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[shriadishakti] kundalini awakening

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Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






“All religions have promised Inner Silence when you reach the state of Self-Realization, the inner miracle of the subtle awareness and not gross jugglery. The Gita says that you become the witness of the Play of Divine. Many modern thinkers are also talking about the new awareness. We hear of many prophecies made by ancient and modern writers about the evolution of a new race of super human beings of unique awareness. These are no more empty words. Through the discovery of Sahaja Yoga it is possible to achieve the transformation of the human consciousness to higher planes promised by the various seers." Sri Kundalini DeviKundalini (110th): She is coiled like a serpent. She is stated to assume 31/2 coils — The form in which Sri-Lalita resides in each individual in the potential state.

110) Sri Kundalini

— Resides in sacrum bone of every human as Divine Energy i.e. Power of Holy Spirit. — Kundalini (110th): She is coiled like a serpent. She is stated to assume 31/2 coils - the form in which Sri-Lalita resides in each individual in the potential state.Sri Lalita Sahasranama (Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers, 1989.)


This family Woman Kundalini entering the royal road Susumna,Taking rest at intervals in the secret places (in the cakras),Embraces the supreme husband and causes the nectar to flow (in the Sahasrara.)Cintamanistava(source: R. A. Sastry, Lalita-Sahasranama, The Adyar Library and Research Centre, Madras, 1988.)



"That Kundalini in the Muladhara, sleeping in three and half coils, roused by Yogins, breaks through the six cakras as well as the three knots, called Brahma, Visnu, and Rudra-granthis and proceeding to the Sahasrara, from the moon’s orb, which is the pericarp of the lotus, She causes nectar to flow."R. A. Sastry, Lalita-Sahasranama(R. A. Sastry, Lalita-Sahasranama, The Adyar Library and Research Centre, Madras, 1988, p 87.)



The sakti called Kundalini in the form of a serpent, beautiful, fine as lotus, fibre, Resides in the Muladhara.

Biting the pericarp of the Muladhara which is like the pericarp of a lotus,

With its tail in its mouth and connected with the Brahmarandhra. . . .This energy unites with Siva in the thousand-petalled lotus.

This should be known as the supreme state (para),And it is the cause of final beatitude.Vamakesvaratantra(R. A. Sastry, Lalita-Sahasranama, The Adyar Library and Research Centre, Madras, 1988, p 198.)


May Kundalini, whose movements are secret and who by the blaze of the fire,By the illumination of the sun and by the brightness of the moon,Cause the ambrosia to flow through the seventy-two thousand channels, And make us contented.Sukasamitha(R. A. Sastry, Lalita-Sahasranama, The Adyar Library and Research Centre, Madras, 1988, p 198)


"The Kundalini Force

When the cosmic energy manifests itself as the life energy of living creatures, it is called kundalini energy or force. This force is the substance and cause of all energies of the mind and body. Vedanta does not regard mind and body as distinct entities. Both are manifested kundalini energy and the apparent diversity is just a question of degree of fineness. In its process of coarsening, the kundalini force makes no leaps. Consequently, there is no division line between mind and body — both are part of one continuous whole. Like everything else in the universe, the kundalini energy is constituted by the gunas and whatever goes on in the mind and body is owed to the interactions of these three forces. — In its purer forms, the kundalini force moves in a net of subtle channels (nadis) which resembles a finer counterpart of the net of nerves. The main channels are

directly connected to the central nervous system and run from the top of the head, along the spinal cord to slightly above the perineum. Along these main channels are located seven centres (chakras) which serve as reservoirs for the kundalini energy. In its purer forms, the kundalini energy or force is too subtle to be detected and comprehended by any other means than the mind.

At the beginning of the creation of a new human, the kundalini force resides in sahasrara chakra at the top of the head and is one with the Ultimate Reality. At this stage the kundalini force is unmanifested. Its self-manifestation starts as it departs from the Ultimate Reality and descends through the chakras. During its descend, the kundalini force becomes more and more coarse. The first thing to be created is the mind, which is associated with ajna chakra at the center of the head. Next comes the creation of akasha, which is associated with vishuddhi chakra in the spinal cord in the neck. Then follows the creation of the other four elements — air, which is associated with anahata chakra in the spinal cord near the heart — fire, which is associated with manipura chakra in the spinal cord at the level of the navel — water, which is associated with swadhisthana chakra

at the base of the spinal cord — earth, which is associated with muladhara chakra at a point slightly above the perineum. — After this initial arrival to muladhara chakra, a new human mind and body has come into existence.

Throughout life, all mental and physical activities get their energy from the chakra in which the kundalini force resides. In most persons, the kundalini force remains in muladhara chakra the whole life through. However, by means of the techniques of yoga and meditation, the kundalini force can be raised to higher chakras. During its initial descend from the sahasrara chakra, the kundalini force deposited some of its energy and powers in each chakra. Consequently, as long as the kundalini force remains in the muladhara chakra, only a minor portion is available. As the kundalini force is raised to higher chakras it regains its powers accordingly. Raising the force to a higher chakra corresponds to reaching a higher level of consciousness. Raising the kundalini force to sahasrara leads to reunification with the Ultimate Reality.

