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kundalini awakening (and breathing by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> shriadishakti , " Manoj " <map5166@r...> wrote:

> >


> >

> > Dear Mr. Jagbir Singhji,

> >

> > REcently I came across an article on how to awaken the kundalini

> > in http://www.yoga-age.com/modern/kun2.html; which I reproduce

> > below. Kindly advise whether one can safely adopt this practice

> > for awakening the kundalini :-

> >


> > When you practise the following, concentrate on the Muladhara

> > Chakra at the base of the spinal column, which is triangular in

> > form and which is the seat of the Kundalini Shakti. Close the

> > right nostril with your right thumb. Inhale through the left

> > nostril till you count 3 Oms slowly. Imagine that you are

> > drawing the Prana with the atmospheric air. Then close the left

> > nostril with your little and ring fingers of the right hand.

> > Then retain the breath for 12 Oms. Send the current down the

> > spinal column straight into the triangular lotus, the Muladhara

> > Chakra. Imagine that the nerve-current is striking against the

> > lotus and awakening the Kundalini.

> >

> > Then slowly exhale through the right nostril counting 6 Oms.

> > Repeat the process from the right nostril as stated above, using

> > the same units, and having the same imagination and feeling.

> > This Pranayama will awaken the Kundalini quickly. Do it 3 times

> > in the morning and 3 times in the evening. Increase the number

> > and time gradually and cautiously according to your strength and

> > capacity. In this Pranayama, concentration on the Muladhara

> > Chakra is the important thing. Kundalini will be awakened

> > quickly if the degree of concentration is intense and if the

> > Pranayama is practised regularly.

> >


> > In this Pranayama, the Bhavana is more important than the ratio

> > between Puraka, Kumbhaka and Rechaka.

> >

> > Sit in Padma or Siddha Asana, facing the East or the North.

> >

> > After mentally prostrating to the lotus-feet of the Sat-guru and

> > reciting Stotras in praise of God and Guru, commence doing this

> > Pranayama which will easily lead to the awakening of the

> > Kundalini.

> >

> > Inhale deeply, without making any sound.

> >

> > As you inhale, feel that the Kundalini lying dormant in the

> > Muladhara Chakra is awakened and is going up from Chakra to

> > Chakra. At the conclusion of the Puraka, have the Bhavana that

> > the Kundalini has reached the Sahasrara. The more vivid the

> > visualisation of Chakra after Chakra, the more rapid will be

> > your progress in this Sadhana.

> >

> > Retain the breath for a short while. Repeat the Pranava or your

> > Ishta Mantra. Concentrate on the Sahasrara Chakra. Feel that by

> > the Grace of Mother Kundalini, the darkness of ignorance

> > enveloping your soul has been dispelled. Feel that your whole

> > being is pervaded by light, power and wisdom.

> >

> > Slowly exhale now. And, as you exhale feel that the Kundalini

> > Shakti is gradually descending from the Sahasrara, and from

> > Chakra to Chakra, to the Muladhara Chakra.

> >

> > Now begin the process again.

> >

> > It is impossible to extol this wonderful Pranayama adequately.

> > It is the magic wand for attaining perfection very quickly. Even

> > a few days' practice will convince you of its remarkable glory.

> > Start from today, this very moment.

> >

> > May God bless you with joy, bliss and immortality. "

> >

> >

> > Kindly advise the safety of the abovesaid procedures.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Manoj Pisharoti


> Dear Manojji,


> When i read your post vibrations began to flow spontaneously i.e.

> i did not request Paramchaitanya to confirm validity. (IMO, this

> is the best method of ascertaining truth i.e. allow the Divine,

> not our inquisitive egos, to guide.)


> Manoj, there is truth in what is written and genuine kundalini

> awakening is possible by these methods. i have no doubts that this

> knowledge is applicable and will aid in establishing the kundalini.




Dear Manojji,


i have found evidence that Shri Mataji has simplified the above

complicated breathing process to aid Kundalini awakening. This quote

is from Nirmala Yoga Jan - Feb 1984 where She explains how to

control breathing.






" Now what you do is to watch your breathing. See now, try to reduce

your breathing; reduce it, in the sense that you have breathed out,

wait for a while, then breathe in for a long time. Then you breathe

out. So during one minute your breathing will be less than normal.

Alright? . . .


Now, when you are breathing, you find that there is a space in-

between which you just leave vacant. Breathe in. Keep it there. Now

breathe out and keep breathing out. Now breathe in. Now start

breathing in such a way that you really reduce your breathing. Your

attention should be on your heart or it could be on your heart. It's

better to keep the breath inside for a while. Hold It. Bring it out.

Hold out. Then keep it outside for a while. Then again. Then you'll

find out that for a while you will not breathe. Good. See, you are

settled now. The Laya takes place between your Prana and Mana - both

the Shaktis become one.


Now raise your Kundalini - up on the top and tie it up. Again, raise

your Kundalini - up on the head and tie it up. Again, raise your

Kundalini and tie it up thrice.


Now at the Sahasrara you should say the mantra of Sahasrara - thrice.






Now, it's open now, if you see, now you can open again your

Sahasrara like this. And see that you are stationed there. Once this

is done, then you go into meditation.


Reduce your breathing, will be better. You reduce your breathing as

if stopping it, but no exertion about it. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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