickly leave

free SY public programs and meditation classes, completely ignorant

of the fact that genuine kundalini awakening is ONLY available for

those who surrender to the Last Judgment.


So Rajan, we have to enlighten others through our experiences. Since

you are an ex-Reiki member, it will allow others to learn from you

and apply this knowledge elsewhere. It has been my experience that

nothing silences critics than the plain truth and enlightenment of

Shri Mataji. Like Pamela, they will flee this forum ............

but will never be able to erase the fact that the Last Judgment has

begun from the consciousness.






Mon, 20 Oct 2003 10:35:13 -0700 (PDT)

" jagbir singh " <adishakti_org

Re: Please Remove my energy blockage

" axxxxxxxxx " <axxxxxxxxx.>



axxxxxx rxxxx <axxxxxxxxxxx wrote:


Dear Sir,


I am Axxxxx Rxxxx from New Delhi (INDIA). I have done Reiki course

of Ist ,IInd ,IIIrd and Mastership about 6 years ago and have done

Magnify healing and since then I have taken in attunement many times

directly and distant attunement and also attended many Reiki classes

with many Reiki grand Masters to get the flow of Reiki in my body.

But I don't feel the energy flow in my hands and body. There is

blockage some where and I feel blockage in many parts of my body.

When ever I tried to heal my self and others I feel some energy

pressure on my Crown Chakra but the energy does not flow in side and

in to my hands.


I shall be great full if you could help me out and remove all my

blockage. Please let me know If you can distant attunement or

healing for me or any thing else which will cure me. If you need my

picture I can send you by email.


Thanks & Regards


Axxxxx Rxxxx




(my reply to email)


Dear Axxxxx,




Forgive me for this late reply.


i have no idea what sort of energy you receive through Reiki

although many do practise it. Your problem is due to blocked chakras

which cannot be corrected over long distances.


One question remains: How did your Kundalini manage to cross the

Void and come out through the Brahmarandhra? .............. if

indeed this is the case. i know the Mother Kundalini is very

difficult to coax and have no understanding how Reiki triggers such

a awakening.


You should contact a Sahaja Yoga centre near you and get self-

realization. That would really help you with your problems.




warmest regards,



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