The description given above is rather simplified. It is the chakra, in which the major portion of the kundalini energy resides, that determines a person's fundamental nature. However, in most persons, portions of the kundalini force fluctuate between the various chakras and it is these fluctuations that determine the ups and downs we all are experiencing. In most persons, the force fluctuates mainly between the 2-3 lower chakras but occasionally a small portion may reach anahata chakra. — To raise the kundalini force to higher chakras, partially or fully, is usually an affair that takes a lot of disciplined effort. However, sometimes the kundalini force may rise spontaneously in an unprepared person. The kundalini force indeed is powerful, so a spontaneous rising always causes a lot of confusion in the minds of the persons it happens to. Some learn to handle the force,

often resulting in great art or literature or the person may become one of these few who spread love by their mere presence. Others may end up as permanently mental diseased."Steen Ingemann, Guide to Ultimate Reality(Steen Ingemann, Guide to Ultimate Reality, www.rishi.dk/guide/)



Swami, the illumined Yogiswara, invokes the release of the potent power hidden in each being, the power of Kundalini, to merge with the cosmic power of the eternal Reality through the heightened Dhyana-Sadhana of intense meditation and yogic awakening. In this poem, Swami revels in bliss as he hails the dormant, gracious Sakti to arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached! According to the Yoga Sastras, there runs through the spinal cord a canal called the Sushumna, at the base of which is a plexus called the Muladhara (basic), and at the crown in the cerebrum, the plexus called the Sahasrara (thousand-petalled lotus). In the basic plexus is stored the cosmic energy, an infinitesimal fraction of which is distributed throughout the body by the motor and sensory nerves, and mainly by the two columns of nerves called Ida and Pingala on either side of the

Sushumna canal. This canal though existing in all living beings is closed except in the Yogi. He dispenses with motor and sensory nerves, opens the canal, sends through it all mental currents, makes the body a gigantic battery of will, and rouses the vast coiled up power called the Kundalini from the basic plexus to the thousand-petalled lotus in the head. As the power travels up the canal, higher and more wonderful powers of vision and knowledge are gained till the consummation of union with Siva is attained.

The transcendental experience of the commingling of the kinetic Sakti with the static power of Siva in the Brahmarandra is incommunicable, as the peace and bliss are beyond the experience of the phenomenal world:

"Behold the consummation of Siva and Sakti and eternal life is assured, my dear." Natchintanai. 41.Himalayan Academy, 1998. www.hinduismtoday.kauai.hi.us/welcome.html


"God Agni as Kundalinî (Full PDF File)

by Jeanine Miller

The cult of fire as the inner immortal ruler who raises the mortal to the level of immortals, as the link between heaven and earth, the messenger between gods and men, the divine sacrificial priest whom man evoked at break of dawn, reached its apotheosis in early Vedic times. Subsequently, however, it was reduced to a mere ritual bereft of its original pristine spiritual significance. Yet the early understanding was not completely lost, because the knowledge of the secret fire reappears as kundalinî in the later Upanishads, the Tantras, and the medieval scriptures of Hatha-Yoga. This again bespeaks of the astounding continuity of transmission of spiritual from the early Vedic era to classical Hinduism. . . ."Jeanine Miller, God Agni as Kundalinî


"Kundalinî: Awakening the Serpent Power (Full PDF File)

by Georg Feuerstein

Cleansing the Doors of Perception

The way we see the world depends on who we are. On the simplest level, a child walking down the street will readily spot all the toy stores, a penny-wise mother will see all the bargains displayed in shop windows, an architect will easily notice unusual buildings, and a taxi driver will be quick to spot house numbers. In each case, perception is selective, depending on the person's interest and attention. This extends to more significant aspects of life as well, such as our attitude to relationships, morality, work, leisure, health, sickness, pain, death, and the great beyond. These attitudes are shaped by all kinds of factors, karmic conditioning, as the Tantric scriptures would insist, being the most influential one. . . ."Georg Feuerstein, Kundalinî: Awakening the Serpent

Power(Yoga Research and Education Centre, http://www.yrec.org/index.html)jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote:

>> Dear readers,> > i will be presenting a series of talks by Swami > Sivananda Saraswati regarding kundalini. Those SYs > conditioned that all non-SY teachers are false please > be advised not to read them. As far as i am concerned > readers must be able to make their own judgment based > on buddhi and shraddha, and comprehend the chasm > between the enlightenment and kundalini awakening > offered by the Adi Shakti and other self-realized > teachers. i am making comparisions by picking the best > non-SY gurus available. In my opinion Swami > Sivananda meets this standard of excellence.>>> jagbir>Essence Of Kundalini Yoga The word YOGA comes ....Glory, glory to Mother Kundalini, who through Her Infinite Grace and

Power, kindly leads the Sadhaka from Chakra to Chakra and illumines his intellect and makes him realise his identity with the Supreme Brahman! May Her blessings be upon you all! http://www.yoga-age.com/modern/kun2.html

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